Hello everybody! I seem to be on a roll with all these chapters! I don't know why but the ideas keep flowing. I hope it doesn't stop. Once again as a warning, the opinions in this chapter aren't necessarily mine so please take everything thing with a grain of salt. Please read and review!

Monday morning Sam walked down the hallway towards Rory's locker, expecting his usual morning kiss. However, Rory was nowhere to be seen. Sam reached into his pocket and pulled out his cell phone to see a missed text message from his boyfriend.

-Hey Sammy. I don't feel that great so I'm not going to be at school. Don't worry, I'm fine and I'll see you tomorrow. Love you! Xoxo – Rory

Sam smiled and eagerly replied.

Okay beautiful. Feel better and text me if you need anything. I love you too. - Sam

Meanwhile at home Rory was busily doing research on his computer. He had told Sam that he was ill but really he just wanted someone time to himself so he could think. Rory loved Sam but he knew that his boyfriend would do anything to distract Rory from what happened with his father. Rory didn't need a distraction. He wasn't a child and he knew that many people condemned his lifestyle but he wanted to know why.

He had been searching through many religious websites looking for answers but he just seemed to be coming up with more questions

The Bible was supposed to be the word of God but people wrote it. Did that mean that the opinions in the Bible weren't' God's but truly the opinions of the people that wrote them? And if they were truly the views of God, why were they so confusing? For instance, in Leviticus 18:22 it basically says "Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman; that is detestable." If that is true then why aren't people who have sex before they are married discriminated against even though that is a sin as well? Rory found this very odd. He grew up thinking that if you were a good person and followed the rules of the Lord then you will be expected to heaven. He felt like he was a good Christian and it didn't seem fair that people would ignore all the good things about him and focus solely on something he didn't consider bad.

It seems like Christians believe that God leaves no doubt that homosexuality is a sin. What does sin even mean? First it means rebellion against God, but what does that mean? It means that it is something that a person chooses to do. Rory knew for a fact that his homosexuality was not a choice. All of his life he felt differently than other boys. He looked at guys the same way straight guys looked at girls. That's just how it always was. There was no event or moment that triggered his sexuality or something that forced him to be the way he was. Like Lady Gaga said, we were born this way. Supposedly we were all made in God's vision and that we are all God's children. If that is true than why should some be treated badly because they are different or if God created us then why do people say God hates gay people?

All of these questions and articles, and opinions that Rory found were starting to make his head hurt. Last year Rory would have just accepted what was forced on him as true. He would have probably stayed in the closet, married a Christian woman and had babies while working at his Dad's architecture firm. Sure, he probably wouldn't have been happy but he would have been accepted. However everything changed when he met Sam. Sam meant everything to him. He was the first person to genuinely like him in school and become his friend. Sam made him feel special, beautiful, and safe. Rory didn't know what he would do if he didn't have Sam. Being with Sam made him forget all the lonely and depressing nights he spent alone, curled up on his bed while he cried himself to sleep. That was the part of him that he buried deep inside him, so deep that even Sam didn't know about it. He may have mentioned that he was lonely in Ireland but besides a couple of close friends, Rory had no one. However having Sam, knowing that Rory always had someone to hold and be with made those memories slightly less painful. Sam dulled the ache that was a constant in Rory's life before he met him.

After spending at least 2 hours on the computer Rory decided that he needed a break from his "soul searching". Questioning your previous views on religion was a tiring activity. Rory decided to crawl into his bed with Sam's copy of "Prisoner of Azkaban" (it was both their favorite Harry Potter book). He barely made it to the 7th chapter before falling asleep.

Rory was in the middle of having a dream about flying a broomstick before a soft hand placed on his cheek woke him up. Rory blinked his eyes open to see the most gorgeous face smiling down at him.

"Hey baby. How are you feeling?" Sam asked and gave Rory a light peck.

Rory grinned sleepily. "I'm fine Sammy. How was your day?"

"It was okay. I missed you." Sam replied.

"Aw I missed you too. Wait a second. How did you get in here?" Rory asked suspiciously.

Sam laughed at his boyfriend's curious expression. "Brittany let me in."

"Oh okay. I'm just checking. I didn't want her parents to get mad for property destruction from you breaking into their house." Rory replied sarcastically.

"Yeah, we wouldn't want that." Sam replied and sat on the edge of Rory's bed.

"Yes because I would have to punish you for that." Rory replied.

"Oh really? How would you punish me?" Sam asked coyly as he climbed on top of Rory, straddling his hips and placing a hand on either side of his head so that he was hovering over Rory.

"I don't know. Maybe a little bit of teasing." Rory said and ran his hands underneath his shirt, scratching slightly and then he placed his hands on Sam's bottom, squeezing lightly.

"I like the sound of that." Sam said.

"You have a wicked ass Sammy. I need to admire it more often." Rory said and continued to knead the flesh of Sam's backside. Sam moaned softly at Rory's touch.

"Thanks darling." Sam drawled and captured Rory's lips with his own. This kiss wasn't their usual soft sensual kisses. This one was a passionate, heated kiss. It told them that it was going to turn into more than just a kiss. Especially as the room became hotter and items of clothing were quickly being removed. Both boys were now shirtless and sweaty as Sam placed kisses on Rory's neck.

"Sammy…" Rory whispered.

"Yeah babe?" Sam said against Rory's skin.

"I want you." Rory moaned as Sam ground his hips against Rory's. Sam lifted his head from Rory's neck and smiled.

"Are Brittany's parent's home?" Sam asked.

Rory shook his head. "No. They are at work. If we keep it quiet Brittany wont hear us."

"Are you sure you want to?" Sam asked.

Rory nodded eagerly. "Yes Sam."

They both began removing the rest of their clothing until they were completely naked. The reveled in the moment for a few minutes until Rory reached inside of his bedside table, retrieving a bottle of lubricant and a condom and handed them to Sam. His boyfriend smiled, taking the condom and ripping it open with his teeth. He swiftly slipped it on and coated his member with the liquid. After he spread some on his fingers and lightly coated Rory's hole. Rory was on his back as Sam lined himself at Rory's entrance.

"Are you ready babe?" Sam asked.

"Yeah I am." Rory replied. Sam slowly entered his boyfriend until he was completely sheathed. Once Rory adjusted as Sam began to slowly pump in and out of the blue- eyed boy.

"Oh god it feels so good." Rory moaned quietly.

"You're so fucking tight." Sam growled and Rory wrapped his legs around his waist.

Sam leaned down and continued to kiss Rory, still pumping at the slow rhythmic pace. Sam wanted this to last as long as possible.

"I love you so much." Rory whispered against Sam's lips.

"I love you too." Sam said. Sam's arms began to get tired from holding himself up so he turned them so that Sam was now spooning Rory. They intertwined their fingers against Rory's stomach and Sam began to thrust a bit faster while kissing Rory's neck.

"God Sammy. Don't stop." Rory moaned.

"Does that feel good baby?" Sam asked.

"Hell yeah. Harder Sam." Rory demanded.

"I want you to last baby." Sam said.

"Please Sam. Harder." Rory said, practically begging for it. The whimper in his voice turned Sam on so much that he obliged. Sam pulled Rory closer to him and pushed into him at a rapid pace. The sweat was now freely falling of their bodies in heavy drops. The sound of their skin slapping together and the sounds of their moans and whimpers was almost too much for the boys. With a final few thrusts, Sam came hard into the condom with a loud groan. Rory soon came as well, his cum coating part of his lower abdomen. Sam reached over Rory to toss the used condom into the wastebasket and he handed Rory a tissue to clean himself off. When they were partially clean they snuggled back into their spooning position, allowing their heartbeats to slow down a little bit. Rory turned on his side so that he was now facing Sam. He reached out to wipe Sam's sweaty bangs off of his forehead, lingering his touch on the blonde boy's cheek. Rory wanted to tell Sam everything. Everything about his searching and discovers and confusion but he just wasn't brave enough. He didn't want Sam to have to deal with all of his baggage. He didn't want Sam to think he was weak or that he couldn't depend on himself. Just because he was gay it didn't mean that Sam had to be the only man in this relationship.

"Rory?" Sam questioned.

"Yes, Sammy?" he asked, snapping himself out of his thoughts.

"Is something wrong? You had this far off look in your eyes." Sam said.

Rory smiled a little bit. "Nothing is wrong. That was amazing."

"Are you sure everything is okay?" Sam asked.

Rory's smile faltered a little bit. "Everything is perfect."

"Okay." Sam said and pulled Rory closer to him and the Irish boy pressed his face against Sam's chest. Rory was trying his hardest not to break down in front of Sam. He hated himself for lying to the one person he trusted more than anything.