AUTHOR'S NOTE: Dear Reader, I will fully introduce the gang and it's members' backstories in the next chapter; which will be told in the third person. But this chapter is a little different...
Welcome to "The Herd"
Time: Midnight
Location: Ponyville, The Joke Shop
Oh, hey boss! We've got ourselves a visitor! Come in, hurry up. Alright, now stay here while I lock the door…click… now that we're alone, I'm Doll Face, nice to meet cha', you here to join the gang? Ah, of course you are, why else would you have come to the Joke Shop at a time like this? So, heard of us have you? I'm not surprised, the herd's pretty small right now, but we're the best at what we do… you do know what we do here right? NO? Then why the- you know what, give me your profile. C'mon give me your information! (If you want to enter your OC in "the herd", please place their profile in the reviews as follows. If I like him/her, I'll send you a PM. Please respond to it so I know you've acknowledged it.)
Age: colt/filly 13-17, stallion/mare 18+
Type: Unicorn, Earth, Pegasus
Body: tall, short, skinny, fat, etc.
Cutie mark:
Skills: demolition, muscle, tech, basically… what can you contribute to in an operation.
History: short biography of your OC.
Are you aware that your OC could die later: Yes or No.
Anything else:
(Resume) Humph, I don't know, let's see what Mister Moneybags has to say about this… Oh look, the stallion himself.
Hehe, would ya look at this little shmuck, eh? Hey Pyro, come on buddy laugh with me!
AHA, What a shmuck!
AHAHAHOHOHO! Wanna make some bits or something kid, that's what this business is all about right? You think you have what it takes? Well let me tell you right now, you ain't ready. I can tell just by lookin' at cha'. Don't cha' know...when they have nopony else, they always come too the herd. Pfft, sure, a few jobs are illegal, but we get some easy ones. Yeah grunt, sometimes it's as easy as sellin' some alcohol to Berry Punch, or teachin' a certain somepony a little lesson for a quick bit. But then there are others… Like heists, or makin' a kill. Are you willing to do something like that? Really, humph, let me run you by our laws, yes, yes we have rules we're not animals jack-hole. That's not the point! Anyways, back to the laws, Pyro run em' by the rookie.
Yes sir, with pleasure sir! Rule number one: No giving alcohol, drugs, or anything of the sort to kids… If you do, you're dead. Rule number two: Never be seen with authorities. Rule number three: The mission comes first, before anything else. Rule number four: When asked for any information, the answer must be the truth. Rule number five: Appointments must absolutely be respected. Rule number six: Don't go to pubs or clubs. Uh… and I think that's all boss…
Nice work Pyro, now go burn something.
Celestia bless that little devil, where were we? Oh right… I like you kid, perhaps against my better judgment… I'll see what I can do. Don't get too excited now, but if ya play your cards right and don't do anything dumb…You might make it here.
If you'd like to, submit your OC and he/she may become a full fledged mafioso...or die trying. I'm ALWAYS going to accept more so if you read this late, hurry up!