"Here's the thing, Jer. You're going to go out of town for a while . . . A long while. You're going to stay with some nice family friends in Denver. You're going to be at a new school, and meet new girls – living girls. You're going to drink a few beers, take an art class, you do whatever you want . . . You're going to leave Mystic Falls behind and never think twice about it. Lead a better life, Jeremy." -Damon Salvatore

-Chapter One-

"Oh. My. Gosh. Blakely!"

My best friend Chelsea appeared at my side seemingly out of nowhere. If I didn't know better, I would've thought she had run here from her locker down at the other end of the overly-decorated school hallway. I gave her a brief nod of acknowledgement as I removed the books I needed for my first few classes out of my locker. I didn't need to get a decent look at her to know she had some big news to share; I could feel an excited vibe flowing from her that screamed some major gossip was filling that pretty little mind of hers.

"Have you seen the new guy yet?"

I threw her a curious glance. "What new guy?"

"Apparently his name is Jeremy Gilbert. I guess he moved here from some small town in Virginia, and now he's living with some relatives or something. He's a tall, green-eyed brunette and super duper sexy. And get this - from what I overheard, he's a sophomore," she gave a dream-like sigh and grinned.

I didn't even have to ask how she knew all this. Her locker was two away from the office, which meant she saw and heard a lot of the juicy drama that went down over there. Her elite position of knowing pretty much everyone's personal business made her the school's reigning gossip queen. She was the first to know everything and the last to keep it a secret - especially when it came to boys.

I could practically hear the wheels turning in her head. Chelsea was the most boy crazy person I knew. A hot new guy meant new prey for her to hunt – and by hunt, I mean stalk. Plus, the fact that he's a sophomore like us probably makes him that more attainable to her.

"Hm," I closed my locker and leaned back against it, holding my history book against my chest. "You know why he moved?"

"Believe it or not, I don't," her brow furrowed briefly, then went back to normal as her eyes widened. "But he was really brooding and pensive. Like full-on Edward brooding."

I gave a small eye roll at one of her many Twilight references as a dull tone hummed throughout the hallway – the bell signaling students (and some teachers) to head to class.

We began our usual Monday morning trudge to our homerooms. Chelsea chattered on about some subject I wasn't particularly interested in (like clothes and partying and the like), while I merely listened. That was the way our friendship tends to work: Chelsea was a feisty, flirty firecracker while I shone more like a flashlight.

". . . or maybe I should just ask him to Sadie's. What do you think? We can talk about it during second period," she gave a small wave as she made a left turn onto a different hallway. "Bye, B!"

"See ya, Chels."

I had only walked a few steps before I was suddenly knocked into a nearby locker, and felt my book fall out of my hands.

"Oh, God. I'm so sorry. I'm such a klutz," an unfamiliar male voice began to apologize profusely. We both knelt down at the same time to retrieve our fallen belongings.

"Oh, no. It's fine," I reassured him absentmindedly, searching around for my history book. "I should've been watching where I was going."

He sighed, then gave a sardonic chuckle. " . . . my first day and I'm already making enemies."

"We're definitely not–" And then it clicked. "Oh, you must be Jeremy, right?"

He tensed, and his eyes narrowed suspiciously. "Yeah," he said slowly, cocking his head a little to the left. "How do you know?"

"Small school," I said, matching his slow, questioning tone. "Word travels fast."

I could almost physically see him relax, the tension slipping from him like the air leaving a balloon. His guard wasn't completely down, but there was still a huge difference in his body language.

And then I got my first look at him – my first good look. Chelsea was right, he was totally gorgeous. And brooding. And pensive. I could tell just by looking that he had a dark past. It was entrancing.

"Um, yeah. We don't really get many newcomers in this town. Everyone pretty much grew up here, so it can be kind of clique-y. Everyone just has their own niche. Just so you know. Not that I'm saying you'll have problems fitting in, because–" I mentally smacked myself. When did I suddenly become such a rambling idiot? To draw attention away from the awkwardness that was surely about to ensue, I decided to go for a change of subject.

"Is that my history book?"

Jeremy glanced down at the textbook in his hand. "Sure enough. It is. Sorry about that."

I shrugged. "No biggie," I looked around the nearly deserted hallway. The tardy bell was going to ring any second now. He stood up, and I followed suit.

"Well, I guess I better head to class," he said, nodding his head towards the direction he was headed.

"Um, yeah," I raided my brain for an excuse, any excuse, to spend more time with him. "You know where you're going, right? Don't need any directions or anything?"

"I think I know where I'm headed."

"Well, if you ever need a tour guide . . ." I turned slowly and started to resume my trek to class. I wasn't far along before he called after me.


I whipped back around to find him still rooted to the same spot.

"I never caught your name."

I grinned. "Blakely. Blakely Robertson."

He smirked, just a slight upturn at the corner of his lips. "Blakely," he repeated, nodding his head. He began to walk backwards. "I guess I'll see you around . . . Blakely."

I gave a small wave as he turned to walk normally.

I had the vague idea that this new guy Jeremy was something special, a real diamond in the rough. If only I knew then how right I was.

Okay, so that's chapter one. Sorry if it's kind of slow, but it's still the exposition so it can only go up from here . . . right? Right. Sooo, see that lovely review button down there? It would make me extremely happy if you clicked it and left me some constructive criticism :) Seriously, it doesn't have to be longer than a sentence. Just let me know what you think! :D