A/N: I am soooo sorry for not updating sooner. For some reason, I had terrible writer's block for an entire week, but I did manage to crank this out. I can just picture my brain wearing a troll face right now. Anyway this is the last chapter. Originally, I planned to have this chapter and then a separate epilogue, but the epilogue I wrote was too short to be made a whole other chapter, so I stuck it in here and named the whole thing epilogue. As always I appreciate ever single review/fav/alert I get. I hope you enjoy this and please R&R.

WARNING: This chapter contains innuendo, sappiness, and Amora being a shameless Logyn shipper...again.

One would think that things would settle down for Loki and Sigyn after their big day as heroes of Asgard. Sadly, that could not be farther from the truth. Only a day later, the date of their wedding was announced and the entire realm seemed to be suddenly obsessed with them. Both Aesir and Vanir partisans were up in arms about it, saying that such a pairing was unheard of and blasphemous. Others were merely surprised that someone like Lady Sigyn would be given to a man like the prince. On the other hand, it seemed that there were plenty of young commoner women wishing to be in Sigyn's place. Apparently they all valued his stunning good looks and royal blood over the fact that he was reputed to be a rather cold person. It was amusing, but the couple quickly grew tired of all the attention, especially when it was political attention. Freya and Frigga were taking most of the heat in that area, but it didn't help Sigyn and Loki much. They had grown used to the whispering as they walked through the halls and streets of Asgard, but one evening, when Sigyn was walking to Loki's tower, she could hear a group of Vanir talking about her. Some of them were saying they pitied her for being made to marry an Aesir, but others said they had no sympathy for her because she obviously wanted to join "that class of savages". It was deeply hurtful to her and when she reached Loki's study, she broke down into tears. He immediately embraced her upon seeing this and asked her what had happened.

"I do not understand it. Why can we not all just be Asgardians? Why must we divide ourselves and be so bitter and hateful to one another?" she said, burying her face in his shoulder. He instantly understood what was going on and sighed.

"Do not let them get to you. You are forgetting that there are far more people who support our union than disapprove of it. We will bring Asgard together and the nay sayers will be forgotten, however loudly they may speak now." the prince consoled, stroking Sigyn's long blond hair comfortingly. It felt strange since she usually was much more resilient. Perhaps she had simply become fed up with the hostilities between their people and Loki remembered how it was that same thing that had driven her to go to Alfheim all those years ago. "Do not fear. This time, things will be different." he told her.

"It will take many years for Asgard to be changed, Loki. My own mother did not begin to strive for peace between your people until she accepted that the war was over and it only happened long after I had left for Alfheim." The cynicism in Sigyn's voice was clear and it saddened Loki. She gave herself too little credit. Putting a finger under her chin, he forced her to look up at him and see the sincerity it his eyes.

"That only further proves that you have the power to change people. Before you came back into my life and reminded me how wonderful you are, I was dead set on doing nothing with my life except study magic, but when I got to know you again, I fell in love with you and I realized that you made me happier than any spell ever could. You changed me." Loki told Sigyn before brushing her tears away and gently kissing her. She quickly felt her spirits lifting at this and the faintest hint of a smile graced her lips. "Now let us not speak of such things any further. We are to be wed in only a few days. We should focus on our happiness."

"You are right. Thank you." For a moment, Sigyn just stood there and let herself enjoy being in Loki's arms and soon, her sadness melted away.

The few days before the wedding felt like a year to Sigyn for she had to spend those few days standing perfectly still while her sisters fussed incessantly over her wedding gown. They couldn't decide what colors to make it and in what style without even bothering to ask Sigyn how she felt until it finally occurred to them that was in fact her wedding and not theirs and they let her make some decisions on her own. Sif did her best to relieve her friend of the fussing and prying questions posed by her sisters, but despite being the maid of honor, she was allowed little time to speak with Sigyn.

Loki suffered similarly. Frigga refused to let him out of her sight, always finding something for him to do and asking him if he wanted this, that, or the other thing. Thor and Baldr often watched from afar with amusement as Frigga forced her dark haired son to pick what sort of flowers he wanted for the decorations. She seemed intent on giving him as much choice in everything as possible, and he thought it quite ironic considering that she had not given him a choice in his betrothal. Perhaps she was trying to make up for it, but now she was giving him choices for things he was not at all concerned with. He made decisions like those based on what he thought Sigyn would like or what reminded him of her. Fortunately, despite Frigga's persistent presence, Loki was occasionally able to speak with his brothers. They were the only people he had told of his love for Sigyn and while Baldr seemed fascinated by the idea that his brother wanted to be married, Thor was unsurprised and told Loki that he was happy for him. He had known of his brother's new found affection for Sigyn ever since they had gotten back from Svartalfheim. He'd seen the way Loki looked at her and besides that, he was sure that the dark haired man would have found a way to escape marriage by now if he did not love Sigyn. It was unexpectedly observant of Thor, but then again, anyone who bothered to give Loki and Sigyn a second glance who notice a change. On the other hand, Baldr being exceptionally innocent, the boy hadn't been able to see it until Thor pointed it out to him. The eldest brother was one of the few people who seemed to have any ability to read Loki at all and he had taken it upon himself to teach Baldr what little he knew about seeing past Loki's façade.

"See how he stands very close to Lady Sigyn and smiles every so softly when she speaks. That means he loves her." Thor said one evening to Baldr as the two brothers observed Loki and Sigyn engaging in polite conversation with an inquisitive noble. The white haired boy, for all his naivety, was skeptical of Thor's words and frowned.

"That is not much evidence. If he loved her, he would act more affectionate."

"Ah, but you forget that Loki is different. He has always been a very private person and he never shows a great deal of any emotion but calm in public." Thor reminded his little brother. The boy seemed satisfied with this answer as it checked out with his own knowledge of Loki and nodded.

"I understand. I am happy for brother. Lady Sigyn is kind and pretty."

"Indeed." Before Thor could say anything more, Frigga appeared and shooed the two away, telling them to stop spying on their brother and his fiancé.

Lady Sigyn was rudely awakened at the crack of dawn on her wedding day by her younger sister, Nanna, who seemed to be more excited about the whole thing than Sigyn herself was. She was unceremoniously dragged out of bed and made to eat her breakfast as quickly as possible before being forced to sit completely still while her mother and sisters spent the morning making her look perfect. Syn spent nearly two and a half hours meticulously brushing ever single knot out of Sigyn's long, thick, golden tresses alone and it took the combined effort of Syn and Var to braid it. That was half the morning. The other half was spent decking Sigyn out in her gown because Freya felt the need to adjust it every five minutes.

Prince Loki was in no better of a situation. Servants swarmed around him as they polished his helmet and obsessed over every speck of dust on his person. They knew he could not afford to look any less than the royalty he was and any flaw found in his appearance they feared would be blamed on them. Their presence was slightly annoying to Loki as he wished for peace and quiet and it didn't help that they were touching him so much. The only person whose touch he had ever really enjoyed was Sigyn's and thus was probably the only person he wouldn't have minded to have straightening his cape and adjusting the straps of his armor. Still, he tolerated the discomfort and soon after he was deemed presentable, he was allowed to go out and greet the guests in the palace courtyard. Thor and Baldr were there and they smiled at the sight of him, but though the dark haired prince would have been much more comfortable talking to them and not the nobles he barely knew. However, it would have been rude of him to ignore the guests and so he put on a grin and welcomed them warmly.

"You have honored me, coming here today." Loki said with a deep bow. The guests smiled at him and nodded politely, though their pleasantness was faked. They all knew that once the event was over, everyone would go back to quietly disliking him, but he didn't let it bother him for today the woman he loved would become his wife. He would let no one dampen his spirits because of it. Thor and Baldr came to stand beside him and his grin became genuine. The white haired boy was fidgeting with his dark blue cape nervously and looking at his boots as Nanna approached while Thor tried to convince him to stop being so shy. Loki had difficulty not chuckling at this and though he maintained his composure, there was laughter in his emerald eyes that Thor did not miss.

"You think it amusing, brother? I remember a time when you were just the same way." the blond whispered.

"Nonsense." Loki scoffed, earning him an amused smile from his elder brother.

"Do not deny it. I can remember clearly all those times when Lady Sigyn would visit and-" Thor began, but he was cut off.

"That was just a desire to be presentable to a guest. Besides, I never stumbled over my own words." Almost as if on cue, the two older brothers looked over at Baldr, who was trying to engage in conversation with Nanna and both men fought the urge to laugh.

"I-I really...um...like y-your dress, Lady Nanna. You look- I mean- it looks very...pretty on you." the young man struggled to say. The girl didn't seem to notice his lack of eloquence and blushed at his words, thanking him. Thor and Loki were prevented from dwelling on their brother's shyness any further when Frigga came and whispered to them that it was time to prepare for the ceremony and inquired as what they were doing standing around. Not being ones to invoke the wrath of their mother, the two hurried off to the throne room, politely declining anyone who stopped to talk to them. When they arrived, they found golden pews set up and banners of gold and green hanging from the ceiling, some bearing the Asgardian triple knot (specifically a more sharply edged version Loki used as his seal). There was not a single place one could look without seeing at least one or two sprigs of acorns or wreaths of blue flowers. Lady Sif stood on Odin's left side in a golden dress, glaring at Loki as he approached as though he'd personally wronged her. He didn't bother to ask why. He knew it was because she had never liked the idea of her best friend marrying him. It didn't bother him much as he was used to Sif hating him, but he did wish she would stop giving him that death stare. Fortunately, Loki was saved from it when Thor greeted the woman cheerfully and caused her to smile.

Taking his place in front of the alter, Loki watched as nobles and then commoners flooded into the hall, talking excitedly. He immediately noticed that the Aesir and Vanir took different sides of the room and didn't mingle much, which disappointed him, but it was reassuring to see Freya proudly stand beside Sif. Thor and Frigga took their places next to him a moment later and it grew quiet but for the music. The doors of the hall opened and Sigyn came in on Njörd's arm. She wore a breathtaking gown of blue, green, and gold and her long hair was intricately braided. Her beauty glowed like gem as she walked down the aisle, followed by her sisters, who tossed blue and white flowers from the baskets they held. The prince couldn't take his eyes off Sigyn and when she finally stood with him in front of the alter, he wore a grin of pleasure.

"Welcome all. We are gathered here today to witness not only the union of two people, but of all of Asgard as well." the AllFather began. "Let this day rid us of any lasting prejudices and bring us the happiness of true peace." There was polite applause but only about half the people in the room really meant it. Odin went on without paying this much heed. "Loki Odinson, do you swear to love, honor, and protect this woman with your life?"

"I swear." With this, Loki placed a golden band on Sigyn's finger.

"Sigyn Iwaldidottir, do you swear to love, honor, and abide this man so long as you are able?"

"I swear." she said before putting an identical ring on Loki's finger.

"Then by the power invested in me as King of Asgard, I proclaim thee husband and wife." Taking the cue, Loki and Sigyn kissed and this time there was cheering to accompany the applause. They both smiled and turned to the crowd for Sigyn to toss her flower wreath (which was caught by an ecstatic Nanna) before listening to Odin again. "Now let us celebrate this union." he said and with the boom of Gungnir against the floor, the crowd flowed out of the hall as they all headed to the ballroom.

The first to dance were of course Njörd and Sigyn. The woman thanked her grandfather for taking her father's place before moving away for Frigga and Loki to have their dance. It was interesting to watch them glide around delicately, softly smiling and whispering to each other. Then their song ended and it was time for the bride and groom's dance. Frigga went to be with Odin and Loki stood alone on the dance floor, hand extended out in a gesture for Sigyn to join him. Blushing, she came forward and took his hand, placing her other hand on his shoulder. The prince wrapped his arm around her waist and smiled mischievously as the fast paced music started. He twirled her about with skill and easy, coaxing quiet, surprised giggles out of her. However, she quickly regained her composer and synchronized with him. The crowd looked at them in awe, dazzled by their fluid movements. It was clear that they were meant for each other. The people clapped excitedly and the couple was joined by Thor and Sif and Baldr and Nanna. The speed of the music slowed and Sigyn drew close to Loki, causing him to grin and lean in to whisper in her ear.

"Enjoying yourself, my dear?"

"I have never been happier in my entire life."

Fandral sat a few seats away from the newly weds in the banquet hall, observing them with an expression of confusion.

"If I did not know any better I would say that Prince Loki is actually happy to be married." he muttered to Lady Sif. She rolled her eyes at this and replied.

"What, have you not seen them hold hands?"

"Yes, but I thought it was just for show. You cannot seriously expect me to believe that Loki loves her. I mean, I know Lady Sigyn has always had a soft spot for the man, but he loves nothing but his magic. You heard him say he never wanted to be tied down like this." Fandral argued with a frown. Sif shook her head as she finished chewing a bite of fruit.

"Do you not see the way he looks at her? He definitely wants her. Something happened in Svartalfheim that gave him a change of heart. Typical of Sigyn to cause such a change. Besides, you were not around when we were children and Loki would give her flowers and show her tricks. It was insufferable." She could remember clearly how she always seemed to be around when Loki had been trying impress Sigyn in some way or another. Fandral seemed utterly dumbfounded by this information and did not speak further on the subject. Meanwhile, Loki and Sigyn chatted animately with Kammyl, whom they had invited to the wedding and received many gifts from. She had been accompanied by the Goblin King, who had come to express his gratitude to the two sorcerers for freeing his people. They, of course, were very humble about the whole thing.

Amora seemed to be in a perpetual state of bliss as she watched the newly weds that day. She had believed the two were perfect for each other for a very long time and now to see them as husband and wife felt like a life's accomplishment. It nearly brought tears of joy to her eyes. Funnily enough, Loki and Sigyn had never really noticed their former teacher's efforts to bring them together.

Odin and Frigga both seemed oddly relieved that their son was married. Perhaps it was because they thought he would be less inclined to cause trouble, or maybe they just hoped that an heir would be provided (since none of their other sons were married, though Thor and Sif had been hemming and hawing about it for years). However, Loki and Sigyn were totally unconcerned by this. They were to busy being happy.

"And now, a toast." said Odin near the end of the feast and practically everyone in the hall raised their goblets. "To Prince Loki and Lady Sigyn, to peace, to love, to prosperity." The masses repeated this and knocked their cups together loudly. The couple smiled and drank their mead, feeling for once in their lives as if they belonged.

It was very late in the evening when Loki carried his new wife across the threshold of his bedroom. They had left the celebration saying goodnight to their now more than a little tipsy friends and had received a number of lewd comments regarding what they were going to do when they got home. When they arrived, Loki put Sigyn down and she looked around the room. She had never been here before as she had always found Loki in his study, but admittedly, she liked this room even more. There was a fourposter bed covered in fine, black furs and there were no books and scrolls strewn everywhere as they were organized on the shelves that lined the walls. It was all very neat and tidy. She could not find a single flaw in the entire room.

"Do you like it?" Loki asked, seeing her gaze flitting about, taking in everything. Sigyn grinned and nodded sweetly.

"I love it." At this, the dark haired man leered at her mischievously and let out a small chuckle as he wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her close. A soft giggle escaped the woman when he spoke again.

"Good, because your going to be spending a lot of time in here." he purred in her ear before kissing her.

Sigyn dreamt of those two dark haired boys again that night. They smiled at her and talked excitedly to her. One of them Loki hoisted up and carried on his shoulders as they walked through the palace gardens and the other one held tightly to her hand, inquiring about this that and the other thing. It made her happy and she came to realize that these boys were her children. She was going to bear Loki two sons.

The blond woman awoke in the morning with her head resting on her husband's chest. He was still asleep and he wore an expression of contentment that she had never seen in him before. When she reached up and stroked his disheveled black hair affectionately, his green eyes fluttered open and he smiled at her warmly. He was in his happy place and he never wanted to leave, but like all good things, he knew it would end eventually and of course, it did.

Only a month had passed when the drums of war began to beat once again as Jötunheim attacked Svartalfheim and Queen Kammyl, fearing for the survival of her people, made an alliance with Muspelheim despite Odin's warnings. Asgard was forced to intervene (after much debate between the Aesir and Vanir), which meant that Loki was called to battle. While he was absent, Lady Sigyn discovered that she was pregnant. Only when Jötunheim was weakened, Svartalfheim lay in waste, and Surtur had been defeated did the war end and allow Loki to return home. Finding that his wife carried his child, the prince did everything in his power to be with her and for a time, not war nor the Fates themselves could pry him from his happy place. With Sigyn, he had discovered a joy greater than he had ever known and when Vali was born, he was reminded that no spellbook could ever have given it to him.

A/N: ...and so it ends. Even though I ended it at the happiest time in Loki's life, I feel sad as one usually does when a story is over. Not to worry, though. For those of you who enjoyed my way of writing Loki and Sigyn, I will be uploading two new stories soon: a oneshot called Defying Gravity about why Sigyn chose to go to Alfheim, and a series of short stories about Loki and his children called Slightly Dysfunctional, which will probably run for a long time, depending on how it's received. Anyway, thank you all for the reviews. To someone like me, they mean the world.

As an added note, I would like to dedicate this fic to the anon reviewer using the name 'lokiswife', who reviewed all of the chapters. Without you, I probably wouldn't have finished this story. Every time I read one of your reviews, I grinned and felt motivated. In fact, your Chapter 8 review nearly made me cry from happiness (no joke). I AM NOT WORTHY. I wish I could contact you somehow, but you're anon. In any case, 1000 Thank Yous.