I glanced out my window. I could hear my guardian, Jack throwing punches the punching bag in his room. Mainly to block out the rave next door. Damn, that kind of party nearly every night was annoying and the hosts, who were college students, were far from neighbourly. Hearing Jack boxing made me remember that I was living with the dark-skinned former convict mom hid in our house when I was 6. I wasn't completely alone any more. I looked up at the clock. It was 10:45.

"Knock it off, will ya? I'm trying to sleep!" one of the older neighbours yelled. Well, the ones living in the flat above.

I wanted to yell "Tell that to the party next door!" I squeezed my fist, making the speakers and the stereo in the students' apartment explode. I smirked when I heard them groan. I have the ability to crush anything at will and I'm more alert than my classmates. Squeezing my fist is a force of habit.

"Me too" Jack replied.

I changed into some purple PJs. I looked out at the rain, hugging myself to keep warm. Las Vegas, which is mostly a desert, at night can be cold. The sky had a full moon but one lonely star. "Just once, I want an adventure. Unlike any other" I prayed before turning off the light and getting into bed. "Night, Jack!" I called then lay down, gazing at my white ceiling until I drifted to sleep.

"Night, Becky. Sweet dreams, kiddo" Jack called back.

I was up early and dressed the next morning. I chose to wear a purple short-sleeved blouse, a denim skirt, white knee high socks and red Converse. I have long strawberry-blonde hair that reaches my back, wearing my favourite dark marine blue headband. Yeah, I'm a bit nerdy but I'm not as bad as my best friend, Anna. As much as I adore my only best friend in the whole world, she's a bit wacko. As I munched on some peanut butter on toast, I decided to go walk around the town centre, since I'm going to be stuck in the bloody cab all day.

After I left a note, I walked through the town centre which was empty on a Saturday morning. I stopped near the bank to see the backs of a boy and a girl who were around 16 like me, dressed in designer street clothes – jackets, t-shirt, jeans, the lot. They had white blond hair that matched their flawless pale skin. They even smelt great! Wow. They look like twin supermodels. What would I give to be that beautiful? They must be foreigners, likely Scandinavians. If I can't understand them, I'm screwed! They didn't notice me standing a few centimetres behind them. The boy was twitching. I blinked. Does he know I'm standing right behind him? I wouldn't be surprised if that was the reason.

"Do calm down" his sister whispered, her voice was kind yet she spoke formally and emotionlessly.

"Hmm" I mumbled. I couldn't help but think it was strange for a teenager to speak like that. Maybe her parents raised her and her brother that way.

"I can't help it" he whispered back. My heart skipped a beat. He sounded so mature and handsome yet his tone was the same as his sister's. Formal and emotionless.

The girl withdrew $15,000, the entire content of the machine without even touching it. They turned around and eventually saw me. As I had thought, they were twins, they were quite identical but also non-identical. The boy's eyes were blue with specks of grey. His hair was very short but the ends stuck out. I personally thought his hairstyle was kinda cute and no one has eyes like his or his sister's. The girl's hair was long and straight. Her eyes were grey with specks of blue. "Hello" she gasped, sounding perky.

Her brother stared at me intensely; it made me blush. Whoa, he's really something else; I've seen a lot of attractive guys but none of them hold a candle to such an intelligent and handsome boy as this one. Not even my first boyfriend; Peter was like that. How I know he's intelligent, I can tell.

"You saw that, didn't you?" he asked.

Blushing harder, I nodded. He couldn't have known I was here. Why was he twitching? Maybe he was nervous. It still could've been because of me. "S-sorry. I-I'm Becky" I stammered. I couldn't help it, he's hot. Stop blushing! Their names are probably nicer than mine.

The boy chuckled, his eyes were gentle. As if he found my strange introduction cute. Which it wasn't. "You don't have to apologise, personally I don't think you meant to. I'm Seth and this is my sister, Sara" he said as he rubbed the back of his neck, his facial features softened.

I smiled at him when I realised he hadn't been twitching because of me. That's a first. My blush faded. Seth and Sara. Just as I thought. They both have nice names. Much nicer than Rebecca.

"Rebecca is such a pretty name. You should be proud of it" Sara complimented.

Not caring about the fact that she knew my real name, I smiled then realised that Jack might be worried about me. He sometimes doesn't bother to read the notes I leave him, the lazy ass. He's hopeless without me– it's like I'm the grown-up and he's the kid. "I gotta leave" I told Sara and Seth.

"May we come with you, Becky?" Seth asked.

I nodded and we left. He got my name right. Unlike Sara. We wove our way through the sea of cabs when we got there. I easily spotted Jack wearing his leather black jacket, jeans and trainers; he was in the middle arguing with two bulky looking thugs; probably Mr Wolfe's, Jack's former boss. Again. Once I accidentally butted in; one of them threatened me which pissed Jack off. He's very protective of me like I'm his daughter, which I'm not. We're just that close.

I glanced at Seth and Sara. She seemed to know what I was thinking and told him; his eyebrows furrowed as if to say "No one should ever treat you like that"

Oh god, don't tell me he's the protective type too! "Oh, relax; they didn't do anything to me, I was only 12 when that happened, even they wouldn't stoop that low. A piece of advice, don't even think about asking Jack about them, he's really ashamed about what he used to do before he met me. I should know, I've crossed that line before" I whispered to them, particularly Sara. I knew she was likely to ask whereas Seth would keep his mouth shut. I opened the cab's door. Sara went in first.

I glanced at Seth. "You can go first" he whispered and let me slide in after Sara then he sat next to me; we put on our seatbelts. Jack got in and started driving. He glanced in the wing mirror and saw us staring at him. He hit the brakes. Even with my seatbelt on, I lurched forward from the sheer force in the action but Seth quickly shot his left arm out and braced me, preventing me from smacking my face on Jack's seat. "Try and be more careful" he advised in a tone only I could hear.

I blushed. "Sorry" I replied. How did he know what to do?

"Where'd you come from?" Jack asked Seth and Sara, turning his whole torso to look at us.

"Outside" Seth replied with no empathy in his tone as he retracted his arm from bracing me.

"I figured that part out by myself but how did you get in?" Jack demanded.

"Through that portal" Sara answered as she and Seth pointed to the door nearest to him.

"That's a door" I corrected. If she wants to blend in and do whatever she and Seth are up to without making Jack suspicious, she's going to have to change the way she speaks. Seth too.

"Who are you?" Jack asked, confused.

"I'm Seth and this is my sister, Sara" Seth answered, like he had when I apologised and told him my name. The way he said it made me consider that he might actually be older than Sara by a few minutes. Like he was the more responsible twin.

"They're my new friends" I said. Jack grinned slightly when I said that, genuinely glad to see that I was making more friends.

"We require your transportation service immediately, which is why Becky brought us here. With your permission, we would like her to accompany us; her assistance may help us achieve our objective swiftly" Seth remarked, his tone softened when he spoke of me.

I blinked in surprise. I was helping them? That sounds like a good thing

"It is good that you are helping us, Rebecca" Sara told me.

"Will this suffice?" Seth asked, handing a bulk of money to Jack.

So that's what the money was for. How Sara knew what I was thinking, I'll never know. Or will I?

"Did you rob a bank?" Jack snorted.

I smirked. How ironic. That's exactly what it looked like when I saw them.

"Is that acceptable, Jack Bruno?" Sara asked.

"How'd you know my name?" he demanded. Seth and Sara pointed to his driver's permit which was taped on the dashboard that was near the rear mirror.

"Please, Jack? I thought it was your job and I really wanna help them" I pleaded, giving him a look that said 'They don't think I'm a freak, they're ok with being around me. The only other person who's ever done that is you. Jack started driving. I smirked, knowing I had won. I can be very sly.

"You must travel in that direction" Sara told him, pointing North East.

"North East? Really?" I asked randomly.

"There's no point in arguing with her when she does this, Becky" Seth muttered to me. He obviously meant his sister's straightforward remarks.

"Okay, then" I replied. I decided it was best to listen to him, he knew his sister better that I do. Yep, he's definitely the oldest.

"Be specific. Like an address" Jack groaned. Seth took out a tracker from his grey jacket and started reading out co-ordinates. "Let's stick to that direction" Jack interrupted.