Disclaimer- Okay definitely no OCs in this chapter so I own nothing.

Dora followed Vlad invisibly. She knew that if she caught him by surprise she would win but while he was carrying Danny he still had the advantage. He flew for quite a distance before coming to a mansion that had been built on one of the many floating islands within the ghost zone. Dora was about to fly right in there and confront Vlad after all the walls were made of materials from the human world so like Vlad she would just be able to phase right through it. Only a short distance from the wall she impacted with a ghost shield that shimmered into visibility just before she hit it. Of course he'd do this Dora told herself. Now she didn't stand a chance of getting in. Quickly she flew off back the way she had came and towards the portal.


Sam, Tucker, Jazz and Valerie were sat in Sam's room. They had looked in every place they could think of and still nothing. They were even sure they had found all the hidden rooms in each of the mansions. Suddenly Valerie's watch started beeping. She looked at the radar like screen that had replaced the time. There was a ghost coming straight towards them. Valerie readied an ecto-blaster, if this was Vlad she was going to blast him till he told them everything.

It wasn't Vlad. "Dora!" Sam said in surprise when the blond ghost phased through the wall. Valerie kept her weapon ready even though none of the others seemed bothered by this ghost's presence.

"What are you doing here?" Sam asked.

Dora looked to Valerie and chose her next words carefully knowing the Red Huntress was not aware of what Danny was. "I know where Vlad has Danny." She said.

"Where?" Sam asked.

Before Dora could reply Valerie spoke. "How do we know you're telling the truth?" They might trust this ghost but she didn't.

"Valerie we can trust Dora." Sam said with a frustrated sigh.

"How do you know that Vlad isn't behind this?" Valerie asked.

Sam sighed turned to Dora. "Where is he?" She asked ignoring Valerie's question.

"Follow me." Dora said flying out through the window.

Sam opened the balcony windows and started to climb down the vine trellis that was against the wall, Jazz followed.

"You don't have to come." Tucker said looking over to Valerie who clearly wasn't happy about trusting a ghost or being ignored.

"Oh no. There's no chance I'm letting you guys go without me." If this was a trap they would need her help and if not they would still need her help to deal with Vlad she was sure of that.

Tucker grinned and climbed down the trellis.

Dora led them back to the portal only stopping so that Jazz could get her parents out of the house and to stock up equipment having realised they were going into the ghost zone. Sam, Tucker and Jazz climbed into the speeder and Valerie activated her board. Dora knew exactly where she was going even though the islands tended to move the bigger ones didn't move too much.

Dora stopped just before where she had hit the ghost shield. "I cannot go any further there is a shield." She told them.

Valerie gave the ghost a suspicious look; it seemed far too convenient that there was a shield but the others didn't notice it and landed the speeder on the island. Tucker placed his hand against the wall of the mansion expecting it to go through only to find it solid. "Saw that coming." Sam muttered.

There only way in was through the front door which frustratingly was locked. "What now?" Jazz asked.

"Well we could blast our way in and hope the fruitloop isn't home." Tucker suggested.

Valerie eyed the lock; it kind of resembled a more complex version of the lock on her apartment door. She had her key for that door confiscated after her Dad had found out about her ghost hunting; since then she had practiced picking the lock whenever she got the chance. If this lock was as similar as she thought then she might be able to get them in.

Valerie didn't even mention her thoughts to the others who were quietly discussing what to do next. She only had a few picks with her so she had to be careful not to break them. She moved them round in the lock just as she would at home stopping the moment it felt like a pick would break and adjusting its position before continuing. It was similar but there were many places where the lock was different inside. Luckily it wasn't lock before there was a light click. "It's open." She said just loud enough for the others to hear.

"What?" Sam asked looking over surprised having checked the door herself.

"It's open." Valerie repeated as she stood and opened the door.

Sam stared. "But it was locked I checked."

Valerie held up one of her picks. "Oh." Sam said realising what had happened.

They slipped quietly inside in case Vlad was around. At the end of the corridor they saw light seeping through a gap beneath a closed door. Sam put her head against the door and listened. Silence; she frowned at least if she had heard something they'd have some idea of what was in there. Sam opened the door just enough to see inside; she glanced around catching sight of Danny lying on the couch in a sort of daze but other than that he seemed to be back to normal. Sure that Vlad was not also in the room they rushed inside and over to Danny. Now closer it was clear Danny was not back to normal; his cat ears twitched and he stared at them blankly. Sam had seen that look before; she had barely thought about it at the time but at that time she hadn't realised the cat had been Danny. "What's wrong with him?" Tucker asked slightly creeped out by the blank look Danny was giving them.

Sam thought about each time this had happed before trying to come up with a common factor. When it hit her she hit her head with the palm of her hand. "What?" Tucker asked looking over at her after hearing the impact.

"It's catnip that causing this." She said as she glanced around trying to find the catnip.

"Catnip? Seriously?" Tucker asked with a raised eyebrow. Sam just nodded and kept looking.

They all after a few moments followed her lead.

Jazz looked round the room trying to think where Vlad would put the catnip. She glanced over to Danny and that was when she noticed there was something round Danny's neck. She moved closer for a better look and scowled Vlad was really asking for it. It took her another moment to realise that there was a pouch on the collar. Jazz quickly removed it and looked inside; she wasn't really familiar with what catnip looked like but there wasn't really anything else she could think of for it to be. "I found it." She whispered to the others. Sam took the pouch back to the door to the mansion and threw the pouch as far as she could. Danny was still staring blankly at them when she came back in. "It didn't work." Valerie said looking over to Sam.

Sam snapped her fingers in front of Danny's face while Tucker discreetly worked on getting the ghost proof bracelet off hoping that Valerie wouldn't notice and ask about it. Sam sighed the snapping wasn't working. An idea popped into her head and she glanced over at Tucker who had just got the bracelet off. 'Tucker's going to need plastic surgery after this.' She thought. She turned back to Danny and grabbed his shoulders before doing the only thing she could think of.

"You know I think he's snapped out of it already Sam." Tucker said a minute later.

Sam quickly broke out of the kiss and looked at Danny. He was still staring but this time it wasn't blank, it was more a confused stare. "Sam?" He said questioningly almost as if he wasn't sure it was her.

"Come on we better get out of her before Vlad comes." Jazz said deciding they could sort out getting Danny back to normal later.

"Unfortunately for you that isn't going to happen." Vlad was standing in the doorway.

Danny leapt to his feet glaring at Vlad. It only took Danny a moment to realise the bracelet was gone from his wrist.

Valerie stared as Danny charged at Vlad familiar white rings passing over him. She wasn't the only one staring Sam, Tucker and Jazz were in shock that Danny had just changed without any thought to keeping his secret from Valerie. Vlad also hadn't seen it coming but still managed to dodge.

Danny blasted repeatedly at Vlad only to have each shot blocked by Vlad's ecto-shield.

"Really Daniel you think you can beat me? You probably barely even know what powers you have never mind how to use them by now." Vlad said with a smirk before blasting Danny sending him flying across the room.

Sam shot at Vlad with the ecto-gun she had brought in with her; Jazz quickly did the same. Valerie was broken sharply from her shock as Vlad blasted at them. She dodged out of the way along with the others and started blasting; Danny so owed her and explanation when this was over. With Vlad's attention on them Danny flew at full speed towards him. The impact sent Vlad into the wall.

Vlad phased thought the wall. They all looked around with no idea where he was going to reappear. Four Vlads phased back into the room dividing their attention. Sam managed to deal with one of the Vlads with a well aimed shot to the back while its attention was on Danny. In response one of the other Vlads blasted the gun out of Sam's hands. Sam scrambled to get back the gun but the Vlad blew it up with another blast. Danny shot past the Vlad that was fighting him and blasted the one that was hovering over Sam charging up another energy blast. It dispersed instantly but the Vlad that had been fighting Danny used this opportunity to grab Danny from behind. Danny struggled in his grip fearing the possibility of losing his senses yet again if he had any more catnip. Valerie shot aiming for the elbow of the Vlad holding Danny. Vlad lost his grip as the shot hit his elbow dead on. Danny turned quickly punching Vlad hard forcing him to let go of Danny completely. Another few hits and that one vanished to leaving only the original Vlad.

Vlad was about to form more duplicates when he found himself frozen to the spot unable to move. Danny had only intended to distract Vlad so that he didn't create more duplicates instead he managed to freeze him in a block of ice.

Sam rushed forwards another ecto-gun in her hands aimed at the only part of Vlad not in the ice; his head. "How do we get him back to normal?" She demanded.

Vlad smirked; all he had to do was leave and then wait. He'd come back later when Daniel's memories were completely gone. He phased through the ice then went invisible and flew out through the ceiling.

"Great now we have to chase him across the Ghost Zone." Tucker said with a sigh.

"Um actually I don't think we do." Danny said.

"Really?" Tucker said curiously.

Danny nodded. "I can remember him telling me when I first woke up after he got me. The cure is the same thing that did this in the first place."

"But we don't know where to get whatever that was Danny." Jazz said.

"He'll have some here somewhere I'm sure of it." He told them.

"Well it's worth a shot." Sam said.

They headed though the house looking for anything that might be the cure. It wasn't long before they found a vial of glowing amber coloured liquid.

"Do you think this is it?" Sam asked examining the vial.

"It might be." Danny said looking at it.

"Wait do you even know what the cure looks like?" Sam asked a frown on her face.

Danny shook his head and Sam sighed. "So we have no idea what we're even looking for great."

Sam glanced round the rest of the room; it was a lab and there were plenty of vials of coloured liquids. Tucker was trying to hack into the computer but had yet to have any luck so they couldn't check Vlad's files to see if they had the right vial. Jazz and Valerie were still looking for anything that might be the cure. Sam had only thought of the vial she currently had because it was out in the open and looked like some of it had already been used.

"Hey does the word Anima mean anything to you guys." Valerie asked.

Danny looked over he knew that name; that was the name of the last ghost he fought before this happened he was sure of it. Valerie was holding a vial of dull yellow liquid that was only half full, with a label on it with the name Anima.

"Anima was the name of the ghost I fought before all this happened." Danny told her.

"Do you think this is it then?" Valerie asked.

"Yeah it's too much of a coincidence otherwise." Danny replied.

One quick injection later Danny was back to normal.

(I was going to have this next bit be a separate chapter but saying as it's so short I decided just to put it on the end of this chapter instead)

Valerie glanced round the outside tables looking for somewhere to sit. As usual she could hear Nathan trying to get her attention but there was no way she was going to sit with him.

"Hey Valerie over here!" She looked over to see Danny waving her over.

He had freaked the day before when his memories returned and he realised that she now knew he was Phantom. Now she thought about it she still hadn't got her explanation. She walked over and sat down.

"You still owe me an explanation." She said looking at Danny.

"I know." He said before glancing around. The table was quite a distance from any other occupied tables. "What do you want to know first?"

Valerie wasn't sure which question to ask first. There were things that popped straight to the front of her mind almost immediately like why did he kidnap the mayor or why he stole all those things. She eventually settled on a question.

She was just about to speak when Danny suddenly stood up.

Tucker looked nervous.

"Tucker!" Danny growled.

Tucker yelped and ran for it. Danny took off after him yelling.

"What was that about?" Valerie asked looking over to an equally confused Sam.

Sam pulled over Danny's lunch bag having watched him open it just before he stood up. She peered inside and laughed. She reached inside and pulled out a small pouch of what they both recognised immediately as catnip. Tucker was so going to get it for this.

Wow that took ages. Sorry it's so late I had a lot of trouble with the fight. (I've always had trouble writing fights that involve lots of people) As for the bit on the end hope it's as entertaining as it was to me when I first thought of it.