When Emma Leaves Storybrooke

By Schroederplayspiano

Chapter 11: You Can't Replace

Storybrooke. 7:10pm.

Snow White approached Emma who was still starring inside David's car window. She didn't understand why Emma would stop now, but Snow knew she couldn't be without her Prince Charming for much longer. As soon as she could glanced inside the window and saw the object her daughter was starring at, she stepped back regret filling her face.

"Emma," Snow said softly, begging for understanding.

Emma turned at her mother's voice. "How could you do this?" She started to yell. "You! Out of all people?"

"Emma," Snow begged again. "Please understand. He only wanted to get to know you."

"And giving him my personal box was the right way to do it?" She argued.

"It wasn't. I'm sorry."

"You're sorry?" Emma crossed her arms. "That's it?"

"Can you stop playing the victim, Emma? James is in danger."

"Well, I'm not stopping you." Emma lifted her arm in the direction of the Mayor's office. "Go save Prince Charming, Snow White."

Snow closed her eyes at Emma's attitude, wishing they didn't have to do this now. "Do we really have to have our first mother-daughter fight here – in the middle of the street?"

"I guess so." Emma answered shortly.

"Emma," Henry interrupted. "We really need to go."

There was desperation in Henry's eyes. It was only when she looked at him that Emma realized she was setting a bad example.

"Fine." She said angrily. Emma quickly walked ahead of them.

Shocked at Emma's fast transition, Snow and Henry looked at each other for a moment before catching up to Emma.

The office was still unlocked, thanks to Henry. Emma barged into the two doors and stopped at the marble door. She looked around.

There were obvious signs of a struggle: Muddy footprints dragged across the marble and dirt covering the half pulled down drapes. Emma continued to search, but nowhere could she find a trap door.

Emma turned at the sound of Henry and Snow entering the building. "Henry, where's the trap door?" She demanded. "I can't find it."

"Oh," Henry said with a chipper. He jogged away from Emma to the moved couch. "I put the rug over it so no one could find it." Henry crouched down to pull the rug away, reveling a small wooden square against the marble.

Once she saw the wood, Emma ran to it, crouching beside Henry, followed by Snow. Emma put her flat palm on the smooth wood, tracing its surface. With her eyebrows furrowed in doubt she said to Henry, "This looks like a replacement tile. Why do you think David is under here?"

Henry answered Emma by knocking hard on the wood. He waited a couple of moments, putting his fingers to lips to silence the other two. When they heard nothing, Henry knocked even harder on the wood, a desperate yell finally coming from beneath.

Emma, Henry, and Snow looked up at each other, crying in relief. "Henry, do you know where your mom keeps a knife or her tools?"

"I know there're some in our garage and there's steak knifes in our kitchen."

Emma sat for a second in thought. "Do you know anything closer? Anything she keeps in her office?"

"She probably does. I just don't know-"

"About this?" Snow questioned. She smiled at them and then kicked the wood hard.

Sure enough the wood fell right through the floor. The three of them looked down a deep tunnel, revealing nothing but darkness. When Emma's eyes couldn't adjust to the darkness, she looked up, trying to figure out what to do.

Henry was puzzled. Emma looked at Snow, a determined expression on her face. Snow gave her daughter a reassuring smile and then put her whole face into the hole.

"Charming?" She yelled down.

"Snow?" David's voice bounced back from the darkness with excitement. Emma and Henry their arms around each other, excited. "You're alive? Regina squeezed your heart to dust in front of me."

"Charming!" was the only word Snow could form.

"You found me."

"Your family found you," Snow corrected him.

"Emma! Henry!"

"We're here!" Henry chirped down. "Do you have any idea how to get out?"

"No. I'm pretty deep down here."

Emma heard discouragement in David's voice. Something in it ignited a spark within in Emma. She looked at her mother and announced, "I'll go."

"Go where?" Snow was outraged. "You can't drop!"

"Henry go get a rope from your garage," Emma ordered. Henry nodded. "Hurry!" She added as Henry left the room.

"Emma!" David shared Snow's feelings. "Regina's down here."

"How can she-" Snow started.

"Did you knock her out?" Emma assumed since she hadn't heard Regina's cold voice.

"For now."

Emma had to think quickly. "You said she had a heart down there with you?

"There's a whole wall of hearts down here."

Emma's heartbeat quicken at the information. "I have to go down there."

"Yeah, but," David added a warning to his voice. "Dropping down isn't the right way to do this. I don't think Regina dropped down."

"Okay." Emma changed her tone to anger. "You guys sent me away to be the savior, right?" She paused for a response, but didn't receive any. "Well, that means you have to let me save you my own way."

Her words, her acceptance, left both parents speechless.

"I got it!" Henry yelled out of breath, running back into the room.

If Emma was debating to follow her instincts or her parents', Henry's return made everything clear to her. "Henry you are coming down with me."

"No!" Both Snow and David argued at the same time.

Emma put the rope down and crossed her arms – her point clear.

Snow saw the frustration, the disappointment in Emma's face. "Sorry."

"If you guys don't trust me, don't have faith in me, there's no point in doing this."

"Sorry," Snow said again.

"Sorry, Emma. Really." David said making his voice boom upwards.

"Henry, let's go."

Snow helped secure the rope around Emma and Henry, through a loop in Ruby's backpack, and tied it around the waist of Emma's green dress.

"Ready to lower us down?"

"Yeah," Snow said, a hint of sadness in her voice. She hated to be the one left behind. "What should I do when you're down there?"

"Wait for my instructions. I don't know if you'll be pulling us up or doing something else."

"Okay." Snow's voice was shaky.

"Henry?" Emma opened her arms so Henry could move into them. Once he did, Emma moved to the edge of the opening in the floor. After one last look to her mother, Emma slowly leaned back and let her weight pull her into the hole.

"You okay?" Emma heard Snow's voice in the darkness.

"Yeah," Emma answered uncomfortably. "Henry?" She whispered.

"Yeah, I'm good," he whispered back.

"I only wish I had a harness. I feel like I could fall through this loop any second."

"Well, don't." Snow ordered.

Emma smiled at her mother's response. She put her feet of the wall opposite the one supporting her back. Emma now had firm supports around and she quickly learned how to use them.

"I'm good," she announced. She heard Snow and David sigh with relief.

"Oh, I can see you." Happiness filled David's voice.

With David's candle lit below them, and Regina's office lights moving further and away, Emma and Henry still couldn't see a thing.

"I got you," Emma heard David's voice again. Within seconds, Emma felt David's hands on her legs and her back guiding her the rest of the way down.

After her feet were on the floor, she turned to David. Other than huge sighs and gasps of relief, no words could come to any of them. David put his arms around Emma and Henry, not wanting to let go.

"Everyone okay?" Emma turned her head up Snow's voice. It sounded too far away.

"Yeah," Emma yelled up. She felt someone kiss her hair and turned. David's eyes were still closed. He was still kissing her hair when Emma put her arms around him, pulling him closer. "Dad," she whispered softly.

Henry jumped out Emma's arms to let them embrace. Tears came out of her eyes at David's warm touch.

"Oh, Emma," David released Emma just enough to see the tears running down her face. The sight made David tear up as well.

Emma let go of him to brush the tears off her face. When David kissed her again, she stepped back.

"I'm mad at you."

"What?" David asked, as if he didn't understand.

"I know this isn't the time or place, but," Emma took a deep breath, meeting his eyes. "I know you took my box."

Heartbreak and shame swelled within David. "Emma," he begged softly.

"Later, okay?"

"I'm sorry," he couldn't help himself.

"Later. Okay?" She repeated more strongly.

"Okay," he said, but Emma didn't hear him. She moved around, finally seeing the confined space for the first time.

Henry was standing in the front of the wall filled up with 108 tiny boxes. Against another wall, Emma saw Regina, curled in a ball clearly unconscious.

"You knocked her out?" Emma asked again for clarity.

"Twice." David confirmed. "The second was just 20 minutes before you found me."


David smiled at Emma. "She was getting annoying."

"You think we could wake her up?"

David furrowed his eyebrows. "Why would we do that?"

"She knows how to get out of here."

"And why would she tell us?" Asked David, still confused.

"She'll do it for Henry."

"No, she won't," Henry took over their plan. "I already told you she doesn't love me."

"But she cares for you Henry." Emma bent down to her son's level. "She's not going to leave you stranded here."

Hurt took over Henry's face. "Is that why you brought me down here? So I could be some type of bait?"

Emma closed her eyes, debating what to do. "Yes," she told him honestly.

When Emma opened them, a huge smile appeared on Henry's face. "It's brilliant." Emma stood up from Henry and walked towards the unconscious Regina. Henry watched as Emma neared closer to her, putting the pieces together. "Wait!" Henry yelled so loud even Snow heard it from above. "Stop!"

Emma turned back to Henry. "What? What's wrong? I thought we had a plan."

"We can still do it without her," Henry informed both of them.

"How?" David and Emma asked together.

"Snow can't pull the three of us-" David claimed.

Emma looked around, understanding something she didn't before. "-I think we should find the other exit."

"We need to do something first," Henry stated, knowing they both were missing the point.

"What?" David and Emma again had the same thought.

Henry looked at Emma seriously. "You need to free the hearts."

Emma's eyes widen at Henry's suggestion, knowing he was right. She turned to the wall of metal boxes, having no idea how to fulfill her next task.

"What?" David said angrily. "Free the hearts?" He stepped in front of Emma, blocking her view. "Would that even make a difference?"

Emma crossed her arms in confusion at his anger. She lifted her arm and pointed up. "Well, that's certainly not Mary-Margaret up there is it?" Emma said in her most obvious tone.

"We don't know what will happen," David said, clearly worried. "Freeing the hearts might destroy everyone!

"Or it could save them!" Henry fought back.

"Well, it doesn't matter." Emma pushed herself in front of David to examine the heart wall more closely. "Because I have no idea how to do it or even exactly what that means."

"Just take it literally." Henry suggested.

"What?" Emma asked Henry, unable to comprehend his words.

"Figure out a way to free the boxes, Emma." Henry ordered. "While I go figure out where the secret passage is."

Emma turned to look at Henry, shocked by his words. Emma raised her head to look at David before speaking.

"How are you going to do that, Henry?" David asked for Emma.

"By asking someone who owns the town."

"And who would that be?" Emma asked, growing impatient.

"Mr. Gold."

Storybrooke. 8pm.

"Henry, I don't like your plan." Snow told her grandson on the streets of Storybrooke walking to Mr. Gold's Pawn Shop.

"Why not? I'm sure he can help us."

"I know he can, but that's not the point."

Henry stopped to face Snow White. "Then what is?" He challenged.

"He can't be trusted, Henry. He always has a price for his favors."

By the look on Snow's face, Henry could tell he was missing something obvious. "What are you talking about?"

"He's Rumpelstiltskin." Snow said matter-of-factly.

Henry jumped upon hearing the information. "Oh my God!" Once his excitement settled down, he added, "I'm such an idiot."

Snow put her hand on Henry's shoulder to comfort him. "Henry."

He quickly shrugged off her hand, said, "Let's go!" and ran ahead of her towards Mr. Gold's shop.

Snow caught up with him as he pulled opened the shop door. Snow rushed in front of him forcing the door closed.

"Henry, I don't think you understand. His favors, his help, his deals always come with a price and, Henry, the result is never good."

"Only if you don't have what he wants." Henry told her with a smile.

Snow was amazed at Henry's sharpness. "And what does he want?"

"Belle." He stated before opening the shop door.

Beneath Storybrooke. 8:15pm.

"I still don't see how this is going to work." David sat on the floor of their now prison, his legs out in front of him – bored, while Emma continued to stare at the wall. "And she's going to wake up at some point." He moved his head in Regina's direction, but Emma ignored what he was saying. "Emma!" He said strongly forcing her to look at him. "You are playing with fire. You have no idea the consequences of your actions."

"I've never been so sure of anything until right now."


"Because I saw Mary-Margaret die and Snow White come alive in front of me." Emma said firmly, making her point clear. "And I thought we just talked about you trusting my decisions."


"Not that I should trust your word at all at this point."

David took a deep breath. "I said I was sorry."

"Wow," Emma said sarcastically. "How heartfelt."

David turned his head back and forth in disapproval and disappointment. "What do you want me to say?"

"Nothing," Emma answered in anger. "I want you to shut up with you doubts and half-ass apologies and let me work."

David, exhausted from his torturous day, finally gave up. "Fine," he said closing his eyes and letting go.

"Thank you."

Emma went back to the wall. It was finally silent enough for Emma to work. After some thought, she placed her left hand on one of the boxes. It opened so quickly, Emma jumped at the moving metal. She yelled at the sight in front of her.

Sure enough, in the box was a beating heat.

At her cry, David stood up and went over to see the source of Emma's panic. The item in the box didn't surprise him at all. David looked up at Emma and watched her slowly calm down.

After Emma recovered from the sight in front of her, she became aware of David standing across from her. Emma mumbled to herself. "How on earth do I free the hearts?"

"Can I speak now?" David wanted to help

"No." Emma instructed him. At first David worried Emma refusal was out of anger. Then he saw the sparkle in her eyes and the smile on her lips. "Let me figure it out."

He stepped back and watched Emma work, opening and closing each of the boxes. Pride overwhelmed his being, he couldn't help but blurt out, "I love you."

Emma froze at her father's words; grateful her back was towards him. David noticed her panic and began to panic himself.

Her body still frozen, Emma managed to say, "I know," before returning back to work.

Ignoring her fear, Emma lifted one heart into her hand. Once settled in her palm, the heart disappeared into thin air.

At the same moment, David fell to the ground – all life in his body gone.

The sight of her father's lifeless body made her own heart stop beating for a moment.

Then Emma went to Ruby's backpack – her water bottle within.

Mr. Gold's Pawn Shop. 8:30pm.

"I know you're on Emma's side, Mr. Gold." Henry said for the second time, trying to earn his full attention, but nothing was working.

"I have no idea what you mean, Henry," Mr. Gold said, continuing to file papers into his desk. "And I have to close up shop now."

Snow nodded understanding they were not welcome anymore. Wanting to go herself, Snow put her hands on Henry's shoulders urging him to walk towards the door.

Desperately, Henry pushed back against Snow, and came so close to Mr. Gold there was almost no space between them. Henry's movement forced him to meet his eyes.

"Emma is working on a way to bring Belle back to you." Without a change in Mr. Gold's face, only in his eyes, Henry knew he said the right words. "And we need your help."

Storybrooke Hospital. 9pm.

"We didn't see a single soul on our way here." Snow commented as they walked through a wing of the hospital she'd never seen. "And how is this hospital wing completely deserted?"

"No one knows about this wing." Mr. Gold informed them.

"What about the rest of the town?" Snow quickly questioned.

"Storybrooke is usually a ghost town after nine o'clock," Mr. Gold said, unconcerned.

"Maybe," Snow replied. "But not usually that creepy."

"Emma's plan must be working!" Henry jumped excitedly.

"You think - ?" Snow looked at him seriously.

"Here we are." Mr. Gold said trying to show no interest in their conversion. He didn't look back at them before putting the key in the hole. "Regina likes her secret passages."

The door opened, Snow and Henry tried unsuccessfully to move around Mr. Gold to see inside the room.

Snow and Henry heard excited shrieks from the darkness.





James and Emma appeared behind Mr. Gold with smiles on their faces reaching out to the other half of their family. Emma realized Mr. Gold was there when his body prevented her from connecting with her son.

"Wait." Mr. Gold demanded. He looked straight to Emma. "Where's my reward?"

Emma furrowed her brow at him, clearly confused. "What?"

"Oh." The fear in Henry's voice was obvious. "Uh-Oh."

Anger surged within Mr. Gold. "Emma," he was scary. It was the first time Emma was ever afraid of him. "Where is she?"


Emma knew she had to think fast on her feet.

"Mr. -" Her fear made Emma stumble over her words. "Mr. Gold. I know – I know where she is." Emma hoped he couldn't tell she was lying. For all she knew, the person he was looking for had to be where they were going. Emma took a deep breath to keep her composure. Emma said again, "I can bring you to her."

He brought his hand up and she knew what was going to happen before it did.

Mr. Gold was a master at slapping women across the face.

James and Snow yelled in outrage. Emma tried to blink the pain out of check, caressing it with her fingers while trying to block her father from attacking the man in front of him.

"You don't even know who she is!" Mr. Gold yelled in her face. He pointed at Henry. "He's a liar."

Emma cautiously put her hand on Mr. Gold, hoping to turn his attention away from her son.

"Okay!" Emma went through her options desperately; deciding honestly was the best choice at this point. "Okay, I don't know who Henry promised you I'd find, but," Emma took a deep breath. "I still know where she is."

"Where is she?" Mr. Gold demanded still angry.

Emma paused. She had thought she knew what she was going to say, but something prevented her. Quickly she went through every interaction with him in her head.

He had called her a fighter.

He had elected her Sheriff.

Emma's eyes widen.

He had broken her mobile.

He knew.

"She's in Fairytale Land," Emma promised. "And I know how to get you there."

"And yet," a cold voice said behind them. "You won't be able to."

Mr. Gold's barrier blocking the family's reunion broke at Regina's voice. He stepped inside the chamber to see Regina tied up, fully conscious.

Despite her words, everyone smiled at the sight of her restrained. Henry walked to Emma, Snow to James, and put their arms around the other standing tall to Regina.

The family's wall of strength and love made Mr. Gold confident in Emma's plan. Then he knew all Regina's threats would forever be empty.

"And why is that, your majesty?" He asked with a smirk.

"I-" The sight of the family together scared the threat out of her. "Because-"

"Let me guess." Emma released her family and approached the women who took everything from her. "Because this is your happy ending."

A speechless Regina lost herself in front of Emma.

Emma grabbed her chin hard, forcing Regina to look at her. "You bet it is," she said and pushed her head to the floor.

Storybrooke Mine. 9pm.

"Are you sure she won't be there?" Henry asked Emma.

"Regina in Fairytale land is the same as Regina in Storybrooke." Mr. Gold answered for Emma. "You noticed she didn't disappear with the everybody else when Emma released the hearts?"

"Yeah," Henry was still unsure. "But you're still here."

"Same rules apply to me as they do to Regina."

"Why didn't you say anything then?" Emma asked, noting they were almost to Fairytale Land's lighted entrance.

"Look," Mr. Gold said, annoyed. "I did my best."

The five of them turned a corner in the mine. Light overwhelmed their senses.

For a moment no one could do anything but stare at the entrance, trying to comprehend what they were about to do.

Mr. Gold looked back at the family. "Just to be clear. Once we're back home, I don't owe any of you anything," he said seriously. Without another look, he disappeared into the light.

"Home." Snow repeated his words.

"Shall we?" Henry asked eagerly.

Emma looked around at the people she was sure were her family. Her dream of finding them finally came true.

Why now did she have doubts?

"We shall," Snow said to Henry, unaware of Emma's inner struggle. Snow took Henry's hand and led him to light without looking back so certain her husband and daughter would follow.

"You don't have to go." James told her as if reading her thoughts. Emma couldn't believe his words – finally full of empathy and acceptance. "I know you have people who care about you here."

Emma's mind turned to the notes in her box.

"No, I don't." She took a deep breath. "And I can't lose my family."

James took a deep breath of relief. "So," he held his hand out to her. "You ready?"

Emma looked back. Darkness was the only thing behind her. "Yeah," Emma took her father's hand. "I'm ready."

With her hand in James', the daughter and father stepped into the light:

Together, leaving Storybrooke behind.

-The End-

Author's Note: Yes, don't worry. There will be a sequel. "When Emma Enters FairyTale Land" will be published at some point, most of the outline is completed - but I need a little bit of a break. So be sure to add me to your Author Alerts so you be sure you won't miss it.

I can't thank everyone who has given me feedback on my story enough. From the ones who added me to their favorites to everyone who put my story on their alerts to each review written to every reader out there - thank you for coming on this journey with me. I know its clique, but I have truly loved every second of it. I am also sad to see it end. Until next story - xoxo Schroederplayspiano.