Another new story! I got this idea randomly in class. It's a Utopia!AU

And it's UsUk, of course xD. I might some Spamano in the future.


It was an ideal world. It was a new world, cleansed of all ignorance, and error. Everyone on this new Earth had sandy brown hair, and deep blue eyes. And everyone lived in complete, utter, harmony. These people were called Perfects.

And then Arthur Kirkland was born, in a small village located in Utopia England. His birth was thought nothing of, until they saw him. He had bright blonde hair, unusually big eyebrows, and charming green eyes. This alarmed and stunned the Perfects, and he was instantly cast out, a Misfit. A small band of cult members had pursued after Arrhur since birth. His mother accepted him for who he was, despite not looking the same. His father and brothers, however, would not be seen near him. Arthur lived his life alone, with no one but his mother. He had no friends at all, and he loathed school. Everyone teased him for not being a Perfect. And the village council wondered what went wrong, to create such an odd looking child.

For years, Arthur endured this, until his mother was murdered by the cult. They burnt his house down, with him and his mother in it. Arthur had escaped, his mother having not been as lucky. At that time, Arthur's fathers and brothers had relocated to somewhere in Utopia Wales. Arthur had fled to Utopia America soon after his mother's death, in a vain attempt to escape the reality of the cult.

Now he lived in absolute isolation, distancing himself from the Perfects.

The people he could never be like, no matter what.


Arthur sighed, glancing up at the professor, an emotionless glare in his eyes. His seat was in the way back, seperated from the Perfect students. No one wanted to risk coming near him, since he was a Misfit after all. The day droned on and he walked to classes absently, his mind elsewhere.

One would think Arthur would be in a lot of pain. And it was true, he was in a lot of pain, he just didn't show it. He felt unloved due to the fact that his father and brother had left. And what made his heart throb the most was the fact that he would never be accepted. He could never become a Perfect. He was fated to live a life of hiding and fear. And it angered him. What did he do to deserve it?

Arthur's hand balled up into a fist as he trudged down the hall, ignoring the laughter and pointing at his unnatural looking blonde hair and green eyes.

He sat down in his next class, Geology, and listened to the Perfect teacher ramble on and on about the formation of metamorphic rock. Arthur looked around the room. All he saw was a sea of light brown haired kids. On his left, was Francis. A Utopia France teen. He had shoulder length wavy brown hair and blue eyes, of course. To his right sat an uptight Utopia German kid with slick back brown hair and blue eyes. Arthur let a small sigh,musing.

When the bell rung, Arthur realises that he had paid absolutely no attention whatsoever and had no idea if there was homework or not. But he wasn't inclined to ask. No one spoke to him due to his Misfit status. He walked through the halls, past lockers crowed with Perfects, to the lunch room. He made his way to his usual table and set his stuff down, before rising to go back to his own locker for his lunch.

Weaving his way down the maze of a hallway, Arthur wondered what he was going to eat for dinner at his house. Scraping up enough money to buy a lunch at a local convenient store. Sighing, he entered his locker combination, not surprised to find his lunch stolen and his stuff haphazardly strewn in his locker. These type of things happened to him daily. He let out a deep breath and shut his vandalised locker. There was no use telling a teacher, since they barely acknowledged his existence.

When he got to the lunch room, he sat at his own little table and pulled out a notebook. His lunches usually went undisrupted. When he heard someone's lunch tray clatter down at his table, he looked up. His green gaze was met by the familiar blue gaze of a Perfect. Arthur jumped "W-who are you? You might have the wrong table." Arthur wasn't really used to hearing his own voice, seeing as he didn't speak much with people. "No, this is the right one! I'm Alfred and I'm new here!" "That explains it.." Arthur grumbled "Explains what?"

"Listen, you probably won't want to be seen around me. See how my hair and eyes are different from everyone else's? It's because I'm a Misfit, not a Perfect. People won't like you if you talk to me." "That's ridiculous! I don't care about what everyone else thinks, I want to be friends with you. And I think your eyes and hair is cute. Very unique." Arthur was taken aback by the sudden compliment. He had never received one before, and had no idea how to reply. "T-thanks." he studdered, gazing down at his notebook "Yep! Why don't you have anything to eat?" Alfred asked, noticing the lack of food. "Uh..don't worry." Arthur replied feebly. Alfred nodded, not convinced "Alright! Want one of my burgers?" Arthur looked as saw Alfred's tray had about ten burgers piled on. "Sure." Alfred handed over one of the burgers as watched Arthur unwrap it, eager to see his reaction. Arthur took an unsure bite, and practically spit it back out. He made a face and set the food down "That's disgusting!" Alfred laughed.

Lunch ended all too fast for Arthur and he way saying goodbye to his newfound friend. The rest of the day wasn't as bad.

"Hm..I think I made a friend today." Arthur mused, a slight grin on his face when he arrived at his home, if you could call a tent a home, and went inside. "Hey there Crumpet." Crumpet was his cat, a small tabby. The cat was also a Misfit, with orange fur and amber eyes. Crumpet let out a purr and Arthur chuckled. "I missed you, boy. I have a lot to tell you!"


Yay! Chapter one is done! Somewhat short, though.

I chose the name Crumpet for Arthur's cat because I was sick of the names "Gentleman" and "Scotty"

Just imagine the Hetalia cast with Alfred's hair colour and eye colour. Except the Italy brothers. I have plans for them.

Reviews are appreciated!

Excuse spelling mistakes, as I type on my phone.