a boy with black hair on his right side and white on his left and black marks up the right side of his neck and face and was wearing sun glasses was walking down the dirt path to yokai academy "i hope this is the right way the bus driver did not give me any directions and what was with him trying to scare me" the boy said he then heard the unmistakable sound of wheals on the ground the boy turned round just in time to see a bike fly at his face the boy seemed to vanish and the girl who was on the bike was sent flying after hitting the ground but the person never hit the floor

the girl who was on the bike looked up to see what had happened only to see a guy holding her bridal style "you should be more careful miss" he said putting her down then looking her over she had pink bubble gum waist length hair bright green eyes and a figure to die for as well as a very cute face the boy let this all sink in "I'm sorry I'm anaemic and lost control of my bike" she said bowing repeatedly "its ok I'm tsukune aono you are and i know what it's like for a vampire" the now revealed tsukune said

the girl jumped at his knowledge that she was a vampire " how how did you know i was a vampire" she asked confused and a little scared "simple no other being could be as anemic that they loss control there bike while still being able to control it" tsukune said with a smile as he stepped closer "here" tsukune said lowering his school shirt collar so she could see his neck the girl took a wiff then drawled a little then snapped back to reality

"i really shouldn't" she said shyly he walked closer so she was next to him and took her head gently and pulled her closer to his neck "you need blood drink" he said calmly the girl was a little shocked 'huh i was always told people did not like losing there blood but this guy want me to drink his blood' the girl thought but quickly got lost in his scent "captuuu" she said biting his neck he did not flinch in the least he in fact smiled

she drank his blood for a whole five minutes 'this blood is like nothing i have ever tasted its pure evil yet pure good at the same time and i can't get enough wait I'm going to kill him if i don't stop now' she thought reluctantly pulling away and liked the wound shut the pulled away from him she looked up to see him smiling "was that enough miss" tsukune asked and the girl nodded "please call me moka I'm moka akashiya" she said with a cute smile "nice to meet you moka-san" tsukune said smiling "um tsukune-kun I'm new here would you be my friend" she asked looking down at the floor

'why is this girl asking to be my friend she could be friends with any guy but whatever i like here and she seems nice' tsukune though "sure i would like that moka-san" tsukune said smiling moka then jumped at him and pulled him in to a bone crushing hug "thank you thank you i finally have a friend" she said happily "moka-san not that i mind the attention but we are going to be late for class if we wait to much longer" tsukune said sadly moka then looked down at her watch "omg your right" she said picking up her bike

"let me help you with that tsukune said picking up the bike and using his and moka's bags to attach it to his back he then picked up moka bridal style and began to run towards school faster than moka thought he was able to tsukune looked down at her and smiled and she just looked away blushing it only took just under two minutes to get to school ever one else had already gone to the opening ceremony tsukune walked over to the bike rack he put moka down and took off the bags that attached the bike to his back he gave moka her bag after taking out her bike lock and chaining up the bike

"i suppose we should go to the opening ceremony" tsukune said walking in to the building "right" moka said walking in with tsukune happily holding his arm when they got in to the hall they said there good byes and went to find their seats

after the opening ceremony tsukune had gone straight to his class room and sat right on the left hand side next to the window the door opened and in walked a woman with blondish-yellowish-orangish hair wearing a white blouse, orange skirt, low heel sandals her hair seemed to look like cat ears and she had relatively large breasts 'hmmm she's a were cat' tsukune thought "hello class i'm Shizuka Nekonome i will be your home room teacher for this year i assume you already know this but this is a school for monsters to learn to coexist with humans" she said in a hyper active happy tone

tsukune smiled at this till a guy next to him spoke "why can't we just kill the human males as for the females why don't we just molest them" the whole room seemed to jump at his comment they then broke in to whispers the ones tsukune heard were "that's saizou has molested five girls and was forced to come to this school" another was "they say he is very strong and will do anything to get what he wants" tsukune looked at him and growled loud enough for him to heard him

he saizou turned to him "got a problem" he said tsukune looked gave him a death glare "i do i hate the fact that so many monsters and humans die in wars between the races for what so you could mollest the humans you make me sick orc" tsukune spat saizou jumped from his chair and grabbed tsukune by the neck and lifted him by the collar "what was that weakling" he shouted in tsukunes face "put me down now orc before we both get sent to the head master" tsukune said calmly

saizou dropped tsukune back in to his chair and sat back in his own miss Nekonome sighed with relief at the fact a fight had not broken out the door then open the whole class other then tsukune looked towards the door "sorry I'm late i got lost at the opening ceremony" tsukune looked up 'i know that voice' "that's alright come in and sit down" said girl looked round all the guys were going gaga over her she looked round till her eyes landed on tsukune's smiling face

"Tsukune" she yelled running and jumping on to him forcing him to fall back on to the floor with her on top of him

the males in the class when in to an up roar "how does he know her" "why can't that be me" "he is so dead" where the most common ones tsukune smiled at their comments 'this could be a fun year' he thought as he looked down a moka still hugging him "hello to you to moka-san it would seem we are in the same class now please let go so we can get on with class" tsukune said after hugging her back and getting back to his feet moka turned to face the class "sorry about that" she said shyly then took her seat behind tsukune

after class moka dragged tsukune round the school to look at the building tsukune did not really mind after all he did have a super cute girl pulling him along by his arm tsukune smiled happily as she dragged him around till they got to a in closed court yard by a vending machine moka got a tomato juice while tsukune got a fruit juice they both sat on the open wall where it looked like there should have been glass but there wisent

"tsukune-kun you know what type of monster i am i would really like to know what you are" she asked while shyly pusing her fingers together while holdingher can "moka-san i'm" tsukune was cut off by someone grabbing him by the collar and lifting him in to the air making him drop his fruite juice he looked at the person holding him up to see it was saizou but he was not looking at him he was looking at him he was looking at moka

"moka akashiya right I'm saizou why is a beauty like you hanging out with a weakling like this guy" he said looking at tsukune when he said weakling "because tsukune is my friend" saizou huffed at this and looked at tsukune then threw him in to the floor causing a crater but as soon as tsukune hit the floor creating the crater he got back up "I'm so sorry that people had to die so you could live and now you wasting there sacrifice" tsukune said saizou huffed and walked off tsukune looked back at moka and smiled

"now i really want to know what you are" moka said "well the truth is i'm" tsukune was cut off again by the bell this time tsukune sighed "let's talk later" tsukune said walking off to his next class moka quickly coughed up to him and grabbed his arm pulling him along to their next class

after making it threw all the classes of the day tsukune was very tired he had had double P.E and both lesions had been track tsukune had said he would talk to moka but he had taken to long getting changed and moka had already left tsukune walked down the path 'i think i will go see the view of the sun set from that cliff but i will need a few things from my room' tsukune thought quickly running off to his room and filling up a bag with the things he needed little did he know moka had also been in her room and could see straight in to tsukune's room from hers and had seen him pack up his things

"he is leaving no i can't let him go" moka said to herself after running out of her room after him

tsukune was happily walking down the path to the bus stop when he heard a Russell in the bush as he came out of the woods tsukune turned round in time to get an arm to his face and sent flying it was no ordinary arm though it was an orc arm tsukune looked up from the ground he had been hit to to see saizou in his orc form tsukune sighed "what do you want saizou" tsukune asked getting back to his feet and brushing himself off

"i want to kill you because with you out of the way moka will be all mine" he said tsukune sighed again "if you want her talk to her about it not me" as he said that a voice was heard "tsukune" they turned to see moka running out of the woods she ran straight at tsukune and hugged him causing Saizou to roar and charge at them and attempt to hit them he swung his arm at them but only to hit air he looked round then up in to the air to see tsukune was there but something was off he had wings angle wings at that but the one on the right was black they quickly covered tsukune and moka who he was holding bridal style there was then a flash of bright red youki the wings flew open to reveal moka's hair had changed to be silver and had red slit eyes and tsukune was no longer wearing his sun glasses so that he could se his eyes they were slits but were changing colour constantly

tsukune smiled at moka "hay moka-san so this is your vampire side huh" tsukune said landing on the ground and putting moka on the floor