here it is! rewritten i would like to take this time and thank littlemija69 for Helping me with this, you guys should check out her Boondock Saints' story Speak in Riddles. It's awesome! Well i hope you like it! Review please and let me know how i did!

Having a brother like mine was starting to get on my last nerve, the fact that I was now dressed in a cleaning lady outfit standing by the elevator waiting for my stupid ass brother to change for a job his boss gave him was in its own right ridiculous. My Brother, simply known by our shared last name 'Rocco' was a package boy for Papa Joe Yakavetta; he had been since high school. I, much to my mother's happiness went to college, got a degree and actually got a job.

"Alright, how do I look?" I heard my brother ask as he walked out of the janitorial closet. I looked at him for a moment before falling into a fit of laughter. He looked utterly ridiculous in his waiter's uniform with the name Jaffar on the tag.

"It's not that funny," he grumbled putting his six-shooter in his chest pocket. I stared at him, why was I here? I had a class later today and I was here to help my brother shoot some Russians—two—that he could easily do on his own so why was I here? Simply because of my estranged mother who always happened to be gone. 'Take care of your brother Morgana, don't let him do anything stupid'. Roc's whole life was full of stupid.

"Hey space cadet, can ya keep up?" 'Jaffar' said from halfway down the hallway. I run to catch up to him, he hands me a small pistol and I stared down at its sleekness. "Just stand outside and if I need you I'll yell."

"Yell what?" I ask.

"What do you mean 'yell what'?"

"We need a code word. We all know you yell at everything." I hear him groan and I smile to myself.

"Fine I'll yell Banana."

I hide a laugh as I imagine my brother yelling banana when he was in trouble. We get to the door and Rocco motions for me to move off to the side. I watched him knock on the door and promptly get pulled in. I stared in shock before what happened fully sets in.

"Fucking hell!" I said as I tried to open the door only to find it locked. Oh come on really, don't do this on me lord. Suddenly I face palmed and pulled the key card and slid it in: denied. I groaned as I hear my brother scream something about not killing him because he was the Funny Man. Typical, in time of need he forgets the code word. After a few minutes I finally entered the room and the sight that welcomed me was unexpected. My brother pacing and two jokers were laughing.

"What did you do? Fuckin'... what the fuckin' fuck! Who the fuck, fucked this fuckin'? Fuck. How did you two fuckin', fucks? ... FUCK!" My brother yells, I took that time to count the bodies that lay dead in the room. There were nine, lovely.

"Certainly illustrates the diversity of the word." one of the men said. They hadn't noticed my presence yet; I studied the two men dressed in black. The older looking one with brownish hair was the one who spoke. His companion stood a few feet away from Rocco with a grin planted on his face; his hair was really brown. Taking advantage of the fact that they didn't notice me, I leaned against the wall and watched as Rocco goes into a tizzy.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" Rocco asked them, "What, huh! WHAT? WHAT? WHAT? ANSWERS! I WANT FUCKIN' ANSWERS!"

I smiled at this, but my smile soon turned into a frown as one of the men smacked Rocco and told him to get a hold of himself. I decided then to make my present known.

"Leave it to you to forget the code word," I said walking into the light. The two men jump and lifted their guns to aim at me. I roll my eyes and put my hands up in mock surrender. "Just makin sure you're not killing my brother."

They look at Rocco who nods. The second man, the one who had the most beautiful blue eyes I had ever seen, walks up to Rocco.

"Yeah, get a hold of yourself," he said slapping him. My brother jumps on him and starts beating on him. I groan and attempt to pull Roc off the poor man. After succeeding, I punched him.

"Ow, what the fuck?"

"Nine," was all I said as I walked to the window to walk out. I heard someone say something about meeting at Rocco's house. I turned to Rocco who was walking towards the door; I ran to catch up with him.

"So your friends?"

"Yeah, Connor and Murphy MacManus," Rocco said as we get in the elevator I press the button and turn to my brother. Papa Joe told him there were two. I'm no genius but I know nine is a hell of a lot more than two. "What?" he asked. I shook my head as we reached the lobby and walked out of the hotel. I started towards my car. "You coming?" Rocco called out.

"I have a class in twenty. I'll be around after." He nodded and I headed to The Grand Majestic Theater that I ran with my friend, Tess. I entered to see the kids in the improv class sitting on the chairs on stage. I smiled as I walked up to them; they were talking about Connor and Murphy. Slightly confused, I asked them what they were talking about. Kyle, an excited 12-year-old, smiled as he began to tell the story.

"These two guys killed two Russian spies out of self defense. I guess they go-"

"It wasn't spies, Kyle, they were part of the Russian mob." a girl corrected.

"Anyways!" I laugh as he glared at the girl. "They got in a bar fight on St. Patties Day and the Russians came back the next day and tried to beat them up." I frowned at that; the way Kyle talked about them made them seem like some kind of Saints. He grinned as he proclaimed Connor and Murphy 'awesome'.

"Well, now that the class is up-to-date on current events, let's get to it, shall we?" I asked with a smile.

"Umm...Miss Della Rocco?" Shannon, a quiet 10-year-old said. I looked at her and gave her a smile. "Why are you wearing a cleaning lady uniform?"

I laughed and explained that it was part of an exercise for the day. Their faces brightened as I explained the exercise. As soon as I was done, they began the game. An hour later the parents began to arrive to pick their children up. Kyle smiled as his mother entered the theater as his turn came. His voice got louder and prouder as he pretended he was a big shot lawyer defending Goldilocks. As class ended, I noticed Tess walking towards me with a folder.

"Chicago got approved." she said with a smile. "The whole cast is excited."

"That's great," I said, returning her smile.

"You better be auditioning," she remarked. I nodded and swung my messenger bag over my shoulder. I told her goodbye and walked out of the theater.

"Miss Della Rocco?" a small voice said. I turned to find Shannon standing with her mother. I offered them a smile as I reached them. Before I got a word in, her mother began talking.

"Thank you very much, Miss Della Rocco. Ever since Shanny's been in your class, she's opened up more in class and is getting better grades. You are an angel in this dirty world. I hope you know that." I smiled and thanked her.

"I'll see you in two days, okay, Shan?" She smiled and waved 'bye' as I got into my car and made my way to Rocco's house.


I used my key to enter the apartment where Rocco, Blue Eyes, and the other brother were talking. They stopped instantly as I walked in. I watched them eye the two pizzas I picked up on the way there. I sat it on the counter in the kitchen before turning to the boys, who were back into their previous conversation,

"Pizza good for you men?" I asked.

"As long as you paid, 'lil bit," Rocco said with a grin; I picked up a wooden spoon and threw it at him.

"Call me 'lil bit one more fucking time big brother." The boys chuckled. Rocco steadily worked himself into a humorous frenzy.

"This is some heavy shit. This is like Lone Ranger-heavy man. Fuck it! There's so much shit that pisses me off. You guys should recruit 'cause I am sick and fuckin' tired of walkin' down the street waitin' for one of these assholes to get me, y'know?"

Blue eyes chuckled. "Hallelujah, Jaffar," he said.

"So you're not just talkin' mob guys. You're talkin' anyone, right? Even like pimps and drug dealers and all that shit?" Rocco asked. I grabbed a plate full of pizza and walked over to Rocco as the boys looked at each other and nodded.

"Well fuck, you guys could do this every day," Rocco said, before turning to me. "Where's my pizza?"

"I am not your maid." I smacked him the back of the head.

"Ow, what the fuck?" I just smirk as the boys get up and bring the whole box over.

"We're like 7-Eleven. We ain't always doing business, but we're always open," blue-eyes stated.

"Nicely put," the other replied.

"I don't think we've been properly introduced. I'm Ana Della Rocco," I stated.

"It's Morgana. Mom had a thing for King Arthur stories," Rocco said with a smirk. Blue Eyes introduces himself as Murphy MacManus. So that left the other as Connor MacManus.

"So Rocco never mentioned a sister," Connor said. I looked at Rocco and gave him a 'really' look. He grumbled something that sounded like 'they never asked'.

Throughout the night after the pizza came, we started partying hard. The second pizza box was surrounded by Guinness cans as we talk about stupid shit, sitting at the round table. Connor and Murphy were explaining what happened earlier today. I felt myself laughing more than I had in a while. Rocco decided to put on one of the boy's masks. Rocco's girlfriend's—named Donna—cat Skippy lounged on the table next to me. I petted him as Rocco started complaining that Connor and Murphy ruined him. I laughed at Rocco's face as Murphy tells him to take credit for what they did.

"Yeah, fuck it. If you think about it, it's all you can do really. You can't tell him it was us. Go in braggin' and shit," Murphy said. I laughed and got up to go to the kitchen to get another beer. I heard Connor tell Rocco to climb the corporate ladder and I frowned at the thought. My brother, the Package boy, climbing up the Mobster Ladder. Rocco suddenly started yelling about how he deserved it. I walked toward the table as the boys nodded in agreement.

"They're fuckin' me man! Hey, they can suck my pathetic little dick. And I'll dip my nuts in marinara sauce just so the fat fucks can get a taste of home while they're at it. That's it, it's done, I'm doing it." I stopped to adjust the bottom of my shirt as Rocco's frenzy got worse. I went to sit down as Rocco slams his fist down on the table next to Murphy's gun. The gun went off with a bang! I fell to the ground, screaming.

"Is it dead?" I heard Rocco yell. I looked up and the gun had blown the lounging cat right off the table. A softball-sized hole was blasted in the wall as a large splatter of blood sprayed the area surrounding the hole.


"I can't fuckin' believe that just happened!" Murphy said. I fell back down with tears in my eyes.

"Are ya okay?" Murphy asked, helping me up. I look at Rocco and growl.

"Shit," he said as I launched at him and started punching him. I felt one of the boys start to pull me off.

"You don't ever think, do you?" I yelled, "First the hotel, now this! What the hell, Roc!"

"I'm sorry, Morgana," he said. I glared at him as Murphy sat me on the couch. I looked at the wall, then to Rocco. I agreed with Murphy; I couldn't believe what just happened. As I thought back, I stopped and started laughing. My brother and new friends stared at me confused. As soon as I was able to breathe, I pointed at Rocco.

"You did not fucking ask if it was dead?" I asked, only to start laughing again. Murphy looked at me and shook his head as he lets out a chuckle. He said something in a different language and I was momentarily awestruck. Murphy looked at me and our eyes connected. I turned away, cursing those damn blue eyes.

Hope you liked it, Review please!
