This is just a cute one-shot between Rose and Dimitri. I thought of it this morning when a huge thunderstorm woke me up at 3 in the morning.
Enjoy :)

Disclaimer: I do not own Vampire Academy, or Dimitri's hot and undeniably sexy body :(.


I woke up, savoring the feeling of waking up after a good nights sleep. My eyes opened slowly to adjust to the dim light peeping through my curtains, and I stretched my stiff limbs while yawning. Something was nagging at me, making me realize something was off. Normally the light shining in my room from outside was dim, because the sun was setting. The light shining in my room right now was that dull, illuminated grey that comes with storms occurring in the middle of the day. I glanced at my clock and saw that it was only 2 in the morning. I didn't have to be up for another three hours for training with Dimitri. Frowning, I walked over to the window and shifted the curtain to the side to peer out.


I let out a small shriek and jumped away from my window, landing on my butt in the middle of my dorm room.
I started shaking, unable to control the shivers racking my body. I was absolutely terrified of thunderstorms, even when I was a little girl. I have no idea why, but every time I see the flash of lightning and the loud noise that almost always accompanies it, it scares me shitless.

"Okay Rose, it's just a thunderstorm. It's not like Strigoi are attacking or anything. You've gotten through them alone since you were four, you can-"


I let out another involuntary squeal and made up my mind quickly. I grabbed a pair of sweat pants and slipped them on, and quickly ripped my brush through my hair, throwing it up in a ponytail.
Still shaking, I grabbed my keys and shut my door behind me.

As I made my way to my destination, the worst possible thing happened. The damn lights went out.

"Oh hell... That was the last thing I needed." I muttered under my breath as I let my eyes adjust to the new darkness.

I continued on my way to my target, easily hiding in the darkness from the frantic Guardians searching for flashlights. It took all my willpower not to make a noise when another strike of thunder hit. When I finally reached the door I was looking for, I pounded on it mercilessly and waited, still shaking and jumping from foot to foot nervously.
I heard the creaking of a bed, and then feet shuffling across the floor. When I saw Dimitri open the door, I just wanted to jump into his arms.

"Roza? What are you doing here? It's 2 in the morning."

"Well, I was sleeping but I woke up, and then I wondered why I was up to early, so I checked outside and then I saw that there was a storm, and I just-"


I screamed slightly and then launched myself into Dimitri's arms. I was shaking worse than ever now, and I knew that my skin probably felt like ice judging by the warm feeling of Dimitri.
At first he stayed frozen in place, probably wondering what had just happened, but then he relaxed and wrapped his arms around me.

"Your scared of thunderstorms, aren't you Roza?" I had my face buried against Dimitri, but still nodded.

"Oh Roza, it's okay I'm here. I've got you."


I squeezed Dimitri tighter and let out a small whimper. A couple seconds later Dimitri carefully picked me up and I heard the door close behind him. He sat down on his bed still holding me. I was still shaking, but not as bad as before.

"Shh, it's alright Roza. I've got you. Your safe with me. I love you."

The rest of the night, Dimitri just held me, whispering sweet nothings in Russian to me. Normally, it would piss me off because I couldn't understand him, but right now it was relaxing. He had shifted us so that we were laying down on the bed, his large form behind my tiny frame. His arms were wrapped around my waist, and his head in the crook of my neck, still whispering things in Russian to me. I caught Roza, and I love you a couple of times, but the rest of it was just soothing.
Sometime between 2 and 5, I must have finally calmed down enough to drift into a peaceful slumber.

I woke up to Dimitri still wrapped around me, snoring softly with strands of his hair laying on his face. I was pleasantly comfortable, so I felt no need to move or wake him up. I let my eyes wander around his room, taking in what was snippets of Dimitri. His duster has hanging from the back of his door, and on the other side of the room, a bookshelf filled with western novels and assorted nicknacks from his home. On the table beside the bed sat a small lamp, a couple of books, his alarm clock, and picture frame, containing a picture of Dimitri and I kissing on the mats after a sparring match. I loved that picture, and had a copy of it framed, sitting in the bottom of one of my drawers. I would have kept it on my bedside table like Dimitri's was, my since I was a student my room could be randomly searched. I glanced at the alarm clock, seeing it was 5:03. Three minutes late for training.
I gently shifted in Dimitri's arms so that I could prop myself up on one elbow. I lent down and placed a soft kiss on Dimitri's lips, hoping for it to wake him up.
I smiled when I felt Dimitri kiss back and pin me against his bed. I took in his disheveled appearance and decided that it made him look even sexier somehow.

"Hmm, I can't wait until after graduation so I can wake up like this every morning." He gently trailed his fingertips down my cheek and kissed me again. I nodded my head in agreement. When we finally pulled apart, I glanced at the clock again.

"Hey Comrade, it's past time to start training. Are we going to get up and drag ourselves down there, or can we just lay here and bask in this perfect morning?" Dimitri smiled and kissed me again.

"I like the second option better, so lets go with that one."


We lay there until it was time to start getting ready for the day. Luckily, I kept a couple of outfits in his room so if I did ever spend the night here, I wouldn't have to run all the way to my dorm room. As we got dressed we kept stealing kisses, and just enjoyed how peaceful everything was at the moment.

"You know what I just thought of Roza?"


"I think that we should get thunderstorms more often."

"You know Comrade, I think I could actually agree with you on that one."

The end! Hopefully it wasn't to cheesy or rushed or anything else. If you have any questions or anything that needs cleared up that confused you, feel free to review or send me a pm and I'll post another chapter with answers. Thank you all for reading!
