AN: This is my first fanfiction! I love Delena and was so mad after Dangerous Liasons that my friend and I decided to write a fanfiction of what could possibly happen if they ever decided to run instead of facing Klaus everytime he wants Elena. Hope this fluff helps fill the void for all the Delena goodness that is currently missing from the show! Big thanks to my friend who helped write and edit this! (rgbsportsgirl). Without her this story definitely wouldn't exist or ever be shared with the rest of you.

Chapter One: The Warning and The Flight

Elena Gilbert sat in her window seat over looking her green front yard, reflecting on the month since the house warming party for the Mikaelson family. She and Damon had somewhat reconciled after she told him he cared too much and he slept with Rebekah. They had agreed that Stefan was too confused at the time to do a sufficient job of protecting her and that Damon's one night stand was going to stay that way. It was still somewhat awkward between the two of them, but they moved forward the best they could and he was giving her a little more space to make her own choices. But Damon is still Damon and she knew that she was never going to be completely in control of her life; at least where her safety is concerned.

Caroline has been missing Tyler and hoped he would be home soon, all the while fending off advances from Klaus as he tried to charm her. She has been spending more time with Matt to take her mind off things and he has been trying his best to keep life as normal as he can for the vampire barbie. She and Elena have been trying to stay at school and so far its been okay being in class and around humans instead of hybrids, Originals, and thousand year old witches. Non of the Originals have died yet so no one has any idea if Klaus will die or not and are still trying to figure out if Mama Witch had been bluffing all along. Damon really didn't want anyone kick starting a new, potentially deadly dilemma any time soon since the coffin one was almost a disaster, so Stefan had left town to try to figure out if he wanted to be a bunny killer again because he was not needed at the time being and figured it would be good to do some soul searching.

Alaric had made a full recovery and Elena had driven him back to the house the day after the party. He was somewhat upset when he found out that Elena had gone without him, despite his having just barely surviving another near death experience the night before, and that she had talked to Ester alone. But he quickly got over it and went back to grading his student's papers and keeping food on the table for the two of them. She saw him walk to his car and drive off toward town and the Mystic Grill to most likely have a Saturday evening drink with the king of day drinking himself. Elena signed and got up to go put some laundry in the washer when she felt a sudden breeze.

"Okay Barbie took the whole Klaus rejection thing one step to far so we need to book it 'cause Klaus is now fuming and searching for his human blood bag."

Elena turned toward the familiar voice of Damon Salvatore and watched as he tore her closet door open and dug around for her biggest duffel bag.

"Whoa slow down! What happened and why does Klaus need me this time?"

"Caroline was at the Grill picking Matt up from his shift and I was at the bar. Klaus waltzes in like he always does and tries to chat her up. Same old act he has been using since the ball, until he says that if she doesn't start to reconsider a relationship, that he will just compel her to love him and make her never think of Tyler again." Damon paused searching Elena's eyes and then continued, "So she made a scene as only Caroline would dare to do, dragged him outside by his ear, and proceeded to shout about what a dick he was and that she would never love someone so self centered and cruel. Let's just say Klaus doesn't take the combination of rejection and public embarrassment too well. So he storms back into the Grill and grabs me by my collar and says, and I quote 'Elena better be ready to never be seen or heard from again because Caroline just bought her a life sentence as my hybrid secret ingredient supply.'" Damon watched her process all that he had just told her and waited for her to find her voice.

"What do you think we should do," she said in a very small voice, fear evident in her eyes.

"There is only one option at this point. If he is really hell bent on taking you away" Elena immediately snapped into action and began helping Damon dump clothes into her duffel bag.

"Do you have a place in mind of where you want to hide me?" Elena asked as she ran into her bathroom to grab her hairbrush and other essentials.

"Somewhere remote and warm. I need a vacation from this one horse town anyway and I figured you weren't really into the whole ice hotel and penguins type environment," he said with his signature smirk making an appearance on his gorgeous face.

"You guessed right. How long have you known that he is coming to get me? Elena asked. "Oh my God!"

"What? What's wrong? Is he outside?" Damon said in a panic as he blurred to the window to check.

"Does Alaric know?" Elena exclaimed her filled with panic. "I can't just leave him without giving him some idea where I am going to be and if I'm even okay!"

"That's what you are worried about? Your history teacher slash legal guardian? Elena an Original, turned hybrid is coming to abduct you from your home and take you away to use your blood to create and army and god knows what else!" Damon looked completely exasperated at her simple worry.

"Damon! He is all that I have left that even resembles family! Of course I'm concerned! Did you happen to catch him on your way here because if you didn't I'm going to have to find away to tell him that it was you that took me and not Klaus so he doesn't go crazy and try to find me, or worse yet, avenge my disappearance!"

"We can call him on the way to the airport but we don't want Klaus to have any idea of where you might be, where you are heading, or if I am with you." Damon grabbed her stuffed bag off of the bed and started to walk toward the door, but Elena seemed to be frozen. He turned back, set the bag down, and pulled her into his warm embrace. "It's going to be okay Elena. You know that I won't let him take you and I will die before he is within even five feet of you again." He put his fingers under her chin, forcing her to look him in the eye. "We can do this but it will only work if I have your complete trust."

"I trust you with all my heart Damon. Okay, let's go."

Damon picked up Elena's bag and then grabbed her and blurred out the open window, headed straight for his car.