There's an ancient Chinese myth about the red thread of fate. It says that the gods have tied a red threat around each one of our ankles, and attached it to all the people whose lives are destined to touch. This thread may stretch, or tangle. But never break.
The first time they meet is for six seconds. No more, no less. A harsh bump on the shoulder causes Kurt to glance up from his college textbook, and for a fleeting moment, his voice is trapped in his throat. The man he is looking at is strikingly beautiful, and it takes Kurt a moment to register what happened.
"Sorry." The other man says to Kurt.
"No problem." Kurt replies. The man smiles, and walks away. And for the next two years, they would not interact in any way, shape or form. The nameless man would soon be a memory in Kurt's mind. He would regret not saying anything else. He would hope that maybe he would see him around campus again. But in time, Kurt would forget the feeling, the touch, and even the face of the beautiful man walking around his college campus. Until seven hundred and eight days later, and they meet again. This time, for about twenty four hours.
Kurt Hummel is out of college. He's 23 years old, and working as an extra on the set of Rainy Nights, a musical drama television show. He's only ever had one line, but he's happy.
Blaine Anderson never went to college. He's 22 years old, and doesn't have a permanent job as of right now. Singing in local bars, and just making ends meet, he's happy.
But inside, they both feel like they need someone to make them feel complete. They just don't know where to find that someone.
"Are you serious?" Is Blaine's first reaction to his long time best friend Rachel telling him he's landed a role on Rainy Nights. "That's great!" He's going to be playing a back-up singer, and has a grand total number of lines of… zero. But the pay's alright, and he needs some more to handle this month's rent.
"But Blaine…" Rachel says, hesitating.
"What's the catch?" Blaine asks, sighing. There's always something.
"You sort of need to go out on a date with my friend."
"Are you serious?" Is Kurt's first reaction to his co-worker Rachel telling him he set him up on a date. Rachel's the stage manager for Rainy Nights, and is in charge of hiring, firing, and promoting workers. She's actually very nice, once you get to know her. Which Kurt had been doing. The two were pretty close now, after Kurt had been on the show for a few months. "Rach, why did you do that?" He asks. Kurt slides down his living room wall, putting his head in his hands.
"Kurt, listen. He's really nice, and he doesn't really know many people in New York, and I know you don't either, and sometimes you look really lonely, and I thought that maybe you two could get together and-"
"I'll go out with him." Kurt admits. He immediately regrets saying it, but he made a promise, and he keeps his word.
"Really?" Rachel asks. Her voice goes up a few octaves in excitement, and Kurt can't help but smile.
"Yes, really. You should hang up before I change my mind."
"Are you Blaine?" Kurt asks, hopeful.
The curly haired boy looks up from his phone. He's been waiting for fifteen minutes for his blind date to arrive. Rachel hadn't told him anything about him. Blaine doesn't mind. He's sure Kurt's a nice person.
Blaine's first reaction is involuntary.
"Oh my god."
The tall, pale boy is one of the most beautiful things Blaine has ever seen.
Kurt frowns, and his face twists into an apologetic smile. "Sorry, must have the wrong person."
"No!" Blaine calls out, a bit too loudly. People in the restaurant turn to look at him. "Sorry. I- I'm Blaine." His hand reaches out, and Kurt takes it. Blaine notices how soft his hand is… and holds on a bit too long. Letting go, Kurt smiles, and takes a seat across from him.
"I'm Kurt. You don't know how sorry I am Rachel set you up on this. You'll probably hate it." He says.
"No, I'm sure I won't."
Blaine wills himself to stop staring at him, and they start to make easy conversation. Maybe this won't be so bad after all.
A ray of light is what wakes Kurt up. He blinks rapidly, his eyes trying to adjust as his head starts to burn from a much too familiar pain behind his eyes.
It takes almost a minute to remember last night, and even then, things are blurry. Past Blaine driving him home, he remembers nothing.
Kurt groans as he sits up, rubbing his eyes. A chill drifts through the room, and he realizes he's naked. Kurt never sleeps naked. He frowns.
"Shit." The word leaves Kurt's lips as he takes in the sight next to him.
An entirely undressed, extremely gorgeous Blaine Anderson, half in, half out of Kurt's covers. Kurt put his hands on his head as he realized what he'd been doing last night.
Or rather, who he'd been doing.