I'm so sorry. I can't believe it has been a whole year! Senior year was super hectic for me with all the college apps and AP classes. Well I'm back (for a while at least) I'll try to post more often. But I'm leaving for college in a month and I don't know how much time I will have to write.

The reviews have been awesome! Thanks for not giving up on me guys ^_^

If anyone has any ideas for future encounters please let me know. Ideas will help me update faster ;)

Enjoy! (I don't own anything)

Chapter 4: The Trainer of Heroes

Wally's POV:

"Yes, you can Mr. West" a low voice projects from behind us.

AH! I jump up as I hear a voice behind me. I hate it when people do that, you would think I would be used to it by now having been around Robin and Batman long enough, but it still freaks me out.

Spinning around I see white, a white horse that is. Uh, well the body of a horse anyway, where the head should be there is the torso and head of a man. This must be Chiron the centaur.

"Hello Mr. Chiron, sir" I gulp. This guy is seriously intimidating, and I know Batman!

"Please just call me Chiron. I am the activities director here at camp, and as activities director I would like to welcome you new campers to Camp Half-blood, the safe haven and training grounds for demigods" Did he just say training grounds? Is there some sort of army here? The League will definitely want to know about this. But let's try to get as much information as possible before we report in to the League.

Dick seems to be thinking along the same lines when he asks Chiron, "So what exactly are the demigods training for?"

"Excellent question Mr. Grayson, as you witnessed prior to arriving, monsters do in fact roam the Earth and most would like nothing better than a tasty demigod snack. And by demigod, I mean half god, half mortal, of course" So we are supposedly half god? But how does that work, I already have a mom and a dad, unless there is something they haven't told me…

"But how can we be half god if we have a mom and a dad?" Dick asks before I have the chance to.

"I cannot answer this for everyone, but more than likely your parents have been keeping your heritage a secret to protect you from monsters. You should ask them the circumstances, but more than likely only one of them is your biological parent" This is definitely something I need to talk to my parents about, but now that Chiron has brought up the possibility, I have always noticed that I look a lot more like my mom than my dad. I actually can't think of any similarities I share with my dad.

"Well, that's not really an option for me, my parents are dead" Dick says sadly as he looks down. That's right, Dick lives with Bruce, there is no way he can ask his parents and the fact that one of them might not even be his real parent, that's rough on a kid.

"Actually, Mr. Grayson, you are the son of John and Mary Grayson is that correct?" Wait, how does Chiron know Dick's parents?

"Yeah, why do you ask?"

"You are a special case of demigod. You are actually a second generation meaning that your parents were demigods and that John and Mary are both indeed your biological parents"

"Really?" Dick suddenly looks up with hope in his eyes. Maybe Chiron can tell him more about his parents.

"Yes, your father was a son of Zeus and your Mother a daughter of Hades. A very powerful combination, we should expect great things from you, Mr. Grayson" (1) Wow! Zeus and Hades, that actually makes perfect sense. That kid was practically born with wings the way he flies around on his grappling hooks (anything else he can find), and let's not forgets his ninja skills, I bet being related to Hades helps him hide in the shadows.

"That's so asterous!" Dick grins.

"Because you are descended from two gods you can pick which cabin you stay in. You can either stay in the Zeus Cabin by yourself or you can join Nico in the Hades cabin"

"Nico, you're Hades' kid? Awesome! I'll hang with my buddy Nico in the Hades cabin!" Well that was easy. I guess this is pretty exciting for Dick, he just found out he has family who isn't dead.

"What about the rest of us?" asks Artemis. I can see a glint of hope in her eye. Maybe she's not related to Sportsmaster and has more than criminal blood flowing through her veins.

"You must have patience, Miss Crock. Your godly parent will claim you when he or she feels the time is right" Just at that moment an image flickered above Artemis's head. It appeared to be the image of a golden sun.

"All hail, Artemis Crock daughter of Apollo" Hell yeah! Artemis is the daughter of Apollo not Sportsmaster! That probably also explains her skill with the bow; Apollo is the god of archery right? I can see her face brightening at the knowledge that she is the daughter of Apollo.

"That's my girl. I'm so happy for you" I smile at Artemis as I drape my arm around her shoulders.

"Thanks guys"

"So what's next?" This place seems pretty cool. I want to find out who my godly parent is, maybe I have some siblings!

"Annabeth, Percy and Nico can give you all a tour of camp. Dinner will be at 6 in the dinning pavilion. And once again, Welcome to Camp Halfblood".

(1) It does not conflict with the Great Prophecy since they turned 16 before WWII and then spent some time in our favorite the Lotus Hotel. They wanted to avoid the war because their siblings were on opposing sides and they didn't want to have to choose between their siblings and each other.

Constructive criticism welcome! I want to become a better writer ^_^ (English has always been my worst class)

You guys are the best!
