Hey guys! Its Christine here I was watching fast and furious 4 and this just came to head hope you like it! This takes place when Mia is walking home after showing Dom the crash spot where Letty died.

Mia's pov

It killed me. Knowing Dom I knew he was going to get himself killed, I understood how much he loved letty but he just had to accept it and move on. Don't get me wrong I miss letty to but I'm just going to accept it. "Mia!" someone whispered harshly. I looked around confused but I just ignored it. "I can even hear her voice in my head" I whispered to myself. I kept on walking but I stopped when I heard the whisper again. "Mia!" I shook it off and kept walking, but right before I turned the knob of the house I heard it again but this time I was sure it wasn't in my head. "MIA!" I slowly turned around and my breath caught in my throat. "Letty!" I whispered excitedly. "Well it's about time girl." she sounded alive again. "No you're just my imagination." I ignored her and walked inside. "What?" she asked confused. "Yeah you will be gone by tomorrow" I brushed it off once again and made myself believe that she was a part of my imagination. "There's no way you're alive I was just at your funeral this afternoon." I didn't believe it, I WOULDENT believe it. "alright fine I'm leaving, but don't worry you'll figure it out soon enough, and since I'm your 'imagination' you wouldn't mind if I took some of my things with me right?" this girl was crazy I just know figured out that I have a big imagination. "go ahead it will be here in the morning your fake you can take it but it will be exactly the way letty left it the night she left" I began to tear up but I whipped it away she's my imagination. "Ok goodnight then" my imagination said. "Goodnight" I said sarcastically.

The next morning

No one pov

Mia woke up the next morning a little confused. "That WAS my imagination right?" she asked herself. She got up slowly and went into letty and Dom's room. She gasped, she couldn't believe it. Letty's most personal stuff was gone. Mia thought last night. "it was letty". Mia shot downstairs and grabbed the phone, she dialed dom. "hello?"


"Mia what's wrong?" Dom asked a little tried


"she's gone I know mia please you don't need to remind me"

"No, Dom she was..She..She was here!"

"I know mia she-" Dom was cut off


"Mia you need some sleep your imagining it."

"That's what I said yesterday. I told her she could take her stuff because she wasn't real and all of it would be back tomorrow but its not her she took it and she's out there dom." Dom froze.

"I have to go find her" that's all he said and he hung up

Letty's pov

I left that night with my stuff and headed toward dom. I wasn't planning on talking or showing myself to him. I had a note and I was planning on giving it to him then leaving. I pulled up to his hotel. Mia had a paper of his reservations on the counter. I got out of my car and up to the front desk. This was a pretty nice place I had to admit. "Hi I'm here to drop a letter off for Anthony Toretto" I knew Dom would go under his das name name. "9th floor door number 693" the man said "thank you" I gave him a friendly smile and walked toward the elevator. When I got to the door I suddenly became very nervous. But I sucked it up I slipped the letter under the door and knocked. I looked at my phone 2:34 p.m ,I walked away and headed to the airport.

Dom's pov

I was sitting on the couch trying to let Mia's information sink in when I heard a knock on the door. I got up and saw an envelope on the floor I opened it and started reading:


Berlin, germany The Berlin Grande hotel room #2354 15th floor

Yours truly -

A plane ticket fell out. I had to leave now if I was going to catch the flight so I got up grabbed my jacket, my cell phone and I left. Whoever this was I was going to find out.

So what do you think? I will try to update within the coming week or next week at the latest. Please review!