The Knights of the Round Table and Merlin would like it to be on record that they were a brave bunch of lads. After all who could say they battled an immortal army and two powerful sorceresses and lived to tell the tale? They were tough, strong not to mention quite handsome and they were without doubt the bravest knights in the land. They weren't afraid of any beast or monster or army or witch or any one person in the world.
"What is going on in here?"
Well, except one.
They were halfway through the most amazing and epic food fight Camelot had ever seen when the doors were flung open and Gwen walked in still holding the jugs he was supposed to be taking to Uther's chambers. Just as she entered the room; a large handful of mashed turnips that Arthur had just thrown at Elyan who was beside the door hit Gwen in the face. They all were momentarily frozen in position before several things happened as once. Gwen walked into the room; and wiped the food off her face which was quickly turning into an expression of anger. Merlin, Leon, Percival and Lancelot quickly dropped the food they were about to throw. Arthur looked scared for his life. Elyan (who had experience of the impending situation) was all too ready to bolt under the terms of Every Man For Himself. Gwaine however simply has his usual trademark grin.
"Afternoon Gwen." He commented. Gwen simply looked at him before looking around the wrecked hall.
"Should I even ask?" Gwen stated.
"He started it." The men commented pointing at one another.
"I don't care who started it but I should think that you should all start cleaning up this mess before anyone sees and thinks this kingdom is currently being run and protected by a pack of little boys rather than the supposed bravest and noblest knights of the land." Gwen replied. She wasn't shouting but there was something in her tone of voice. It sounded like the sort of voice a mother would use when she was telling off her children which coincidentally was exactly what Gwen felt like at that moment in time. Something in her tone of voice which made all of them bow their heads in shame. All of them except Gwaine who turned and grinned at them before turning back to Gwen.
"Listen Gwen, I really didn't want to have to do this but you've left me with no choice." Gwaine stated before looking away. It was time for him to unleash his secret weapon. Something to which no woman could ever resist. "Here comes The Smoulder."
Gwaine looked up at Gwen and performed The Smoulder. His face was pulled into a pout; his eyes were narrowed somewhat and his brow was contracted. Normally whenever The Smoulder was used; the targets tended to turn into giggling flirtatious wrecks. They didn't frown and swing their arm back and they never hit him with a jug. Gwaine fell backwards and Gwen looked up at the other men who quickly began offering to get brooms and buckets and scrubbing brushes. Gwen turned and walk walked away. Gwaine however was still on the floor holding his face and whispering in shock to himself.
"She broke my smoulder…"