Chapter 6

Beckett closed the door behind her, and brought the food in the living room. All she could think was that the last thing she wanted to do right now was eat. She sat down beside Rick and he just looked at her.

"Mmmm looks good!" But Rick was obviously lying it was the last thing on his mind too.

"Yeah well it is, really good." Kate got up and went to get utensils in the kitchen. She leaned against the counter and took a deep breath. She had to ignore everything her body was telling her. Her body longed for him. All she wanted was for his hands to caress her like he had been doing, but she had to change her thoughts, she took an another deep breath and headed back to the living room.

As she sat back down beside Rick all he could do was look at her. Her perfect curves were hypnotizing him, and he wanted to get his hands back on her.

"Listen Kate, this food looks great but..."

As Kate looked over to Rick she knew that he too wanted to continue where they had left off. She smiled and laid the utensils on the coffee table, gently gliding her way toward Rick.

She looked at him, both staring deeply into each others' eyes. She gently leaned her head towards him as he did the same. She placed her right hand on his the side of his face, holding it there for a second before he did the same. They leaned into one another slowly and gently pressed their lips together.

Their insides were jolting, and both hadn't felt this way about anyone in a long time. Kate's heart rate increased and she knew by the fact that she was running out of breath, his kiss was making her feel as though she was running a marathon.

Rick's heart was racing but he loved the rush. He couldn't remember the last time that he felt this way. Right now he was thankful that this gorgeous woman was interested in him and she was more than a mere beauty. She was a smart woman who knew what she wanted. This turned him on more than he thought it would. His insides were starting to act up on him again.

The kissing intensified and the next thing Kate knew her dress was off, she was now only in her bra and underwear. She thought she'd feel more self conscience but she wasn't she felt completely comfortable with him, Rick did that to her. As he kissed her, her heart pounded in her chest and she let him take over her.

Rich leaned in and kiss her chest, gently, letting every kiss linger. Rick's kisses were making Kate crazy, his gentle touch as he kissed her breasts made her heart skip a beat. He was so gentle and attentive that she was literally melting under his touch.

She took his head gently, as she moved him back toward her lips so she could kiss him. She wanted him to kiss her lips, this way her heart and her insides weren't going out of control she wanted this moment to last a little longer even though he was driving her completely wild.

As his lips connected with hers she took his face into her hands. She brought him closer to have all of him in the kiss. She then gently slid her hands to his waist and gently pulled his shirt off. All she wanted now was to caress his broad and muscular chest. He was driving her so crazy that she wanted to touch him, she needed to.

As his shirt came off, she took a second to look at him. Their lips now a part she could see him his broad shoulders didn't do him justice with his shirts on. His chest was wide and sexy. At the site of them she unconsciously bit her bottom lips, his broad shoulders and chest were playing for him. She gently took her hand and slid it from his waist up to his chest. She did this slowly taking in every inch of his body in for this was driving her mad.

Once she was at his pecks she grabbed his face and kissed him. Her hormones were taking over and he seconded it. His moan indicated that he was exactly where she was and that he too wanted this.

Their kiss was getting more and more intense, the next thing Castle knew, Kate's hands were on his belt and she was undoing it. She, very skilfully, unbuttoned his pants. Rick was surprised and turned on by her ability to get a man's pants off. Next thing he knew he was on her couch wearing only his boxers. And she was leaning against him, caressing his arms and chest.

The kissing continued and intensified even more. Kate and Rick were caressing each other into ecstasy. They were driving each other crazy and Rick's lips shifted from her lips to her neck, she leaned her head backward because of the arousal coming over her.

Her insides were completely lit up by his touch and she stopped trying to resist. Her eyes were now dark and ready to give into whatever Richard Castle wanted. Her insides were taking over and she let it. She hadn't had anything this hot and sexy in a long time.

Katerine Beckett gave into Rick. She teased him with her gentle lingering kisses to his chest as she descended to his belly button. She turned him on completely and he let her play with him. Although when his turn would come he wouldn't let her get away with it, he'd do what to her what she was doing to his insides right now.

As he smoothly turned the situations around he took Kate by the waist and turned her, putting her under him. He moved into her and kissed her neck her gentle moanss told him she approved of all his actions he continued kissing her neck and descended to her collarbone. He gently descended to her chest, and lingered there for a few moments when he decided to caress her waist, Her skin was so soft that it felt like stain, his touch was making her insides turn. All she could do was put her head back because this man was driving her mad and she loved it.

A few days passed since Rick's visit to Kate's apartment, but the idea of him still made her insides turn. The night had been perfect, his touch, his moves...him. She had gotten all of him and she wanted more. She needed more.

Her eyes were still closed but she smiled, as she heard Rick breath beside her. They had seen each other a lot lately, and she was happy. She turned around to face Rick who was still sleeping. She put her head in her hand and just watched him sleep. He was so peaceful and handsome. All she could do was bring herself to smile.

After a few minutes Rick started stretching and slowly woke up. As he opened his eyes, he noticed Kate watching him.

"Hey, good morning beautiful," as he leaned towards her and kissed her.

"Glad to see that you didn't get called in early, waking up with you is always the highlight of my day," as he turned on his side to face her.

"Hey, happy to be here too, you know soon you'll be seeing a lot more of me. I hope you won't get fed up of me." As she smiled back at him.

"Impossible, if I see something like that about to emerge, I'll follow someone else around cause I wouldn't want to lose what we have. Hey do you want some coffee, I'll go and make some." Rick stretched out one more time before leaning into Kate to kiss her once more.

As he got up from bed and headed out of his bedroom, all Kate could do was look at him walk off. As he was out of the room she stretched out a huge smile and put her head in her hands. She hadn't felt this overwhelmed by a man in a long time. Just watching him made her stomach act up and created butterflies.

Kate got up, put on her jeans and her tee on and headed out to the kitchen.

He was there, making her coffee as he was preparing her breakfast.

"Eggs, I thought you might need the energy to finish your case. Plus, a good breakfast is key to a good day." He poured her coffee, and handed her the mug. He knew, after only a few mornings, how she took her coffee. He thought that even the smallest details were important.

She smiled, took the coffee as she sat down at the counter.

"Rick, you don't have to do this every morning you know." Kate said as he handed her her breakfast.

"I know but, it's the least I can do for you. You know-" as he positioned himself in front of her "meeting you has made me feel more complete. You give a sense to my days and having you in my life is something I am most grateful for. Therefore, making you breakfast is the least I can do." He leaned into her and kissed her check.

She smile and blushed, for she felt exactly the same. It was as though they clicked instantly when they met and as of now, it was the best relationship she had been in ever.

Kate finished her breakfast and started getting ready to go to work.

"Thanks again for the breakfast, it's always delicious,"

Rick started walking towards her as she was getting ready. As he was beside her, she grabbed his shirt and tugged him toward her.

"Hey, if you're lucky, the case should be over with today and you'll get more than enough of me once you start tagging along." She just stood there and looked in his eyes. Her gaze gently directed her eyes to his lips. She bit her bottom lip and quickly looked back in his eyes.

He grabbed her face and kissed her. His heart had been acting up on him she was driving his insides insane.

"Are you sure you have to go just now? Don't you have an extra 10-15 minutes, you know I can be quick." As he kissed her again. She replied with a faint laugh,

"Sorry Rick, I've got to go, actually I'm already late. But tonight...tonight you can take all the time you want, and we can really get into it." She said as she bit her lip. She was clearly lying for any 10 minutes with him was as good as 45.

"Ok, I'll take your word on that...tonight." he leaned into her and kissed her again.

Kate had to tear herself away from Rick, which was one of the hardest things she had to do in her day. Cases were nothing compared to the longing that she had for him.

Kate left Rick's loft and headed to work. She couldn't prevent herself from smiling, she was genuinely happy and her case was coming along really well.

She couldn't bare waiting 10-12 hrs before seeing Rick again.

*a few hours later*

"Rick, it's Kate."

"Oh hey how's it going?"

"Good, very good we finished the case. Hence, my next case is your case."

"Good! Can't wait! Hey maybe we could talk about a few things tonight at dinner. What do you think?"

"Yeah, sounds good. See you tonight Castle," as she smiled, she knew exactly the face he'd make.

"Oh...detective Beckett, very sexy. I like it, call me that tonight and we'll see where it takes us'"

Kate chuckled a laugh, she wasn't expecting such a grand reaction but she took it in.

"Ok, I'll remember that tonight, I should be there are 7 is that good?"

"It's great, I'll prepare something and we'll eat while we talk about procedure."

"Ok, perfect. See you tonight,"

They hung up, Castle's insides were completely and utterly playing games on him. Kate calling him Castle had turned him on. All he wanted was for her to be by his side.

Kate went to have dinner with Rick. They talked about the procedures that he'd have to follow once a case would come up. It was very straight forward and came to the conclusion that if things were to get out of hand he'd be moved with Espo or Ryan.

As his first case came, he followed the procedure as discussed with Beckett. He, contrary to what we've seen in previous seasons, listened to Kate and made sure to stay on her good side.

Kate and Rick have been working together for 4 years now. Rick proposed to Kate last year and they are getting married today.

Today is Kate's day but her day took a bigger turn when her pregnancy test was positive.. Kate's life was changing, she was becoming a wife and a mother. As she saw the result of her test, tears strode down her cheeks, this was surely the happiest day of her life.

They both are eternally grateful for that day in the park, it was by mere coincidence that their paths met, and that's when she thought:

'Coincidences are good!' She smiled and walked out, for she was becoming Katherine Castle today.