(Numbah 006 and Klimuk777.)
Vector and Charmy were dressed up as aliens.
"Now, have you hidden Cosmo yet, Espio?" asked Vector.
"Yes, but I don't think this plan is going to work…" said Espio.
"Of course it will!" said Charmy, "All we have to do is be easy to beat, but a bit hard."
"Here he comes!" said Vector, hearing footsteps, "Hide!"
Espio turned invisible and slipped out the door as Tails came in.
"Aaaagh!" screamed Tails.
"We have kidnapped Cosmo!" said Charmy.
"Give her back!" shouted Tails.
(They didn't notice Espio had left the spaceship to do something!)
"Never!" shouted Vector.
They ran off!
"Get back here, NOW!" shouted Tails, chasing after them. Vector and Charmy had apparently forgotten how fast Tails was.
(Meanwhile, something very scary looking was grabbing Cosmo out of her hiding spot!)
Tails cornered Vector and Charmy.
"Now to go Mario style!" Tails jumped on Charmy's head and then Vector's. Their costumes fell off.
"Now, hand over Cosmo!"
Sonic came along.
"Sorry but your princess is in another castle!"
Suddenly, Espio came along.
"Um, Tails…"
"Where's Cosmo!" said Tails angrily.
"Someone's in lo-ove!" Sonic teased.
"Um, yeah, about that…"
Suddenly, Black Doom appeared in a spaceship next to them. And he was holding Cosmo!
Tails' eyes narrowed.