The following was recovered on October 19th of 2014. Some parts of the document were missing, and what was thought to be said was put in place. Are you sure you want to read it? ... Well, very well then. But don't say I didn't warn you about the madness that's going to ensue. I mean, considering what goes on in this story, that goes without saying.

(A/N: That was just something I wanted to do. Why not make the beginning of the last chapter interesting?)

Li: Hello and welcome to the finale chapter of Units and Vocaloids Don't Mix Very Well. I'm li43101, the… I guess you can say genius author behind the story and the uniqueness in the characters. I don't really want to give myself that much credit. Joining me for this last chapter are Margarita Blankenheim, Kayo Sudou, Gallerian Marlon, Banica Conchita, Riliane Lucifen d'Autriche, Allen Avadonia, Sateriajis/Cherubim Venomania, Gumi, Haku Yowane, Ney Futapie, Swirly592's OC Drake, and Swirly592 (or just simply Swirly) herself. Before we continue, I just want to say thank both Swirly and Drake for being here.

Swirly: Thanks Li! You sure you want to end this though? The Wrath song finally came out.

Drake: Eh. It's not your choice Swirls. Li can do whatever the h*ll she wants.

Swirly: So mean Drake! D:

Li: You're welcome Swirly. And, yeah, I'm sure. Don't worry though, this is not the end of adventure for the Vocaloids.

Kayo: Yeah. Because with every new thing that Li finds, and since this is the Internet she will always find something new, she always thinks of ideas of how to do a crossover, thus adding to the amount of torture she's adding to our lives.

Margarita: Too true. I mean, the main reason you're putting your time away from this story is because you're working on another one of your story ideas, which by the way, you have way too many of.

Li: Yeah, I get distracted easily. I can't help it, and I apologize for it.

Swirly: Oh fine. I'll miss seeing this though.

Drake: Please start the questions Li. I can't help but feel I'm about to be insulted or somethin'.

Li: Right. Kayo, since you have the, uh, I-Pad-

Riliane: Wait, hold up… Kayo has an I-Pad?

Li: Yes.

Riliane: … And on it, she has the reviews?

Kayo: Indeed I do. Someone has to read them, and instead of having to read them from a computer monitor, I brought out my I-Pad and currently have it on the second page of the reviews, seeing as that's were the beginning of reviews we haven't read begin. Anyways, I'll get this moving right along. The first review is from a... Minako the Dragon Maiden of DW... I feel like that's supposed to reference something, but I can't put my finger on it... *shrugs* Oh well, that doesn't matter right now.

Margarita: What do they say?

Kayo: They says:

"This review chapter is amusing me."

Drake: *trying to grab I-pad* Luka-san! What apps are on this thing?

Kayo: So many apps that I've honestly lost track. I'd be happy to loan it to you sometime.

Allen: Is it wise to encourage her to take it?

Kayo: I don't care if she keeps this thing forever. This is my second favorite I-Pad anyways, so I don't really mind if this gets taken.

Allen: Okay, just checking.

Swirly: Not the purpose of these responses Drake.

Drake: I don't care what you say ya know. You care so little for me, liking Ana now instead…

Swirly: Uh, Miku/Margarita/Mikulia/Eve/Whoever you are right now, can you make Drake less sad?

Drake: No! Keep that sadistic witch away from me!

Margarita: Uh, first of all, I'm not a sadistic witch. That was Eve, and she's different from me. And second, Swirly, you're asking the reborn after she committed suicide and killed everyone in her hometown because she was sad... I'm not exactly the best person when it comes to cheering someone up.

Gallerian: I thought we might have trouble getting off topic, but apparently we're doing it far better than I was hoping. Anyways, give me the I-Pad Kayo. You shouldn't have to be the one reading all the reviews.

Li: That's actually a good idea.

Kayo: Okay. Catch.

*Kayo tosses it to Gallerian, who catches it*

Gallerian: Thanks.

Kayo: No problem.

Gumi: ... Um, quick question before we move on, you can keep it simple since we need to get things moving... Who's Ana?

Cherub/Venomania (I'll just call him Cherub from this point on): ... That's actually a good question. Who on Earth is Ana?

Swirly: Ah, new UTAU design. Nothing important.

Drake: But-

Swirly: No offense Drake, but you're too close to the Miku Formula.

Drake: :(

Hansel: *gently pats Drake's shoulder* It's okay Ms. Drake. We still like you.

Gretel: Yeah! Anyways, Gallerian, read the next review!

Gallerian: Uh, okay? This next review is from Greece's Kitty. Oh wow, it's... just as random as I thought it would be.

Margarita: *looks over Gallerian's shoulder* Oh wow... There are some things for some of the Hetalians here... Do we want to bring them in one at a time for when we get to that part of the review?

Li: Maybe. What do you think Swirly?

Swirly: Your choice. You ARE the main author.

Li: I was just asking for an opinion. Anyways, sure.

Gallerian: I'll get started reading this then:

"Whispers/ do u leik mah hipstah glasses.

Gallerian: ... I think that explains itself quite nicely.

Li: Eleni, the glasses of your avatar are nice. Anyways, I'll text Somalia and tell her to get England-

England: *can be heard yelling at someone, it's unclear who, very loudly, though Flying Mint Bunny is mentioned*

Li: ... Actually never mind, I think it's wise to leave him be.

Haku: Probably a good idea. He does NOT sound happy.

Swirly and Drake: *both nod*

Gallerian: Okay then. Moving on:


Gallerian: ... I have no words for this...

Hansel and Gretel: After this chapter you may.

Gallerian: ... I'm just not going to ask. I might get more than I asked for.

Hansel: That would be wise, Mr. Gallerian.

Gallerian: ... Okay? Anyways:

"Somalia I got some more black mail for you by the way. Its outside in a giant truck."

Somalia: Wait, really?!

Li: Wait, when did you get-

*Before Li can continue, Somalia rushes out of the room, and exclaims "YES!" very loudly*

Li: ...

Ney: ... I say we pretend that never happened. Who agrees?

Swirly: I'm curious as to what YE blackmail consists of…

Drake: Shut up Swirly.

Swirly: D:

Li: I think its best that we don't find out.

Gallerian: This is going to be incredibly long at this rate. Let's just keep moving:


Gallerian: NO THAT WOULD BE NOT! I hate getting drunk, because afterwards I find out that I lost A LOT of money due to buying a lot of alcohol! Most of which was drunk by Conchita!

Conchita: Yeah, if anything, Kayo gets scarier when drunk.

Kayo: And you get more idiotic.

Conchita: For once, I'm not going to deny that one.

Gretel: That, and Hansel, I, Ms. Riliane, Mr. Allen, and a few others are not at the age limit of drinking. We also don't drink.

Gallerian: Anyways, moving on:

"Li did you censor God? Wat."

Li: I'll keep it simple: I'm Christian, I'm not supposed to use God's name in vain.

Kayo: I'm not one to get myself involved with someone's religion, nor do I want us to get into a debate over religious stuff, so I suggest we get a move on. Gallerian, if you may.

Gallerian: Thank you:


Gallerian: Something tells me that's going to be easy for Romano to do. Should we get him in here?

Li: I already gave him the potatoes beforehand.

*If you listen closely, along with England's yelling, you can hear Romano screaming insults, most likely to a potato*

Conchita: Those potatoes don't deserve that.

Drake: These reviews are weird.

Riliane: Well, this is Greece's Kitty (a.k.a. Eleni) that we're talking about. This is basically normal for her. But t hat's what we love about her.

Gallerian: I'm not even done yet.

Kayo: Oh lord. What's the rest?

Li: I'm going to have to censor it a bit. And here's why:

except for you li, you ish to epic to leave so i'm taking you with me. ONWARDS TO NARNIA."

Li: I can't. I'm nowhere near the wardrobe.

Gallerian: And that's it. Who wants to take the next one?

Allen: I will.

*Gallerian hands the iPad (or however you spell it, I don't care) to Allen, who he's sitting next to*

Allen: While we wait for the next page to load, since Kayo's iPad is slow-

Kayo: Not everything is perfect Allen. Especially not for us Vocaloids.

Allen: Any thoughts as to what Gallerian just read or as to what I'm about to read?

Swirly: Erm… No.

Drake: Nope.

Allen: Okay then, I'll just go on ahead and read this review of yours Swirly:

"Drake: *blushing*

Me: Aww! How cute! You're blushing!

Drake: Shut it. And, I don't try to be scary or mean you know... Maybe I should leave... *looks down sadly*

Me: ...?!

Drake: Luka-San seems to be right. No one really likes me, I don't think Li even does. She probably only let me in because you're her friend.

Me: I like you.

Drake: You wouldn't count. You made me. I was designed to be what you normally aren't.

Me: •n•"

Li: Drake, if there is one thing you should know about me, it's that it's impossible for me to hate anyone, and I dislike few people. You are not one of them.

Kayo: Well, it's the very last chapter, so it doesn't really matter anymore.

Allen: Who wants to read the reviews next?

Riliane: I will.

*Allen hands the iPad to Riliane*

Drake: Ya know, you really could have this an ongoing story. Make it somethin' you update whenever you have the urge to. You aren't restricted to only one story at a time Li.

Swirly: *nods*

Li: I know. But I'm pretty sure that I want to stop this story. It's been going on for over a year, I have things other than stories to do, and I'm also now a junior in high school so I'm going to be busier than last year.

Kayo: In translation, she's tired of writing this story, she's running out of ideas, she wants to move on, and she plans on being more busy than last year.

Riliane: Anyways, this next review is from a guest called Otaku:

"I understand... *thinking of some weird Naruto: Shippuden song...*"

Riliane: ?

Li: Honestly I don't know anything about Naruto, so I don't know what they're talking about. But I'm fine not knowing.

Riliane: Who wants to read next?

Margarita: I will.

*Riliane tosses the iPad to Margarita*

Margarita: Okay, next one is from an OrenjiJemi:

"Jemi: "We were just reborn again into famous singing robots." , she said with a straight face, because the phrase 'Famous singing robots' is TOTALLY normal... Sorry, I just really wanted to put that out there..."

Riliane: Well, to be fair, that's OUR definition of normal. Or at least, that's what normal is for us.

Ney: Is there even such a thing as normal for us anymore?

Haku: I don't think so.

Conchita: I'll read next.

*Margarita hands the iPad to Conchita*

Kayo: Please don't eat the iPad, Conchita.

Conchita: I won't! I promise.

Drake: Ah, this place really is weir when ya think about it.

Gumi: I agree with you Drake.

Haku: Actually, isn't weird one the words you use to describe everyday life here?

Gumi: I think it is.

Swirly: Kayo, I don't think Conchita still eats EVERYTHING. She probably still has a few standards.

Conchita: I actually do have some standards! ... Well, about three or four standards. Two at minimum, five at maximum.

Kayo: ... I don't want to know.

Cherub: Neither do I.

Conchita: That's probably wise. Anyways, this next review is actually from Swirly, again:

"Li, have you seen RWBY yet? It's made by RoosterTeeth an its AMAZING. Plus, it could give you inspiration for this story."

Li: Okay, I'll admit, I LOVE RWBY. It's one of my favorite web shows ever. And my oldest sister actually knows about it. That's, like, a first EVER. I'm not even joking.

Gumi: I'll read the next one.

*Conchita tosses the iPad to Gumi*

Swirly: I just thought of something! Gumi, can we call you Nemesis from now on? I mean, that was your name.

Drake: Will this end badly...? I can't help but think so.

Gumi: ... Meh, sure, why not?

Kayo: ... I'm not sure which is scarier, the fact that you agreed so willingly, or the fact that Swirly asked it.

Nemesis (because why not?): Well, to be fair, it's kind of odd for me to be one of the only main Vocaloids that goes by their Vocaloid name. Besides, I like the name Nemesis.

Li: Fun fact, if my knowledge in Greek mythology is up to date still, Nemesis is actually the goddess of revenge, so it fits your character.

Kayo: I thought you were Christian?

Li: I am. Doesn't mean that I'm not interested in mythology.

Nemesis: The Nemesis things actually makes a lot of sense when you think about it. Anyways, this next review is from Swirly, yet again:

"Maybe you need a threat (or a plot...) that can lead to the end of the story. It would most likely be fun and can extend the story. Maybe something like a conspiracy about the Vocaloids being reincarnations or something. Or you could just add more Vocaloids (Neru, Iroha, Haku, Aoki, etc.)"

Li: I actually have an idea for a story in progress, and involve a lot more Vocaloid characters. Specifically, as of right now, those Vocaloids are Ney, Haku, Ted, Leon, Teto, and Iroha.

Kayo: And by Iroha, you mean Irina, because that who Irina was reborn as Iroha. Right?

Li: Yeah, I do.

Swirly: Oh! That sounds interesting Li!

Li: Thank you.

Nemesis: Anyways, this next review is from VocaloidWriter:


Margarita: Oh, dear- no! He's annoying! And if you dare try to pull the crap about me being Germany, let me say this. The country that I lived in was based of Germany, yes, but that doesn't mean I'm German.

Li: I'm actually part German.

Kayo: Among other things.

Li: Yeah.

Cherub: I'll read next.

*Nemesis gives the iPad to Cherub*

Drake: Wonder what's next... Somethin' else weird I presume.

Swirly: You're kind of rude Drake.

Drake: So? After this review chapter I'll never be mentioned again. I'll be as rude as I want!

Li: I'll probably manage to have you mentioned in any other stories with the Vocaloids somehow.

Cherub: Anyways, here's the next review. It's from a Atty. Afiction- Contradictions... Odd name, but whatever:

Make the units watch Hetalia?

Ney: Well, we're already about to end this so that really doesn't matter. Also, they end up arguing even before we play the episode and they broke the projector and laptop in the process, so that idea was scrapped. By the way, I'll read next.

Li: This is going by faster than I thought it would.

Kayo: Well, the sooner this gets done, the sooner this story can be completed, I guess. Too bad the torture won't end as well.

Li: Heck no. With every new game or show I see online, ideas are formed in my head.

*Cherub tosses the iPad to Ney*

Ney: Okay this next one is... *looks at Li with a 'seriously?' look* Did you plan for me to read this?

Li: What?

*Ney shows her the screen*

Li: Oh... I did not plan that at all. I had absolutely no idea.

Ney: For those wondering, this next review is once again from Swirly... I think that what it says will answer as to why I asked Li that question:

"Oh! I say Neru should come!"

Ney: Ask and you shall receive. Or at least, Li will consider your request and probably do it if she doesn't have anything planned.

Haku: I'll take the next one.

*Ney hands it to Haku*

Ney: ... Seriously though, did you plan that or was it all just a coincidence?

Li: The second one.

Ney: If you say so.

(A/N: In all seriousness, I did not plan for that at ALL. It was totally a very lucky coincidence.)

Drake: I kinda doubt it was a coincidence. I mean, Li should have read all these by now.

Li: I should have. But I did not think at all to do that. That's the complete truth.

(A/N: Seriously. I didn't think to do that. That's just the wonders of being me. xD)

Haku: Anyways, this review is from guest AngelDust:

"I have to say this story is getting amazing also this is one of the longest ive ever found so nice job*thumbs up*
but i was wondering even though conchita is gluttony and America is a bottomless pit shouldnt they be like i dont know huge i mean gosh how is even possible to stay that fit even though there robots like could you make um al little chubby if thats to much to ask then sorry for the suggestion*goes in a corner sadly*"

Li: Thank you for saying that Angel. That really makes me feel happy knowing that this is the longest one you've found and that you think this story is getting amazing.

(A/N: Also, I think that AngelDust is suppose to be a reference to something that I've been watching recently. I'm not sure though.)

Haku: No, it's understandable as to why you ask that. Conchita, would like to answer that.

Conchita: Well, see, here's the thing. Because I ate myself with the demon of gluttony inside of me, I myself became the demon of gluttony. Or at least, that's what the canon says apparently. You can't really trust the Internet and honestly, I'm not really feeling that different. Also, one of the great attributes the power of the vessel alone was that I could make my waistline thinner, or something like that, in order for me to keep eating and to keep looking normal. Also, America is America. He can't get any bigger, unless we decide that the United States isn't going to be 50 states anymore... Is that how it works? Whatever. He's also already a bit chubby looking when you think about it, but I think that's all actually just muscle.

Kayo: I think that's the longest piece of dialogue that she's actually said in this entire story ever.

Margarita: I... I'm actually impressed that you managed to say that, and that you also said it in what might be the calmest, most normal you have ever been... Also, you didn't go into a rant as to why America is the most awesome.

Conchita: Thank you. Unlike some people in this world, I CAN act civilized from time to time... Those times are just rare.

Hansel: I shall read next!

*Haku hands the iPad to Hansel*

Swirly: Conchita, what you said was right. According to both the novel and mothy himself, what you found was correct. You shouldn't doubt the powers of the wiki so much.

Drake: You've done some work on that wiki though, meanin' you are biased.

Swirly: ... So?

Drake: *sighs*

Conchita: I'm just saying, because you never know who edited the page and what they did without carefully looking at it and trying to detect what is different. Doesn't mean that the edit was good or bad, but that's not the point I'm making.

Allen: That's true.

Hansel: This next review is from Swirly:

"Oh, I would love to help with reviews!

While I don't always review, I did look forward to the story when it was updated. I'll miss this story."

Li: I think I can say with confidence that everyone will miss this story.

Margarita: Well, this story may be over, but our torture won't.

Gallerian: Sadly.

Gretel: I'll read next.

*Hansel happily hands the iPad to Gretel*

Swirly: Ok, now I'm really curious as to what your next piece will be.

Li: Well, see, the thing is that I have so many ideas that I don't know which to start with. Ideas keep popping in my head, and it's not just for the Vocaloids, and I get urges to write them, and I frankly don't know which to start with.

Nemesis: You'll probably figure it out on your own.

Gretel: Anyways, this next review is from Guest. And yes, that is their name:

"Sorry that you didn't get very much reviews. I love this story and I will enjoy the last chapter. I hope to get a Fanfiction account and write stories similar to this one. :)"

Li: Awww. It makes me smile to know I'm inspiring people like I have with you.

Gretel: Who wants to read next?

Li: I'll take a shot. We have this next review and then two more left so I'll get one out of the way.

*Gretel happily hands the iPad to Li*

Li: Okay, this next review is from guest Cinnamaemae.

Kayo: Try saying that three times fast.

Li: Anyways, let's get to it:

"Gumi's wrath song is coming out soon! Yeah!
I love this story so far! Keep it up!
... (I'm sorry, but I have to say this) PRUSSIA, SHUT UP! YOU'RE NOT TALKING, BUT SHUT UP!
No offense, Prussia"

Li: I'll admit, when I found out that Nemesis' song came out, I positive that I listened to it over 20 times. I listened to it for the rest of the day, practically.

Kayo: Also, it's fine for you to yell at Prussia. In all the parts of our everyday lives that were cut out, about 80 - 90% of that time, we're yelling at Prussia to shut up. I'm not even joking.

Li: Shall I bring in another Vocaloid that hasn't gotten screen time in order to finish the last two?

Margarita: Sounds like a good idea.

Kayo: Just don't let Irina in here.

Li: Still have a grudge with her?

Kayo: It's more like the opposite. She has a HUGE grudge against me still. And, let's just say, if she comes in here, we're either going to end up finishing one of the reviews or the entire room will basically be a disaster room in two seconds flat.

Allen: And that's why I'm glad that I myself haven't participate in magic.

Kayo: Trust me, it's not easy nor pretty.

Drake: Ah, but isn't Iroha-chan different now? I mean, she's no longer the sister of Kiyoteru-san.

Kayo: Irina was reborn as Iroha. She still retains her memories from when she was Irina, along with all of her hate.

Swirly: So, if not Irina, who do you plan on getting Li?

Li: I'll bring in LEON. And after that, either Teto or Ted.

Allen: ... So... you're bringing in my step-father, Leonhart, right now?

Li: Yep.

(Side Note for the Readers: LEON plays Leonhart Avadonia, Allen and Germaine's stepfather, in the Story of Evil.)

Leon: *walks in* Hello everyone.

Li: Hello Leon. Can you read this review for us?

Leon: Sure.

*Li hands Leon the iPad*

Leon: This review is from Guest:

"You should make the Nordics come next. I also have a couple hetalia song ideas for another singing competition.
Japan:Excuse me, I'm sorry
England:Absolutely Invincible British Gentleman
Russia:Light my Heart
Prussia: Mein Gott
France: Paris is indeed splendid
Spain: la pasion no se detiene
Germany: Germany's Anthem (I am German made)
China: Moon over Emei Shan
Italy: let's boil hot water/ lets look behind the rainbow
Germany and Prussia duet: Einsamkeit
I personally like these songs and thought it would be cool to put these in multiple different singing competitions as all of these together pils the vocaloid songs are too much."

Li: The Singing Competitions are only in case I can't think of anything else to do. Besides, it's actually kind of boring to write them.

Kayo: They also aren't so much as competitions as much as they are passer timers.

Margarita: Too true.

Leon: Here you go Li.

*hands Li the iPad*

Li: Thank you Leon. You can leave.

Leon: You're welcomed.

*Leon leaves, ruffling Allen's hair a bit on the way out*

Drake: That was… A short cameo…

Li: *shrugs* He didn't have to leave. He could've stayed if he wanted to.

Allen: I think he has something to do. Leon always is doing something, like work or getting something from a store.

Riliane: Right. Anyways, should we bring in Ted or Teto for the last one?

Drake: Ah, it's all your choice in the end. You are the author after all.

Li: I'll think I'll bring Ted in. He's only been in the story once or twice as a VERY minor role.

Haku: That's true.

*Ted walks in*

Ted: Hello everyone.

Riliane: Hey Ted.

Ted: So, I've been told to read a review for the story.

Li: That is correct.

Ted: Okay then. At least I'll be getting some screen time.

*Li hands Ted the iPad*

Ted: Okay, this last review is from guest Fudgecake:

I want my Lithuania. I want my Estonia. I want my Latvia. Did I say Lithuania?
Anyway,bring me g*d d*ym baltic states.
RUSSIA MAKE HER HAVE THEM COOOMMMMMESEEEE. Also is Poland in order as well? ;3;3;3"

Li: Well, I'm not going to bring them if you complain and threaten me like that. Also, considering that I keep having Margarita give Russia vodka, we're on good terms.

Ted: So, is that it? I actually have to go deliver some more things to people, Crypton specifically, so I have to go.

Kayo: Yet another short cameo.

Ted: Look on the bright side Luka, I've gotten more screen time than Irina has.

Kayo: Too true.

Ted: Anyways, see you all later.

*Ted leaves, waving goodbye*

Gallerian: That actually went by way quicker than I'd first imagined.

Margarita: Well, we kept it moving along, with some brief discussions here and there so that it isn't all just reading the reviews.

Li: Well, that was certainly nice and a change of pace from what I regularly do. I guess that's it. Thank you again Drake and Swirly for doing this with us.

Kayo: You two certainly helped in keeping things interesting during all of this.

Swirly: You're welcome Li! Still wished you wouldn't end this though.

Drake: Stop complaining Swirly. But I do hope to see you all again. :)

Kayo: We hope to see you again too Drake.

Li: I guess I'll end it here. This is li43101 with the Vocaloid cast, Swirly, and Drake signing off! Until the next story that is.

Hansel and Gretel: A big thank you to everyone who has reviewed, given out suggestions, and allowed us to use some of their OC's. Ms. Li is really grateful. We hope to see everyone soon!

Li: Are they gone?

Kayo: Yes.

Li: Okay, good. Onto the last piece of this chapter that actually took 30 minutes to do.

Kayo: She's not joking either. It did take her 30 minutes to put the surprise together.

Li: Yeah. Anyways, the reason this chapter hasn't actually ended yet and why I haven't told Swirly or Drake about this is because this is a surprise I've been waiting for. It's also a big thank you of sorts. I think it expresses how the story started and grew over time.

Margarita: Anyways, let's get started.

Riliane: Lights, camera, and… Action!

Cherub: We aren't recording this Riliane.

Riliane: Shut up Cherubi!

Cherub: … *sighs* Really, Riliane?

Riliane: Yes. : P

Song: Kokoro

By: Toraboruta

Original Singer: Rin Kagamine (Riliane Lucifen d'Autriche)

English Adaption/Lyrics: Razzy

(Opening Vocals: Margarita)


Riliane: I was just a robot that was made
Kayo: By a smart and lonely scientist
Conchita: The result could only be called a

Conchita/Riliane/Kayo: "Miracle"

Haku: There was still something lacking in me
Ney: Something that can't be made easily
Nemesis: My creator said it was a "Heart"
Nemesis/Ney/Haku: A special program

Margarita: Days turn to months, years have passed me by
Gretel: I'm all alone, with no one by my side
Margarita/Gretel: All that is left is just to decide

Kayo/Conchita/Margarita/Gretel: On a wish

Allen: I want to know who that person was
Hansel: And why he did everything for me
Gallerian: Toiling away working hard to make
The Guys: Me a "Heart"

Everyone: Now a miracle begins for me

Working with incredible speed
Nemesis/Ney/Riliane/Conchita/Kayo/Margarita/Gretel: Why do my tears seem to fall,

So endlessly...?

Ney/Riliane/Nemesis/Haku: And now why am I trembling like this
The Guys: I can feel my "Heart" beating fast
Allen/Venny: Is this what he made for me?

Venny: My very own "Heart" and soul


Everyone: Mysteries, in my heart, in my heart, mysteries
Kayo: Now I can finally see what happiness means to me
Everyone: Mysteries, in my heart, in my heart, mysteries
Riliane: Now I can finally feel all of the sadness in me
Everyone: Mysteries, in my heart, in my heart, again
Margarita: How deep are these feelings inside of me?

(Brief Vocals: Margarita and Riliane)

Hansel: Now I finally see why I was born
Gallerian: The reason why you gave me a "Heart"
Hansel/Gallerian: All alone, brought in this world, I'm by myself

Venny: Yes, now on that day and at that time
Allen: Memories fill up in my mind
The Guys: As my "Heart" takes in the pain and overflows

The Girls: I can finally say
Real and sincere words
Gretel: I dedicate this song to you

(AN: What Gretel means to say is that we, the Vocaloid cast and myself, dedicate this song to you, our wonderful readers. I would sing that part, but I don't sing, so I had the cute 6-year-old sing that part instead. Seriously though, thank each and every one of you, my wonderful readers.)

Everyone: Thank you so much... Thank you so much…
Ney:For giving me the chance to live in this world with a "Heart"
Everyone:Thank you so much... Thank you so much…
Haku:For all the days that we have spent together

Everyone:Thank you so much... Thank you so much…
Nemesis:You gave me everything that I always needed and more

Everyone:Thank you so much... Thank you so much…

Conchita:I'll sing for all eternity

Everyone: Thank you so much... Thank you so much…

(Additional Vocals: Allen/Margarita/Conchita)

(Final Vocals: Margarita)