Me: I can't believe I'm saying this, but this is the FINAL CHAPTER! Can you guys belive this?
Haou: I can
Me: -_- okay besides him. Wow, I can't believe I was writing this way back in February and now it's August. Half a year pretty much. There were so many times I wanted to throw my hands up and stop writing, and now here we are, at the last chapter. I feel acomplished and proud of myself for sticking with this. Yeah some of the time characters may have been OOC but I had fun writing this and isn't that what fanfiction is about?
I don't own Yugioh GX and do not wish to. No flames please, but everything else is appreciated. Thank you to all who have been supportive and helped keep this alive. See you all later!
Kai: Bye! This is probably the last time you all will ever see me! T-T
"What's going on outside?" Rei asked herself, looking out the window. Her eyes widened when she saw the rebellion army right outside of the castle! Yet, they were not doing anything. Everything was as silent as the graves. Creepy.
Rei hurried over to the door, pulling on the door knob. Much to her annoyance, it was locked, leaving her with no way to get out. Damn it. She continued trying to pry it open, but to no avail. The damn thing would not open. After many attempts of opening it, she gave up, slumping to the ground with a look of defeat. How on earth was she going to get out?
That was when Rei saw something on the fire mantel. Getting up, she went over to it, seeing as it was some sort of bobby pin or something. Grinning from ear to ear, she went over to the door, sticking the pin in the key whole and jiggling it around. She was glad her father had taught her how to pick locks when she was younger. Who knew it would come in hand one day?
She gave a small cry of triumph when the door opened for her. Looking around the hallways, she saw the area had been abandoned. Stepping out quietly, she walked out into the hallway, only to have someone shove her into the wall. Groaning, Rei turned to see Yuki staring at her with his cold black eyes. She glared and struggled, hoping to get away from him. "Let me go!" She snarled, trying to kick him.
Yuki smirked and placed his lips at the hollow of her throat. "Didn't I tell you I would have you when the king was done with you?"
Rei snorted, still trying to kick him. "He isn't done with me. If he finds out what you're trying to do to me, he'll kill you."
Yuki gave a laugh, dodging her kick and pressing his hips against hers. "I don't care what the king does. If I die, I'll at least be able to rub it in his face that I fucked his woman in his room, on his bed." He began to kiss her shoulder, nibbling and biting on a few areas. Rei got one of her hands free and she pulled on his hair, feeling satisfaction when he pulled away, holding his head.
"You little bitch, that hurt." He snarled, kicking her. She grimaced in pain and moved away from him. He pulled her back by her ankle, but he didn't expect for her to reach up and bite him. He smirked and slapped her face, causing her to let go. She stood up and glared at him, pulling a duel disk from the room. "Let's duel," she said calmly, "If I win, you will be sent to the stars, and if you win, I'll let you have me."
Yuki rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "But if I win, won't you be sent to the stars? That's how it works with the king."
"Who says we are playing by his rules?"
"Why the hell would my mother hide my brother from me?" Haou asked, getting up from his throne and walking towards Judai. Judai looked at him sadly, hating to have to repeat the story again. "She hid me from our father. He was going to kill me."
Haou stared at him, not quite believing him. "Then who's body did we burry?"
Judai closed his eyes, then opened them. "It was the body of a boy that had died earlier. They burned it to make it look believable." Haou sighed and ran a hand through his hair, disliking this Judai by the second. "I don't care who you are, but this is a sick joke."
"It's not a joke!" A new voice called out. Everyone turned to see Meiko walk in the room, a look of sadness on her face. "Haou, Judai is telling the truth. I was with Miyuki when it happened."
Haou looked at her expreissionlessly. "This is fucked up. What the hell is wrong with all of you?"
Meiko looked at him sternly. "Haou, you know it's true. You have always known that your brother was alive, don't deny it."
"Well mother should have told me. I have thought for years that my little brother was dead, and now I find out that he's alive and with the rebellion army. Isn't this great?" Haou said, a cruel smile spreading across his face. He went towards his throne and sat back down in it. Judai went forward, a fearless look on his face. "Haou, we're here to negotiate. Won't you work with us?"
Haou looked at him. "I don't see why I should. Why would I want to negotiate with the people who lied to me?"
Meiko gave him a sympathetic look. "Please Haou, just do it. It's time for the fighting to stop."
"And where is Rei? You have her, don't you?" Edo asked, speaking up for the first time. Haou seemed to grow angry at this question. His eyes bored into Edo's, making him seem a million times bigger. "Why do you ask? Oh wait, you were the one who was sucking her face."
Edo glared at him, taking a step forward. "I only kissed her once. Why do you care?"
Haou laughed dryly. "She's mine you idiot. Don't you see? She's mine and you can't have her." Edo growled, feeling frustrated by this. "No she's not! You have been torturing her for all these monthes!"
"Torturing her? Is that what she told you?" Haou asked, a smirk forming on his lips. Asuka glared at him, standing next to Edo. "You raped her too!"
"Raped her? I didn't rape her. She's lying to you."
"What do you mean?" Asuka asked, narrowing her eyes. The king leaned forward, smirking evily. "She let me take her willingly."
Judai took a step back, his eyes wide with shock. "Y..You two"
Haou nodded. "That's a blunt way of putting it, but yes. We had sex. Problem?"
Edo growled and glared hetefully at him. "You're disgusting. You manipulated her."
"I might have, I might not have, but you'll never know. You weren't there," Haou said plainly, "But you should have heard her, wow she sure was loud."
Edo rolled his eyes, trying to block that image from his head. "I didn't need to hear that."
"But it doesn't matter now. You'll never get her back. I'm keeping her forever."
"And now Mystic Dragon, attack his life points dierectly!" Rei shouted, feeling victorious that she was going to win the duel. Yuki had been a strong opponent, but even he was no match for her. He looked fearful as the blast hit him and he was knocked to the ground, his life points hitting zero. Rei stared at him blankly. "That was for Eri and Meiko. Now their rapist is gone."
Yuki glared at her, a look of fear in his face as he vanished to the stars. Rei sighed and leaned against the wall, glad that the duel was done. Now she could continue her way through the castle to find her friends. She continued her way, now feeling foolish. She had no idea how to operate around the castle. They could be anywhere!
And then, she heard the voices. Following the sound, she made her way into the throne room, where she first met Haou on that fateful day so many monthes ago. As she walked in, she noticed Judai, Edo, Asuka, O'Brien, Jim, and Johan standing in front of the king, along with Meiko. Turning back to Judai, she ran towards him, a look of panic on her face. "Judai!"
Judai whirled around to face her, as did everyone else. He looked at her in surprise. "Rei! You're alive!"
Rei nodded, facing her childhood friend. "Of course I am, why wouldn't I be?"
Edo looked at her. "Well, from what his 'royal highness' was saying, it sounded like you were trapped here somewhere." Rei looked at Haou, who had a passive look on his face. Rei glared at him. "What else did you say to them?"
Haou shrugged. "I just told him about our night."
Re's face turned pink with embaresment. Her friends looked at her awkwardly, as if they didn't really want to be here now. Asuka looked at her, a little bit of disapointment in her eyes. "You slept with the king. That's sad."
Jim looked at her as well. "Why would you sleep with him?"
Rei paused, already knowing the answer inside her. "I slept with him because..."
"Because?" O'Brien continued. Rei looked at the king. "Because I love him." Everyone stared at her as if she were insane. Edo took a step back, looking as stunned as everyone else. " love him?"
Rei nodded, knowing that was how she truly felt. "I do, don't ask why but I do."
Edo continued to stare at her, before he asked her why she felt that way. "Why do you love him?"
Rei sighed and looked at Haou before turning back to Edo. "Because love is blind." Judai scratched his head, a confused look on his face. He turned to Johan with a curious look on his face. "Johan, what does that mean?"
Johan looked at him. "It means that no matter how evil or how many bad things a person has done, that their loved one will always love them."
"Huh." Was all Judai said. Rei looked at all of them. "Why are you all here? There's no fighting going on, so what's going on?"
Asuka pushed some of her hair back. "We're here to negotiate. The fighting must stop." Rei nodded, and looked down at the ground. "I see." She turned to Haou, and then she turned to her friends. "I will stay here."
"WHAT?" They all shouted. Rei nodded, looking at them calmly. "I will stay here. I'll be the peace offering or so to say," She turned to Haou, "As long as I remain here, you can't go around taking people prisoner," She then turned back to her friends, "While Haou doesn't take people prisoner, you cannot go around attacking his army anymore."
Johan looked at Rei, not really liking her proposal. "I don't like that. Haou needs to do something more."
Haou looked at them, thinking about something. "I'll stop attacking other areas, not other lands and such, but I'll stop taking souls of fallen duelists."
Johan looked at him, suspician spreading across his face. "Do you promise?"
"I promise."
Johan went forward and shook hands with the king. He desceneded down the steps, patting Rei's shoulder and giving her a look of farewell. Rei took Asuka's hand and looked her in the eyes. "Tell Kai that I won't see him again."
Asuka bit her lip, not liking the idea. "I'll tell him, and Eri too."
"Please look after him, send him back home."
Asuka nodded and followed Johan. Jim and O'Brien bid her good bye and soon left as well. Judai looked at Haou, who stared right back at him, before getting up and leaving the throne room. Judai sighed, knowing that there was no bond between them. They had been seperated for far to long. He turned to Rei and gave her a hug. "I hope you will be alright. Do you know what you're doing?"
Rei nodded. "I'll be fine Judai and yes, I know what I'm doing. We all have to make sacrifice."
Judai nodded and left, leaving Edo and Rei alone. Rei had no idea what to say to him. He was angry and probably hurt by what she had said. He would never forgive her and she knew it. She was surprised, to say the least when he kissed her again, before following his friends without a word. Rei stared after him, Meiko coming up next to her, a look of conern on her face as well. "Rei, are you alright?"
Rei nodded and looked at her friend. "I'm fine Meiko, I'm fine."
"So what are you guys going to do now?" Jim asked, watching as the members of the rebellion group started packing up, leaving the area to go to their homes or to their old lives. Johan and Judai looked at each other, smiling a little. Judai looked up at the sky. "We're going to go travel around, see what else is out there."
Jim nodded. "I'm heading across to the south along with O'Brien," He then turned to see Asuka, along with the other Obelisk blue party, "So are you guys going home?"
Asuka nodded. "But not before returning Kai to Slifer." Judai looked at the black haired boy, who was currnetly looking dazed, as if he were still getting use to the fact that his sister was gone forever. Judai felt sorry for the boy. He knelt down and took him by his shoulders. "Kai?"
The boy looked at him sadly. "Yes Judai?"
"It'll be alright. Rei stayed behind to stop all the fighting and to make sure you had a better life."
Kai shook his head. "But this isn't fair!"
Edo looked at the younger boy, knowing exactly how he was feeling. "I'm sorry to tell you, but life isn't fair."
Jim looked at Edo. "I'm guessing you're going back to Saio and his sister?"
Edo nodded and began to make his exsit, not looking back at his friends and comrades. He wanted to be alone for a while, to wander the area. Anything to keep his mind off of her. As it said in a song he had heard a long time ago, the heart does go on. Jim and O'Brien bid farewell to them, as did Asuka, Fubuki, Yusuke, Ryo, Shou, Eri, and Kai.
"You ready to go?" Johan asked Judai, who was staring off into the direction of the castle. Judai turned to him, a look of wonder on his face. "Johan?"
"Do you think, that there's a way to reconnect with Haou somehow?"
Johan took his hand. "I honestly don't know, but all lives begin again."
"What is that supposed to mean?"
"It means, that there is always a day to try again. Don't loose hope Judai."
"I won't Johan, I won't."
"So you wanted to stay with me, even if you could have gone with your friends."
Rei smiled and nodded, even though her heart was filled with sadness. She would never see her friends again. Yet, she had friends here, so maybe things would be more bearable. Haou nodded at this and closed his eyes, falling asleep. Rei closed her eyes as well, words running across her mind.
"I don't and can't bring myself to regret this decision. What's done is done. Just promise me that you all will live happy lives. Don't suffer because of me, it's my choice, because after all, love is blind."
A rose will bloom,
It then will fade,
So does a youth
So do-o-o-es the fairest maid
-What is a youth from Romeo and Juliet, the 1968 film
I can now say the story is officially done. You may hate the ending, you may not. It's your opinion, but don't go telling me I suck XD I liked how it worked out. Thank you for all your wonderful support on this story and thank you to all of you who stuck by me and read it. It means a lot.
Thank you and good night