Well, here's the last of this story~ Warning: Smut at the beginning of this chapter. There will be a line to let you know when it's over for anyone who doesn't want to read it.(It's not all that great anyway, I need more practice. xDD)

Disclaimer: Do I really need this? xD

Aoba's head snapped up at Mikado, who had gotten up onto his lap. "Senpai-!"

The black haired teen leaned over and whispered in Aoba's ear, "It would be so much easier if you just listened to me." Mikado reached down and grabbed his kohai's hand, lightly brushing over the prominent tent in the boy's pants. The boy underneath stifled a groan that tried to escape.

He leaned back a little and began to unwrap the bandages tangled around the boy's hand. They easily slid off the injured hand and landed in a pile on the floor next to the chair.

Mikado pulled his underclassman's hand up to get a better view.

"Nee, Aoba-kun. This is healing quite nicely, but it does appear that it'll leave a scar." He pulled the hand up to his face and slowly licked over the wound.

"M-Mikado-senpai! What are y-you doing?" He gasped out, enjoying the slight stinging pain caused when saliva mixed into the part that had yet to scab over.

"I'm just disinfecting it." He replied innocently. "It needs to be clean before I can put on new bandages."

"O-oh." Aoba replied weakly, trying not to moan as his Senpai continued to 'clean' his hand.

Mikado smirked as he saw the younger boy's eyes begin to glaze over and the legs beneath him tightened.

"Relax, Aoba-kun." The elder of the two leaned in and brought their lips together. It started out slow, but gradually became more heated. Aoba shuddered as Mikado grazed his tongue and his teeth against his lips. Not asking, but demanding for entrance. The younger one quickly complied to his senpai's wishes and opened his mouth. Mikado's tongue came in teasingly slowly. Aoba flicked his tongue up in order to meet the raven's, but was pushed back as Mikado's tongue came in hard and fast.

Now, Mikado could also feel heat building in the pit of his stomach. He pulled away from the kiss and moved down to attack his kohai's neck. He bit down hard and tasted blood.

Aoba moaned loudly, saliva running down his cheek. The raven smirked and bit down again on the same spot.

"S-so good. Again, senpai!" Aoba panted out.

Mikado chuckled at his kohai's eagerness. I didn't know he was that much of an M.

Suddenly, he ground down on the younger boy causing Aoba to close his eyes and throw his head back against the chair. Mikado didn't waste time and came down again, harder this time.

"Mmmf- Senpai-Sogoodmorefrictionahh-I-Ithink..cummin-ah-Senpai!" Aoba came fast right as Mikado felt a similar tightening in his lower abdomen as he came too. He lowered his head onto the boy's shoulder as he rode out his orgasm and waited for his breathing to return to normal.

The elder one slowly raised himself off of his kohai and stood up, catching Aoba's attention.

Tsk. Well, the dress should be able to hide the mess I made. At least, until I reach Izaya's place.

"Aoba-kun, it's getting dark. I think it's about time we go." Mikado slowly walked over to pick up his purse and then went to the door. He turned around slightly, "Good night, see you at school tomorrow." Mikado pushed the door open and stepped outside.

Aoba still sat in the chair looking at the door his sempai just walked out of.

What exactly just happened?


Mikado finally reached his destination. He stepped up, but before he could knock the door flew open. "Mikado-kun! I've missed you~"

"Hello Orihara-san." Mikado said, pushing past the informant and walking uninvited into the room.

"How cold!" Izaya pouted and closed the door.

The younger boy was now in the living room picking up his clothes that were nicely folded on the table in the middle.

"So Mikado-kun, I heard that you had some fun tonight~" Izaya draped himself over the boy's shoulders from behind, "Why don't you let me help you get out of these dirty clothes so that we can have some fun of our own~"

The high schooler easily pulled himself out of Izaya's arms. "I think I can change by myself." The boy left for the bathroom without looking back.

"Not fair! Why does that little brat get to have all the fun?" Izaya pouted again, hearing the bathroom door shut with a loud bang. He walked over to his desk and sat down. The raven leaned back in his chair, waiting for the computer to turn on.

Well, at least I got something out of this.

The informant smirked and opened his newest folder. Pictures of Mikado flooded the screen.

Mikado-kun, you really should stop being so cute. Someday it's going to come back and get you.

The raven laughed and shut down his computer, hearing the bathroom door open back up and footsteps come softly down the hall.

Sooner than you might think.

Hope that everyone following this story enjoyed it. I certainly loved writing it.:) Thanks for all the reviews, follows, and faves, they mean a lot to me!