A/N: I'm sorry guys, life got in the way for me, and i've been busy, so, I have this chapter ready for you guys, and Chapter 5 just about ready. But again, I love hearing from you guys, and keep R&R ing! Thank you soo much!

Ch. 4

Beast Boy POV:

What is it with her? Why can't she just let me get near her? All I want to do is include her, you know , do what FRIENDS DO! Is it that she just simply doesn't want me around, or is it that she's afraid of letting me near her. WHAT IS IT! What is it about her that I find so... Beast Boy thought to himself as he packed. Well, more stuffed lots clothes into a suitcase than packed them.

These thoughts drove him up the wall. For the life of him, he could not understand why he wanted soo bad to be the best friend he could be to her, even when she pushed him away so hard. (Out the window hard, even though he could fly.)

He let his mind wander for a few more seconds, and then remembered that this would basically be a vacation, and he was NOT going to let anyone, especially Raven ruin his vacation. I've worked hard enough, I think I deserve this, no, I know I do! Until then, I'm going to FINALLY go play Mega Monkeys 5!

He flopped down on the couch, with a curiously large Xtreme Gulp. Just as he was about to put the DVD in...


"Damn. Again?" mummured Beast Boy as the screen blinked red.

Raven POV:

Why can't he just leave me alone? Raven thought as she returned to her meditation.

Azarath Metrion Zinthos...

Azarath Metrion Zinthos...

Just as she thought she might finally be able to return to her mediation...

"Because he likes you!" came from a cheery Happy inside the empath's mind.


"Raven and BB sittin in a tree...kissin-"

"If you don't stop-"

Before Raven could finish chewing out Happy...

"Happy's right you know...He does. All of the signs are there."

"Yes...but why is Happy so...HAPPY about it!"

"First, because she loves to poke at you, and second, she's trying to help you realize it, because you are so stubborn."

"Can't she do it somewhere else?"

"NOPE! Only in your head silly!" as Happy chimed in again with her gleeful thoughts.

"Can I at least finish my meditation?" "Fine."

Just as Raven finally settled back into her meditation, the alarm went off.

"Special." was all she could say before she ran out to the common room.

As she entered the common room, the situation report was already displayed on the screen. Reports were coming in from all over the city about "Dem' Hootin' Boys" almost trampling the citizens and green...cowboy taking potshots down Main St. They seemed to be emanating from one place...

"Hello Titans!" said the very large and VERY nerdy image of Control Freak. "By now you have seen my companions they too remember our last encounter..." all the titans started to scratch their heads and started looking at each other, with a considerable amount of confusion shared between them.

"When you were sucked into the television with my remote..." said a very depressed Control Freak.

Cyborg was the first to connect the dots..."Oh yea, I remember, didn't we kick you butt, drag you out, and put you back in jail?"

"Yes..." as his ego was crushed even more. "But I have since reviewed and revised my plan, if becoming more powerful by going into the TV didn't work, then I will bring TV to the real world!" Then the large screen went black.

Facepalms followed around the room. "Let's go take care of this..." said a very melancholy Robin. "At least we still have our own TV expert!" came from Beast Boy as he morphed into a Pterodactyl.

All Raven could say was "Special. Just Special." as she levitated out with the rest of the team.