Hello, hello. Testing, testing. And...I'm back? What is this? An update? After nearly half a year? Surely not?!
Yes, yes it is, and may I say I am terribly sorry for the long wait. I could go on a rant of why it was sooooo long but you don't wnat to read a rant you want to read the story! To those who PM'ed me asking time and time again when this was going to be up only to be let down, you have my eternal gratitude. It's nice to see such wonderful readers!
Well, here it is and that's that.
Warning!: AmaimonxRin yaoi. That means that they do kissy-kissy stuff and have copious amounts of sex. *Kinda* Then on to plot!
*Nods head*
Yes, this story does actually have a plot and if you managed to see and connect the dots you'll kinda know where I'm going with all *waves hands at the nearly seven-eightish chapters leading into smut—where they never leave the damn bedroom!* this.
Chapter Seventeen-Reminisce
A deft pair of hands buttoned my white school shirt for me while I yawned widely. Still sleepy from my more than fourteen-hour nap—no thanks to a certain pair of sadistic siblings I might add—I stretched lithely. A deep chuckle highly amused at my actions reverberated in my sensitive ears and I deigned to look upon the perpetrator in lazy satisfaction. "Wha?"
Shaking his head at my wet and no doubt messy hair, the amethyst-haired man responded with a smile that made me shiver somewhat pleasantly. "Nothing little one. But I have to say," He ran a hand through my tousled, slicked with water hair and frowned. "Your hair is another entity all together." That seem to disgruntle him more than the fact that Amaimon was clinging onto his back as if he was an orangutan. He was already fully dressed unlike me.
Smiling sheepishly, I blinked groggily but slowly began to wake up at my own pace. I had been surprised by wandering hands earlier and had lethargically growled at the annoyance bothering me but that had hardly deterred them. There had been a sound not unlike a slap and I found myself being pulled upwards, to sit at the end of a bed with my feet dangling off it. Apparently, Mephisto hadn't bothered to wake me before he switched rooms. Or think to keep an eye on Amaimon while he retrieved my washed school uniform.
Not that I could remember taking a bath either. That should have bothered me but it paled in comparison to the now wondering eyes looking at me unabashed by something called decency.
I blushed noticing my green-haired sibling staring at my bare thighs with that lecherous glint in his irises. That woke me up more than a jolt of electricity would have and I glanced away from his prying eyes closing my open legs more aware and self-conscious then before. "W-whatever. Can I have my pants?" And then a previously ignored urge rose up and I wondered how I had survived so long without needing to use the bathroom. "And the direction of the bathroom?"
A soft snicker followed by a pair of pants handed in my direction and a hand pointed to a garishly pink door was the only answer I received but I quickly—and successfully—made my way out of the room on wobbly legs in the end.
Shutting the sliding door softly I made haste towards the toilet and afterwards I washed my hands and brushed my teeth with a toothbrush that had been set out purposely just for me.
Eyes drooping my mind wandered about on different paths until I glanced up at the mirror and dropped the toothbrush in surprise. Eh? Nothing too major looked different—besides the light purple bruising around my shoulders and collarbone which I promptly ignored for the sake of my own sanity—but the bags under my eyes could have rivaled Amaimon's at the least. Thinking back to what could have caused that because hey, I usually slept a good eleven hours every day, the only thing I could think of was the fact between waking up just a few minutes earlier I was really been put through the ringer.
The sort of absent-minded numbness emanating from my hips was the only proof I needed to confirm that I had indeed slept with a certain two Demonic males. It didn't hurt per se… But hell if I still couldn't feel like someone had unleashed a boa constrictor on my lower half!
Shuddering at those particular memories, I picked the toothbrush back up and finished, a slight blush dusting my cheeks. Just leaving it there on the counter I grabbed the pair of black slacks that Mephisto had sometime gotten washed and pulled them on, glad that I had a least one article of clothing covering my legs…and unmentionables. Damn clown… I would kill for some underwear right now…
It kept my mind off certain images that I didn't want to deal with at the moment.
Grumbling quietly with tail swishing behind me I made my way back out more aware of where I was actually walking this time around. And stopped as I stepped into every Otaku's dream.
Honey-Honey Sisters' posters lined the walls, body pillows with skimpily dressed magical girls lined the floor and all sort of figurines, stuffed animals, game consoles and all sorts of anime paraphernalia littered the confines of the room.
Walking forward with my jaw on the floor and eyes wide I almost ended face-planting on the checker-patterned floor when I tripped over a sprawled Demon King on the floor munching on a variety of pastries. "Onii-san!" Squawking at how dangerous it was for him to sit in the middle of the floor—who just stared up at me without a care in the world, cheeks stuffed to the brim—I was interrupted when a low deep chuckle echoed from behind me.
A pair of arms settled over my waist rubbing my hips in a way that made me squirm in embarrassment and I shuddered, slapping them away. Or I tried to. "Oi!"
"Ara, ara gone for all of three minutes and you're both are at it again, what am I going to do with you two?"
A chin made its resting place on top of my head and huffing I left it there tail wagging slightly at the fleeting warmth that was painting circles into my hipbones through my pants. Not wearing underwear sure made a difference when it came to that kind of stuff.
Heat blazing to life in my cheeks I pouted mumbling, "We weren't fighting."
Aniki let go of me and placed a light kiss on my mouth before he replied, "Sure you weren't. And I'm the Grim Reaper~"
Onii-san rolled his eyes behind the others back and I snickered slightly, which caused the taller male to swivel around with an eyebrow raised in question.
That is when I noticed that he wasn't wearing a yukata or for that matter, his usual clown get-up. Instead, a white jacket not unlike a certain prissy Paladin's was worn over a pair of white slacks and highly polished black shoes.
"Eh? Are you going somewhere?" Head cocked, I pointed at him eyes blinking innocently.
His eyes widened and he blinked before smirking, laughing a bit before leaning down to poke my cheek with a gloved finger he queried, "Are you?" And then he brandished my Koumaken out of nowhere and handed it to me.
"Kurikara!" I grabbed it eagerly; tail wagging in excitement to have my sword back before realizing he had asked me a question. Giving him a blank expression, I furrowed my eyebrows in an attempt to figure out what he meant. "I…don't think so?"
Mephisto grinned then cooed, "Hmm? Really~ So I guess you don't mind the Vatican signing your Death Warrant without a fair trial?"
It took a few seconds and then it hit me like a grand piano. "E-Eh?! Wh-what?! When?! How?! Are we late?!" Tail swishing urgently, my thoughts spiraling on how Yukio was going to kill me first if I was late I didn't notice Aniki snicker and wrap something around my collar.
Smirking in his insufferable, mocking way he held up a red, black, and white tie end in each hand, tilting his head in amusement. "Not if you let me tie this, you won't."
Blinking, I let my panic sizzle to nothing and grimaced. "Stop making me worry, ya damn clown." Huffing, I turned away, pulling my Koumaken's fuduka strap over my shoulder happily so I wouldn't have to see the other pout at his nickname.
And received a tug on my tail from behind in retribution.
"Ah~" Squeaking at the sudden feeling that sent sparks through my numb lower half I glared behind me, knowing that Amaimon was the only one with a free hand since Mephisto was currently tying my tie for me. "What was that for?!" Grabbing my tail away from his wondering hands, I puffed my cheeks in anger, not caring that my face was a light shade of pink.
Tilting his head to the side the Demon King still lying on the floor muttered in a flat tone, "So disrespectful." Eyes not leaving my own fiery eyes he nonchalantly addressed the older man in front of me, "Maybe we need to…"punish" him before he goes?"
If his voice hadn't been so monotone, I swear it would have been hopeful and sadistic all in one.
Eye twitching and face reddening at his insinuation I squawked, "No! No way, you both had enough!" Crossing my arms in an, "X," my tail wagged fervently along with exactly how I felt about anymore "punishment."
And they had. Too much from my point of view. But they were both Demons and who knew just how much they could both go in one night. It certainly didn't feel like they had went easy on me but I still knew it could have been a lot worse. Even if they had done unspeakable things to me while I was asleep too. They both certainly had no shame whatsoever! Face coloring at that particular memory I glared at the both of them in hopes it would ignite them and all their pervy thoughts to ashes. Hey, a guy could wish couldn't he?
Sighing with a rueful smile on his lips Aniki countered, "As much as I would love too,"
"I don't think our Otouto would be able to walk afterwards, maybe after the trial?" To Amaimon it was a peace offering to stop him from whining, to me it was a death sentence.
"Y-you! Teme, don't just decide things like that!" Turning around I noticed my tie had been done for quite a while now and so jerked myself out of his clingy hold growling, "I've had enough to last me decades." Glaring at them both I loosened my tie a bit and pulled my collar up knowing that even though I healed fast the hickies around my neck were still a light shade of lilac thanks to their insistent biting and licking. Face warming at the thought I couldn't help but remember the events that transpired after Aniki had his "turn." What was even worse was the fact that I couldn't erase the sensation of hands crawling over my skin.
Grumbling to myself, I walked towards the door, grabbing a cinnamon bun along the way to munch on while ignoring them both in hopes that Onii-san would just drop the subject. I still wasn't too comfortable with the fact that I had slept with two men, my two brothers. Shivering at the memory of claws digging into my thighs I took a bite out of the bun nearly devouring half of it and turned around, a hand on my hip, feet tapping impatiently with my tail slashing the air in agitation. With my improvised breakfast in my mouth I grumbled, "Well? You both comin' or what?"
Both of them shared a look that sent something hot down my spine and Mephisto smirked, snapping his fingers. A poof of smoke appeared, choking the room for a few seconds before disappearing.
Along with Amaimon.
"Ara, ara, so impatient. We'll finish this discussion later I suppose."
I nearly growled. I was so going to be ambushed by two horny demons after the trial. Gulping down the chunks of cinnamon bun in my mouth, I whined, "Aniki!"
A wicked smirk on his face he stepped up to the door dumping something onto my head. "In the meantime, take care of him will you?"
Tilting my head in confusion I caught in my free hand whatever it was that the clown had put in my hair as it rolled off my head. And nearly died.
Rubbing its face a chubby green hamster flopped down across my open palm and spoke, "If you drop me I'll cut you."
I nearly did drop him—and my pastry—with a very girly shriek. Instead, I flinched and gulped, thinking along the lines of, "That is so wrong," and "Sugoi~" Unable to keep the latter expression from showing I muttered, wide-eyed, "So cool, how did you-? Oou, you can transform like Aniki?!"
If he had human features I sure his lips would have twitched at the awe-filled attention.
Mephisto beat him to the punch before he could reply however. "Yes, and one day I'll teach you but for now we have places to be and people to see." Turning his attention to the small ball of fat and fluff still lying in my hand he ordered, "As for you Amaimon, stay out of sight, or else."
The "Or else," didn't need to be explained. Nodding dutifully the hamster scrambled up my arm and along the way snatched a piece of my breakfast before I could blink, curling up in-between my collar and neck snacking on the stolen food. It was so in-character with the little garbage disposal that I didn't bother to say anything about the theft.
And while his whiskers tickled my neck, I managed to keep myself from giggling like a fool while I voiced my worry. "He's coming with us? Is that ok?" I sent Aniki a doubtful look, wondering how smart that was since we would be in a courtroom full of Exorcists.
He just grinned that grin of his and trilled, "It will be fine, no one will see him." The answer was pointed at the little fella curled up against the right side of me neck and he continued, "Now, let us be off! I doubt the Grigori would be too impressed if we were late."
Nodding in dread, I stuffed the rest of the gooey morsel into my mouth and swallowing loudly after chomping on it. I then stepped closer watching while the older demon pulled a key out of his sleeve and placed it in the door, turning it until it clicked.
And with that we were on are way.
It was warm against the side of Rin's neck and I curled into the warmth, lying flat out over his small shoulder in such a way I knew I wouldn't be seen. Despite having rested for far longer then I normally did I had no interest in what was happening outside—for there was neither food besides what little I had stolen nor anything particularly entertaining at the moment to grab my attention. So I blocked out the voices of my brothers and drifted in-between consciousness more than content to savor the events of the previous night.
When Aniue gave me Rin, I felt something stir in my stomach that wasn't completely lust. It confused me and I hugged the smaller half-demon to my chest. My fingers wrapped around his waist while I tried to figure out what was wrong with me.
Our bodies stuck and slid against each other due to sweat and his cum that had splattered onto me when he came twice before. I felt heat swamp my cheeks at how erotic it felt to have him plastered against my flesh. I didn't even notice the blood smears on my shoulders where his little claws had bit into my skin when he climaxed so cutely.
Burying my face in his sweaty hair, I inhaled his sweet scent as long as I could in one breath. His usual smell alone drove me insane but with that scent mixed with lust and sex clinging to him, I just wanted to sink my teeth into his skin. Having him so helpless in my arms was making my fangs and claws ache with the need to dominate my little brother. My erection twitched and my eyelids lowered at the thought of being sheathed inside of his warm, sweet walls.
Licking my lips and shooing the strange tightening of my chest away I quickly discarded my curiosity at the new feeling in favor of fondling my new toy.
The blue-eyed kitten squirmed in my lap when one of my hands dipped down to curl under his knee.
Lifting it up to spread his legs wide, I watched over his shoulder how the cum from when Aniue came inside of him dripped out of his opening and pooled onto the futon in a small puddle of cream white. "Sugoi~"
"O-onii-san!" His squawk of protest was amusing and I lifted his leg higher while batting away his hands so I could dip my other hand down to rub against the bright red pucker in front of me. I circled my index and forefinger around its entrance before rubbing them roughly up and down till the tip of my fingers were wet with Aniue and Rin's fluid. Then I slipped my index finger up to the knuckle inside allowing more of the still warm cum to spill out past my finger when I pulled it open, staring in fascination.
"Nahhh! ~ S-stop!" He shivered and mewled, covering his mouth while his face turned an interesting color of dark crimson.
Another hand appeared then, stilling my wrist and I glanced up to look at Aniue in question, eyebrows twitching slightly in annoyance. If he made me stop... I'll throw his Hello Kitty collection into the nearest volcano.
"What do you say Amaimon?"
I stared and then cocked my head in confusion while mulling that question over in my mind hesitantly before answering a few seconds later, "Arigatou...Aniue?"
He smiled and released my wrist clapping his hands in delight, that shit-eating grin making an appearance onto his face. "Yay! You are learning!"
Then he narrowed his eyes, glaring at me darkly. "But what did I say about getting my yukata dirty?"
I blinked and looked down at the cloth hanging off my body. It wasn't stained or anything as far as I could tell. I glanced back up, eyes furrowed to show I was confused. "Not to. It isn't."
He nodded head blandly. "Yes, I can see that. At least you can follow a simple order. But what do you think you should do to keep it from getting dirty?"
He was looking expectantly at me and it suddenly hit me that he wanted me to take it off so it wouldn't be messed up when I was playing with Rin. "Ah... I should take it off, yes?"
He smirked purring, "Yes, you should."
The condescending way he said it would have made me throw something at him or growl but before I did, I was distracted.
Rin tugged at my hand that was in-mid tease, cheeks a lovely shade of pink that made me think of cotton candy. "Onii-san~ Please take your finger out!" He shifted uncomfortably in my hold, his tail curling around his thigh in what I presumed to be shame.
I felt my lip twitch and I dug my finger a little deeper inside of him searching for that rough bundle of nerves that always made me scream when toyed with. When I couldn't find it, I scowled and decided to switch positions.
Slipping my finger out, he sighed in relief, slumping when I did so.
I felt a mad giggle stir in my throat but suppressed it before swiftly removing my yukata to toss it to the side. It crumbled by the numerous pillows piled at one end of the futon but I could care less.
Quickly grabbing Rin's shoulders I flipped our positions, with me hovering above the smaller male on his back.
"Oof! Hey!" He glared at me before realizing the position we were in. "Why did...you..." Trailing off, he swallowed; face switching to a bright red hue the color of a cherry lollipop.
"Open your legs."
He blanched and moved them tighter together despite the fact that he was already half-hard again. "No. I said I was tired! You made a deal and I'm saying not now!"
My eyelids lowered and I growled low in my throat, my claws digging into his biceps. "If you are whining you are not that tired. Open. Them." Before I could snarl at him though I felt a familiar jolt of pleasure race up my spine and I flinched, biting down on my bottom lip with a soft whine, eyes closed while my back arched at the unexpected stimulation.
The sharp feeling passed, my teeth letting go while my eyes fluttered open. I turned to glare at Aniue to our left, hands clenching around my little brothers shoulders in anger. The source of my discontent was still happily sending aftershocks through my system with every twitch of my body, my tail swishing through the air with rage while kinking at every wave of pleasure.
"A-Amaimon?" Ignoring the questioning look on my younger brother's face, I turned to the source of my newfound problem.
Lounging sensually amongst the pillows with his pink yukata hanging off his shoulders and pooling around his long, lithe, pale legs, the amethyst-haired Demon King smirked lewdly, "Don't mind me. I'm just enjoying the show from here."
As if he hadn't just snapped his fingers and turned the once-forgotten vibrator on inside of me at the highest level it could go.
I sneered, legs beginning to tremble from the delicious sparks twinging throughout my skin. "Turn! Hngh-It OFF Aniue!"
He snickered merrily and ghosted his hand down ever so slightly to his still hard cock that stood proudly against his flat abdomen, wet with cum from his previous adventure. Wrapping his long fingers around it delicately, he made a show of how aroused he was. "Who are you to tell me what to do?" He sent a warning flick of his golden eyes towards me, his voice a low growl.
I stiffened, tail lowering and wrapping around my thigh in a show of difference. Aniue was the top dog, the Alpha, the elder. He got what he wanted when he wanted with just a flick of his finger. I may not like it all the time—like when he tried to order me around just to see if I'll kowtow to him or when he tried to make a fool out of me—but I was no match for him and he was Aniue. Big brother. I had no choice in the matter.
Most of the time I would have to say I was quite happy to do as he said. He would shower me with presents and candy when I did a job well done. I liked candy. Aniue was certainly fun to play with. I loved the way he would wind his hands around me while fucking and the way he would say my name so hoarsely when he released inside of me.
But he was such a fucking tease! And an asshole to boot when things didn't go his way. Which was rare. However, it did happen. And being the closest to him by blood and by birthright, he usually took it out on me. It made me angry but it was part of the job description.
As long as he remained Aniue, I would stay by his side. Even if I messed up a few of his plans on purpose or defied him every now and then, I was still loyal to him, to my Aniue. However, I was a Demon King too and if he wanted some pandering servant, he could just snap his fingers and have one. However, if he wanted me to stay loyal to him, he was going to have to work for it!
I don't bow to anyone who isn't strong enough to keep me in line.
And while I wanted to wring his neck I just ended up whining, "Aniue! ~ Onegai?" I saw his member twitch at my sickeningly sweet tone knowing he loved it when I sounded like that. He was an unabashed libertine who enjoyed holding power over another.
We were, after all, related. But Aniue also loved a challenge. And I was going to give him one.
His eyes widened but then he smirked wider, fangs glinting in hunger. "Please?" He tilted his head as if he was baffled by such a word. "I'm sure you can do better than that."
I narrowed my eyes, a frown half sketched onto my face. "A. Ni. U. E." I bit out his name in frustration. The unforgiving vibrations of the toy inside of me had me panting lightly; I could feel sweat starting to bead across my skin as my body heated further. Wanting to find more leverage so I wouldn't fall down I let go of Rin's shoulders, steadying myself better than before but also ended up brushing my hand down the side of Rin's hip in the process.
Which he responded to with a growl; tail swishing in anger to get my attention, "Jerks! Don't just ignore me! We m-made a deal Onii-san! Get off!" He attempted to push me away but I wouldn't let him, I was frustrated enough from having to deal with Aniue and there was no way I was just going to let the little brat boss me around.
I snorted and hefting a deadpan glower at the purple-haired brother of mine, I turned back to the boy underneath me. Leaning down and mumbling into his throat, I teased his Adam's apple with my fangs, leaving soft bite marks with every pass, "You never made me promise. If you want to get something out of a demon you make them swear on their Demon Heart or sign their intentions in blood."
I smirked into his skin, one hand moving further down to stop right over his smooth and lithe stomach while the other drifted towards his chest. "You did neither. I am under no obligation to stop."
The pale look that came over his face made me sneer vindictively. I hadn't paid him back enough for the previous incident that had gotten me in trouble.
Moving it further down, claws dragging in its wake, I wrapped my fingers around his cock and fondled it to get him to squeak with a thumb rolling his nipple harshly. I wanted to hear him beg me to take him.
He had other ideas though.
"How about you-ugh just ask nicely and I'll-ah!" He slammed a hand down on the futon. "Do it?! That's all I wanted you stupid candy addict!" He growled past said squeak, one hand trying to stop me from messing with his member and the other trying to halt any further ministrations on his chest. It seemed as if he was on the verge of losing it by the way he writhed and gasped pitifully between words.
I blinked not entirely sure I had him heard right. He...wants this? My eyes narrowed. "Ask?" Tilting my head, I nipped his nose licking it once. "How?" If it got the little brat to cooperate then I would do it. Plus, he was on the edge of caving in; I would play his game for it would cost me nothing of particular value to tip him over the threshold of pleading for me to fuck him. Therefore, I stilled my hands waiting for him to explain.
Rin stilled then as well, face contorting into confusion before frowning. "I don't- Well, I mean-Ngh- Y-you just..." He rolled his eyes and grumbled, while wiggling away from my warm hands unsuccessfully, "You just have to say, "D-do you...want to...ha-havesexwithme," Alright?!"
He then glanced away a blush on his cheeks. "But next time I'm not giving you any hints..."
I raised an eyebrow. "You...are a very strange half-demon."
He growled tail tightening around my leg. "Coming from a guy as strange as you? Yeah, can it." Pouting his eyes darted back and forth between my own and the futon as if he was debating whether being swallowed by it would be less embarrassing then looking at me. "So? Are you going to ask?!" He then squirmed underneath me, eyes narrowed and looking at a spot above my shoulder, his whole body visibly bristling at my previous comment.
Sparks of pleasure beginning to melt my spine, I cocked my head in curiosity, and I observed his body language. His demanding tone would have annoyed except I was soooo close to having him! Deciding on my course of action I hummed in the back my throat and smirking replied, "Hai, silly Otouto. Can I fuck you?"
He stilled, blinking up at me for a few seconds before his face went even redder then before, eye twitching, biting out, "You always have to act like an asshole don't you? Gah! Fine! Just don't be too rough, I'm not an indestructible brick wall like you."
His puffed up cheeks made him look even more delectable then before and I grinned madly, claws moving back to his shoulders before biting into his arms while I captured his lips with my fangs. "Hmmm~ Itadakimasu~!"
It was delicious. It was extravagant. It was sin incarnate and I loved every. Fucking. Second. Of. It.
Rin seemed to agree with me, for after a moment of hesitation he threw his dignity aside while heartedly responding to my playful tongue. I couldn't have ask for more. Aniue was always in control but this time I was and I could do as I please to the feast before me. I broke off, creating hickies down his throat before grabbing his thigh. "I want-"
Growling low in my throat I almost felt my eye twitch. Almost. Turning my head in annoyance I snarled whining with a slight curl to my lips, "What?!"
Rising an eyebrow, he snapped his fingers, a vicious smirk on his face. "You may have his permission but you have yet to have mine."
Eyes narrowing but legs trembling from when he turned the toy up I gave in fairly quickly and whimpered nastily, "Can I please fuck him?" Like you keep saying but never actually fucking let me do?
He looked positively gleeful with his hand to his goatee murmuring while he stroked it thoughtfully, "I don't know~"
My deadpan made my normal expression look like ecstasy. "What?"
He grinned, all teeth and little mercy. "If I did, what would you do for me?"
Seeing that this was just another one of his little games to wrap a leash around my neck I couldn't say I wasn't furious. He had got me good, there was no way in hell I was passing up this chance to ravish Rin and he knew it. So with a regret that was sure to compound afterwards I groaned, "Anything!" My eyes and slashing tail said just how impatient I was to get this over with. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Rin's tail swishing in confusion while sending us both a strange look.
It made me want to touch him even more, just how could that simple naïvety be such a turn-on? It used to aggravate me to no end!
Not entirely ignorant to my current thought process and eyebrows raised the older Demon King chuckled, knowing he had won—just like he planned to—but still acting surprised, stalling for entertainment with asinine questions. "Anything? My, how desperate~ Are you su-?"
"Yes dammit!" My tail hit the futon and had I had access to my powers and if we had not actually been in a non-existent dimension of Aniue's making, I would have probably split the room in half due to my ire.
Eyes wide, he grinned that sharp grin of his eyes mischief dancing in his absinthe irises. "Then promise on your Demon Heart, Demon King of the Earth. Amaimon. Otouto. Bruder." He sat back on his fancy cushions, in his luxurious robe looking all for the world a king. Such impudence would strike down any other being but somehow Samael could pull it off with but a coy tilt of his head and the baring of his teeth in a haughty grin.
Rage and envy with respect and admiration dampened my lust but only for a second because what need did I have for such trifle feelings, especially at the moment with hazy lust burning through my body? Eyes narrowed in distrust but too frustrated to really care I swore and with just as much disdain that I could get away with, I grumbled flatly, "Can I fuck him now?"
Chuckling in delight the elder just waved his hand, a knowing spark in his eye, "With such a favor as, "Anything?" Dig in~"
Huffing in annoyance, I just tuned him out of my thoughts, narrowing down the world to the wiggling boy beneath me. Eyes gazing on his flushed body I felt that familiar ache compound, an itch that would not, could not be satisfied until I had indulged in it with greed.
So I used the leverage I had on his thigh and quickly dragged him closer while he was caught off guard, until we touched skin to skin and grabbed a fist full of his hair before yanking his lips to mine.
He gasped at my sudden actions but easily submitted, his tail sliding along my back coquettishly.
Length throbbing with need I angled myself until I was pressed against his ass and then ground against him teasingly, spreading the leaking cum from Aniue's release onto my own cock. Our tongues disconnected, leaving a trail of saliva in their place and for a second I marveled at the sight of midnight blue irises hazed with lust and the breathy gasps the other was mumbling out.
He looked up at me; mouth parted and sweat beading his throat before pleading with outstretched hands that wrapped around my neck pulling me in for another feast.
I answered without hesitation and before I knew it, I had kissed him breathless and pushed his hands away, pinning him to the futon. I hitched his legs over my shoulders, fangs nipping his collarbone that left bloody welts in their wake. I lifted his hips higher and then pushed inside to the hilt without warning, his body greeting me with only a split second of indecision before wrapping around my member completely with a whine of discomfort.
"Mnnnghhh! F-fuck! O-onii-ah-san!"
The navy-haired child swore, nails digging into the sheets while his back arched, legs tightening around my shoulders bringing the sweet warmth engulfing my core closer and I groaned, teeth gritting together in pleasure. I ducked to his chest biting his nipples, claws scratching stripes down his thighs while I pulled out and thrusted back in.
Rin tossed his head back and whimpered, hands twisting in my hair, tugging the short strands. "Guahhh~ Ngh-ahh!" It would seem as if he was still sensitive from his previous orgasm because he tightened and mewled at every little thrust.
My hands clawed against his bare skin, finally resting on his hips while I picked up speed trying to find that place inside of him that would have him pleading for me to nail him harder, a molten heat already pooling into my groin and compounding from the earlier stimulation of the toy Aniue had turned on.
He was warm, terribly so. It sucked me in and for one of the first times in my life I felt something more than apathy race through my heart. I had always been the bottom, always the youngest child, and the brat of the family. A practical doormat. The weakest of all the Demon Kings, even if Astaroth was below me in our hierarchy. But here was this young half-demon bending himself in half to please me! Giving me respect and submission! Something like hunger had been welling up inside me for months and now…now I was voracious.
And he was just the sustenance I needed to sate that gnawing emptiness.
It was glorious, the way he rocked back into me with a mewl and panted out, "Nnahah~ Onii-saagh! Ha-harder!" when I finally found the patch of nerves that would send him careening into screaming bliss.
His tail wrapped around my waist and in response, my tail uncoiled from my thigh to bind his hips closer. Claws pricking his flesh, blood running down his sides I moaned, devouring and being devoured by the carnal pleasure that arched and bounced between us while we enacted a blisteringly, gratifying copulation. It would seem we both wouldn't last long the first time around. "Rin, nnngha~ So, so tight!"
In response, he squeezed me harder, hand coming to cover his eyes in unfounded shame at the lewd moan that I ripped from his throat and I buried my teeth into his neck feeling the first of many orgasms beginning to build.
By the way he was beginning to tighten even further, I knew he wasn't that far either and I picked up the pace. Rocking forward until his knees almost pressed against his chest to drill further into his soft, pliant body I grabbed ahold of his erection and tugging on it I bit out in a rough, lust-addled voice next to his ear while I nibbled on it, "But if you want to-ha cum, y-nnaggh have to beg!" I punctuated the demand with a sharp tilt of his hips, allowing my erection to reach deeper and scrape longer against his prostate.
Rin hiccupped, a hand coming to cover his mouth at the first sign he was going to scream, his other hand digging into the back of my neck with little nails to ground him in the torrent of pleasure I was introducing him to. However, when I rubbed into his prostrate and dug my thumb into his slit, he wailed.
Panting out half words and nearly ripping the cover of the futon with his baby claws he managed out, "O-onii-saghhnn~ O-oneah mnnghaiiiiiiii!" He whimpered writhing while I continued to thrust into him and straight into the spot that turned him into a babbling mess.
I could feel the end coming quicker and was reduced to gasping in air, Rin's scent driving me crazy while I forced my way into his already supple entrance.
Hearing his pleas for relief I rubbed his length hard, dragging my fingers across the dripping wet thing and with a squeeze I felt him convulse around me and he came.
Hair tousled and head tossed back he keened, fingers slicing into both fabric and skin while he orgasmed.
His luscious insides gripping me from all sides set me off just seconds after his orgasm and I emptied myself with an equally rapturous howl. Drifting in the ebb and flow of such violent pleasure, I slumped against his body breathing in the scent of sex and our mingled sweat.
His thighs slid down and his feet touched the ground while I let his hips go in favor of nuzzling in the afterglow of post-coital bliss. Warmth stole through my sluggish limbs and I felt him half-heartedly move before stilling all together.
Eyes heavy and not really wanting to move but doing so anyway I let my sight wander over his passed out visage. Sweat clung to his wild hair and his skin was still flushed. A small trail of drool had formed sometime during our coupling and now slid down cutely from his parted mouth.
He had completely dozed off not seconds after coming!
Finding enough strength to pout I narrowed my eyes and reached out to wrap my hand around his tail intent on pulling it until he awoke. I still had not been totally satisfied with just one round.
However, a hand curled around my wrist before I could do so and I turned slightly ready to lash out at the interruption.
"My, my you seem to have tuckered the poor thing out." Eyes half-lidded and a smirk painted on his face teasingly he grabbed a hold of chin and kissed me deeply.
Breaking away, he murmured while he nipped down my throat, hand trailing my spine, "We'll let him sleep for a minute or two, yes?"
I then felt my own tail receive a tug and very nearly collapsed. Instead, I just became more aroused. "Ah-! Aniue!" I tried to glare at the feeling of fingers prying me open suddenly but he just ground his nails into my sensitive appendage making me whimper. Ugh, tease! I wanted to tell him to cut it out but knew he wouldn't listen so I just made to pull out of the sleeping teen below me.
"In the meantime…" He stopped me, suddenly yanking the toy out from inside me and before I could reacquaint myself with something as simple as thinking he pushed me down in a parody of the earlier position he had Rin. Except this time he was the bottom and dead to the world.
It struck me then what he was planning to do. It would have been funny had I not been riled up for the past few hours and I just knew that Rin was going to create an annoying fuss when he woke up to discover that he was being taken all over again. While he was knocked out.
"Your Aniue wants to play~"
I would have cursed at my brother had I not been too busy moaning his name for the next several hours.
Rin was going to hate me.
Snapping out of my daydream, I felt the ridge of Rin's shoulder stiffen. Musing on the reaction, I recalled how hard the other had hit earlier that day after he had woken up to that situation.
He may be the baby of the family but his strength when irate was monstrous even for a half-demon!
Wanting to know what caused the tension in my temporary perch I half-heartedly peeked out of his shirt pouting at the memory of what Aniue had done to me prior to the blue-eyed male waking up. It would be a long time before I let him anywhere near my tail again!
What caught my eye when I peeked out nonchalantly though wasn't what I expected and it broke me completely from my recollections. The practical sea of Exorcists was astounding and made me just a little apprehensive. I could cut a swath through most of the cannon fodder but I could sense a Maken or two in the crowd and more than just a few powerful Tamer's.
Eyes narrowed, I began to chew on a nail; whether in nervousness or excitement at what promised to be an entertaining show, I, myself did not know.
But what I did comprehend was that this one blonde human beat them all. Death and blood rolled off his hideously dressed-form and I knew that this was the so-called champion of Exorcists around the world. The Paladin.
So this was the trial that would decide my brother's fate…
And~ Here comes the trial. *Wipes sweat from forehead*
And now I no longer have to worry about smut anymore. Done. I'm done. Only plot now, no smut writing for weeks now. I need a vacation from it!
Tarry a while. Thou art so fair. ~ Wild-Tama
*And patient. very, very patient! Thank you!*