I've been super busy with school and can't find time to write, but now I can finally have the time.

It's 2am right now. And I'm really sleepy, but my mind is screaming at me to update this chapter since I haven't update for so long.


Thank you all so much for the reviews. They are what motivate me to write more.

Also, I'd like to thanks those who have pointed out my mistakes.

Feel free to tell me ^^ I'm always open for corrections because English is my 2nd language.

I will do my best to improve my writings.


Another note. I have decided to change to M rated. Not because of the lemon, but I think that there are many reasons such as bad language and more over rated scenes to come.

And here is the new chapter of Without You.

Enjoy 3

Chapter 5:

Neji was standing near Naruto while waiting to buy their lunch. Seriously, the university should consider extending the lunch period so the students could go grab lunch outside instead of having to wait in this ridiculously long line of people. But then again, it's another way of making sure that the students will spend the money with the school. Clever management.

'At least that guy is gone now.' Neji thought. Sai had to leave them, due to some errands that he had to run.

The brunet scanned the crowd again just to make sure that Sai was gone. a flash of red caught his eyes and he immediately turned to see Gaara and Sasuke walking toward his direction. Now, he was really glad that Sai was gone, or else the school would have to fix some of the tables and chairs again.

Naruto was totally oblivious of the arrival of the two. He was too busy reading the huge menu that was hung on the wall.

Gaara's eyes opened wide as he finally got to see Naruto. He turned to Sasuke and their eyes met briefly.

'What the? Who is he?' the red head thought to himself as he continued to stare at the oblivious blonde.

"Naruto." Neji tapped on Naruto's shoulder. The blonde tore his eyes from the menu and turned to see Sasuke and another person, whom he assumed was another one of the bastard's friends.

"This is Gaara… Gaara, this is Naruto. He's new here." Gaara recovered quickly and said hi to Naruto and vice versa.

Kiba's eyebrow twitched as he glanced around the table. Sitting next to him was Naruto, Beside the loud blonde was the angst trio(Sasuke, Gaara, Neji).

'why are they sitting with us?' Kiba thought and sighed quietly to himself. He had no problem with having the angst trio sitting at their table, but the problem was…

The dog boy turned to see the whole cafeteria constantly look at his direction. Especially the girls, who were stalking the icy prince with their eyes.

Seriously, having those three sitting at their table totally defeated the whole purpose of sitting at a secluded table in the corner. He just wanted to eat his lunch in peace.

He sighed again and took the last bite of his apple. And yes, he ate apple for dessert EVERYDAY. He was raised in a family that took dental care very serious. Every member of the family has very strong and pearly white teeth. Heck, even their dogs were given supplements to strengthen their teeth(1).

He looked at his watch and noted that it was almost time for his next class.

"Hey, let's go to our next class." He said to no one in particular.

"Ok, but let me finish this really quickly." Naruto replied and took a long, last sip of his orange juice.

"Shika, wake up already dude, it's time for class." The dog boy shook his friend violently. He swore, this guy could sleep through a train wreck without a problem.

Flash Back

November, 2 years ago…

A blonde blew his warm breath into his freezing hands. He rubbed his hand viciously to warm his hands up with the friction.

"Minato!" the said blonde turned to the direction of the familiar voice to see his black haired friend running toward him.

"Hey, Sasuke, you're late man." Minato scolded the other teen and casted a fake glare at the raven.

"Sorry, I had to finish something for my dad."

"Yeah yeah, come on, the others are waiting." Minato gestured for Sasuke to follow him.

"So what team are we up against next weekend?" the younger teen asked as they quicken their pace toward the boy's locker room.

"The Green Dragon. I heard that they're much aggressive than the other teams we've faced. That's why we need to practice extra hard this time." Minato answered and sniffled a bit as the cold wind hit his face.

Sasuke nodded at the blonde's reply. When they have arrived at the locker room's door, the two boys entered the room quietly.

"Yo Sasuke." All of his team mates greeted him in unison. Sasuke waved back as a "Hi" and quickly went to his locker to get changed.

He scanned the room to see that the others were already changed into their attires. Some were chatting with other teammates, while some were playing around with the soccer ball.

He smiled inwardly. His life couldn't get any better than this. He was the co-captain of the school's soccer team, he was one of the top students in all of his classes, he had a loving family, wealthy living standard, great friends… and an amazing person that inspired his every day.

He turned to look at Minato. The blonde was discussing some game strategies with Gaara and Neji.

Minato had just transferred here from another high school. Even though they were in the same grade, Minato was 3 years older than the other students. Sasuke heard from him that it was because he had some health problem and had to drop out of school for a few years, that's why he was so behind.

The blonde quickly made friends with everyone in his class, and that included Sasuke too. Somehow, the two were had managed to become close friends and even made it into being co-captains of the school's soccer team together.

Sasuke treated Minato like an older brother. Even though, he already had an older brother at home, he had no doubt that he respect Minato more than his blood-related older brother, Itachi. Their bonds had grown too strong to deny that.

Later that night…

'God, I'm exhausted.' Sasuke sighed heavily while dragging his exhausted limps to his house. Minato had dropped him off in front of the house's gate after their soccer practice. Sasuke was left to walk the long drive way alone in the dark.

'Sometimes, I regret having such a big land.' He heaved another sigh and looked up to see the front door came into view. He fasten his pace until he arrived at the door and was struggling to find the key in his bag.

Suddenly, the door cracked open, revealing a middle-age maid.

"Welcome home, Sasuke-san." She greeted him with a smile and offered to take his bag from him. The teen nodded slightly and gave his bag to the maid.

"Your father wants to see you. He is in his office right now." Sasuke nodded again and walked directly to his father's office. He knocked a few times until receiving a permission to enter.

"Father, you wanted to see me?" Sasuke stepped in and closed the door behind him.

"Yes, there's something I'd like to talk with you about, Sasuke." His father's toned were stern and strong. Immediately, Sasuke knew that this was no laughing matter. His father SERIOUSLY had something important to talk with him.

His father reached for a remote control on his table and turned on the projector that was behind him.

"Sasuke, do you know him?" on the screen displayed a profile picture of a man. Sasuke's eyes widen at the photo that was displayed in front of him.

To Be Continued…

(1)Apple helps to whiten the teeth. I just added this to story to amplify kiba's family's canine bloodline. Sorry if it's confusing ^^"