Hey! wow, I haven't written a story in a while, and a non Harry Potter one? WHAT HAPPENED ANAKARAYA? XD

ok, so for a while I have become obsessed with Sherlock. Especially John/Sherlock, I find it one of the most beautiful relationships I have ever seen in a tv show. Even if its not exactly canon...

Anyways, I haven't written a story in a while but then suddenly last night, my muse woke up, and decided "its time to write Johnlock" :)

So now I am writting a Johnlock fic. John and Sherlock and texting. :D

Disclaimer: If I owned Sherlock, Reichenbach would not have happened and John would have kissed Sherlock already.

8:34 P.M.




Sherlock? what is it? What's wrong? Are you ok?- JW

John I'm bored can you come home now?- SH

..- JW


Sherlock I'm with a date, I can't come home just because you're bored.- JW

Please John?-SH

No- JW

8:49 P.M.


Johnn!- SH

Sherlock stop texting me I'm on a date remember?- JW

John please come home?- SH

Sherlock I can't I'm sorry-JW

I'll be home in a little bit ok?-JW

Sherlock?- JW

8:52 P.M.

John?- SH

Yes Sherlock?- JW

I miss you-SH


Please come home-SH

John please?-SH

FINE, I'm coming home ok? You happy now?- JW

Ecstatic- SH

Oh and John?- SH

What now Sherlock?-JW

You're my best friend did you know that?-SH

..I know Sherlock-JW

Did you like it? was it horrible? awful? amazing? good? please just review!

Next chapter will come tomorrow I already have it written out. :)