The Reaping

"Kagome! Wake up, sis!" Sota interrupted my sleep. "It's the third Quarter Quell!"

I shoved my eyes open.

The Hunger Games. The Reaping. Everything swirled into my mind like a crazy beehive about to burst. One girl and one boy between the ages 12-18 would be plucked from their districts and sent to the Capitol to fight to the death for the Gamemaker's entertainment. They make me sick!

Shippo burst into the door. He turned twelve just last week; he was eligible to enter the Games now. I'm 15, now.

Sota is ten; funny, since Shippo is called a 'demon' with fox feet and a fox tail, and he's so small he looks like he's five. He's also my adopted brother.

Shippo leaped into my arms and hugged me. He may be 12, but he sure acts like he's 5!

Buyo rubbed against Sota's leg and purred.

"Let's go eat," I suggested, leading everyone into the kitchen.

"Good morning, Kagome!" Mom greeted after I changed into something elegant.

"Hello, Kagome!" Gramps smiled grimly.

We ate in grim silence, afraid of the odds.

Shippo is 12, so he gets one slip into the bowl with his name on it. When you're 13, you get 2, 14, 3, and for me, 15, I get 4.

But here's the catch; you could buy Tesserae, just a bunch of grain, bread, and other vital things, and gain one more slip in the bowl. I can get 1 for each of the family, including myself.

So that's exactly 9. But, this year, they've decided to double the amount because of the Quarter Quell. So I have 18 out of about 1,000 girls and Shippo has 2 out of 1,000 boys.

Not so bad, right? Wrong!

I swear sometimes they add extra slips to pick a specific person!

As we walked to the square in our nice clothes, mine being a while long sleeved shirt with a green skirt and collar and a red ascot thing, Shippo's being a turquoise kimono-looking shirt with leaves on it, a fur vest, and blue pants and his hair in a cute little bow, I couldn't help but think about him.

About five years ago, I was only 10, a boy named Inuyasha-a half demon with cute dog ears-moved into our district. He's strong, handsome, and, well, kick ass!

He had no father, like me, and took care of his mom.

He's a master at sword combat, and I'm a master of archery.

We'd make a great team...

"Welcome, welcome!" Effie Trinket, District 12's escort who wore a ridiculous pink wig, greeted cheerfully. "Since it's the third Quarter Quell, we are changing the rules. The first change is the number of people being picked; 2 girls will be chosen, and 3 boys."

I stood next to Yuka, Eri, Ayumi, and Sango; my four best friends.

"Hey, Kagome!" They all greeted grimly.

"Hey," I replied, just as grim.

"Now," Mayor Kaede interrupted, "before we choose the Tributes, I want ye all to know that there are more rules to be changed. Instead of just a token, ye can bring a pet of ye choosing, if you wish."

Sango brightened up. She had a two tailed demon cat, Kirara, she loved most of all. Maybe being in the Games this year won't be so bad after all!

"Now, ladies first!" Effie reached into the bowl and pulled out two slips with a name on them. "Our girl Tributes this year are... Kagome Higurashi and Sango Taijiya!"

We froze. Time froze.

Inuyasha looked at me with sorrow, shock, and something more... Protection? I couldn't tell as we walked robotically up the stage.

"Now, our gentlemen!" She reached in and grabbed three slips.

Just then, finally, our more or less 'mentor' walked on stage. Mushin was obviously drunk and was dizzy. I lead him to his chair and Effie slowly opened the slips.

I held my breath. Not Shippo, not Shippo, not Shippo!

"Inuyasha Takahashi, Miroku Mushin, and Shippo Higurashi!"

A tear threatened to leak out of my eye. "No..." My voice cracked.

I saw Ayumi, Yuka, and Eri with wide, tear filled eyes looking up at me. Mom, Sota, and Gramps had tears, as well.

"K-Kagome!" Shippo gasped as he leaped into my arms.

I held him protectively.

This can not be happening!

Not Shippo!

Not Inuyasha!

Inuyasha looked at me, again, that odd protective look crossed his face.

"Kagome! Shippo!" Mom cried as she wrapped us in her arms. "Not you two! No!"

I sobbed, too, because I knew that Mom would see one of her children die, maybe even both, and so would I.

I couldn't stand the Capitol!

"I know, Mom." I choked, hugging her back.

Gramps and Sota soon joined the group hug.

Gramps offered me a strange purple jewel on a necklace. "It's the Jewel of Four Souls; it'll bring luck to its wearer. Be careful, Kagome, and go for the bow and arrows."

I nodded.

"I would offer Buyo to come, but he's just as useless as any other old house cat!" Sota joked through his sobs.

I grinned. "I'll miss you, little brother!"

A man peered in. "Time's almost up!"

I nodded.

"Kagome," Sota said suddenly, "you and Shippo should team up with Inuyasha! He's strong, and powerful, and half demon!"

I laughed. "We barely even know each other!"


I sighed. "I'll try, I promise, Sota."

He smiled. "Thank you!"

"Time to go, guests!" The man called. He lead them out, and just like that, Shippo and I were on our own.

We cuddled on the couch until the man came back and said, "Your train's here."

We followed him to the huge, luxurious train.

Inuyasha was running to the dining cart and I was running to my room, and, somehow, he and I collided and shoved into the ground.

I blushed deeply when I realized how our lips had touched for a brief second.

Well, they were still touching.

He got up and blushed, too. "S-s-sorry, um, Kagome, right?"

I nodded. "Yeah."

He helped me up. "See you at dinner?"

I nodded again. "Okay."

I went into my room and breathed in a deep breath. My lips burned, but in a good way. Why did I feel like this? My heart was pounding as I walked to dinner, still in my schoolgirl uniform.

Inuyasha, however, changed into a red shirt and pants that was made from the cloth of the Fire Rat.

Shippo stayed in his uniform, Sango changed into a pink shirt with a green skirt and sandals, and Miroku changed into a purple and black monk's outfit.

Sango, Shippo, and I sat on one side with Inuyasha and Miroku on the other and Effie and Mushin on the ends of the table.

Conversation was brief, until Effie left and Mushin somehow insulted Inuyasha and Miroku.

"Say you're sorry!" Inuyasha growled, holding the plump old man up by his throat.

"I'm sorry!" Mushin gasped.

"You'd better sober up before the Games or else!" Miroku warned.

Kirara hopped onto Sango's lap.

I pet the small cat.

"Okay, okay, I will!" Mushin croaked.

"Promise!" Inuyasha snarled. "Our lives are worth more than anything and I wanna make sure we have a good mentor! Or at least one better than you!"

He let the old man slide down.

"Okay, I promise! I'll become sober, a-a-and we can t-t-talk this out!"

I looked at the old man. "What're they planning this year?

"I can't tell y-" I glared at him angrily.

"The five Tributes from each district are a team; they must work together and win together!"

"I gotta team up with them!" Inuyasha gasped.

"Hey!" I growled.

"Uh-I meant, everyone else!" He gulped.

"Yes, if you wanna live!"

"This could work..." I grinned. "An archer, swordsman, magic guy, a magic fox, and a master boomarang user with a cool demon cat!"

Inuyasha caught my idea. "Oooh I get it! You're a genius!"

I blushed a little, recalling earlier.

Effie walked in. "I'm back!"

I looked at the other four. The perfect team... I got up and walked back to my room. "Night, guys!"

Shippo followed and we soon found ourselves passed out in the nice warm beds.