Dear my Closest Friend, A Letter Back
Okay, so I'm pretty much writing another song fic, as a response to the first Chapter. I'm sorry, it's the same song...
I couldn't find anything more fitting, but it works with both of them! ^-^
The song, letters, and a bit of the past are portrayed in italics. Sorry if I confuse you guys.
Here's the ending! Hope you enjoy. (This'll be much happier, because the first one was a bit sad.)
A Letter Back
Dear my Closest Friend,
I'm writing because, I miss you so much, at night I always cry. The stillness still reminds me, of when we first fell in love, and I miss that so much.
Dear my Closest Friend.
What's this? Mail for Ivan Braginski? From someone other than Belarus or his boss?
Who would want to write a letter to him? He was all alone, and had a notion that he was going to stay that way for a while, a long while.
Today, went against all odds, and logic. Summer had finally came, and it felt somewhat warm out. He didn't expect the warm weather to come for a few weeks, but just like he never expected a letter, he never expected this.
It was mild out, about 60 or 70 degrees, the sun shone fairly brightly, as he walked home. Clutching the letter in his hand. He must have looked like a loon, because he was grinning far wider than usual. It's not like he cared what other people thought anyways.
At the moment, all he could think about was the letter. The person who it was from, was very, very special to him. He also hasn't heard from this special someone for quite sometime.
Quite sometime.
After an unbearable period of him walking home, barely containing his excitement, he finally got home. And when he did, Ivan ran through the house grabbed a bottle of Vodka and sat down on his favorite spot on the couch.
His back was propped up against the arm of the worn, but comfy couch, he extended his legs across the length of it, and got the letter from out of his pocket.
Time to read the letter from Yao~Yao!
He paused and thought for a moment, and wondered what depressing things might be in it. Maybe he's still mad...? Ivan felt a wave of nervousness wash over him, what if it's not what he expected?
Since everything was going against odds today, maybe-
His trail of thought stopped, and he finally decided to open the damn thing. He viciously ripped the envelope open, because the only thing that mattered, was inside. To his dismay, there was another envelope inside.
This time, it was a rich red color, with intricate gold detail lining it. Now this, needed to be opened carefully. He slit a pale finger along the flap, the seal on it slowly coming apart, as he inched the finger gingerly across.
The red envelope was finally open, and there was an actual letter inside. The letter was written with his small, yet beautiful, (and artsy), handwriting. He took a sip of vodka, then proceeded to read the letter.
Dear Ivan,
How are you doing? I know you must be a bit surprised to get a letter from me, especially at a time like this, but I just wanted to tell you a few things.
To start off, I'm sorry. I honestly didn't want to leave you, but at the time, I wasn't thinking about the future, how leaving you would affect me. I thoroughly regret it now, after sitting in our chair alone, and crying, reading our letters, and drinking Vodka until I was sick, I finally got sick and tired of feeling like this. In short, Ivan, I miss you, I want to be with you again, even if we are just friends.
I still love you though.
Love, Yao
It wasn't a long letter, nor was it poetry, but it said everything that needed to be said. This simple letter fixed everything that needed to be fixed between them, it was what they both felt, but was too prideful, or too ashamed to say it.
Yao was a genius. How Ivan wished he was the one who sent it, being the one to fix the relationship. He actually never thought Yao was going to swallow his pride and be the first to break the ice, that has frozen between them.
Dear my Closest Friend,
I remember when, you asked me to stay, and I just walked away. I apologize, I hope my letters sent.
I lost that moment. I lost that moment.
He could remember the day they split, as clear as day, a memory so vivid, it felt like he was there, each time he thought of it.
"Will you follow me, Little Bolshevik?"
"No, Ivan, I won't."
A pang of sorrow, hit him, as he remembered what happened. It was one of the worst days of his life.
Possibly the worst out of all, now that he thought of it.
Ivan dreaded this feeling, this feeling of sorrow and emptiness. Knowing that it would all go away soon, all he needed to do, was write back.
Sure, he could call Yao, but this was much more romantic. Plus he missed writing letters. He set the letter down on the coffee table, and ran upstairs, on a search for the room that had a desk, which has a pen, and some paper.
"Where is it, where is it?" he said out loud, as he tried opening each door, looking in each room for a simple desk.
This was the downfall of having such a big house. You have no idea where anything is.
He opened about the 15th door or so.
"Finally!" he walked in, and lit a candle on the desk, he immediately found what he was looking for.
He sat down, and scribbled the pen until it finally wrote. Ivan was very good at writing letters, and collected all his thoughts beforehand.
Dearest Yao,
He smiled, as he planned how he would write his feelings, his heart, down on this paper.
I'm doing much better now that you wrote me. I'm sorry to hear that you were feeling that way, but if it makes you feel any better, I've been going through similar things too. I'm not going to list them, because, we can talk about that, another time. Right now, I'm eager to see you again.
It's a perfect time to go to the place we've longed for, a field where the sun shines, and golden sunflowers all around us. Do you remember?
It's summer now, I'm sure the sunflowers are growing in your place. Would you mind if I visited you?
Love, Ivan
He smiled proudly, finishing the letter, and rereading it for errors. He was all excited to see him again, but he knew he would have to wait a bit.
Seconds at a time, seconds at a time.
I have waited years to be with you, I will wait even more, just to be with you again.
I wait for your answer, but I already know.
See you soon, my Yao.
Your hand was always mine.
Your hand was always mine.
Dear my Closest friend,
I'm writing because, I miss you so much.
Ah, I hope that was as satisfying to read, as it was to write. I hate leaving things unfinished now. Especially a fic like that. After reading something sad, I want to read something happy.
^-^ Sorry this took so long. Review please~!
(Death Fic ending coming up...If only Mungetsu was here...)