Chapter 1

The Love Letter

Louise yawned as she awoke from her slumber. She rolled out of her blue butterfly covered bed. She began to stretch, and stared up at her colourful calendar. "It's Valentine's Day, today!" she whispered, as she kissed the calendar. She held her hand over her heart. This year will be the best. "Louise!" shouted Rachel. Louise hurriedly placed clothes on, while her mother thumped up the stairs. She was wearing a white top, with a green turquoise long top over it. Underneath she wore dark blue denim jeans. "Are you up?" asked her mother, while walking into her bedroom. "Yes, mum. I just need to grab my bag and I'll be down." smiled Louise. Her mother nodded, and walked back out of the room.

Louise continued to yawn as she ran down the stairs. "Hello, Honey." smiled her father, as he read the newspaper. "Hello, Daddy." smiled Louise, while kissing her father on the cheek. She hurriedly shuffle cereal into her mouth, as her Charlie walked down in a dark green top, over his blue Pyjama bottoms. "Charlie, why aren't you dressed, son?" asked Nigel, as he sipped his coffee. "Because, I'm not feeling well…" began Charlie, while he took a bit of toast. "Oh.. What's wrong?" asked Rachel, as she placed her hand over his forehead. "I think I'm going to-.." began Charlie, while he dropped the toast, and ran to the down stairs bathroom; which is near the living room. "Nice.." said Louise sarcastically. She finished her breakfast quickly, and left the house to get on the Yellow School bus. "Hey, Louise." smiled a girl at the front of the bus. The girl showed her braces. She was sitting by herself, and was holding a small pink pack lunch. "Hey Naomi." smiled Louise back. Louise continued down the bus, and found her friends near the back. "Hey, what's up." said Christopher coolly. "Nothing." grinned Louise, as she sat down beside Kimi. "Where's Charlie?" Kimi immediately said. "He's ill. He's currently being sick in the toilet at the moment." replied Louise. "Aw, poor baby." said Kimi sadly. Louise rolled her eyes. "Have you done the English homework?" asked Madison, while flicking her hair. She stared down at the white folder in her hands. "Shit! I forgot!" shouted Louise, while placing her head in her hands. "It's okay.. He's off anyway.." said Angela, as she never took her eyes off her video game. David was sitting beside her, watching closely. "And how-.. Actually I don't want to know how you know this.." said Louise. "Madison, where's your-.." began Sophie, when Ben jumped in. "Trevor is playing at Ohio High." stated Ben, while grabbing hold of Madison's hand. "Football? Or Soccer?" asked Louise. "Soccer." said Christopher.

Louise sadly stood up to get off the bus. Everyone else did the same, and followed her. They all went to their lockers near the Lunch Hall. "Doesn't this mean Trevor is missing.." whispered Sophie to Madison, who were both right behind Louise. Madison nodded, and looked sideways at Louise. Louise continued towards her locker. She opened it silently, and looked inside for her books. She sadly stared at the two photos of Trevor and her. "I'm sure, he'll get you something when he comes back.." began Madison, as she was pulled away by Ben. The pair giggled, while Angela picked up five books from her locker. "I guess so." whispered Louise, as she took out her Maths, and Chemistry books. When the bell went, she was the one who left quicker than lightening.

Louise sat down in her Maths Class. She sat near the front. As she placed her books onto the table, something caught her eye. A white letter, with a red love heart was sitting right outside the window. She stared at it. Who's letter was this?.. She continued to stare at it, until the rest of her classmates and Mr Jenkins walked in. "Right class, we'll be doing equations today." smiled Mr Jenkins, the class didn't. Louise turned towards the letter. But it was not there.. Was she seeing things..

As the day continue to go by, Louise continued to see the letter following her. She saw it in her History class, English class, and also Chemistry. Here's hoping it doesn't follow her into Business Studies. Louise rubbed her light blue eyes, as she waited in the line, to collect her lunch. It was Meatball Mondays. She yawned, while she grabbed a carton of milk, a bright green apple, and a blackcurrant yoghurt pot. The Lunch Lady smiled, while she dumped meatballs, and different vegetables onto her plate. Louise slowly made her way to her usual table, with her friends. "Hey, girl." smiled Angela, as she was listening to music with David. Kimi smiled, as she shared a bar of chocolate with her big sister. Madison was busy painting her nails, (a colour light orange, which was unusual) while Ben, and Christopher were playing a new game called 'Go-go Po-Po'. (Which involved cards, and you had to make shapes with them in less than 20 seconds) "Hey, Angela." grinned Louise, as she sat beside Madison. Madison shifted in her seat nervously. She didn't dare to look at Louise in her eyes. Louise could sense the tension.

"Is something up?" asked Louise, while she sipped her milk. "No.." lied Madison. She then took a last gulp of her water, and got up. She headed towards the exit. "Madison! Chris we'll finish this later." said Ben, while he ran after his girlfriend. Sophie rolled her eyes, while Christopher tidied the cards up. "We need to go, c'mon Kimi." began David, while he grabbed Kimi's arm, and pulled her away. Angela stood up, and followed behind them. Sophie and Christopher awkwardly sat eating their lunches. Lucky for them, they were nearly done. "Have I done something?" asked Louise. Sophie didn't answer and quickly discarded her rubbish. Christopher shrugged his shoulders, and left with his girlfriend. "This has gotten to be the worst day ever!" shouted Louise, when she got stares off her classmates and couples. As Louise began to discard her own rubbish, the letter from earlier was lying on the table.

"Seriously I should go to a mental hospital.." began Louise. She lifted the letter, and read it into herself. It read: My dear love, please meet me where the mops live..

"Where the mops live?" said Louise, as she slowly walked out of the lunch hall. She tapped onto the wall, while she walked down the corridor. "The storage closet.." she began, while she stood near her locker. "No.. That's props for Prom, and books.. Mops.. Mops.. I know!" she said out loud, but not too loud. She stared down at the letter.

This letter was commanding her to go to the Janitor's Closet.. Was she really going to it.. Or will she just go to class.. "This is just crud." she said, while shoving the letter into her locker. She then stubbornly walked away, towards her next class, which was in the other side of school.

"Bloody stalker.." she said, as she placed her Ipod into her ears. Soft music blared out.

As she turned a corner, near her classroom, large hands from a nearby closet grabbed hold of her. She tried to scream, but her mouth was muffled. She was pulled into the Janitor's Closet in one swift. Her mouth was dry. A tear fell down her cheek. "Fucking let me go!" screamed Louise, while making her way towards the door. But it was locked. "Oh, thanks Louise." replied a deep voice. Louise stared at the boy behind her. She never really turned around. "You bastard!" Louise slapped her boyfriend on the arm. "You fucking gave me a heart attack." she shouted, while leaning on her wall. "Well, I wanted to make Valentine's Day special." smiled Trevor, while waggling his eyebrows. "What.. By abducting me from the corridor.. Real romantic.." smiled Louise. Trevor shook his head, and kissed her on the lips.

After a long period of time of making out, Louise broke it. "I thought you were in Ohio?" asked Louise. "I wasn't.. I told the guys to say that." chuckled Trevor. "So you're the letter that has been following me.." replied the annoyed girl. "Yip!" said Trevor excitedly. "I wanted some fun too, you know." grinned Trevor, while he received a punch on the other arm. "I'll get you back for that." said Louise evilly, as hugged him. "Oh, I love you too." Trevor continued to grin.

This is part of my Future kids, and maybe even the current sector v's romantic one-shots. Sorry this story late xx =]

From littlemissfg.