Chapter 5 Peace, Quiet and Fun


'God, I'm bored! I could use that Gravity Chamber right now,' Vegeta said as he paced around his room. 'At least that damn woman isn't here to kill me with her nonsense.'

It had been about 20 minutes since Bulma had left Vegeta in his room, but for a Saiyin who is used to training or eating 24/7, twenty minutes can last a life time.

'This is ridiculous. I'm getting out of here before I go insane.' Vegeta went to the window, opened it, and jumped out into the open sky. He flew over the city, while briefly hearing the "oooohhhh's" and "aaaaahhhhh's" from the city dwellers as he passed by, and headed toward the sea.

Vegeta closed his eyes as he felt the salty sea air blast across his face as he flew across the ocean. 'This is much better than that God forsaken house I was in. I don't have that stupid woman yelling at me for breaking that confounded machine or her fool-of-a-mother nagging me about how much I eat. God, what I wouldn't give to shut the both of them up!' Vegeta then thought of Dr. Briefs, 'I wonder how that man remained sane with those two around all the time?' He chuckled to himself. 'He probably locked himself in his lab. No wonder he's such a frigin' genius.' Vegeta laughed again.

He flew for hours, not knowing where he was going and not really caring. He let his thoughts drift, thinking of everything and nothing at the same time. Suddenly, he spotted something over the horizon, an island. Increasing his speed, he reached it in no time. It was a small island; compared to most he'd seen, but not so small that if a person took a single step they reached the other side. The beaches were white and the trees lush and green. Vegeta smelled the air. It smelled like coconuts, salt and. flesh, animal flesh. He smiled to himself. 'Finally, some fun.'

He ran off into the direction of the smell, his keen senses picking it up with no trouble. He moved stealthily through the forest, moving fast but quietly. The smell got stronger. He slowed down; he didn't want to catch his prey too quickly. He wanted to savor the feel of the hunt, a feeling that he had almost forgotten. He could smell his prey only a few feet away from him. He hid behind a tree and looked around. There it was! A humongous boar, the largest he had ever seen, was standing in the middle of a clearing, eating. Vegeta smiled, 'This should be fun.'

Vegeta lunged at the boar, yelling his battle cry. Unbeknownst to Vegeta, the boar had smelled him and was ready. It ran as fast as it could away from Vegeta. He followed after it. Now, let me remind the reader that despite the fact that Vegeta is not yet a Super Saiyin, he could have easily taken the boar down without any problems, but like I said before, he wanted to enjoy the hunt, even though he was holding back. So he chased after the boar, going fast enough to keep up with it and not overtake it, not yet, at least.

The boar, mean while, was using tactical instinct to out maneuver Vegeta. He soon discovered, however, that it was doing him no good. Vegeta was still on his tail (please excuse the pun). But not knowing what else to do the boar continued with its zigzag path through the woods. Vegeta, growing bored, decided to play a little with his prey. He fired an energy blast, purposely missing the boar. This angered the beast and it made an about-face heading strait into Vegeta. He merely laughed. 'I think I made it mad,' he said to himself sarcastically.

Vegeta jumped high into the air when the boar reached him, but a second too late. When he reached midair he looked at his leg, which was bleeding. The boar had cut him while he was jumping! 'So, you're a tuff guy, huh?' He looked back down at the boar who was staring up at him. If Vegeta didn't know better, he could have sworn that the boar was smiling at him! 'Cocky are we? Well now, I'll fix that.' He fired another energy blast at it, again just missing it. The boar ran off again and he followed it.

This, attacking each other at intervals then running off, continued for hours. After, what seemed to Vegeta, no time at all the boar ran into a cave. Vegeta landed outside the entrance. "Come out, come out where ever you are," he sang, "You can't hide in there forever, you coward. Ha ha ha. I guess you finally got tired of our little game, huh? Well, I'm just going to have to come in there and kill you. Ready or not, here I come." He laughed as he entered the cave. After a few paces he was having trouble seeing, so he concentrated a small energy ball in the palm of his hand and continued walking through the dark and gloomy cave.

"*Ugh* This place is disgusting," he said as he looked at the guck on the walls of the cave, "You really should fire your house keeper, not to mention your decorator," he yelled to the boar, that he still could not see, laughing. Vegeta looked into the darkness and spotted two bright dots staring at him. 'Heh, so there you are.' He charged up his power preparing to end this hunt here and now. Suddenly, he saw three more pairs of dots looking at him. Confused, he intensified the light in his hand and saw that behind his prey was his prey's family. A smaller boar, which Vegeta assumed was the mother, was standing behind her husband ready to strike Vegeta down. Behind her were two babies, each looking scared out of their wits.

Vegeta prepared to fire the energy he held in his hand but hesitated. He stared at the two baby boars, looked them right in the eyes, and could sense their fear. He wondered how it was possible for them to know what was about to happen. Then he saw the look in the father's eyes. He was prepared to die to protect his family and Vegeta couldn't help but admire that. For some reason he could not figure out he lowered his hand and smiled. "You live to see another day, my friend. But don't worry; I'll be back for you later." The boar, at least Vegeta thinks he did, bowed his head. Vegeta turned around and left the cave.

The sky was a bright rainbow of yellow, orange, red, purple and blue when Vegeta left the cave. He took his time and walked in the direction of the city to the beach. He took flight, going an easy speed, back to the hotel. He watched the sky turn a dark blue, and then go black as he flew. He reached his open window, went inside and fell onto his bed. His things remained on the floor, just where he left them. Nothing had changed, but he hardly took notice. He went to his bed, fell on to it and breathed out a sigh. His mind went blank as he fell asleep.