This idea came to me after the stress of Linchpin, even though it's not really related to it, and since then I haven't been able to write anything else. It's been a lot of fun to do and I really hope you enjoy it.

None of the characters belong to me. If they did, Caskett would've been together a really long time ago!

In Marlowe we trust.

Kate sighed, taking in the numbers flashing '6:00am' on the clock before rolling over. It was her day off, finally. Yesterday had been a heavy paperwork day and before that it had been non-stop cases. For once she was free, Castle was using the time to catch up on his writing and she intended to do absolutely nothing- and that meant lots of sleeping. She smiled, snuggling into her pillow and bringing her bent legs up to curl into a little ball. She was just drifting back off to sleep when her phone lit up, buzzing as it moved across her bedside table. She groaned, sitting upright and pushing some strands of hair out of her face, squinting slightly at the bright light. Castle. What the hell did he want?

She contemplated leaving the phone to ring but after a few seconds irritation and frustration took over. She grabbed the phone "What, Castle?" Even through her tiredness, irritation was clear, plus, having just emerged from sleep her voice had a distinct growl "You do know it's my day off?"

"Detective Beckett?" the voice on the other side wasn't Castle's, it was female, young. It took her a few moments to register Alexis' voice. It was slightly shrill, worried. "I'm so sorry for waking you up. I didn't know who else to call"

Kate sat up straighter, immediately alert. She swung her legs over the side of her bed and got to her feet, padding into the living room "What is it Alexis? Are you alright? Is your Dad alright? Martha?"

"Yes, I'm fine and so is Grams." There was still worry in the girl's voice and Kate didn't miss the omission of Castle's name.

"Alexis" she said again "What's wrong?"

She heard a gush of air as the girl exhaled "I'm supposed to be looking at colleges today with Grams - it's the last day I could look around and I know that it's stupid I left it this late but I've been so busy with my internship." The words came tumbling out and Kate had to concentrate in order to keep up. "Dad was supposed to stay at home and work on his book but he's really sick, Detective, he's got a fever. I don't want to leave him on his own as he never looks after himself, but I can't stay and Grams is saying we should go and I didn't know what to do." The girl paused for a moment, as if summoning up her courage. "I was wondering if you could look after him for a couple of days, just while we're away?"

Silence. Kate closed her eyes momentarily. This was not good news. She was struggling to keep her feelings in check for the writer and, because of that, she distanced herself as much as possible. She was trying to keep her wall intact; if it crumbled she had no idea where she'd be. But Castle would be there in a heartbeat if it was her that was ill, and she was worried about him. She wanted to go over there; she was just slightly concerned about what would happen if she did. "Of course Alexis, I'll be right over."

The girl's relief was obvious. "Oh thank you, thank you so much!"

Kate smiled, "It's no problem. I'll just get my stuff. Will you be there when I arrive?"

"Yes, I'll just run down what he needs and what he's taken, see you soon!"

"Bye 'Lex"

And with that, Kate's day off was no longer her own.

She barely looked at what she was packing, throwing in whatever she could find. She changed as well, a pair of loose jeans and a white v-neck sweater, pulling her hair up into a messy bun - out of the house in the space of 10 minutes.

Because of the early hour, it didn't take her long to reach the loft and into a slightly awkward hug from the relieved teenager "Oh thank you so much!" Alexis repeated. "You have no idea." She took her hand and pulled her upstairs, towards Castle's room she could guess. Despite living at the loft for a couple of days, she'd never been inside Castle's room. She'd had no reason to until now. The door swung open to reveal Castle sitting up in bed. He was horribly pale and coated in a layer of sweat, his hair sticking up on end. His eyes were slightly glassy and it was clear he hadn't slept that night.

"Detective Beckett," he croaked, "What a nice surprise." Even when sick he managed to give her the trademark lopsided smile.

Kate rolled her eyes, sitting down on the edge of his bed."Castle, I'm only here because your daughter called me."

That seemed to be the wrong thing to say, Castle's eyes darkened slightly, accompanied by a frown as his gaze flicked to his daughter. "Pumpkin, you shouldn't have called her. She's got better things to do on her day off and I can look after myself." He turned back to Kate. "Go home Beckett, it's fine."

There was an awkward silence. Alexis stared at her feet whilst Beckett's gaze flicked between the two of them, exasperated. Finally she got up, putting her hand on the teen's shoulder and murmuring "It's fine 'Lex, I'll stay. Go and enjoy yourself." Before turning back to Castle "Don't be ridiculous Rick, I know as well as you do that you won't be able to manage. Now say goodbye to your daughter and let her go have fun." She placed her hand in the small of Alexis' back, giving her a gentle push toward her father who was staring at the two intently.

"I won't kiss you sweetheart in case you get my germs" Kate watched as he kissed his hand, lifting it to place on his daughter's cheek "Have fun, and call me if you need anything."

Alexis smiled, "No problem Dad." She said, before passing Kate "He's just had a dose of Tylenol so he won't be due another for a while." And, with that the girl sprinted out of the room. The two were left standing there. Alexis' call of 'Love you!' and the closing of the door signalling they were now officially on their own

"That was mean Castle, she was only trying to help." Her arms were folded as she leant against the wall, watching him carefully.

He gave a snort "Yeah, well, I don't want to be a burden."

She suppressed another eye roll "You're not a burden, Castle." He raised an eyebrow. "Fine, you are a burden, but you're not a bad burden."

"Is there such a thing as a good burden?"

"Well if there is, you're it." She was flirting, not a good start. But it seemed to move him from his slightly sour mood. He chuckled, but it led to a wince. She glanced at his nightstand. "Castle, you need to drink, what can I get you?"

"A scotch." He rasped and this time she had to roll her eyes "A soda?"

"Castle, seriously"

"I don't mind Kate, honestly." He gave her a small, genuine smile that she couldn't help but return.

"I'll be right back." She hurried quickly downstairs to the kitchen, opening the fridge. She grabbed the orange juice and surveyed the rest of the fridge's contents, weighing up what to give him later. Grabbing a glass and closing the fridge she hurried back up the stairs. "Juice, perfect for the vitamin C deficient!"

He pouted "I was hoping for something more...milkshake-esque?"

"Castle, you're sick," she put the glass forcefully down on the nightstand, pouring him a sizable amount, "so you need vitamins and healthy things, not milkshakes."

"But the orange is too acidic for my throat!" He whined, his eyes widening. "Milkshakes would be soothing." He really was a child when he got sick. She swallowed the growing irritation, mixed with amusement, down.

"Drink the juice Castle." He huffed and folded his arms, unbelievable. "And if you do, I'll make you something nice, but only if you drink the juice." It really was like talking to a five year old. With the obvious bribe he seemed to brighten, taking the glass and taking a gulp with an overly-staged wince. "Good boy." She couldn't help it.

"Can I have the nice thing now?"

She could've hit him, she gritted her teeth "I'll go fix something up now", and she stiffly turned and made her way out of the room, resisting the urge to throttle him. Once in the kitchen she began opening cupboards, finally finding a blender. Luckily the Castle family had everything she was looking for: milk; vanilla ice cream; mangos; crushed ice and vanilla essence. She sighed, she'd guessed Castle was going to be a bad patient but she'd thought her tolerance level was higher. True, it could just be the fever but God he was annoying. She peeled and chopped the mangos with slightly too much enthusiasm, throwing them into the blender with the ice cream, crushed ice and vanilla essence. She quickly turned on the blender, pouring in the milk slowly through the hole in the top. Finally it was ready, mango milkshake, a compromise. Turning the blender off, she poured it into a huge glass, delicately placing a finger into mixture to taste; wow, that was good. She carefully opened his door by bumping it with her hip. The orange juice was gone from his glass and a smile twitched at her lips.

"Kate you are an angel" his eyes were practically popping out of their sockets as he saw what she was holding "Oh you are an angel, such an angel. Thank you, thank you, thank you" he took it from her and took a gulp and then a long sigh of contentment. She gingerly sat on the edge of his bed, watching him. Once he'd put the glass down, she carefully put the back of her hand against his forehead, he was still warm but the Tylenol seemed to be working. She smiled and caught his eye. Bad idea. Her stomach clenched, his childlike attitude and the playful light in his eyes disappeared. Now it was replaced by the Rick she knew, the Rick she was trying to avoid having intimate contact with for fear of not being able to control herself. They were sitting on his bed, her hand pressed against his face, so much for being careful. There they were, she felt the familiar butterflies flutter in her stomach and, sensing the danger, she withdrew her hand.

"I... um…" She stuttered. "You're still slightly warm so I'd try and get some sleep, the more the better." She stood up, backing away from him and moving toward the door "I... Enjoy your milkshake." She felt the cool door handle at her fingertips, a blessing. Quickly pulling it open she escaped, cursing under her breath.

I hope you enjoyed it. Please review! The next chapter will be coming soon...