Hey everyone. As we well know by now, I'm back and better than ever ^.^ newest computer out there so I should be good for the longest time possible. Anyway, here's the next chapter of Trainer's Dream, hope yu enjoy ;)

Chapter 9

Harley smiled as he looked over his team. Destiny twirled about as she danced, her favorite pass time it now seemed. Trixy was laughing and running around as Luvana chased after her, threatening to tickle her when she finally caught the fox. Rapidash was walking around with a very happy Ivory on her back, laughing and cheering. Winery was standing next to him, holding onto his pants leg with a death grip.

"See… told you they'd enjoy messing around while we do a little training to see what you can do" He looked down at her with a small shine in his eyes, "Let's move a few feet away though, then we'll start"

"Okay" She said as she folled him, walking away from them with a nervous look over her shoulder.

"Harley!?" He looked over at Destiny as he squared off against Winery, "Pound and Quick Attack"

"thanks Destiny" He grinned as he looked back to Winery, "Don't worry, she's just telling me what attacks you know"

"Oh" She looked up into his eyes, "What are we gonna do?"

"Let's worry about speed, reflexes, and exacution for right now okay" He smiled, "You can do a lot of damage with very little power as long as you have speed and know where and how to hit"

She watched as he started backing away from her before he removed his hat and his button up shirt. She was nervous as ever as he took a deffensive stance. He removed his black under shirt and through it on the ground to, followed by his Poke`balls. She was just standing there, cracking a nervous smile as he ran his fingers through his long red hair.

"Okay winery" He smiled himself, "Come at me with a Quick Attack, go as fast as you can"

"Okay" She charged, leaving a streak of white behind her as she picked up speed. She was decently fast on her own. She went to collide with him with her attack but he stepped away from her, "what the?"

"You didn't think I was gonna let you hit me, did you?" It wouldn't make for good speed and exacution training" He smiled as he started back away from her, "Okay… this time, watch my feet, where my feet go, you go. Now come at me with a Pound this time"

She charged him again, this time, watching his feet, when he jumped to the left her eyes left his feet as she jumped at him, her ears fixing to shoot out for the attack, but she only hit air. She turned and looked at him with aggrivation as he started backing away again.

"You took your eyes off my feet" He said as she got ready to charge again,Don't get angry and don't let me dodge your attack"

"Okay!" She yelled"

"Now give me all you got"

She charged after him, her eyes on his feet. She got close enough and he jumped to the side. She acted like she was jumping at him, only to give a small fake hop. When he fell for it and moved to dodge, she was in the air, her ears shooting out, delivering a breath taking pound to his chest. Harley fell to his knees, gasping for breath as he held the area she had hit. Winery was looking up at him with worry in her eyes as he clutched his chest, trying to inhale. He finally coughed as he took a deep breath and reached down to rub the top of her head.

"See, I knew you could do it" He smiled, "And you're pretty damn strong. Took my breath away and knocked me to my knees"

He laughed as she jumped into his chest, hugging him close. He hugged her back and got to his feet before walking to get his things. He walked over to the rest of his team as they gathered around to congratulate Winery.


Harley looked around as he walked down the road to the gym. He was happy to finally be battling his Grandpa… and it wasn't for fun or training. This day decided if he was destined to become a trainer like the rest of his family or if he was destined to just be someone who lives with a bunch of his Pokémon for the rest of his life. He just had to try as hard as he could to do it. He had Luvana, who was good against the ground types his grandpa used, then he had Destiny, who could take care of herself, Rapidash, she could probably take a good chunk out of someone, but he was still more worried about giving her a name at the moment, then he had Trixy and Winery, he had trained with them but whether they could do it or not was up to them. They knew that if they didn't want to battle they just had to say so and they would just stay with Harley in the little white box meant for trainers.

"Well look who decided today was the day" Grandma said as he walked through the door, his friends and family following behind him closely.

"Yes, today we find out if I'm a trainer or not" He said with a smile, "I hope Grandpa's ready, cuz we're not gonna make it easy for him, are we Destiny?"

"No breaks" Destiny giggled as she pulled his hat off and put it on her own head.

"Alright then, I'll let him know you're here for a battle" She said before taping the intercom button twice before pressing it again and holding it down, "Harley's here for his battle"

"Alright, send him in" He heard the worn old voice through the intercom, "I'll be waiting for him"

Harley started walking while Grandma guided his friends, his mother, and his two sisters to the arena stands. Harley was nervous, but it was the good kind of nervous that made him a better trainer. His senses were heightened and his thoughts were running through his mind at lightning speed, but not without being processed at an even greater speed. He knew his Grandpa's Pokémon, if he went Marowak first, then he would use Luvana, if it was Donphan, he would send out Destiny, and if it was Baltoy, he would send Rapidash, he'd say Trixy but they needed to work on learning some dark type attacks. That was the team his Grandpa used when he was going by the gym type. It was different when he wasn't being a leader, he was like Harley, he loved all types.

He walked through the door into the Arena to find that he was finally facing the only real role model he had growing up with dreams of becoming a trainer. His mom had been a trainer at one point in time but she gave that up when his sister was born, then she really gave up, not even watching the events on TV, when he was born. The only person he had to look up to for guidance to be a trainer was his grandpa.

"Good to see you here Harley" Papa Sharp said with a grin, "That walk, your eyes, you're ready to battle me with everything you got"

"Yes… I am" Harley said as Destiny jumped from his shoulders. He pulled two Pokéballs from his belt and let Trixy and Winery out, "Do you girls want to battle, or do you just want to watch and get some more training done before we start battling?"

"I wanna watch" Winery said, Trixy looking at his grandpa then looking up at him and nodding in agreement with Winery.

"Okay, we can manage with only you, Love, and Rapidash" He said, looking down at Destiny.

"We can do more than manage" Destiny smiled and looked at the old man.

"I like the fire in both your eyes, no more wasting time, let's get this battle started" He pulled the Pokéball out, enlarged it, and through it up, "Go Baltoy"

"I guess you're up first Rapidash" Harley smiled as he enlarged the ball and threw it out, "No referee Grandpa?"

"Not when it's just me and you" He said as he looked up at his friends and family, "Baltoy, use Rapid Spin"

"Dodge him Rapidash" Harley said before Baltoy could even get his spin going well, "Use Flame Charge"

"Dodge it Baltoy" He yelled but was too late, Rapidash smashed into Baltoy and sent him spinning across the battlefield, "Come on, get back in there Baltoy"

"Agility" Harley said with a satisfied grin as he saw that Baltoy was a bit dazed, "Then follow up with Tackle"

"Come on Baltoy, use Ancient Power"

"Shit, Rapidash, cancel and get out of there" Harley said as he saw the energy gathering before the attack was made. Rapidash didn't stand a single chance. She fainted right after the attack, "You did good Radpidash, take a good rest" He returned her.

"Wow, one hit, is that the best you can do Harley, I thought I taught you better then that"

"You wanna go Destiny?" He asked, looking down at her with a flame in his eyes, his grandpa's insults did nothing more then drive him to his goal.

"Let's do it" She said as she started dancing into the battlefield.

"And what exactly do you think you're gonna do to Baltoy, when he's also a psychic as well as a ground"

"That's exactly what I'm going to do" Harley smiled, "I'm banking on his ground type, not his psychic type"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean this" Harley gave a devilish smile as he gave Destiny a mental command.

She let the Magical Leaf loose. The multi-colored leaf flying through the air at Baltoy, who couldn't dodge it even if he tried, "Baltoy, get out of the way"

"It's no use Grandpa, Magical Leaf is an unavoidable attack, oh, and it's also a grass type" Harley stuck his tongue out as it knocked Baltoy away, "One more time Destiny"

Another one followed Baltoy who was trying to move away this time but this one was even faster with Destiny putting more power behind it. Baltoy was out like a light but Harley knew the poor Pokémon would be okay, he'd seen him take worse hits from a water type. Harley smiled as Destiny ran up to him and hugged him hard.

"That was amazing Destiny" He said, even kissing her cheek before lifting her up into the air and spinning.

"Rookies luck" His grandpa said as he returned Baltoy then sent out another Pokéball,"Go Donphan"

"You're up again Destiny, careful, he's got a bad temper, and he's fast as hell when he rolls"

"I won't let him touch me" Destiny said as she danced back onto the field.

"Rollout" He shouted loudly, Donphan quickly rolling into a ball and rolling towards Destiny with a great speed.

"Use Psyshock" Harley said as he watched the wheel of flesh create a large dust cloud as he went straight for Destiny.

The air around her became distorted as she gained the energy to release her attack on her opponent. The shockwave of psychic energy blew Donphan backwards, but he staid curled in a ball and continued rolling. Harley didn't know what else to do though as he watched the ball move faster and faster.

"Wait, Des, use Hidden Power" He yelled as loud as he could. Just as he had hoped… she produced a massive earth quack that shattered most of the arena. Donphan slammed into a wall that had rose up from the ground, stopping him dead in his tracks, "Damn, that was strong"

He got to his feet, having fallen when the earthquake started off so strongly. Donphan wasn't out though, he was damaged, but not enough to have made any real difference in what they were doing. He made a mental connection with Destiny again, telling her to use Magical Leaf before his grandpa could order another attack. She let loose the multi-colored leaf that smashed into Donphan, Harley could that it had a hard impact, but he knew it still wouldn't slow the donphan down.

"Hyper Beam" His grandpa ordered.

"Crap, Destiny, move, get out of his path before he releases!" Harley's heart sunk as the blast engulfed her entire body. He jumped into the beam as well, feeling the energy burn him slightly, also feeling the weight smash into his chest. He wrapped his arms around her as the attack faded away, "Destiny, are you okay?"

"I don't… feel… so good" She said as she curled into a ball against him.

"That's okay, you did really good, you don't have to fight anymore" He said as he reached down and grabbed Luvana's ball, also taking an Oran berry from his pouch. He handed the berry to Destiny as he enlarged the ball and tossed it, "It's up to you now Luvana"

"I've got this, you just rest Destiny" Luvana said as she appeared from the Pokéball and starred Donphan down, "This is the best you can do old man?"

Harley smiled evilly… Luvana was in the same vengeful mood he was in. They would make a very good team this go around. He was taking in everything he had seen before from the Donphan and trying to come up with a full proof plan that would defeat him easily.

"Love, be ready to move when I say move, whether it's a dodge or an attack" He said calmly as he found the perfect plan to use, "Use Razor Leaf then follow seconds behind it with a Leaf Blade ready to go"

"You got it"

The Razor sharp leaves shot through the air at Donphan who was fixing to step to the side if it wasn't for Luvana who shot from around the Razor Leaf and knocked him into its path with her Leaf Blade. The Donphan cried out in pain at the double dose of grass type. Luvana moved away from him as he turned, with a little trouble, and cast a dark glare on her.

"Hyper Beam" Grandpa said again.

"Jump!" Harley said second before his grandpa finished. Luvana used her vines to shoot herself into the air, avoiding the attack with ease as it shot under her into the wall, "Know pound the snot out of him with another Leaf Blade"

She fell at him, smashing the glowing leaves of her tail into his head from above. She landed and started jumping away from him. Harley smiled as Donphan showed obvious signs of slowing down, having nothing but strictly grass type attack landed on him in succession. He could see his grandpa as well, he held a fake look of bitterness, but Harley could tell in his eyes that he was proud of Harley's achievements in such a short amount of time.

"Last one, Leaf Storm" Harley said with a victorious grin.

The storm wiped Donphan out, he wasn't fainted, but he had no energy left in him what so ever. Now Harley was the bad kind of nervous though. His Grandpa only had one Pokémon left, and that was Marowak, his strongest of them, Marowak was the one he started his journey with and they've never been separated since. Harley was shocked to see that Luvana was just a little nervous as well, seeing that gleam in his eyes, that same one Harley got when he was over confident, or he was just so excited about what he was fixing to do that it became nerve wracking, the want to see just how bad the next thing to happen was going to be.

"Go Marowak" He said as he threw out his last Pokéball with a smile, the ill tempered Marowak looking Luvana over as she took a step back while looking over her shoulder at Harley, "Now, we're getting somewhere"

"Don't worry Love, we can take him" Harley said, removing all doubt from his mind as he smiled, looking over Marowak with a plan going through his head already, "Let's let him make the first move"

"Ancient Power" His grandpa smiled as he watched the attack happen faster than Harley thought possible.

"You okay?" Harley asked as Luvana got to her feet, "Let's start with Leaf Storm"

She sent the tornado of leaves at Marowak who let it run through him without even flinching in the slightest, "Bonemerang"

"Catch it with your Vine Whip" Harley said as he saw his opening. Luvana caught the bone that Marowak used as a club and saw the eyes light up with rage, "Now let him come to you"

"Roger" She said as she stood her ground.

"Don't Marowak" His grandpa shouted as he ran at Luvana.

Harley smirked as he watched it unfold, "Hit him as hard as you can with a Leaf Blade"

Luvana did what she was told, the two of them dancing with a glowing, razor sharp, leaf tail between them. All good things must come to an end though, Marowak getting his club back and moving away from Luvana. The battle continued, Luvana and Marowak traduing blows until it looked like neither was in real good shape. Luvana was panting and sweating bad as she pushed herself as far as she could.

"Let's finish this Marowak" Papa Sharp said with a chuckle, "Ancient Power"

"No!" Harley yelled as the attack happened at lightning speed again, but Luvana was still standing.

Harley almost choked as she started glowing and he watched in amazement. She was evolving. He quickly pulled out his Pokédex and captured the event. The glowing faded as she evolved into a Servine.

"We're back in business" Harley smiled as Destiny poked his chest before whispering. He nodded and smiled, "Let's try out your new move Luvana, Giga Drain"

And like that the battle was over, stealing the energy she had lost from the one she had lost it to. Marowak couldn't take anymore and fainted on the spot. Harley didn't wait for Servine to come to him, he ran forward and picked her up, holding her next to Destiny and kissing her forehead a bunch of times.

"We did it girls" He said, he looked down to see Trixy and Winery dancing in joy as well, "We did it!"

"Congratulations Harley" His Grandpa walked over to him after returning Marowak, "You did good, you show great thinking and you obviously love your Pokémon, and they're strong and loyal, just like they're trainer. You earned this"

It was a Crevice badge, a badge in the shape of a rock with a large crack in it. He smiled and held the badge tight while thanking his grandpa before running over to join his friends and family who cheered for him.

"I'm so proud of you" His mo hugged him tightly, trying to keep from suffocating the girls. Her smiled as both his sisters joined in the hug, "When we get home, I'm cooking a big dinner for all of us, to celebrate this victory"

"That sounds fine by me mom" He smiled.

Finally, I'm done with this epic chapter. This was weird as hell to right because I had to study and memorize what I was doing with each Pokémon that was appearing in this chapter, just to make sure I didn't screw up. I must say that it was a handful. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed it and just wait for the next one ^.^ Thanks to all my fans.