Shego's Bad Day: Chapter err Final: IS THERE A DOCTOR IN THE STORY?

At Kim' s house

Kim looked down at the letter that had slipped its way into her mail box she went over to pick it over, still living with her parents, she had organized to move out today but this letter changed her entire plans. She took a breath as she opened up.

She grinned from ear to ear at the big letters 'ACCEPTED' on her application to work with GJ in the science department. Letting out a squeal her mother came rushing in to see what all the fuss was about along with the tweebs and her father.

"What's wrong sweetie?"

"I GOT A JOB!" She screamed at the top of her voice as she ran around the house franticly, not even her brothers rocket's seemed to be able to catch up with her.


"Ok that's my part of the bargain done; now it's your turn." Shego growled as she sat at the desk, sighing Betty took a crisp clean application form from her desk,

"Ya know you didn't have to do all this just so she could have the job."

"I know. I just made it safer for her."

"But the price you had to pay. To protect Kim you lost her in the process." Shego stiffened at Kim's name.

"I lost more than her you know, I've lost my family, the love of my love, blood innocence. Must I continue?" Shego growled.

"No I guess not, so now as I have to hire you to pay off your debt, most of our prisons are almost empty. Now I guess it's just common street thugs and drug dealers from now on." Betty sighed.

"If this is Go city, I wouldn't count on that Betty."

"That's Dr. Director to you. Anyway you will be assigned as a special agent, do anything to get the job done so you get this." Betty pulled out a gun and handed to Shego, "the rest of your uniform is downstairs with Will Du. Who shall be your waiting with your new partner."

Shego took the gun and looked at her best friend; well they had been best friends at the age of 7.

"Your mom would be proud ya know?"

"Yours probably kill you."

"She'd kill me Cuz she loves me." Shego joked and walked out.

With Kim at Global Justice Lab Department

"Miss Possible, it is an honor to meet let alone work with you. If your could make an adhesive with just a kindergarten science set, you will be possibly the best scientist this Justice has ever had." An old man said, he was a little on the podgy side, a beard, and wore a big lab coat (As you'd expect)

"Dr. Casifer I am more than grateful I get to work with the man that invented the fast acting acid while canceling and alkali."

"Do quote a great hero, no big." He said with a smile leading Kim into the laboratory, people looking into microscopes, others taking notes. If Shego was here she would probably put something on fire just to see if scientist would put their 'study first then react' theory to the test. Kim's heart seemed to feel very heavy at the thought of the raven haired woman, she missed Shego. But she couldn't take her back because…


Kim couldn't actually seem to find a reason now, the killing had been done out of... now Kim wasn't even sure about Shego's reasons. She had just been… had an unknown feeling, like she didn't want to reason with anything it was like her thoughts were right and set in stone. Now she could tell how wrong she had been oh Shego.

"Miss Possible? Are you alright? You seemed to have zoned out on me then."

"Oh sorry doctor, it's just that I was wandering… where will I be working?" Kim struggled for a question that wouldn't make him question her ability.

Back with Shego

Shego looked at herself in the mirror. She had black boots, black combats, and a black shirt with GJ Squad written on the back and logo on the side of her sleeve, and a white vest shown underneath. Frowning she added her style to it, un tucking the shirt, and undoing a few buttons and rolled her sleeves to her elbows. After arguing about the position of the gun holster, she had managed to wind Will Du up till he let her attach it to her thigh for 'better access.'

That was when Shego's day got worse; standing there in the corridor was monkey boy.

"Not you again," She begged who was ever up there.

"Sorry Shego, Directors orders… so err how you have been?" he asked trying to remove all awkwardness out of the room

"Freakin peachy."

Although later that day got surprisingly better, Shego got to practice being shot with a bulletproof vest on her, then got to practice being tazered, just as she thought the fun was over. Bomb defusing time! That was just the highlights the rest of it was a like a normal day with Drakken.


Director came into the lab as everything seemed to go a bit quieter, she rolled her good eye, then walked up to Kim's desk who was currently dissecting some sort of mouse… with three arms.

"Ahem." She coughed, as Kim's head bolted up

"Oh sorry Director, I didn't notice you. Can I help you with something?" Kim asked sweetly

"Yes, unfortunately our scientist has had to pull out of a conference meeting with Hench Co, in New York. And I was wandering if you would like to replace him?" Betty asked as if it was nothing, but Kim didn't take it at all like that.

"I would love to! But who was the poor man who had to pull out," Betty hesitated trying to remember his name

"Oh yes, it was a German man, got some sort of cold mixed up with one of his projects now he's developed the ultra cold Dr. Schfhiem, I'm terrible with German names. So I will send you the transport details tonight."

Walking out the corridor Betty walked into the training room where Ron was constantly being abused by Shego as she tried to focus him to use his monkey power. But stopped when she noticed Betty at the door, grabbing Ron's head she forced it to look at the sword in front of him, he had done it once but only under a lot of patience from his mentor.

"What's up Betty?" Shego said playfully, sighing Betty knew she was never going to get high respect from Shego

"Your head of security for scientists who are going to be staying in the hotel in New York and while their in the conference room, Stoppable you're in charge of security when their traveling to New York, transports starts tomorrow and they arrive at about 1 in the afternoon giving the nerds in S block a chance to get their big brains around the shops."

"Gog it Bets, monkey for transport I'm at hotel and conference. Simples."

When the Nerds (scientists) arrive in New York

Ron guided the nerds into the hotel rooms, smiling at Kim as she was in the center of the hotel. Then seeing Shego his smile grew sneaky

"What's so funny monkey boy?"

"Nothing… here's your room key I'll be back at GJ… bye!" He said he wished he could see the look on Shego's face when she entered her room. Taking the key and giving him a glare she walked into her room. It was too early in the afternoon to be awake, she threw her bag on the bed and fell onto the soft mattress, her black uniform sticking out on the white sheets, and a familiar scent came across her senses. It was only when the shower stopped that she realized it had been running. Suddenly the bathroom door opened at Kim stepped out, hair damp and her body wrapped tightly with a white towel,

"Shego! What… what the hell are you doing in my room?" The voice split through Shego's day dream, as she sat up like a bullet

"What are you talking about? This is my room."

"Then why do my keys say Room 15B?"

"So do mine."

"You're a thief you could have forged yours." Kim snapped

"Notice the uniform."

"It's both your rooms" a voice came from Shego's blackberry, fishing into her pockets Shego brought it up to see Betty, "Err care to elaborate on that my dear superior bitch?" Shego mumbled the last part

"I'm sorry Shego but all the other rooms were booked, and your post is set here due to ease of access."

"Can't we bunk pumpkin over here with one of the other nerds?"

"Hey!" Kim retorted only to be ignored but her heart fluttered at her nick name

"Sorry that's against staff policy."

"I'm part of that staff!"

"Your part of the special squad, so good day to the rest of you. Shego report back to me when you've done a head count and an area scan." Betty cut the transition; Shego's hands were tempted to burn the woman to death but that would not help her current situation.

"K Kim you heard the Cyclops, we'll sort something out later tonight." Shego said not looking up Kim; she did a scan of the area on her phone and found over 7 people on the roof tops. Putting the phone in her pocket, she took the gun and placed it into the holster on her thigh, and put a knife in her boots. Kim just stared at the weapon. Rooting round in her bag Shego then took out a very big sniper rifle, screwing a silencer at the end, clipping the scope on the top and hitting the ammo in. Shego did this with such ease as if it was a dance learned off by heart. She then clipped the strap in the gun and swung it on her back.

"Err Shego your not goanna…"

"Don't worry this time I have permission." Shego went to open the window as the sound of New York streets filled the room,

"Shego!" Kim called out as Shego pulled herself up to see Kim "be careful" Kim said, blushing. Shego gave a thumb up and let go of the windowsill Kim screamed and ran dreading to see a splattered body on the road, instead Shego was just standing looking up on the terrace,

"What are you screaming about now? Gosh you nerds will drive me crazy at this rate!" Shego shouted up to Kim, as she started t climb up the ladder that lead to the roof top of the hotel.

Kim heard 7 quite shots being made as she just stood in the middle of the room. Shego then swung herself into the room; she then took the rifle and put it in the cupboard.

"Betty we got 7 gang members murdered" Shego said into her phone,

"Clear on that, Will send clean up team." Shego went to walk out the room as Kim ran to try and catch up with her.

"Shego wait" Kim called out, Shego poked her head round the door frame only to have her head butted by Kim

"OW! What? Jesus princess calm down I'm not going far." Shego rubbed her head and gave Kim a hand up as she had landed on her butt.

"Ok may have ruined the mood but can we talk?" Kim asked

"Sure shoot." Shego asked, curious of what was coming up.

"About us."

"What us?"

"The us we used to have Shego. I ruined that for us. I was so stubborn I refused to believe the reason you killed those villains, I didn't even try to forgive you I was just too… I don't know." Kim could feel a waterfall coming on.

"Kim" Shego sighed "it wasn't your fault. It was mine, just because you feel bad for me since I'm working with GJ doesn't mean you have to drop your standards in love, now I have to go do a head count so I'll be with you in about five mins." Shego walked out.

She thought I felt bad for her? And I was making that apology up? Well Shego anything's possible for a possible! Kim declared in her mind, vowing to get Shego back.

In the hotel room

Shego came in later, "There's over 10 of you nerds… I'm going to lose it." She heard a laugh come from the other side of the room, as Kim got off the bed "You tired all ready?"

"No. Just testing the bed for comfortableness." Kim Said. Shego took in a deep breath and decided it was worth a shot,

"Hey I've got James covering for me now you want to head out and get some coffee or something?" Shego asked, Kim seemed to peak up

"Sure, where?"

"We're goanna go somewhere you've never been and only exists in New York. Starbucks." Shego said sarcastically rolling her eyes.


"So how'd you get a job at GJ anyway?" Kim asked sitting down in the corner of the room on a leather sofa, Shego sitting opposite her.

"My punishment for permanently emptying GJ high security prisons. But let's try and get away from that whole subject. Like how was college?" Shego asked remembering she had missed half of it,

"It was fun, met some new people, and learnt some cool stuff. Same unknown meat for lunch."

"Ah the tradition continues… of what I've heard, I dropped out on my first week of high school and never went back to education land."

"Why'd you drop out?"

"Too many fights, they threatened to kick me out or call the police." Shego laughed at the memories "The science department teacher liked me for a while, well in more than one way…" Shego and Kim both chuckled at the comment as Shego remembered what she needed to do to get 'extra credit' to pass her test. "Hey Kim?" Kim looked up from her coffee Shego hesitated a bit, "flip you for the bed tonight"

"Tails" Shego took a quarter her pocket and flipped it; before she looked at it Kim interrupted "ah! You're a thief." Rolling her eyes Shego closed her eyes and stuck her hand out at Kim taking the laugh as a bad sign. Looking at the coin, shit.

"Enjoy the floor!"

At the hotel that night

Shego sat on her back on the thin carpet, with a thin blanket over her but a decent a pillow at least my head will be fine! Shego huffed in her mind, her emerald eyes darted to the sudden movement of the duvet,

"Get in here you big whiner!" Kim mumbled, smirking Shego hopped into the bed trying to resist the urge to snuggle up next to Kim, but Kim's words made it even harder

"Shego… I'm cold." Shego jumped at the chance and got next to Kim who turned round and snuggled under Shego's chin, as Shego stroked the red hair so it wasn't tickling her nose, she felt Kim wrap a leg round her waist as she slid her leg in between Kim's legs.

"Hey Shego?"


"I never stopped loving you."

"Me neither princess," As Shego placed her lips on Kim's soft ones.

At GJ after the conference

Shego and Kim sat in Betty's office as she came in and sat by her desk

"Well apart from the noise disturbance from your room, the mission went well; no threats and Hench Co will now be funding some of GJ's weapon and science division." Kim blushed at the noise disturbance part since she had been the cause.

"Oh and since you two are all cute again. There was never a Doctor Schfhiem"


Ok now it's finished. Thank you for all the reviews and faves… let's just hope something will give me an idea for another kigo story.