Title: RVB-Reassemble

Genre: Action/Humor/Romance

Rating: T for strong language, strong violence, crude humor, sexual humor, a lot of nut shots (sorry, guys), and sexist remarks.

Pairings: Red Team/Ooc/Blue Team

Summary: RVB universe; With a rivalry still going on between Red and Blue, Command Center finally gets fed up and sends in someone to straighten them out. A former Freelancer named Tennessee.

Chapter Fifteen

Ten and the Reds and Blues and all of the Sangheili waited patiently on the tarmac, watching as the Pelicans made their landing on the helipads. They were all anxious to see the Master Chief, not believing he was actually here to help them. They couldn't believe he was here to help THEM.

It was still questionable to them that Nebraska now had his own alien forces to deal with. They hadn't known this tidbit at all. But to think about it was unsettling and they were glad a master was there to help them deal with it.

Finally the Pelicans made their landing and began powering down. The backs of the Pelicans rumbled and then began opening to allow their passengers to unboard, moving down the ramp. Three of them moved down first and Ten smiled brightly as she removed her helmet and stepped forward to greet them.

The first was a very tall, well built Freelancer in dark purple and lime green armor. He had a sniper rifle slung on his back and he walked with such confidence in his stride, it almost made the Reds and Blues green with envy. He even reached up and depressurized his helmet, taking it off to reveal a very handsome face of the man. His hair was almost white blonde and cut crop short. His eyes were a leaf green that twinkled in mischievousness. And he was looking right at Ten, who smiled back at him.

The looks from each did not miss from Tucker, however, making him frown.

The one Freelancer beside was no doubt a woman, wearing sky blue armor with white highlights on the legs and arms. Her armor was almost the same make as Ten's was, with only a few differences to it. She even took off her own helmet to reveal a drop dead gorgeous face with fiery red hair pulled into a loose pony tail in the back. Her brilliant green eyes were almost too serious that it was scary. She did not look pleased, however as she looked at Ten. There was definitely a little tension between both ladies.

The last Freelancer beside her was a golden tanned armored man. He was slightly shorter than the first but not by much. His helmet, also, came off and surprised everyone else that one deep blue was a milky white with a scar running down from his eyebrow to his cheek. He was no doubt half blind in that eye. His light brown hair was also military crop short, but slightly longer that the other man's. He was smiling cheekily at them all.

"Hey, Ten! It's good to see ya again!" York called over, raising his hand as they approached.

Ten smiled, her fist going to her waist as she shifted. "Yeah, can't say the same for you, York. What, you still with the frigid bitch?" She said motioning to the red head in the middle.

That definitely had the Reds and Blues stiffen, minus Wash, who snorted, shaking his head.

"You better watch your tone, Tennessee." Carolina said coolly as she stopped in front of the other woman.

Ten snorted as she turned a cool smile onto her, eyes narrowing. "Or what, Carolina? You'll kick my ass again?" She asked just as coolly.

There was a tense pause before Carolina smiled, shaking her head and moving forward, shocking the un-nerved men ashen threw her arms around Ten and hugged her, who laughed and returned the embrace.

"Oh, god. You are still bitch I remember. I am glad to see you, Ten!" Carolina laughed.

"Yeah, you too, Lina! I am so glad you made it! I was worried about you after that whole thing with your dad." Ten laughed back, stepping back, only to be seized by North and lifted up into a tight hug. "Yeah, you too, North!"

"Whoa! Whoa! Wait a minute!" It was Grif who spoke up flabbergasted. "I thought you hated Carolina! You just got done telling is that she is a bitch and she treated you like shit!"

Ten was let down by North, turning to smile at her men, who still looked stunned. "She is a fucking bitch and she did treat me like shit. I didn't really get to that part of the story yet, Grif. To make a long story short, Carolina and I became close after The Director's arrest. She was imprisoned in the same prison as I was in and we...well, I saved her life after some Insurrectionists in the prison tried to kill her for being a Freelancer. We became friends after a lot of talking to each other." She told them.

"Oh." The Reds and Blues all drawled out.

Then Simmons stiffened in surprise and stepped back. "Holy shit! He's bigger than I thought!" He yelped.

Everyone blinked at him before turning back to the Pelicans and they all stiffened again.

It was due to the fact that a giant of a man was stepping off the Pelican, all in olive green armor. He was a great deal taller than all of them and much bulkier. His golden tan visor was aimed directly at them ashen approached.

On his breast plate was the number, 117.

Smiling Ten stiffened and walked towards him, looking much like a soldier now. She tried to make herself look as professionally as she could before snapping to attention in front of the green giant, her hand snapping into a salute. "Welcome home, Master Chief!" She said in her most professional voice she could manage.

The large Spartan sharply returned the salute before dropping his hands down at his sides. "At ease, soldier. It's good to be back. We have a lot to cover on our debriefing. You already know your fellow soldiers from the underground Freelance Project, so we don't have to introduce them to you. But allow me to introduce you to another set of our allies." He stepped off to the side so that Ten could see another approaching.

And there were silent hisses from all around the compound, followed by an uneasy tension in the air.

A very tall, powerfully built Sangheili was making his way off the Pelican, his armor completely silver with black metallic markings running all over it. He carried a feeling of authority with him as a few more Sangheili shimmered into visibility behind him.

Ten briefly heard a low hiss from her own Sangheili and she didn't need to be told who this was. She recognized him from history files as it was.

"Agent Tennessee, this is the Sangheili Leader, The Arbitor. Arbitor, Agent Tennessee, Commanding officer of the Red and Blue Army." The Master Chief said firmly.

Ten nodded respectfully to the Sangheili Leader as she stepped back only a little. "Arbitor, it is a pleasure. I welcome you." She told him.

The Arbitor nodded his head before looking past her and even the Reds and Blues. "I see you have Sangheili guards. And I smell him. Come forward, Bara'lai. It has been a long time since I have seen your traitorous face." He merely growled.

There was a brief unsettling pause before the air shimmered and Baralai revealed himself.

"Whoa! Didn't see that one coming." York said stepping back in surprise with North.

Baralai stepped past the Reds and Blues, who were all shifting nervously, knowing this might not go too well. They remembered what their alien friend had told them about The Arbitor, and how there was problems in their past.

"Arbitor." Baralai rumbled in the upmost respect as he bowed down to one knee to the Leader. "Been a long time, my younger brother."

There was another brief unsettling but surprising moment before The Arbitor shook his head and tapped Baralai on the large shoulder. "Get up, you heretic. Greet me as a brother and not a traitor. Your crimes of heresy has been abolished and forgotten. Meet me as a Sangheili Warrior, fool." He rumbled.

A bright smile formed on Ten's face as she watched Baralai curl his mandibles into his own smile and stood tall again.

The two Sangheili stepped towards each other and tapped their bulbous heads together as if greeting each other in an intimate but brotherly way. They huffed hot air at each other before stepping back again, lifting their heads high.

"So, joined the Demon, have you? Are you sure it is not you who performed heresy?" Baralai joked with a rumbling chuckling.

Arbitor snorted and shook his head, his own chuckle rumbling as he swung his armored head towards Master Chief. "Believe me, it was not an easy task to join forces with him. I only performed heresy against the Hierarchs. They had betrayed our people and it was only a logical choice to join the Demon in ending their tyranny." He remarked.

"Demon? Why does he keep calling The Master Chief a demon?" Donut whispered to Tucker, who shrugged.

The attention went to the Reds and Blues next and it froze all of them.

The Arbitor chuckled as he set his yellowish eyes onto the pink clad soldier. "He fights like a Demon. And is impossible to kill. That is why." He answered.

Ten stepped back until she was in the middle of her own troop, looking almost proud of them. "Well, I guess I better introduce you to my men, sirs, ma-am. This is my team, the Reds and Blues. They might not look much, and sometimes they don't act like soldiers but they are my team." She stated.

"Dude, is that one wearing pink armor?" North asked pointing at Donut.

"It's Light-ish red! Not pink! How many times do I have to keep telling people that?!" Donut whined irritably.

Everyone but the most serious laughed at him. Ten rolled her eyes but smiled. "Be careful, North. Donut, here, has one helluva arm. He can throw a grenade faster than any one WE ever know and can even throw over three football fields." She warned teasing, bumping Donut with her hip.

There was an impressed but disbelieved air around them all.

"Really? Wow. I'd like to see that sometime during training." York said impressed.

Carolina was staring at Wash, who kept inching behind everyone else before she snorted in humor. "Well, well, well, if it isn't Washington. You sure got yourself in a whole lot of trouble, you know that?" She remarked.

North and York jerked their heads over to look at Wash and back peddled. "Wash?!" They both yelped before grinning, even as Wash cringed. "Hey! Wash! It is you! We were told you were dead!" The first said cheerfully.

"Yeah, that was kind of the point." Wash grumbled now stepping out now that his cover was blown.

"Ooooooh, you are in so much trouble with the UNSC, Wash." York laughed as he went to greet his old friend. "Command honestly was pissed off when you went missing. They've put a bounty on your head, man. You are in some deep shit."

Wash cringed at the sound of that. That was not what he wanted to hear. "Great. And here I was hoping pretending to be dead would have worked." He muttered.

"Heh, Wash. Dude, they opened up your armor to see if it was you after Meta was killed at the old Mother of Invention site. They saw it was just a robot. They know you're alive." North said in amusement.

Slumping, Wash groaned, sharing at the other cringing Blues. They all knew they were in trouble.

"Chief," Ten spoke up, looking at the green giant, who looked back down at her. "I know I was suppose to report Agent Washington when I found him and I will take full responsibility for it. But I do need him on this team. He is one of the few people who really knows Nebraska. I knows how to beat him. Arresting him will just cause more problems." She said, wanting to help her Blue as much as she could.

Master Chief stared for a long, uneasy moment before he looked at Wash, who slumped even further in misery. "I don't see an Agent Washington. I see a Blue soldier named Wash." He simply said before turning back to Ten, who did look relieved. "We should get inside and start the debriefing."

A wave of relief hit all of the Reds and Blues when they realized that Master Chief really didn't care about Wash being a fugitive from their own employers.

"So...you're not going to arrest him or anything, right? Or...us for helping him?" Tucker asked sounding relieved.

Master Chief shook his head as he glanced at the aqua clad soldier. "I have broken my own rules when it comes to the safety and security of the human race. As far as I see it, Agent Washington is doing the same. And we might need his expertise on A.I rampancy, as it is." He stated.

That had a few stiffening. It was like the Chief was pointing something out to them and they were not sure if they wanted to know. But...

Ten stiffened before she looked over at her Reds and Blues. "Why don't we take this debriefing to the Command Central room." She told them all.

Everyone nodded and filed back into the Base, leading their new arrivals inside. They would worry about unloading the supplies from the Pelicans after they finished the debriefing.

Now, in the large Command Central, all of the Reds and Blues, the Freelancers, the aliens and the Master Chief were either standing around, waiting for the news they knew they didn't want.

"Two days ago, we received Intel from some Reds at Outpost #90 that they were under attack." Master Chief began, activating the hologram to show images of a Red Base, clearly being attacked. There were bodies littered all around the base, explosions rocking the surrounding area and there were horrible sounds of dying men. The images changed to show the dark green armored Freelancer, Nebraska attacking and killing Reds and Blues. "This footage was taken by one of the Blues of the Outpost. And he didn't make it either. He only took this footage to ensure that Command knew what they were dealing with, probably knowing he was going to die like the rest of the Reds and Blues stationed there.

The images changed and it was to their surprise, Nebraska was fighting alongside very large, ape like aliens, who were literately destroying the soldiers of the Red and Blue armies. They were ripping into them like slaughtered meat.

If that wasn't enough, while attacking the aliens that fought with the rogue Freelancer, a giant beast with sharp spines on its back armor went charging into a group of terrified Reds and began stampeding all over them.

A Covenant Hunter.

"The Blue who managed to get this footage also managed to get a recording of what Agent Nebraska was saying to what is the Brute Chieftain." Master Chief stated as he pressed a button on the control panel.

There was a staticky crackle before voices could be heard through static.

"...ain't here! I am getting sick of playing this fucking game!" It was Neb's voice. "Where the hell is that stupid bitch?! Why haven't your Brutes found out where...urk!" He suddenly cut off as if he had just been attacked.

The images of the hologram did capture what was happening. In it, Nebraska was a foot off the ground, a very large Brute holding him by the neck, snarling into his face.

"Do not dare to question my decision, human! We will locate the human female you are looking for! It was YOU who agreed to our pact that we made with each other!" The Brute snarled, before dropping Neb onto the ground, who managed to catch himself.

"The deal was...hack! That you help me find Agent Tennessee and her band of merry idiots and I help you find a passage to Earth, Diablo!" Nebraska said in a raspy, choked voice as he massaged his neck. He was clearly glaring at the giant alien ape. "I want Tennessee first! And then I help you!"

The Brute Chieftain growled, bending over the somewhat smaller being. "And you will get your female, homosapien! You didn't say we could not make examples out of humans along the way." He snarled.

There was a tense pause as Freelancer and Brute glared at one another before Neb finally nodded. "Fine. Fuck them all up. I don't give a shit. You'll have your extermination of the human race, I don't care. All I fucking care about is Tennessee. I want my fucking revenge against her! She destroyed me, so I will destroy her!" He growled back.

"Pray, tell me, why are you even agreeing with his, human pest, if you know we will Glass the entire human race?" The Brute growled, now stepping back.

Neb moved in a way, as if rolling his eyes under his helmet. "I don't give a shit about the human race! The human race is a fucking joke! More than half of humans turn against each other all of the time and it was my own fucking race that turned against me! After everything I did for them! I joined that stupid Freelance Project to protect my own race from aliens like you! And how did they repay me?! By throwing me into a fucking prison all because I just wanted to have a little fun with a weak assed, little bitch! And the fucking Director went and made HER into a god damned Freelancer because she managed to get a few hits in!" He suddenly laughed darkly, as if he knew a sick joke. "If only she knew why she really became a Freelancer. It'd make her sick to her stomach if she knew that the Director was just..."

Suddenly, the image shook and the Blue taking the capture yelped as he suddenly shot into the air. He was being picked up before there was a horrible scream and the camera went black.

"The transmission was live so the UNSC knew what was happening. They sent a troop to the outpost to see if there were any survivors, and there was none." Master Chief said after cutting it off and looking over at Ten, who was alarmed to the extreme by what she saw or heard. "When they found out all about this whole mess, they went to the Chairman to find out where you were."

Carolina nodded as she stepped forward. "That's why they had us come in. We could find you. They pulled me, North and York out of the Freelance prison and had us track you and your troop down. And because it was a threat against the human race, they pulled the Chief into it." She added.

Ten looked over at her, still aghast. "Does...does anyone know what Neb was going to say? What was the Director doing that dealt with me? And what did YOU mean it was because of Tex that I was a Freelancer seven years ago? You never answered me." She said now wanting to know.

Carolina stiffened, and so did York and North. They knew. They knew what it meant.

After a moment, Carolina glanced over at everyone in the room before stepping closer to Ten. "You're going to want to hear this privately, Ten. You don't want them to know." She said, mostly pointing at the Reds and Blues.

Ten glanced at her men before she shook her head. "They already know what Neb did to me, Lina. Just tell me." She said firmly.

Carolina sighed, looking away before she cracked and shook her head. "The Director black mailed Tex. Forced her to start a relationship with him after threatening you." She said and everyone tensed in the room. She looked squarely at Ten, who was looking alarmed. "And to...make it clear of how serious he was, he arranged it all, Ten."

"Wh-what?" Ten asked, horror now starting to dawn on her.

"Neb's attack on you. Setting you up with Alpha, when you weren't ready for that." Carolina said motioning to Church, who was stiff as a rod. "He set you up, Ten. He told Tex that after Neb attacked you that he could protect you but only if she started a relationship with him. He would make you a Freelancer to protect you. He was going to give you Alpha so you could be protected. But it was all a lie. He set the pieces. Your near rape, your partnership with Alpha. He even set up the mission that cost you your field mission with Tex." She said, slight anger in her tone. "When you got shot by Wyoming, claiming it was an accident. Wy was in on it, Ten too. So was the Councilor. He didn't like it but we were all under the Director's thumb. It was his way or death."

Ten found that she couldn't breathe now. It was coming down on her, crushing her lungs. She should have seen this coming. But she hadn't. She had known about the black on Tex, but not like that. She had been told by C.T, of all people!

Before she had been killed that last time.

"Whoa, whoa, Ten, breathe!" North suddenly was at her side when she stumbled back against the control consol behind her. His hand was on her back as she bent over, hyperventilating.

Ten was panicking after hearing that bit of news. She was shaking, breathing too hard and it was starting to really turn into a bad situation.

"You're turning blue, hon. Breathe slowly!" North said again as he now had her in his grip. He pressed his hand on her chest and tried to manually slow her breathing. "Slow it down."

"Th-that...mother...fucker sent Neb to attack me?!" Ten hissed between rapid breaths.

Just then, Baralai was there, bending down and grabbing her face carefully with his claws, forcing her to look into his yellowish eyes. "Slow down, Ten. Or you are going to pass out." He rumbled, claws soft on her face.

Ten blinked before forcing herself to slow down her breathing, her entire frame still shaking. She clutched onto Baralai's scaly arm, breathing deeply through her nose.

"That mother fucking asshole!" She briefly heard Tucker snap. "Are you fucking serious?! Every time we hear more about this shit bag Director, I just keep getting more pissed off!"

"Tucker, he is in prison! It's not like we can do anything about it!" Church spoke up, though even he sounded angry.

"Well, there is one thing." York said no one really paying any mind to Ten and Baralai as they tried to get her back under control. "Write up a statement and send it in to Command. Doctor Leonard Church could be in prison for the rest of his life with something like that."

"I want him dead." Ten finally said coldly as she allowed Baralai to help her stand up.

"That ain't happening, sweetheart." North said as he kept a hand on her back. "He is more valuable to the UNSC alive then dead. He has so much knowledge about A.I's than anyone else. They need his impute on them to keep creating more for wars and such."

Tucker shot North a look for the pet names he kept using for Ten, not liking it at all.

But Ten shook her head as she looked away, acidly. "Yeah, well, his crimes should have been enough to kill the old bastard. Because of him, a lot of good people are dead. He broke Alpha into pieces. He got my sister killed. He tried to kill me! And, fuck! Carolina, he treated you like shit! His own fucking daughter!" She spat.

The Reds and Blues, and surprisingly, North and Wash froze. "What?" They asked but were ignored.

"Ye-ah, about that. I mean, Alpha." Carolina said now getting into her supplies pack. She turned towards Church, holding out what looked like a data chip. "Hey, Alpha, I have something for you."

"It's Church. And what is it?" Church asked, still peeved by what he and the others had heard.

Carolina stared at him, not relinquishing the chip yet. "You're going by Church?" She asked blankly.

"Yeah, so what? I am fucking better than that asshole. He might have created me but I am taking his name and I am putting better use to it." Church grumped before snatching the chip from her and studying it. He, however, stiffened. "No. Fucking. Way. What are you doing with these?!"

"What is that, Church?" Simmons asked stepping forward.

"They are his missing pieces." Carolina said smugly as she stepped back, even as everyone looked surprised. "All of the A.I's created off of him. I am giving them back. We are making Alpha whole again. All of his memories, his anger, his intelligence, his cheeky attitude, his conniving attitude. Every single one belongs to him. And I did get permission from the UNSC Command to give them back." She told them.

"You mean, Delta is in there?! And Gamma?! Does that mean O'Malley is in there too?!" Wash asked flabbergasted.

Carolina nodded as she smirked over at him. "Yeah. He is. As it is, you know fully well that your Church right here, he isn't Alpha. He is Epsilon, Alpha's memories." She looked over at Church, quirking an eyebrow at him. "And he won't be Alpha until he is complete again. Well? Do you want them back or not? You still be broken into pieces but...over time, they'll mold right into you again. You can be Alpha again. You can be Ten's friend again." She told him.

"I am already her fucking friend, Carolina. That hasn't changed." Church remarked before he flipped the chip around and lifted it to the back of his helmet.

"Careful, Church. Sigma is in there too and he wasn't happy when we pulled him and the others from Meta." Carolina warned.

"Yeah, when is he ever happy." Church remarked before plugging in the chip.

He suddenly jerked and everyone stepped back in alarm as they watched him spaz out a little. They just watched as he jerked and twitched before going still again.

"What's going on?" Master Chief asked calmly, having been quiet the entire time.

Carolina glanced at him before looking back at Church as he just stood there, still as ever. "He is adjusting. All of the pieces are reconnecting together. He is still broken into pieces and I am pretty sure he is fighting with them to stay in control. Church? You all right in there?" She raised her voice as if he was a good distance away.

There was a pause before Church jerked again and he scowled. "Yeah. Just arguing with O'Malley. He was trying to take control but Theta, Delta and Sigma is holding him back." He told them, sounding strained. "All of the others already melded together as soon as I activated them. It's just Theta, Delta, Sigma and Omega who is still pieces."

"Where are you at on reconfiguration?" Carolina asked calmly.

"Uh...56% and not going higher. Seems like none of the last ones wants to be complete yet." Church answered.

Carolina nodded before looking over at Master Chief. "Well, sir. That's all that needed to be done. What are the objectives?" She asked him.

Now it was Master Chief's turn to take control, stepping forward with all authority. "For starters, before we take this fight to Nebraska and his alien armada, I need to see where all of you are at in your training. So starting tomorrow, you will train together and I will observe. Until then, your time is your own." He glanced at the Freelancers then the Reds and Blues. "I am sure there are some questions you have for one another, and some catching up to do. So I will let you get to it. Agent Tennessee, there are vacant rooms for the rest of us, is there?"

Ten, still cold from the news she received, nodded as she put her helmet back on. "Yes, sir. I will take you and the others to your quarters. Do you want a tour around the facility?" She asked him.

Master Chief shook his head as he turned away. "No. I remember this facility rather well." He paused before looking back at her. "What happened to you, what Doctor Church did, I can guarantee you, when I get through with him, he will never leave that prison alive." He said firmly.

Ten's lips curled only a little, still not really feeling up to smiling in any way. "Thank you, sir." She said almost blankly before she started walking. "Come on, Carolina, North and York. I'll show you where you are staying. Baralai, can you..."

Baralai nodded, sharing a glance with The Arbitor. "I will deal with my brethren." He rumbled before looking at one of his own Sangheili. "Tolk'en, you know the drill."

The Sangheili bobbed his head before making his way towards the door. "I will meet her there." He stated as he left.

"Heh, let me guess." North spoke up in forced amusement. "When she gets upset, she still trains until she's ready to drop."

Baralai bobbed his head once as he lead his fellow Sangheili out of the room, watching Ten carefully. "Unfortunately, yes. She does herself too hard. But it the only way she knows how to handle stress." He admitted before leaving with his fellows.

Carolina sighed as she tapped York and North on the shoulder before following after Ten and Master Chief. "She never changes." She remarked and then they left.

"Okay, what the fuck is with that?!" Tucker blurted out as soon as they were gone. He turned towards Wash, who stepped back. "What the hell is with that North guy?! What, is he like...hot for Ten or something?!"

Wash and all of the other guys rolled their eyes, shaking their heads. "It was a one time thing between them, Tucker. Get over it." The former Freelancer said irritably.

"So...did they go out?" Donut asked curiously.

Wash shrugged, sounding impatient. "Sort of. North...uh...well, it isn't any of our business and you know Ten'll kick all of our asses if she knew we all know but...he was her first relationship. They went out a few times. So what?" He asked highly irritated that he even had to explain this.

Tucker growled, his head shaking. "I really don't like him now." He grumbled and again everyone rolled their eyes.

"Tucker, it was a one time relationship and it didn't even last long. Besides, you really think you even have a chance with her right now? With everything that is going on? She doesn't have time for your games. You are a player, anyway. She doesn't need that shit right now." He scolded the aqua clad soldier before it was his turn to walk out.

Slowly one by one, the rest of the Reds and Blues followed him, Church hesitating while Tucker stood there scowling. "He's right, Tuck. Ten can't handle it right now. Don't...mess around with her, okay, man? It's for her sake." He said before leaving.

"I'm not fucking playing around this time, dude. Not with her." Tucker grumbled to no one but himself before he huffed and left the control room, himself.

Author's Note:

Hey everyone. I hope you're enjoying this story. I know it's been a while since I last posted but it was due to the fact that I had moved some of my stories to a new website, Archive Of Our Own. If you have an account with them, feel free to look me up and everything. Hope to hear from you there. I will still keep posting on but AO is gonna to come first.