This is it, the last chapter :D so yeah...enjoy

John watched as Sherlock shifted through the girls belongings, tipping bags upside down allowing the contents to clutter the ground, his facial expression showing he was getting increasingly annoyed when nothing of convenience fell out.

"So where did you go last night?" John asked, still curious about the detectives absence from the night before. Sherlock's head snapped up in John's direction.

"Out. Where you not listening to me last night." Sherlock explained looking at John with an equally confused expression, the fact that he hadn't been paying attention to him angered him slightly.

"I know, but where did you go?" John asked, picking up a discarded hoodie from the floor and placing it on the chair. It was then that John really took in his surroundings. The room was relatively small, the purple paint peeling and flaking onto the cream carpet. Two single beds were situated in the middle room and a single camp bed was positioned in the far corner. A single night stand held a lamp and a couple of draws beneath it. Three suitcases that were once standing neatly out of the way next to the camp bed were now sprawled across the room, all contents of them also randomly strewn around the room. Rhiannon sat cross legged on one of the single beds, her eyes focused on the screen of the white laptop on her lap. Megan was in the bathroom chucking random cosmetics out of the door, also hoping to come across any clue to their friends whereabouts.

"Scotland Yard." Sherlock answered, flicking through a notebook and shaking it to see if anything fell from it. John continued to stare at the detective waiting for him to explain fully. "I went to see the missing list, narrowed it down to all the previous students of the school, of our class." Sherlock finally explained, chucking the notebook behind him and began angrily pacing the length of the room. His mouth moving quietly and too quickly for John to make anything out of it. He paused and stared at Megan who was walking back into the room, a look of defeat on her face. "What did you exactly do when you came back here?" Sherlock asked slowly. Megan collapsed onto the other bed, burying her head in her pillow. Rhiannon averted her eyes from the screen and looked up at Sherlock.

"We came straight up here, so that rules out of someone spiking our drinks and food as we didn't eat or drink anything at the restaurant. So if someone managed to drug us so they could take Keri without us knowing, I have no idea on how they done it." Rhiannon answered. Sherlock continued to pace, rubbing his temples with his fingers.

"So you came straight up here and went to bed. Then how did-"

"Well we didn't go straight to bed." Megan interrupted, sitting up on the bed and looking at her friend. "The rain had drenched us, so we had showers." With this new information Sherlock ran into the bathroom, John trailing not far behind. The bathroom consisted of a shower, toilet and sink. A mirror covering most of one side of the bathroom wall. Sherlock tore the shower head away from the wall and somehow to the girls confusion, separated the shower head in half, revealing its mechanics. When nothing out of the ordinary appeared, Sherlock dropped it to the ground and stormed out of the room. John's eyes landed on the two shocked faces of the women.

"Don't worry, we'll pay for the damage." John comforted, sighing as he left to find his flatmate.

"Where's the hairdryer?" Sherlock shouted from the other room, his eyes frantically searching for the one object in what appeared to be in a warzone of screwed up clothes and misplaced shoes. Megan wadded through the mess and dug up a bronze coloured hairdryer, holding it at arm's length to the detective.

Rhiannon had returned to her bed and opened her friends laptop screen, the smiling faces of them three appearing on the screen. She tucked her knees tightly under her chin and her arms wrapped tightly around them as her eyes skimmed over the photos of the trio. She refused to believe that is the only way that she would be able to see Keri from now on. Sherlock promised he'd find her. A dry laugh left Rhiannon's lips when she thought of Keri's reaction when she'd find out she'd been on her laptop, the words that Rhiannon and Megan had heard plenty of times rang through her mind 'You touch, you die!'

Sherlock gripped the hairdryer in his hands, inspecting the exterior of it. He unclasped the back of it and a small object caught his attention. A smile spread across the man's face.

"Oh, they're clever. Very clever." Sherlock laughed, shaking the hairdryer until the small canister dropped into his hand. The others looked at him in confusion, not really seeing the funny side to what's going on. Sherlock rolled his eyes, shoving the canister in their eye line. "Look!" He said, waving the canister. Blank looks stared back at him. "Why do normal people have to be so stupid?" he sighed. "This is a Nitrous Oxide container." Sherlock explained slowly, yet this still had no effect on changing the confused faces in the room. "Laughing gas. It's a weak form of anaesthetic, when you dried your hair the pressure pressed the can to release the gas, you then breathed in the gas resolving in none of you waking up to notice the intruder. You weren't drugged, you were gassed." Sherlock explained.

"Well that makes me feel so much better." Megan replied sarcastically.

"But when did they put the canister in the hairdryer?" Rhiannon asked her eyes fixated on the small grey canister.

"The only logical explanation is when you were round ours." Sherlock answered tucking the canister into his coat pocket.

"But how did they get into the room?" John said curiously. Sherlock stood in the door frame, glancing back at the others.

"Well isn't it obvious?" Sherlock stated. "They're an employee of the hotel."

"Don't be scared, Keri. I'm not going to hurt you...yet." The menacing laugh caused Keri to flinch in her seat. She was still in shock. How could it be him doing this to everyone?

Sherlock repeatedly hit the bell on the desk till the receptionist rounded the corner a cold look on her face.

"Welcome to the Premiere Inn, how can I be of service?" Her voice droned like it was the 100th time she has recited those lines.

"I need a list of employee names." Sherlock demanded strumming his fingers agitatedly on the desk worktop.

"I'm sorry sir, but I can't authorize a stranger-"

"Detective Inspector Lestrade." Sherlock lied, holding a police badge in front of the women's eyes. "Now get me that list." The receptionist disappeared into the cupboard a trail of 'sorry sir' leaving her lips. John glared at Sherlock.

"You stole Greg's badge?" John hissed as he watched Sherlock slip the badge back into his coat pocket.

"I borrowed his badge. There's a difference." Sherlock answered back just as the receptionist returned holding a large file and dropped it onto the desk.

"Is there anything else you need?" She asked eying the detective. Sherlock shook his head and looked inside the file scanning past person to person until he stopped. His face draining of colour.

"I know who's got her. And I know where."

"You see, Keri. You wouldn't be in this mess if you just said yes." The voice growled. "None of them would've been dead! Well now look at them." Keri's eyes wandered to the numerous hanging bodies, all dangling from the high beams that supported the roof. It was then that it clicked where they were. Her old school gym, she remembered that it was due for some kind of demolition at the start of the next month and it had been abandoned for years. "They ended up hanging with me involuntarily." Another laugh left his mouth at his own joke.

"You're a sick man, Gordon!" Keri shouted at the male. His features completely different from the shy boy she used to know. He still had a pair of glasses perched on the end of his nose but they were modern, a scar lined his left cheek and his hair was flopping into his eyes, still the same dirty blonde colour. Keri shivered, not sure if it was from the icy glare Gordon was giving or the fact that she was sat in a unheated hall wearing her pyjamas; a band tee and grey jogging bottoms. Gordon just laughed down at her.

"You used to be so fiery! Your temper amazed me." Gordon smiled his face inches away from Keri's. "It's a shame that I'm going to have to kill you." Gordon shrugged walking over to a self constructed structure that led up to the beams where Keri noticed more rope hang. For his next victims. Gordon's heavy footsteps shook the beam above her and dust rained down on her. The rope around her neck moved slightly and Her heartbeat increased. She furiously tried to remove her hands from the rope that was constricting them.

"All I have to do is jump, and you'll be hanging in the air like a piƱata." Gordon teased, pulling on the rope a little more.

"He's coming for you!" Keri blurted out, trying to bide her time. The pressure around her neck loosened.

"Who?" Gordon's distant voice growled.

"Sherlock. He'll figure out that it's you that's doing all this!" Keri argued back, her blood boiling in anger.

"Really?" Gordon's voice boomed erupting into laughter again. "Then where is he? I don't think he's coming. He's not going to save you." The tension of the rope increased causing air to rush out of Keri's lungs.

"I wouldn't say that." A smooth voice came from the shadows, a gunshot sounded after it breaking the rope in two causing Keri to fall to the floor gasping for air.

"God, talk about saving it to the last minute. You took your time!" Keri gasped between each breathe looking up at the man approaching her.

"Who's there?" Gordon's voice called out in panic. Sherlock stepped into the light. Gordon began to run along the beams. Sherlock took off after him, racing towards the structure Gordon had made and clambered onto it and swung himself onto the beam. Keri followed, not knowing what she was meant to do.

"Where's Rhiannon and Megan?" Keri whispered as she balanced herself on the beam. Sherlock looked over his shoulder and sighed.

"Outside with John, I strongly recommend you go join them." Sherlock ordered. Gordon stepped back into their field of vision a smirk plastered on his face.

"Glad you could join us, Holmes. Now both of you can die tonight." Gordon took a step forward causing the wood beneath their feet to groan. Sherlock scoffed at the threat, a look of curiosity etching its way onto Gordon's face. "Enlighten me. How did you figure this out?"

"You had access to all the missing people. As an employee at the premiere Inn you can work at any of the hotels around England, you scared your victims with the notes so they would stay away for the night where they would believe they were safe. And then you'd strike and bring them to this place. You couldn't help it. Just the irony of killing the people in the place where they 'killed' your confidence, where they turned you down was just too tempting. That was your mistake." Sherlock explained. Keri stepped around him and crossed onto the next beam unnoticed by the psychopath that was intrigued by Sherlock's deduction.

"And I presume the police are on their way?" Gordon asked burying his hands in his pockets and walking towards the detective that stood motionless.

"That presumption would be correct." Sherlock answered. The wood groaned again as more pressure was put on the centre of the beam. Gordon's stood above the tangles of rope, a grin spread across his face.

"Well they're-" Gordon was cut off by the sound of the beam giving away. A type grip clasped onto Sherlock's wrist and quickly pulled him onto the next beam. Gordon attempted to leap for the same beam but his foot got caught in the falling rope. A loud scream left his lungs as he fell, the rope managing to wrap its way around his neck, just before his body hit the floor the rope grew taught and a sickening snap echoed in the hall. Gordon's body swayed back and forth, all signs of life now gone.

"Are you ok?" Keri's shaken voice asked, he eyes still staring unblinkingly at the corpse swaying below them.

"Yes." Sherlock answered his face showing no emotion and his hands buried deep in his coat pockets.

"Ermm, Sherlock?" Keri asked now facing away from Gordon and frantically looking around the hall.

"Hmm." Sherlock responded.

"How do you 'spose we get down?"

Sherlock watched the scene in front of him. Megan sitting on the pavement outside the old school, pale and shaken up, Rhiannon sat next to her equally just as pale. Sherlock rolled his eyes, it was their fault they were now in this situation. If they hadn't ran into the building and seen the dead bodies, Megan wouldn't have thrown up and Rhiannon would never had passed out. They were never good in those type of situations, Rhiannon nearly collapsed when the class hamster was found dead in year 9. Sherlock looked over at Lestrade who was asking Keri a few questions. And by the looks of things trying to persuade her to put that orange shock blanket back on.

"Well I wouldn't put it past you to have the most abnormal friends out there." John's voice came from the left of Sherlock.

"Normality is overrated." Sherlock replied. John laughed and Sherlock couldn't help but snicker.

It wasn't long till they were outside the hotel again. Each suitcase neatly packed and the long room bill had been paid by John as promised, even though the price of a broken shower head seemed to be a little bit more than he was expecting. The three women stood facing Sherlock and John.

"Well thanks for your help." Megan smiled before tackling Sherlock with a bear hug. "And promise to keep in contact with us this time." Sherlock gave a slight nod, not really intending with keeping this promise.

"We will." John answered much to Sherlock's dismay. Keri stepped forward and held out her hand to John.

"It was nice meeting you, even though I didn't actually spend that much time with you." Keri laughed, John shook her hand and smiled at her.

"It was nice meeting you too." Keri moved away from John and turned to look at Sherlock, both of them not fond of hugging.

"Bye." She said to him, he just nodded in recognition. As soon as Keri moved to the side Rhiannon charged at the detective, nearly sending him falling backwards.

"We should meet up again sometime." Rhiannon squealed. "And then we can talk about all the fun times we had! Like The school play and the time that Mr Rean fell in the school pond-"

"Not to mention Sherlock's first Kiss." Megan laughed, Keri joined in when both Sherlock's and Rhiannon's cheeks reddened.

"That was not a fun experience for me." Sherlock hissed. John's mouth hit the ground and he pointed between the two of them.

"I have to hear this one." John pleaded, his eyes still wide with shock.

"Maybe another time, we really need to leave now if we want to catch our train." Keri replied. "So if you would kindly detach yourself from Holmesy, Rhiannon, we'll be on our way." Rhiannon let go of Sherlock and waved sheepishly at the doctor before dragging her case along the pavement to catch up with the others.

John turned to Sherlock, his body shaking from the laughter that was wanting to pour out.

"Oh, Shut up." Sherlock snapped, turning to walk in the opposite direction.

"What? I didn't say anything." John spluttered before bursting out in hysterics. Sherlock rolled his eyes and continued to stride down the street. A small smile making its way onto his face. Even if he wouldn't admit it out loud, he really had missed those three.