A/N: This is based off a video I watched on YouTube it's called "Redemption" by Dawnofthedusk. It got me thinking, what was Darth Vader thinking when he killed the Emperor in Return of the Jedi.

Note: This story is AU. Anakin kills Obi-Wan on Mustafar.

Disclaimer: I own nothing, all rights to Star Wars, characters and places, go to Lucas.


A Star Wars story

By CelticRemedy

Darth Vader knew how much Force lightning burned. Even his robotic-self still remembered the pain.

"Father, please!" His son – his own son Luke was being burnt by the Force lightning. Should he intervene? That would mean going against his Master. He didn't want to go against his Master. But his son was hurt.

Luke was hurt.

Luke needed him.

He stood there trying to figure out what to do. Why should he do anything? Luke was a Jedi. He is a Sith. Luke was trained in the Light Side of the Force. While he… he was trained in the Dark Side. Why should he help him?

He was his son. That's why.


He remembered…

Anakin Skywalker was sad. He was leaving his home, his mother. But he would become a Jedi! He could come back and free her when he was strong enough! Master Qui-Gon was waiting. Shmi urged him on, "Be brave. Don't look back." He shrugged his pack onto his shoulder and walked towards the Jedi Master.

He did look back. Little did he know, that would be the last time he would see his mother.

Anakin remembers murdering the entire Tusken Raider village to get to his mother. Men, women, and children all fell to his lightsaber. He remembered her last words to him as her head fell back and her body became limp. That was the first time he tasted the Dark Side. He became angry and slew the entire village.

He remembers cutting off Mace Windu's Lightsaber arm and allowing Palpatine to kill him. He remembers storming the Jedi Temple with an army of clone troopers behind him. He stood by and watched as the clones killed the Jedi. In the Council chambers, a group of Younglings hid from the clones. A brave young child spoke up, asking for help. Anakin remembers igniting his blade and murdering all of them.

All of the good memories with Obi-Wan came next. All the jokes between the two, all the missions they were sent on, all the times they saved each other. Mustafar came next. Oh Mustafar… how much did he wish he could forget that day. If Obi-Wan did live, he would have never forgiven him.

Why did they have to die? He could have saved them all. He knew he could have. But he didn't. He let them all die. His mother, Mace Windu, all the Jedi, Obi-Wan…Padme. They all died because of him, because he became evil.

Anakin Skywalker remembers…becoming Darth Vader.

He remembered Vader bowing to his master after he, indirectly, killed Mace Windu.

Consumed by memories, it took Vader a minute to realize what he was doing. He could not let Luke live through that pain. He had to stop it before it got too far. Before it ruined Luke…like it ruined him. He picked up his Master and threw him over the railing and down the ventilation shaft. He fell to his knees from the pain the Force lightning inflicted on him.

Anakin Skywalker knew how much Force lightning burned.

A/N: Please review?