It's been a little over a month since Nagato changed the world. And little over a month since my 'accident' of falling down a flight of stairs near the club room and ending up in a coma for 3 days. The latter, of course, is a cover up for me actually changing the world back to normal. Well, as normal as things can get with Haruhi around. It's still freezing. The cold that was going around got to everyone, even Taniguchi, who after his supposed date, was as energetic as ever. The cold got everyone except us, the outcasted SOS brigade. I don't know if it's Haruhi's doing but none of us have had even the slightest sniffle. Not that I'm complaining. If I did have to stay home it would mean also watching my ill sister, who is twice as annoying when she's sick.
So as I trudged up the hill, much like Sisyphus and his boulder, I felt that nothing was out of the ordinary. Well apart from the usual. Not surprising then that I was totally wrong.