Disclaimer: I do not own Hetalia. All I own are the OCs and this story.
It was April 18th, 1865. After five long years of bloodshed, America had finally beaten his sister in their Civil war; stopping her from separating from him. The war had not been easy on either of them, both of them had large numbers of casualties, depressed economies, and political turmoil; but it had been even harder on the Confederacy, whose very way of life has been destroyed due to the war and its results. America thought about this as he began to look for her.
America and his sister were never too close; even when they were colonies under England the two of them were in certain ways very different. And the whole business of slavery had only made their relationship even tenser. He knew that the war was inevitable, but he still liked to pretend that it did not have to be this way; this harsh.
At last he found her, too battered to run; leaning against the side of a blasted house for support. She saw America too, and pointed her gun at him. He could see the pain and anger in her eyes as he walked up to her. Putting his hands up to show he meant no harm he said, "Lower the gun South; the war's over."
In response, she spat some blood out of her mouth and said, "Shut up Yankee. Those bosses of ours can say whatever they want, but I'll never surrender to you!"
"Why do you have to be so stubborn? Just except the fact that you lost and let me help you," America said while reaching out to her.
South glared at him with hostility for a moment before laughing at him in an insane voice. At least she said, "You Yankee's are such hypocrites; especially you! What? Are you the only one who can declare independence? You make me sick."
America watched quietly as she then began to cough up more blood. He tried again, "Let me help you South. That's what my boss wants to do."
She laughed at him again and said, "That boss of yours is a walking corpse and you know it. You should be surprised that he hasn't killed himself out of stress yet. And when he's dead, what will those other politicians want?" her mood then darkened and told him, "save your help for the babes you hurt to get at me."
America swallowed at the last part. He knew that by the babes she meant the states that left with her. The best plan his side had come up with to win the war had been hard on those states, and left several of them hurt very, very badly. He hated the fact that he and his people had done that to his own states, his children, so he had to keep reminding himself that it was for the good of the country. As his boss said, a house divided cannot stand; right?
He was drawn out of his thoughts when South shot at him; grazing his left arm. Instinctually, he ducted behind a destroyed fence as another shot came at him. He really did not want to shot at her, but she started it; she had it coming and it was for his own self defense. As he loaded his gun, he decided that the best thing to do would be to shoot at her arm; the wound wouldn't kill her that way.
As he aimed and fired however, she tried to move for cover. The bullet missed the arm and instead hit her chest. America rushed to her to see if she was alright. She did not scream, she did not cry or beg for help, all she said was, "I will get even with you."
After these last words, she shut her eyes and stopped breathing. America did not know if she was dead forever, he had never seen one of his kind die. He became scared and tried to wake her up, but that did not work. He then left her to try and find help.
Shortly after he left, Virginia came to check on South. She was fond of South, the capital was in her state, and had recently become the woman's caretaker. When she found South lying still with a new wound in her chest, she began to cry. She decided to take the woman to a secret place where she could be buried in peace. When they got there however, she found that the woman still had the slightest bit of life in her. Virginia then decided to help her in secret, and when it came out that everyone else thought that South was dead she decided that no one else was to be part of her secret.
It would not be until roughly 150 years after this that Virginia's secret came out due to a very bad event.
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