Really quick story. Reviews are appreciated. So on and so forth. Please enjoy.

Riku walked carefully, precariously balancing a lopsided chocolate cupcake on a plate that was much too small for the immense confection. The treat was chocolate (probably overwhelmingly so), smeared with electric blue frosting, and skewered with a single red candle. Naminè had helped him bake it. His friend adored chocolate and the frosting matched the hue of the ocean from their old home perfectly; he would love it. He gave a rare smile as he imagined the younger boy's excitement.

The silver-haired boy slowly entered the blindingly white room, empty save for the humming crystalline flower in the center.

"Happy birthday, Sora..."

Gently, he set the oversized treat on a small table beside the pod before plopping down himself, in the little chair that was really only large enough to comfortably seat the blonde artist.

Through the milky glass, the silver-haired boy could see his friend sleeping serenely.

Riku gave a watery smile. "Make a wish..."

Because really, that's all he could do for his friend, wasn't it? He tried and tried, doing whatever Ansem told him to, but it felt like he wasn't getting anywhere. Maybe he would someday. Someday, maybe he could help Sora wake up after all. But for now, this was it. Sitting in a white room, telling the sleeping boy he betrayed that he was sorry, and that maybe a blue chocolate cake would make up for it or something.

It was so stupid. It was so pointless.

But for now, it was all the guilty boy could do. And for that, he hated himself.

Eventually, wax began to drip onto the cupcake and Riku had to blow out the candle himself.