A/N, warning, disclaimer are all in the prologue. If you are interested in reading it. Please go there.
Summery: Zero lost their fist child during delivery. Now Kaname and Zero are left to pick up the pieces. What troubles lay ahead for them?
Thanks to all who reviewed: ben4kevin, fahaar, irmina, Noukon Kitsune, and bluerose-28.
Here is the last chapter of the story. I am so sad that it had come to an end, but I have another story that I have been working on that was placed on the back burner for this story. It's time for me to get back to working on it. At the moment the name of the story is 'Kaname's Lesson of Trust', but I may change the title. I am currently stuck on it and I have to rework it so that I can move on. I have not posted this story yet as I want to complete it before I put it up. Hmmm, we will see.
Chapter 9: Second Chances
Kaname was waking up in the hospital to the horrendous order of smelling salts. "Kuran-Sama, you must wake up. He needs you." he heard, but was confused. Who would need him? He had no one left. "Who needs me?" he asked. The nurse gave him a confused look of her own. "Why, Kiryu-Sama. It's almost time for your child to be born." she said. Kaname was confused. Child? Zero? WHAT, ZERO'S NOT DEAD! He got up and ran, following the nurse to Zero's room.
Upon entering the room, he saw Zero lying on the hospital bed and he was yelling all kinds of profanities. "I can't believe that blockhead would pass out at the sight of blood, and he a fucking pureblood vampire to boot! He's not supposed to pass out! He better hurry up and get his ass in here or so help me, I will make sure to rip his dick off and shove it up his own ass!" Kaname couldn't believe what he was seeing. Zero was here and alive... and very pregnant, delivering their child. Memories came flooding back to him.
Once they reached the hospital, Zero's water broke but there was a strong presence of blood mixed in with the water. At the sight of the blood, Kaname blacked out. Then what he had been living for the past couple of months had been nothing but a dream that passed in a few hours?
He went running up to Zero and grabbed hold of his hand. "About...Fucking...Time...Asshole!" Zero said as the contraction was bearing down on him. The doctor was checking on Zero. "It's time Kiryu-Sama. With next contraction you can start pushing." he said. "It's about fucking time! Next time we have a child, it'll be you here on the table delivering our children! And don't you dare tell me that you can't get pregnant! I will find a way, I promise you! You will be the one to carry my child for nine months and you will feel what I'm feeling. You can deal with this..AHHHHH! Shit...I'm...so...fucking...castrating...you!"
Kaname, still not completely up to speed, just kept his mouth shut and going through the motions of helping his mate. "You're doing good Kiryu-Sama." he heard the doctor say. "I can see the head." The contraction done, Zero laid back for a second to breath before the next contraction hit. "Zero..." was all Kaname was able to say. "Kaname, what ever is going on can wait. OH GOD!" Zero screamed as the next contraction hit full force. Kaname, still numb to what was going on. Zero was delivering their son, but it was so much like in his too-real nightmare he had. 'Please don't let it be a premonition that I had.' Kaname prayed.
A few hours passed and the progress of the baby had stopped. Zero was in so much pain and the baby had started to show signs of fetal distress. They were going to have to perform the C-section to deliver the child if baby and mother were going to survive. They sent Kaname out to the waiting room while they took Zero to O.R.
Kaname was in a dazed state, not knowing what was going on. He can't go through all of that again. He can't. If what he experienced was a premonition, then he was prepared to deal with things better. His friends Takuma, Shiki, Aidou, and Kain came to see them. Kaname filled them in on what was going on. Just as he finished filling them in, a nurse came out with his Son. "Congratulations Kuran-Sama. You have a healthy son. What name would you like to give him?" she asked. "Kiseki" he said "Kuran, Kiseki." he answered. "How is...Please, how is Zero?" he asked afraid of the answer. "The nurse smiled, but sadly. "He's alive right now Kuran-Sama, but I can't say more. I will let the doctor know that you are waiting to find out the condition of Kiryu-Sama. He will be out shortly." she said and turned to walk back to where she came from with the babe still in her arms.
He was about to go find the doctor to demand answers, when said doctor came walking out. "Kuran-Sama?" he asked. "Yes, please, how is Zero?" Kaname asked desperately needing to know the answer to the question, the nightmare he had still playing havoc with his head. "He's stable at the moment. He started hemorrhaging during the surgery. I'm sorry, but he will never be able to conceive another child. We had to remove everything that would allow him to carry a child in order to save his life. I'm sorry Kuran-Sama, there was nothing else we could do. He is in recovery right now. He will be taken to his room when he starts to wake up. If you would like to follow me, I will escort you there, since he will be placed into a new room." he said.
The doctor turned and started to walk away with Kaname in tow. Once in the new room, he sat there waiting patiently for Zero, but still thinking of the horrible dream he had. He would have to tell Zero about them, but not for a while. No, he needs to re-acclimate himself to reality first before he said anything to Zero.
Finally, Zero was wheeled into the room. Kaname grabbed his hand and held onto it a quickly as he could. He didn't want to let go, ever. As soon as the attendants left, he heard Zero barely moan his name. "Kaname..." was all that was said. Reality hit him like a ton of bricks, and he couldn't contain it anymore. He broke down and cried. The dream/ nightmare that he had really messed with his head. It was all too real, to real. He cried so much that he fell to sleep with his tears still streaming down his cheeks.
The next time he woke up, he was hearing the cooing sounds of a baby. Baby, his son. His head snapped up to look at Zero with their son in his arms. "Zero..." was all he could say. Zero smiled at him and somehow it made his whole world right again. Yes this is how it is supposed to be. "Kaname, are you ok? You were mumbling in your sleep. You kept calling out my name." Zero inquired. Yes, I'm fine, but I do need to talk to you about the nightmare that I had.
"Zero, you know what tonight is don't you?" Kaname asked in a teasing smile. Oh he knew that Zero knew. He made sure of it. Sticky notes, post-it notes, the date circled and every calender they owned, reminder alerts on their phones, voice mail messages, and anything else he could come up with to remind Zero. It was to the point where Zero couldn't go five seconds without a reminder going off or showing up anywhere. It was driving him crazy, but that's ok, two can play that game.
Zero just sat there at the table, enjoying his dinner, trying to look thoughtful to the question that was posed. "Today, today, what is today? It's June 13th. It's not a birthday for either of us, it's not an anniversary for us, it's not Kiseki's birthday, so no love. I'm sorry, I don't know what today is. I know it's not a holiday, so I'm at a loss." He finished watching Kaname get red in the face. Oh, he was sooo going to get it later, but hopefully not too much later.
"How could you not know Zero. I made sure you had a few reminders of what today is. Don't you even love me anymore?" Kaname whined. When tears started to show up in Kaname's eyes, Zero couldn't continue to torment him. He hated seeing his love cry. He chuckled softly before saying anything. "Yes, I know what today is Kana and I have a present for you waiting to be opened later." Zero informed him. Kaname beamed with happiness. Zero loved Kaname to no end. His precious lover showed this side of himself only to Zero and he loved it.
"And when do I get to open it Z?" Kaname asked with excitement showing through his eyes. "We could go up stairs now and open it if you want or we could wait until after dinner and a movie or two. It's up to you." Zero answered, but no sooner had he finished saying this then he was being dragged up stairs. When they were in their bedroom and the door was closed, Kaname walked over to the bed, and sat down expectantly. "So where is my present?" Kaname asked him. "Well...you have to open the package first." Zero said walking over to the bed with a smirk on his face.
When he reached the bed, he held out his hand that had a box in it. Kaname was surprised, but not in a good way. He thought the present was gift wrapped in Zero's pants. Zero saw the disappointment on Kaname's face, and chuckled once again. "Kaname, I know what you were thinking. I'm sorry you're disappointed. I have something so much better." Zero saw the doubt on Kaname's face at that statement. "We have been trying for another child and have not been successful as of yet. I have been working on this gift for some time. I finally found a way to make sure we could succeed. Open this please, and I will explain how it will help." Zero handed the gift to Kaname.
Still doubting how this gift will help with the lack of a new life that they have been trying for, Kaname takes the gift and untie the ribbon that is wrapped around the small box. Upon opening the lid, he see's a violet rose medallion on a gold chain. It's a necklace that Kaname has been missing for over a week and has been searching for. "Zero, what's going on? Why did you have my necklace and didn't even tell me about it?" Kaname asked trying to listen to what Zero was about to say instead of yelling at him.
"I'm sorry Kana, I was trying to surprise you with this. I needed something that was special to you in order for it to work. With this necklace and the charm that I placed on it, once it's activated, will help you get pregnant and carry the child to full term. I spoke to our doctor to find out why you weren't getting pregnant. He told me that the problem was in fact me. I'm a level D vampire trying to impregnate a pureblood. Under normal circumstances, that's impossible since your body destroys anything that it considers a danger or inferior to it's genetic make-up. This necklace with the charm will help you get pregnant and carry the child to term. All I have to do it activate it once we place it around your neck." Zero explained.
Kaname, no matter how much he trusted Zero, is still very nervous about charms of any kind. "Zero, if a charm was the only way to ensure that I could get pregnant, why didn't you come up with one for you so that my body can conceive?" Kaname asked nervously. Zero chuckled again at this question. "I did try. I know how you feel about charms, so I did try to come up with a charm for me. It didn't work, because once my... stuff... entered you, they reverted back to something for your body to destroy. The only way to do this is with this." Zero answered gesturing to the charmed necklace. "Kaname, I really do know how you feel about charms. You don't have to wear this if you don't want to, it's completely up to you." Zero soothed the very nervous pureblood.
That statement solidified Kaname's decision and resolve. He wasn't going to let his fear of charms interfere with what he wanted. He wanted another child with Zero, and this was the only way to be able to accomplish it. He took the necklace out of the box, held it out to Zero, and asked him to place it around his neck. Zero looked uncertainly at the other, before taking the necklace. "Are you sure Kana?" he asked to be sure. Kaname smiled and nodded his head. "I want another child with you. If this is the only way, then so be it. I love you and I'm not about to let my unfounded fear stop us from expanding our family." Kaname said, seeing the happy expression on his beloveds face. The tent in his pants wasn't bad either.
"So what do we do to activate the charm?" Kaname asked. "It takes a simple word." he said as he placed the necklace about the others neck. "This may sting for a minute, but that's it." Kaname nodded in understanding. "Potestatem facere." he said enabling the charm. Kaname hissed when he felt the sting that Zero mentioned. Seconds later, the stinging was gone. Otherwise, Kaname felt no different. "I hope I don't have to feel that again. That hurt." Kaname said. "I'm sorry love. Maybe this will make you feel better." Zero said as he began to kiss him where the necklace laid.
Zero moved from there to his ear, teasing and licking to his hearts content. He reveled in hearing the moan that emanated from his lover. One hand moving to his chest to tease and play with one of Kaname's nipples, his mouth following soon after. Licking and teasing the neglected nipple to a hardened peak. Kaname was breathing harder now, both hands entangled in the silver strands that had fascinated him for so long. "Zero...please..." Kaname begged, but couldn't finish since Zero bit down and pierced his nipple. Kaname moaned again, only louder, as Zero began to suckle on the nipple to get the minute amount of blood that had bleed through.
"What do you want Kana? Do you want me to bite down here again?" he asked as he licked the nipple again. "No, not there. Down...please. Down..." Kaname pleaded unable to make he request more articulate. Zero moved a hand down to the bulge in Kaname's pants and began to rub against it. Kaname arched into Zero's hand, whimpering at the contact. "Oh, you are a naughty boy, aren't you Kana." Zero said teasingly. Zero was enjoying this so much. Kaname's knee's gave out from under him and was caught by Zero. Zero carried him to the bed and laid him down gently. He pulled Kaname's pants off and began to lick up Kaname's leg from the inside of his ankle up to his cock. He licked, sucks, and nipped at his balls.
Kaname was going crazy and couldn't handle it any longer. Zero was going to slow for him right now. He flipped Zero over so that Zero was lying flat on his back. He yanked down Zero's pants and began to suck on his enlarged cock while preparing himself to be impaled on his lovers hard dick. Once he was prepared enough and Zero's cock was slick enough, he moved and positioned himself above Kaname. Zero looked like he was ready to explode if he didn't find his release soon. If Kaname wasn't desperate himself, he would torture his lover to get even, but as it is he will have to find another way to get even. Later, he will even later he promised himself.
He slid down onto Zero's cock and they cried out together as the feeling of euphoria enveloped them. Kaname wasn't going to take this slow, he needed it too much. With each and every single down ward thrust, his prostrate was assaulted and Kaname Knew he wasn't going to last much longer. He tried to ride Zero faster, but found his muscles were tensing up on him. His body was getting ready for a release that wasn't going to come fast enough. "Ze..ro..Please..I...c...can't. More...I..need...MORE!" Kaname shouted the last word when Zero began to pound into him at an in-human speed. Kaname tensed as he shouted Zero's name as loud as he could, shooting his load all over Zero's chest and face. Zero tensed and shouted Kaname's name as he shot his load inside of Kaname.
Kaname collapsed on top of Zero, trying to catch his breath. Once his breathing slowed down enough, a question popped up in his head. "Z? Any idea how long the charm will take before I become pregnant?" Kaname asked looking up at him. "Hmmm" Zero hummed in thought. "It should be effective immediately, but we could keep on trying just to be sure." Zero said wiggling his eyebrows at Kaname. Kaname smiled and as flipped to lie down on the bed with Zero on top of him. Zero positioned himself at Kaname's entrance and in one quick move, thrust completely into Kaname.
They made love all night long and two weeks later, they found Kaname pregnant.
The End
A/N: Please review. Should I add a one shot to follow Kaname's pregnancy? Please send me a review with the answer.
Again, thank you to everyone who has been reviewing this story and everyone who has been following me to the end. Thank you all.