"I need you tonight," I said softly, tentatively into the phone.

"I'll be right over," his rich velvet voice said. I put the phone down with a shaking hand. Once again my body and even my heart had overridden my mind. This was one night, one night few and far between, that I would let myself feel something for him again. I faced myself in the mirror and ran a brush through my hair. I had gotten to thirty eight when the hairs on the back of my neck stood up and I knew he was there. His hand covered mine gently and I closed my eyes, letting him take the brush from me. I heard the soft noise it made when he set it down on my vanity. His hand brushed my hair aside almost carelessly and he pressed a warm kiss to the back of my neck. My eyes shot open and met his clear green ones in the mirror.

There would never be any conversation; any explanation. The chemistry that had existed between us from the beginning bubbled to the surface as he ran his hands lightly down my arm; his gaze still locked on mine in the mirror. Slowly I turned to face him; my hands reaching of their own accord to thread into his hair securing his lips to mine. Our sighs matched as our lips touched. It had been so long-too long-since I had last felt his kiss. His arms closed around me and his lips shook slightly and I knew in that moment that he had missed this as much as I had.

Arousal hit me like lightning as he pushed his hands into the back of my jeans, cupping my cheeks and pulling my hips firmly to his. We had always been so good at this; so naturally in tune with each other's bodies. I let our lips separate only to pull his shirt over his head. Then my fingertips traced his skin as he rained hot, erotic kisses down my neck. We tumbled to the bed in a tangle of limbs.

"God I missed this," I heard him breathe into my neck but I didn't answer. Instead I tugged my own top over my head and pressed my bare chest to his. I would never in my whole life forget that feeling of when our skin touched. If I lived to be 100 I would never forget the feeling of his fingertips stroking my nipples. He knew just how to touch me; play me like some unheard of instrument until I would almost sell my soul for one more touch; one more brush of his tongue on my skin.

"Stefan," I whispered finally uttering his name as his mouth closed over my breast. His tongue and teeth worried the nipple and I threaded my hands through his hair begging for more until my throat was hoarse. He slid his hands sensually up my thighs and tugged at my jeans until they came down around my ankles. He tossed them aside with one hand as the other deftly undid the buttons on his cargo pants.

Then he was inside of me; filling me like only he could as he softly called my name. I pressed my fingers over his lips and then pulled them down to mine. His thrusts were leisurely and I knew he was prolonging the moment when this would end; making us two separate people again. Our lips locked together and tongues tangled as our bodies moved in a rhythm only the two of us knew. I bit my lip to stop from crying out my release even as Stefan groaned from above me.

The beast inside of me was sated. Stefan pulled away and searched my eyes. He would find no forgiveness there. These short moments were all that were left of a life we could never have again. His shoulders slumped as he redressed and I knew the hurt I caused him by allowing him only these brief moments with me. Done dressing he turned as he always did to drop a kiss on my lips but I turned my cheek to him. And then he was gone and my only reminder that he was there was the faint ache between my thighs and in my heart.