"FROG FACE WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" Britain yelled, making the twins upstairs jump.

"I came here to see what happened." France replied. For once France didn't want to try anything on Britain, he just wanted to see if the country he once raised was alright.

"Fine. They're up in the attic." Britain grumbled opening the door just enough for France to get through.

Britain lead France upstairs, where he took a seat next to Canada.

"Now as I was saying, while I'm trying to fix this you two might want to stay here in case someone gets suspicious." France raised his hand as Britain finished like he was still in grade school and was afraid of his grouchy teacher.

"Yes France?" Britain sighed.

"Do you know how to reverse the spell?" France questioned catching Britain off guard.

"Well, no, but I have an idea on how to reverse it." Britain replied after a while. "I casted the spell originally by going to sleep and saying the spell while I was sleeping, so maybe I can just do the same thing and that will reverse it." Britain said unsurely.

"Well if you think that'll work I say we give it a try!" Canada shouted enthusiastically.

Ten minutes later, France, America, and Canada had Britain tucked in bed letting him fall asleep to try his plan, after all, what could possibility go wrong?

The trio sat in Britain's living room waiting for something to happen when France said he was hungry and went to the kitchen.

A while later France came running out screaming "Oh my goodness, Britain has Hello Panada in his cabinets, aru!"

America and Canada looked at each other and ran to Britain's bedroom with France following slowly behind them.