I know I normally do LaurWalkers, but I just got inspired with this one. It's about Darren, mostly, but Joey is another main character. There is some LaurWalk in this, just not this chapter. This is also one of the shorter chapters. More coming soon!

"Darren, man, you've been working on the same three chords for, like, three hours! Take a break!" Joey said, exasperated, "We are supposed to be at rehearsal in ten minutes!"

"Yeah, a rehearsal where we are supposed to be working on this song!"

"Maybe A.J can help you!"

"Yeah, if he knew what it was supposed to sound like! Plus, he won't even be there!"

"Fine," Joey said, "be that way! But we have to go, we're kind of the main characters. You can work on that in the car."

Darren sighed, put his guitar in its' case, and grabbed his pencil and notebook. He hurried down the stairs into the lobby to catch up with Joey, who was already in the car, waiting. He opened the shotgun door with two free fingers, hopped into the car, shut the door and got out his guitar. The rest of the car ride, he worked on the same chords, and by the time they arrived, he still didn't have them right. In defeat, he walked into the rehearsal room.

"Finally! We thought you'd never get here!" Lauren called out from across the room where she'd been in deep discussion with Joe Walker, "So let's hear the song."

Darren grimaced, and unpacked his guitar once again. He played and sang the first part wonderfully, then he stopped where he got to those three chords, having not written past them.

After an awkward pause, Dylan asked, "Is that it?"

"Um, for now," Darren admitted.

"Why?" Jim asked.

"Look, I've been working on this song all day and I just can't get past these chords, so why don't we go over something else?" he snapped back.

"Sure," Julia said, seeing how upset he was, "we can go over the mirror scene, we still haven't gotten that one done all the way."

"That's a good idea," Matt said, "then we can go over the opening scene if we have time."

Darren could feel their disappointment, the song he was working on was one of the most anticipated ones, everyone wanted to see what Joe could pull out of the hat for it. He had all the lyrics, he just couldn't get through the chorus, and then he had to make a dance break too.

"C'mon, Darren, we can't start the scene without you!" Bonnie called.

The rehearsal dragged on and on for Darren, he wanted to go home, sleep, and then finish the song. Finishing the song was crucial, it was the last one he had to write, as well as one of the funniest, he just had to find inspiration.

As soon as rehearsal was over, Darren raced out, not saying goodbye to anybody. He sat in the car and waited for Joey to get there so he could leave.