Hope you like it and please review! I do not own anything! New City- Rack City: worse that Gotham by far; even the cops go around beating people up; Even 5 Gothamites wouldn't go against a Rack City kid; Rob lived there for nearly a year. Slight AU, but not much.

The team was watching Transformers when they were called for a mission. As they walked to the mission room, they were all excited, but wondering what the mission was. When they got into the mission room, Batman, Red Arrow, and Black Canary were waiting. Batman and Black Canary were in the middle of the room, whereas Red Arrow, unnoticed by most of the team, was in a corner.

"We believe that Joker, Riddler, Two Face, Poison Ivy, and Live Wire are planning something big… by using the young members in their crews. Their street names originate from their mentor's names. Joker's apprentice is Burlone, Riddler's is Enigme, Two Face's is Deux Personnes, Poison Ivy's is Hiedra Venenosa, Live Wire's is Shock. All of them are currently being held in Gotham City Juvenile Detention Center. You will all be investigating." Batman explained noting how Robin paled once Gotham City Juvenile Detention Center was mentioned. Apparently he wasn't the only one because Kid Flash and Red Arrow each had a hand on each of Robin's shoulders.

"Robin? What afraid to face the delinquents?" Artemis asked smirking cruelly.

"Lay off him!" Kid Flash yelled stepping in front of Robin who looked shocked.

"Batman, this is not a good idea. You know-!" Red Arrow said.

"Yes I do know. Robin, you will get them looking like delinquents, give them real names and street names, as well as brief them on what their behavior and dialect should be."

"Okay Bats" Robin said with a forced smile. "Guys go ahead and get showered. Batman, I will need hair dye, contacts, tattoos, and spray tans."

"They will be here in an hour. You leave in two days." Batman replied leaving as the team and Black Canary left leaving only Robin, Red Arrow, and Kid Flash in the room.

"You don't have to do this Rob… I know you got hell there. You can say no" Red Arrow said.

"Yeah man, just cause Bats says-" Kid Flash began.

"Guys! Í'm going. Just like any other mission, I am going. Sides, I've got you guys this time and I can fight better. Plus I'm older now. I will be fine! Now hit the showers." Robin assured them still looking shaky and pale.

"Fine dude, if you say so" KF said and ran to the showers.

"Fine" Red Arrow said and walked to the showers.

Chapter 1 check. Hope you liked it! Please review!