Chapter 38- This is it! The final chapter set two after the last one! Enjoy!

Justin sat in the living room of their New York apartment on a warm July morning. He was working on a new painting when he heard a cry.

"Brian, can you get that, I'm right in the middle of something," he called to Brian who was fixing his tie in the master bedroom.

Brian walked out, "I have two minutes before I have to leave. Big meeting today with a new client, how do I look?"

Justin turned around and smiled. "Sexy as always." There was another cry from the other bedroom. "Now please get in there." Brian rolled his eyes and walked into the other bedroom. Justin finished a few strokes and dropped his paintbrush in a glass of water. He reached for a towel and wiped the access paint off his hands just as Brian walked out with a baby in his hands.

"Ah there's my sweetheart," Justin said, taking the baby from Brian and propping him up in his arms.

"And there he goes. I'll be back later," Brian kissed Justin and smiled. "Bye sweetheart. Bye Dylan," he said, kissing the baby on the forehead.

"Say bye to daddy," Justin said, taking Dylan's tiny hand and waving it at Brian who grabbed his briefcase and headed out the door.

"You hungry?" Justin asked Dylan, walking over to the kitchen. "Let's get you a bottle and see if we can't wake your brother up." Justin grabbed a bottle from the fridge and put it in a pot of hot water on the stove, letting it warm up. When it was ready, Justin sat down at the kitchen table and fed Dylan. Once Dylan finished, Justin burped him and took him into the bedroom. Gus was still curled up in his bed, tangled in his sheets.

"Gus, time to wake up," Justin said, carefully sitting on the edge of Gus's bed. Holding Dylan in one hand, Justin took his free hand and placed it on Gus's foot, shaking it slightly. Gus yawned and stretched out his small arms. Opening his eyes slowly, Gus rolled over to face Justin. "Morning, sleepy head."

"Morning, Justin," Gus said sleepily. "Hi Dylan," he greeted, taking one of Dylan's chubby fists. Dylan wrapped his hand around one of Gus's fingers and started to babble. Gus giggled and put his free hand up against his mouth.

"You love your big brother don't you Dylan," Justin said. "So Gus, are you ready to go to Pittsburgh later today?"

"Yeah. Where's daddy?"

"He's at a meeting but he will be back soon. We have to pack before he gets home. Can you do that?"

"Can I have breakfast first?" Gus asked.

Justin laughed. "Of course you can. Make sure you clean up when you're done. I'm going to change Dylan and get his things packed." Justin stood up and brought Dylan over to the changing table.

"Okay," Gus said as he got out of bed and left the room.

"You ready to see mommy again, Dylan?" Justin asked as he undid Dylan's diaper. "She can't wait to see you. And you get to see all of your other friends too. Melanie, Lindsay, Michael, Ben, Hunter, Emmett, Ted, Blake, Debbie, Carl, Aunt Jennifer, your cousin Molly," he listed off everyone he could think of. "This will be your first time back. You are going to have so much fun!"

Dylan stared at Justin with a blank expression on his face and then smiled. Justin changed him into a clean onesie and threw the dirty diaper into the trash. He picked Dylan up and kissed his cheek. Dylan let out a yawn and put his fingers in his mouth, sucking on them.

"Let's go see how your brother is doing." Justin smiled and brought Dylan out to the kitchen.

"They should have been here by now," Michael said worriedly. He paced back and fourth in the diner.

"Michael, they had to stop at the house in West Virginia. That's at least an extra half hour drive for them." Ben explained from a nearby booth.

"I'm sorry, I know," Michael sighed, taking a seat next to Ben. "I'm just so excited. I haven't seen them since Dylan was born."

"I hope you haven't forgotten about us," Melanie said from across the booth. Sitting next to her was Hunter, with JR on his lap.

"Of course not," Michael replied. "How could I forget about my baby girl?" He reached across the table and patted JR on the head.

"Baby girl," JR replied to no one in particular as she continued to color on the blank place mat with Hunter.

"I still can't believe that she is already three years old," Ben said.

"Time flies when you get old dude," Hunter said, not looking up.

"Get used to it pal," Ben replied. Hunter smiled.

"I just got off the phone with Justin," Lindsay said, as she walked over and joined them. She took a seat on the chair at the end of the booth. "There about ten minutes away. They got stuck in some Fourth of July traffic."

"See Michael, they are on their way," Ben said. Michael rolled his eyes.

"Oh what's the matter baby?" Debbie asked. She made her way from behind the counter to the booth.

"Nothing Ma," Michael whined.

"Don't 'nothing Ma' me," Debbie instructed.

"Yeah, don't 'nothing Ma' her" said a voice from behind them.

Michael turned around and shot up out of his seat when he saw Brian, Justin and the boys.

"Brian! It's about time," Michael ran over and gave Brian a big hug and a kiss. Soon after, everyone else joined in and greeted each other.

"Not in front of the children," Brian said with a sly smile.

"Welcome back," Lindsay said happily.

"Hi mommy," Gus said running over to her.

"Hi sweetie," Lindsay replied.

Justin walked over to the empty booth next to the group and put Dylan's car seat on the table.

"My god look at him," Melanie said, watching Dylan. "He is so beautiful. How old is he now?"

"Five months, and he looks more like his mother every day" Justin asked. He looked around and frowned. "Speaking of his mother, how is Daphne? We haven't really spoken much since she left New York. Luckily we get to see her tonight at my mothers."

"She's doing really well," Debbie said. "She comes in all the time. Can't stop talking about her baby boy." Debbie tickled Dylan's stomach.

"JR," Lindsay called. "Do you want to meet Dylan?" JR slid off of Hunter's lap and walked over to Melanie. Melanie picked her up so she stood on the table next to the car seat.

"This is Gus's baby brother Dylan." Justin said.

"Is Dylan my brother too?" JR asked.

"Not exactly."

"Oh." JR looked at Dylan. "Can he be?"

Justin smiled at Lindsay. "Of course," Justin said, putting around JR.

"Good. I like him." Justin laughed.

"She is something else," Justin said.

"Yes she is. And we wouldn't want her any other way." Melanie hugged her daughter. "Right sweetie?"

"Right," JR replied, not taking her eyes off of Dylan.

"Looks like someone has a fan," Brian said, slipping his hands around Justin from behind. He leaned in, rested his head on Justin's shoulder and looked at Dylan. "You make one cute kid," he said, kissing Justin's neck.

"Well it wasn't all me," Justin responded. "I had some help."

"Trust me, you had a lot more than just some help," Melanie said laughing.

"Well we better get going sunshine, we don't want to keep mother Taylor waiting." Brian kissed Justin's cheek and patted his shoulders before standing up straight.

"I guess you're right," Justin sighed. "I just wish we could spend more time with everyone."

"Don't worry. We'll see you tomorrow for the parade and festivities," Lindsay said.

"It's just been too long," Justin replied, turning around to give Lindsay a hug.

"True, but if it's one thing I've learned, don't be late for a family dinner," Michael snipped. Debbie smacked him across the head before grabbing him and giving him a kiss. Everyone laughed. "I guess some things never change," Debbie giggled. "But he's right. Get out of here."

"Yes mother," Brian said mockingly, before giving Debbie a quick kiss. As Brian and Justin said their goodbyes, Debbie pulled Brian aside.

"People change and situations change, but we're a family, and family is forever." Debbie smiled and rubbed Brian's back. Brian knit his brows in concentration over her words. He looked at Justin, car seat in hand, who was waking out of the diner with Gus. Then he looked over to Melanie and Lindsay, wrapped in each others arms watching Justin leave. Scanning the diner, he watched Michael sit at the booth with Ben, Hunter and JR. He held his head high and looked ahead. Everyone had changed, and much to Brian's surprise, he had too. But for once in his life, he wasn't worried and didn't have any second thoughts about these changes and where his life was taking him. For once in his life, he had accepted that he did have a family and that his family was in fact forever.

Tada! There you go! Hope you liked it! It was so much fun writing! Thanks for all the great support and kind words etc. I know I could keep going with this forever and ever but I think this was a good place to stop. Please continue to let me know what you think! My next story is going to be a Sterek fic from MTV's Teen Wolf :)