Episode 5: Pulse

Summary: Clark has been hearing things and on top of that Metropolis has a problem. Someone is playing pranks that are not all fun and games. When Lois gets herself caught up in the story how will Superman find her, and as time ticks away will he get to her before the final beat?

Guest Staring: Phil Morris as John Jones, Keri Lynn Pratt as Cat Grant, Evan Schulte as Jeff Hage, David Tennant as the Prankster.

Tuesday June 21st 2011 - 12:34 am

"Superman! Help!"

Clark's eyes snapped open at hearing his name. It was fairly new and rare for Metropolis citizens to yell out to him directly. The panic in the cry was a clear indicator it was real and not another incident of someone just trying to get his attention.

"Clark?" Lois' drowsy voice pulled at him, making it hard to leave her, it was nice to have her laid curled against his side.

"It's okay, I have to go." He gave her a reassuring kiss on the side of her forehead before detangling himself from her and blurring away, leaving his wife to stare sleepily at his empty side of the bed.

"I only just got you back," she murmured before snuggling her face into his pillow and sending up a prayer that whatever had called him away wasn't serious.

As Superman, Clark flew fast over the city towards the sound of the call for help. He had become adept at telling direction, but even so he needed more than a single cry. There wasn't any other noise. Just the one panicked called for his help that seemed to have come from the Strip, an area of Metropolis known for its night clubs and other late night venues: proof the city never really slept.

Floating above and tuning in Clark listened, filtering out everything except what was coming from directly below him. Music pounded in his head, laughter, and the sound of people drinking and dancing. For a moment it was all unbearably loud, causing him to grimace. Taking a deep breath and focusing, the cacophony of noise lessened to a single steady pulsing beat till it to stopped and he had control again.

He didn't have time to wonder about his lack of control. Pushing it aside he zoned in on each club and business below him one at a time. It wasn't what he could hear in the end that caught his attention but what he couldn't.

Every place he focused on had various sounds all mingling together except one. Beat Valley, a dance club, was somewhat new and very popular. Yet the only sound coming from it was music. It was devoid of a single voice or the sound of dancing and moving bodies, and yet he could hear the steady rhythm of hearts beating.

Speeding inside the building Clark stopped in his tracks in the centre of the dance floor. Around him and above, on the second floor balcony, people stood in mid pose. As if they had been going along and time had stopped or slowed down. The only indication that it was actually something else was the identical blank look on each face. Despite whatever position they were frozen in their faces were completely expressionless.

After waving a hand in front of one woman's face, who remained motionless, he turned to locate a possible cause. Nothing stood out. The music appeared normal; there was nothing he could determine that didn't belong . Going over to the bar he checked the register and found that the cash had not been stolen.

Glancing around again at the frozen forest of bodies he was struck by a thought. Four of those directly in front of him had no jewellery. Not a dangling earing, ring, necklace or watch. Surveying the rest he found the same.

Someone had stopped a whole night club to steal jewellery. Why?

He remembered Lois telling him about the jewellery store being robbed and how a couple had lost time and found their clothes had been swapped. The same perpetrator? And why were none of the nightclub patrons returning to normal?

Frowning, Clark began a detailed scan across the building, disappointed when once again he found nothing out of place. It was the light flickering across him however that caused him to wonder: a strobe light. But considering the tempo of the music blaring in the club and how each still body was facing at least partially toward the light he had a feeling it didn't belong. On a hunch he sent out a quick blast of heat, frying the light. It flashed once, very brightly, before it stopped, the strobe effect no longer flickering across the faces below.

After barely five seconds of waiting, one by one the people around him began to blink and move, some stumbling about. Above him several people who had been standing near the balcony railing stumbled against it. Clark heard the groan of the rail before it broke completely. He was prepared and caught all three patrons, placing them on their feet.

It didn't take long for surprised gasps and confused questioning faces to orient themselves on him. Stepping forward Clark spoke to the crowd before him, his voice deep and steady. "Please stay calm. Let's make sure everyone is okay and we'll go from there."

Confused murmurings began in the crowd. Clark heard one man muttering about not even knowing why he had been on the upper floor. The other two people gave the same confused sentiments. A startled cry came from one of them: the woman he had caught last. She held up her cell phone and her gaze went directly to Superman.

"I think this is for you!"

Several others, including the other two he'd rescued, spoke up after looking at their phones. From their reactions it was clear they had messages too. It became rather apparent that all three had been moved purposefully to stand at the tampered railing.

Taking the phone from the first woman Clark gave her a reassuring smile, but his eyebrows rose with alarm though at what he saw. There was a picture of a night club wall with large block letters posted on it. Glancing around he tried to spot the exact wall but the message was gone. Looking back at the phone he read.

"Having fun yet Superman? If not, don't worry. You will be soon. Best regards, Prankster"

Monday June 27th, 2011 - 6:13 AM 6 days later

Tha thump..tha thump..tha thump.

Lois shifted a little closer, keeping her ear to his chest, her body draped partly over his. The rhythmic sound of his heart beating comfortingly in her ear. It was rare to have a night like the one just past and then to wake the next morning with him still by her side. The previous evening he had run off twice during dinner and once before bed. But each time he hadn't been gone long and they had been able to be themselves, enjoy each others company almost as if they were a normal couple.

Snorting at the thought Lois kissed right over his heart, then began to trail kisses down his chest. They would never be normal. Not in the typical sense, but where it mattered perhaps they were a normal, happy, newly-married couple. The thought made her smile in her trail of kisses that were now heading back up his chest.

Lois knew he was awake, feigning sleep, the slight twitch of his muscles beneath her lips gave him away. "Who knew Kryptonian's could be such sleepy heads." She whispered as she leaned over him, lips brushing his ear before creating a new trail of kisses down his jaw line.

A smile played at his lips and the light of a recently risen sun caught in his green eyes as they opened, meeting hers. Lois loved that his eyes were such a vibrant green most of the time as Clark, but an equally vibrant blue when he wore the Superman suit. The shade of either colour varied depending on colours and lighting around him, it added to his beauty and worked in the favour of his dual identity. Already the public saw Superman as a blue eyed hero. The thought made her giggle and the look in his eyes sent a pleasant shiver down her spine. Or was it caused by his fingers running slowly down her back?

"If I'm a sleepy head, it's my wife's fault. She's insatiable," Clark returned, voice soft and husky, his hands caressing her silky skin, over each and every curve. When her eyes fluttered and closed in response, a deep ache to be closer to her spread throughout him.

"Your wife knows when to take advantage of a good situation." Lois smirked and giggled as Clark pulled her body completely flush with his own, kissing her deeply. After a moment Lois pulled away, though still resting the full length of her body on his. Laying her head back down on his chest she once again listened to the pulsing of his heart. "I love this."

"Hmm?" Clark responded lazily, hands resting across her back tracing light circles with a finger.

"This. Listening to your heart. It's soothing ... and nice to hear after the week we've had." Lois looked up at his face, resting her chin on his chest. "I like having you all to myself … as much as I can." Unable to read the expression in his eyes Lois began to pull away, wondering if something was wrong.

Instead Clark wrapped his arms around her, rolling them over so he was the one on top, a tender smile played across his lips, till it reached his eyes. Lois returned the smile, feeling her heart miss a beat at the look of love shining back at her. Gasping as he suddenly placed a kiss in the valley of her breasts before settling his head over her own heart.

She could feel his deep voice reverberating in her chest as he spoke, "Sometimes when I'm stressed I make myself remember the sound of your heartbeat, the rhythm. I find it soothing too." Lois's eyes met his once again, his face lifting from her chest and hovering over hers, lust and love shining from his eyes in equal measure. "It's not the only thing I find soothing..."

Lois raised an arched brow, "Oh... such as?" There was something thrilling and extra special about seeing this side of Clark Kent. The not so mild-mannered lover.

"Your voice." Clark placed a lingering kiss on her lips, teasing and playful.

Lois rolled her eyes when they parted, "My voice, Smallville? I rant and rave... and stick my foot in my mouth way too often."

Choosing to ignore the comment he continued, "It's beautiful. Whenever I hear you I feel lighter." His fingers brushed along one of her temples.

"You've a funny definition of beautiful," she remarked, loving the attention just the same.

A feathery kiss was placed on her shoulder, "I love the feel of your soft skin."

"I use lotion, it does that."

"Shh Lois... " He kissed her again, forcefully.

"Mmm… sorry," Lois loved his 'shut up' kisses, not that she planned to tell him. "Please continue. What else do you love?"

"Your eyes..." Green met hazel and Lois found herself swallowing. She didn't need to ask why with the intensity of feeling in his own. After a moment he added, his voice taking the tone that was reserved for her alone, "I love the way you move."

Giving him a puzzled and curious expression Lois tilted her head, "The way I move? "

"Yes. The way you move."

It took barely a moment to get his meaning. "What if I said I had new moves to show you?"

Clark grinned, "I definitely would like to see these new moves."

"They don't require your eyes," she murmured, running a leg slowly up his, wrapping it around his thigh while pushing her body up into his.

"Obviously," he groaned in response before capturing her lips, tongue sliding in to taste her.

A little while later, after experiencing all of Lois's new moves, Clark was once again resting his head over her heart as he laid in her embrace. It was a relief to hear it, its steady, comforting rhythm that ... how did he even put into words the way it made him feel? As of late it meant so much more with how his super hearing had been playing up. He couldn't seem to make head nor tail of the issue, or decide if he should even worry. There was, sadly, far more important issues to worry about.

Lois ran her fingers through his thick soft hair, not wanting to break the spell and get ready for work, but she knew she had too. Clark could be worse than her in moments like this. She had a feeling that if she ever told anyone, they'd never believe her.



"We have to get up."

"We have a little time." There was something in his tone that bothered her.

"Not really Clark, we used it up. Is everything okay?" Lois asked turning on to her side forcing Clark to move his head up to his pillow.

He took a moment to respond before saying, "Coming home to you and being able to have this, I need it. " He had turned to face her as well and Lois noted the almost embarrassed expression he wore at his admission.

"I need this too. I need you... "Frowning she had to ask again unable to shake the feeling something was wrong. "Are you okay, did something bad happen during the night?"

"No." Clark leaned forward and kissed her hungrily.

Lois wasn't fooled by his new avoidance strategy. As soon as his lips parted from her own she pushed up into a sitting position. "Clark what's wrong? And don't tell me nothing. I can feel it!" She pointed a finger at him, "I know you so spit it out!"

Clark sighed and sat up to lean against the headboard, "Nothing is wrong. I'm just worried. Lois these strange crimes or pranks," using the word the media was now giving them, "are becoming more and more dangerous. Last night there was a string of incidents that shouldn't have needed my help, but the emergency services line had been hacked and people calling in were getting a jingle telling them to call out for Superman."

Lois placed a hand on his chest, "Oh honey I'm sorry, I didn't even feel you leave..."

Taking her hand in one of his, Clark touched her face gently with the other, "Don't be. I didn't want to ruin our night."

"I appreciate that but you don't have to try and be okay for me. Was everyone alright?"

Clark nodded, "Yes," watching his wife slip on her dressing gown, crawl out of bed and make her way over to her dresser. Opening a drawer Lois pulled out an envelope, one that looked uncomfortably familiar.

Clark took it as she handed it over. At his questioning look she nodded for him to open it. "The threats, they're not just for me."

"Lois?" He had read them and had taken each letter into John for Watchtower to analyse.

"Read it... really read it. Smallville, I think whoever sent these may be after Superman. I 'm not sure why I didn't see it before." Lois sat back down next to him on the edge of the bed.

Brows furrowed Clark read the letter, this time out loud. Eyes widened slightly as he began to see what Lois saw.

"… Lois Lane your time will come to an explosively radiant end taking with you that plaguing red and blue. This city will see the fall of Judas..." Clark trailed off. Glancing up he saw the worry in her eyes, for him. He was reminded once again how much he was asking of her, to stand at his side.

"Lois," he began, folding the letter before wrapping her in his arms. "Sweetheart we'll figure this out. I promise." He pulled away to cup her face.

Smiling softly Lois nodded, " I know," touched, not by his promise but by how much he sounded like his father; calling her sweetheart the same way that she had heard Jonathan use to comfort Martha, feeling incredibly lucky to have found her own Jonathan.

"Clark, just be careful. I wasn't really worried when I thought it was just someone mouthing off at me but the letters seem more aggressive. And until we know what they know..."

Clark nodded reassuringly, "I will. " If only it had been Patterson, some creepy baker. Unfortunately they had disproven that idea over a week ago. Rubbing her arm Clark added, "Lois it will be..."

Lois watched as he titled his head, eyes taking on a far away look as he was obviously hearing something she couldn't. "Superman needed?"

"Yes… sorry." He took a long look in her eyes, silently asking if she was okay.

Nodding and smiling Lois threw her arms around his neck kissing him soundly before pushing him away and slapping his rear. "Go!"

With one more glance at her he was away. Sighing Lois began the process of getting ready for work, turning the TV on to watch the news: the red and blue of her husband in action.

9:45 am

"Have you received the package?" A distorted voice came through the speaker next to Krammer's ear.

"Yes, I have it here." Krammer wedged the phone between his shoulder and ear and brought the brown package into view.

"Then when you arrive at the apartment …"

"I'm already here Mr Black," he interrupted. There was silence from the other end. He dropped the package back to his side and took hold of the phone again. "Mr Black?" he asked looking around furtively. He'd checked the corridor down to the doctor's apartment and it was clear. The target was on a double shift at the hospital. Everything was fine. "Mr Black?"

"Mr Krammer. If I ever feel the need to call on your services again I should inform you that I do not take kindly to 'initiative' in such carefully planned ventures as this."

"Uh, um. Yes sir," Krammer nodded even though his boss wouldn't be able to see.

"Well then, as you are already on scene you should proceed to execute the plan." The exceptionally deep and distorted voice sounded immensely creepy. Thankfully he was used to 'creepy' in his line of work.

"Acknowledged." He hung up without another word and made a final check of the stairwell and corridor before approaching apartment 424.

Less than five minutes later he was leaving having deposited the contents of the brown envelope in a discreet place inside the apartment.

10:17 am

Perry sighed with exasperation, feeling the blood rush to his face. He knew of only one woman who had the power to do this to him, on this level, in spite of the fact he liked her. It wasn't just because he had worked with her before, or she was his employee or the daughter -in-law of Martha Kent. But he genuinely liked Lois Lane. If only she wasn't prone to giving him headaches and increasing his blood pressure.

"Who told you? I want to know so I can go wring their neck." With the look on her face Perry was certain she would do just that. In the last five minutes she had bounced between three subjects and each one they had disagreed on. Of course being ousted on her increasing number of death threats caused the most volatile of reactions.

Watching her he felt like he was stuck in a cage with an enraged lion. Time to be the lion tamer, he thought. Perry sat back down and shook his head. "No one told me. " He slid a letter forward, wondering if it was a good idea to show her. "I received this early this morning."

Lois looked down and scowled. If it was possible she turned a shade of red to rival the colour he had been wearing only moments before. "Oh… I see." She snatched it up and read through it twice. Angry, and slightly afraid, she slapped it back down on the desk causing Perry to jump a little, then growled, "So we're gonna let this creep scare us?"

"I'm taking it seriously, as should you." Ignoring her tone Perry replied back simply.

"I do take it seriously, but I don't give in to threats." Lois placed her hands down on his desk and leaned forward. There was no way she was going to give in, she intended to keep her promise to be careful but she didn't see why it meant she had to give up the story. Lanes did not give in to bullies.

Perry stood up, also placing his hands down and meeting her eye for eye. "Lois we are NOT the government with a no negotiation policy and this is not a hostage situation. You've royally pissed someone off, someone who might just be capable of carrying these threats off."

Lois shook her head and pushed away from the desk, "No. Whoever this is has it out for Superman not me. These letters… are just their way of trying to get a line to Superman. I'm their proxy," she replied, pointing at the letter, hoping her feelings for Superman weren't written all over her face. If she was right it was another reason, the most important one, for following the story.

Glancing down, Perry had to admit she had a point. While they did threaten her the letters were also filled with malice to the hero. At times it seemed that whoever wrote them was ranting at Lois as if she could do something about it. Reporters like Lane were supposed to make enemies, get themselves into sticky situations. This, however, was different. Lois was connected to the Blur, now Superman, and it seemed to be a whole other reason for her to be hated. As much as he hated the idea, he was going to have pull some stories like this away from her in order to keep her alive.

"It's a Superman story and you know it! " Lois continued before he could respond. "I'm certain I can figure out what exactly they want from Superman..."

"Lane, the letters are death threats sent to you." Perry stood back interrupting her, deciding it was time end this, "Now as great a story as it is I'd rather not risk one of my best reporters. I'm giving the story to Kent. "

"Clark... to Clark?" Lois couldn't decide whether to be offended for herself or for Clark.

"Afraid of competition, Lane?" He knew full well he would push a button there.

"No! He's my husband and a good reporter! How is it any better to have him take this?"

"Because, he is your husband and …" Perry sat back down knowing he had refocused her attention, "he can make sure you are staying off it. He'll take it seriously, and more importantly, it might light a fire under his ass." Perry gave Lois a look and inwardly smiled at her sigh. "A good reporter isn't enough. As competitive as I know you are I also know you want to see him rise up the ladder."

"Of course!" Lois glared at him incredulously.

Ignoring her glare Perry continued. "If the story is about Superman it might just be what he needs. Kent's been dragging his feet but this, I think, will push him forward."

"Because I'm involved."

"Yes Lane, because of you. That boy's so bewitched with you he can't think straight." Lois gave an inward groan. Of course Perry would think Clark's change in demeanour was because of her, how else to explain how he had gone from football hero to stumbling geek? She realized she must have grimaced when she caught the look Perry gave her.

"It's a good thing Lane. And the timing for these ..." He held up the threat. "… couldn't be better. I have a vision with you and Kent. I can't make that vision come true if he doesn't turn the stories in and you're right: this is a story. One not meant for you."

"Fine!" Lois spat out a moment later, feeling and looking like she was going to explode. Not for the reasons Perry thought, rather because she was concerned for Clark. Superman was the target, she was threatened, and it was all a big mess and Perry was going to hand the story over to her husband who already had a super worry streak and could be in danger himself.

Deciding at least she could still be involved if Clark took the story she would push for something else. Calming herself and trying to be more pleasant Lois asked, "The LexCorp experiments? At least give me something!"

Perry watched her a moment. He knew her demand was the closest thing he was going to get to a polite request, and since he had just ruined the Superman story for her, a bone was in order. Mad Dog Lane , the nickname Lois had earned was taking on a whole new meaning. "Go ahead," he conceded, having already planned that this would be the story he'd relent to. "Within reason Lane... I mean it," he warned. Feeling a bit worried at the innocent expression she just threw him he added, "Just be careful."

"Always Chief." Lois smirked at the annoyed look on Perry's face. He didn't care for being called chief and doing so gave her a small bit of pleasure after all that frustration.

The office fell silent as neither one moved or spoke, staring at each other. Perry broke first and Lois failed to completely hide a pleased smile. "Get me a story Lane, without getting yourself killed. If you see your husband, send him up."

Lois's smile fell but she gave a nod and stalked out of the office. Why couldn't anything be simple? Investigate her letters, find the crazy behind them, protect Clark. Instead Clark was going to have to hand in something, meanwhile she had nagging questions. Did the letters tie into the strange crimes? If so, that meant Superman really was the target. And that made her wonder that, if she was receiving the letters, did they knew she was married to Superman?

Unable to suppress an involuntary shudder Lois didn't see Cat as she practically barrelled her way to the elevator. The other woman seemed to sweep in out of nowhere like an apparition.

"I hear you received a death threat." The syrupy sweet voice grated against her already raw nerves. Lois gave a sigh, resisting the urge to smack the look off her face when she turned to face Cat.

"Testing your eavesdropping techniques?"

Cat smirked, "I didn't have to with how loud you were."

"Your point Cat?" Lois rolled her eyes, hitting the elevator button to go down.

Crossing her arms Cat parked herself right next to the elevator much to Lois' dismay. "I'm surprised Perry puts up with it. I mean, there is 'getting the story' then there is bringing trouble for the paper."

It didn't take a genius to see where Cat was going with this. Lois spun around to face her, not really caring that she had taken a somewhat condescending tone. "Getting the story? Cat! Investigative reporting SHOULD mean asking questions people don't like and that means getting death threats, finding things nailed to your front door and even the occasional stalker. Perry knows this…"

Shaking her head side to side Cat scowled returning Lois's condescension with some of her own. "Seems to me a little unnecessary. Good investigating may get people mad at you … but things nailed to your door..."

"Are you feeling left out?"

"From death threats? Please... I just don't have a need to bring attention to myself."

"You mean besides being a Booster Girl?" Lois raised a brow pleased with the fact she got Cat to pause on that one. It amused her, as well, that Cat thought she was the one who sent out the Booster Girl pictures, focusing in particular on Cat and her assets. While it was sexist and of poor taste it had the great benefit of taking her down a peg.

"That's not what I meant." Cat's face had turned red. She didn't seem to hear her name being called by Susan.

Lois stepped into the waiting elevator and turned just at the threshold, barring Cat from following. "We'll have to continue this later, apparently you have a meeting and well I... " Lois added her own version of a sweet smile, "have a story that won't write itself!" She chuckled at how Cat stamped her foot before the elevator doors closed.

"Good riddance!" It seemed that every time they made any headway at getting along they took another step or two back. Try as she might Lois couldn't help the smidgen of jealousy that tried to rear its ugly head at the thought the woman had decided she now liked geeky Clark. What happened to not wanting a fixer-upper? Lois blamed Clark. It was his fault.

The thought of Clark reminded her to shoot him a text message.

"meeting w/ srce lunch, all ok?"

She was pleasantly surprised when he txted back barely ten seconds later, "bzy morn, 2 saves,1 odd. RUOK?"

"ResQMe, J/K Yes" She really did want to be rescued but if she hadn't mentioned she was joking, he probably would have showed up. As much as Cat was annoying and dealing with Perry was frustrating she wasn't going to add to his morning. Because she did miss him Lois added, "M$ULkeCraZ"


" btw Perry wan2cU, x"

"ok, HavITldUlatlyILuvU?"

Lois smiled down at the last text, the power of Clark Kent to improve her mood. Have i told you lately that I love you? His sweet question put in his own messy txting code. Biting her bottom lip Lois glanced around as she made her way to her office.

"mayb, LtsGt2gthr?"


"Lets get together..as in u come here, fun" Lois rolled her eyes as she walked into her office and shut the door. For all her efforts to teach him Clark couldn't seem to get the codes all down. So much for his super memory.

Lois glanced at the clock. She had a bit of time if he could squeeze it out. "So..TkeMeImUrs!" Spelling it out a little more so he'd get it.

She grinned as she sat at her desk, several minutes had gone by since she had told him - take me I'm yours. Obviously she must have stumped him, smirking Lois shook her head.

Lois was finishing up some notes a few minutes later when she heard the woosh sound effect signalling she had another text. Blushing at the message he sent back.

He wasn't interested in a quickie when he could have something far better tonight.

Fair play.

11:20 am

"That makes fifteen, possibly sixteen, that we know of." Clark looked up at the large screen in Watchtower; scrolling through a detailed list of accidents, incidents and crimes they believed were tied to the mystery man they were now referring to as the Prankster.

"You are not convinced this morning's save is tied to it?" John asked from where he stood at the center console, very recently replaced and installed. Despite his question, his focus was actually on reviewing the most recent threatening letter sent to Lois.

Clark frowned, "It was odd, I'm just not sure how it fits in." The save he had made only an hour before didn't quite fit into the rest of the crimes; which he and John were fairly certain were actually tied together. Jewellery store robberies where clothes had been switched and no-one could remember the actually robbery: a strange bank stick up where money wasn't taken but the teller was instead forced to accept money, all which had been obviously fake: numerous odd incidents such as streetlights blinking SOS, pedestrian crosswalks acting up, electronic bulletin boards flashing Shakespearian insults and profanities, strange items sent in the mail to businesses throughout Metropolis.

His hands had been full during the past week. The robberies, including a few clothing boutiques, continued. Then there was the night club incident, ATM machines spitting out receipts with riddles and, last night the 911 jingle. Many of the latest had the name 'Prankster' written somewhere in funny block letters. Analyzing the signatures had yielded nothing and there was never any witnesses, whether because of the nature of the crime or the simple lack of memory.

John came over to stand next to him, handing him back the letter now that it had been scanned into the system. "I will look over this one but I'm sorry Clark, the materials used in them are all generic. The paper, ink, glue: all of it can be found anywhere. The hand printed letters are carefully done. Whoever is sending these to Lois is being very careful. "

Clark nodded and looked at John. He had expected as much. Sighing he slipped his glasses back on and shook his head. "There is something else I need you to do. Can you compare the letters to these incidents? Such as the message left for me at the club?"

Giving a curious look John asked, "You think they are connected?"

"I don't know. Lois brought up this morning the possibility that maybe Superman is the real target of the threats. Not to mention they are signed with a 'P'. Meanwhile we have this 'Prankster'. Seems a little too coincidental."

John nodded, going over to a console and beginning a comparison. Clark watched and took in the changes the Martian had made to Watchtower in the last week. The computers were completely replaced and the layout was different. It seemed appropriate that Watchtower reflected its handler and John's changes suited him.

Picking up his jacket Clark turned to go but then stopped when John posed a question to him. "Did you hear it last night?"

Clark looked back at his friend and colleague. "Yes."

"Have you told Lois?"

Placing his jacket back down Clark crossed his arms. "No, not yet. I don't know what to tell her to be honest. And with these letters and pranks I don't want to add anything on to all this."

He had confided in John earlier that week that he had, off and on, been hearing a high pitched noise, so intense that he had to work harder to focus his hearing. So far, though, it hadn't impeded any saves and it stopped just as quickly as it began. John had tried to figure out the source but the random nature of it had left them empty handed. Clark was sure that it was related to the crimes but it wasn't his only problem. There was another noise which permeated: a pulsing noise. Sometimes it too took over, coming and going with no apparent rhyme or reason except, Clark noticed, that he felt it most often when stressed … or thinking of Lois. Unlike the high pitched sound it didn't hurt, rather he found it comforting.

Despite the differences he still wondered if the sounds were connected and, if so, what did it mean?

He didn't think the pulsing noise was stress related even though he felt it in times of stress. If anything the feeling it brought with it was completely opposite. Yes, there were concerns, changes, and even stresses but Clark was happy with his life.

He growled inwardly. None of it made any sense to him.

Sirens suddenly blazed and Clark stilled, listening, before changing into his suit. A fire was out of control. John didn't need an explanation. "If I find anything, Superman, I will let you know."

With a nod Superman was away.

12:20 pm

Clark was utterly focussed on the pavement in front of him. Absentmindedly navigating around people as his hand slid up to the knot in his tie, tugging on it. He shifted it side to side and then slid it back into place again, never lifting his gaze. He saw a pair of legs appear in his view and he stumbled back out of the way as he raised his head.

"Lois!" he blurted out in shock. He looked her up and down and quickly took in the view. She had her hair swept up into a business like clasp, very different to her usual soft style. "I thought you were having lunch with a source and when did you change?"

Lois's eyes widened when she locked with his. "Oh, uh. I am." She smiled wanly and her eyes flicked around. "They called to say they were going to be delayed a bit." She brightened a little. "I'm going now actually Smallville." She flashed him a flirty smile and took a step away.

Clark caught her arm. "Okay," he grinned back. "Is the jacket new?" He nodded down at the long red coat with a question in his eyes. "I like it." He returned his gaze up to hers and then let go of her arm, lifting his fingers to her hair. "… and your hair."

"Yes it is … uh, new." She blushed and glanced away. Reaching up she touched her hair seeming a little embarrassed. "I've been thinking on doing it up like this for some time. I take it you like it?" she asked, the flirty tone returning.

"Yeah ... I do," he grinned, his eyes sparkling. He did, very much, thinking there wasn't a wrong look for her.

"Well ..." she pursed her lips and stepped backwards a little. "You might just see it like this again then."

Clark allowed himself to stare at her in awe as she continued to move away. After a couple of steps, when she began to actually turn, rather than shuffle backwards he suddenly remember the mail. "Oh Lois. Another letter arrived?" He felt his inner worry show itself visibly on his face, frown lines appearing, not really wanting to rehash the concerns of this morning but they couldn't be ignored either.

"What letter?" Lois turned back, a frown also on her face.

Clark narrowed his eyes in confusion and tilted his head a little. "Another threat," he explained slowly. He watched as Lois's eyes began to widen. Her mouth dropped open ever so slightly.

"Lois?" Clark asked concerned. When she took a deep breath and then smiled up at him, all trace of confusion gone, he felt a little relief.

"That's number … three … four … I can't keep track."

"Five, Lois. It's number five."

"Okay. Great. I'll have a look later." Clark frowned at her lack of concern, confused.

"Lois," he began again, his message very clear, and strode up to her.

"Don't worry Smallville." She shook her head as if to say that he was wrong to be such a worry wart. She stared at him for a moment and then grabbed his perfectly neat tie and pulled him down. When their lips met she moaned ever so quietly.

Clark's eyes widened in surprise and when she let go, he raised his head filling his eyes with a questioning gaze.

"Don't look so shocked Mr Kent." She fussed with his tie, straightening it back out again. "You do know that you're irresistible in that geeky get-up." He blinked at her a couple of times and laughed slightly. Maybe he was worrying to much, Lois was just distracted.

He turned to leave, the smile growing. "Enjoy your lunch, Lois."

Lois watched him and sighed then shook her head to dispel the haze of his kiss. "Smallville," she called out.

He turned. "Yes Ms. Lane?"

She grinned. "Meet me after?"

"You need to ask?" He returned her grin. "When?"

"Um..." she nibbled her lower lip, as if thinking. "We should be done around 2. Can you come get me then?"

"It would be my pleasure. Where will you be? Should I call to check?" Lois sighed and frowned. Clark shook his head. "Lois ... how will I find you if I don't know where you are? Why don't I just call or text you?"

"You could," she nodded in agreement, "but my phone might die before then. Lucky for me I have a super powered husband. Just listen.." Clark's forehead crinkled in confusion. Lois lifted a hand and pointed to her ear. "I'm sure you'll figure it out," she grinned and then turned, winking as she strode away.

Clark grinned back. Once she was out of view he turned and almost walked into a street lamp.

Street lamp?

Glancing back and forth down the side walk he saw four other brand new lamps spaced evenly apart. He had been seeing, over the course of the last few weeks, the city replace broken ones and install some onto streets that needed them. Still it was unexpected right in that particular spot. Not the most convenient placing but at least it was a sign of the city trying to improve. One of the problems Metropolis always had was dark alleys and badly lit streets providing shadows for the unsavoury to hide in.

Feeling a bit of relief at his own wife's safety on the streets at night and wondering what Perry wanted, Clark continued on to the Daily Planet.

12:30 pm

Lois glanced at her cell and sat it down by her plate before pulling out a notepad. "I have to admit I was surprised when you called. Not that I don't appreciate the lunch Nate, but we've not really done this in a while."

Nate Stevens gave a slight smile and leaned back once the waitress was gone. "Yes I know. My fault really, work 's been a bit intense and you .. " His eyes roamed over her briefly, clearly appreciating what he saw but nothing more. There had once been a time when he would have flirted with her openly, his gaze more intense but since she had made it clear she was no longer available he had toned it way down, "… seemed to have settled down."

Lois smiled and picked up a bread stick, "I'm just as surprised as you are. Me. Married!"

"I don't think it's all that surprising. You're a catch Lois." Nate followed suit with their appetizer. "I hope he knows how lucky he is..."

"I think he does," Lois found herself blushing and rolled her eyes hoping Nate hadn't seen. If he did he gave no indication. "Really I'm the lucky one. Clark is..." She paused, wanting to use the word super, but refraining ".. a really good man."

Nate nodded, "I've gathered. I did see him a while back. Didn't get to introduce myself but from what I saw he was nice, polite..."

Lois gave a grin at the fact he seemed at a loss about how to finish that compliment. "Don't let the geeky exterior fool you. Under those glasses the farm-boy has a cowboy streak."

Shaking his head Nate laughed, "Well that sounds more like your type."

Lois raising an eyebrow. "Oh, and what does that mean?"

"Did you forget how we met?"

"Hardly," Lois responded dryly with a smile, picking up a shrimp and pointing it lightly at him. "I'll have you know I've always been into the glasses wearing geeks. Bad boys were just a phase."

"Okay than. I apologize." The amused smile on his face fell. "Sadly, though, this isn't purely a social call as much as I wish it were."

Lois nodded, "So I take it you have something for me. Marionette Ventures or LexCorp?" she asked, lowering her voice a little, though there wasn't a lot of need. They sat at the back of the restaurant near the indoor garden: beautiful and secluded, one reason she knew Nate had chosen the location. Another was his brother, Mike, owned and ran The Anchor House seafood restaurant and it wouldn't be abnormal for him to be seen eating there.

Tapping the table briefly Nate did his own casual glance around before answering. "Both. Not sure if it means anything mind you, I'm not party to all the details as it's Jones' account."

"I understand, I really appreciate this. I do..." Lois gave him a reassuring smile, relieved when he nodded back. Despite Nate and Mike's valid and intense dislike for all things Luthor related, she couldn't take for granted that they'd always be willing to help. Sometimes fear won out over other desires.

"Three days ago I overheard Jones talking on the phone. LexCorp came up. As you can imagine every agent has been out to secure a deal with LexCorp since the press conference. "

"Yes, baldy apparently is working his N-Pow and wants to own the city." Lois felt a pang of sadness at Nate's frown: another Luthor victim. Moving past the thought she asked, "Do you have any idea what specifically he is after?"

Nate leaned forward. "Medical facilities, places suitable for labs. There are a number of properties, even in the suburbs, that would suit them."

Lois nodded, thinking back to an anonymous phone call from someone reporting that LexCorp was conducting strange experiments. If Lex wanted to keep up the helping and above board appearance then buying facilities that could ultimately house clinics which would benefit the community would do exactly that. People would be more inclined to look away about other things as well. Another possibility was the fact that they were looking for something specific to suit one of the 'strange' experiments. The question was what?

"And Marionette Ventures?" She asked, finishing her portion of their appetizer. Lois hadn't expected anything on the Marionette front yet so it was a pleasant surprise to hear he had something.

"There was a list of properties LexCorp looked at, funnily enough two of them had just been put on the market by Marionette. Which is strange because they've not..." Nate stop to smile flirtatiously up at the waitress as she approached with their order, "Thanks Sheila."

"Hmm. " She responded, placing down their plates and moving the pitcher of lemon water to the side. Lois caught the wink she gave Nate. "Oh, Mike gave me a message. Don't forget the tissues."

Laughing, Nate caught Lois's questioning brow as Sheila left, "We've a game tonight. He thinks he has a chance."

Shaking her head Lois smirked, "If he does it's only because I won't be there."

"Heh, yeah. Sure..." Nate began but stopped, staring past Lois with a frown. "What is..."

Lois turned to follow his gaze. The beautiful and exotic fish tank built into the far wall began to bubble and foam up. Before Lois had a chance to remark on it a woman's startled cry caught her attention. The fish tank wasn't the only thing to bubble up. Every pitcher within view was too; including their own.

Backing up from the table Lois stood. "I'm glad I didn't drink that."

Nate shook his head, "It's not just the water look!" He pointed at a nearby table. The food was also foaming; a sickly blue colour bubbling up whether soup or dish. Lois glanced back at her own noticing that Nate's dinner foamed but hers didn't. Why? They'd eaten appetizers and Lois wasn't sure if her sudden sour stomach was from what she was seeing or if her food had been tampered with despite its appearance. She glanced up to see Nate looking a bit green around the gills. Even if she was alright he obviously wasn't. She went to rush forward to help him sit down when several screams echoed around.

"Let's get you sitting..." Lois turned her head to follow the sound of the growing chaos at the front of the restaurant and grabbed her head instead when the room suddenly began spinning in violent circles. Her legs didn't seem to want to listen to her brain either.

"Lois... Lois, you okay?" She heard Nate's panicked voice and her cell ringing as she fell to the floor beside him and darkness swam up.

1:18 pm

Clark adjusted his glasses, tuning out Jeff and Cat's latest argument as he went through his article, mostly distracted by Perry's insistence he 'pick up his game' and get him something with Superman. Clark loved saving people and working at the Daily Planet but somewhere in his mind he had separated the two, and trying to mingle them was hard. Writing about himself, even when he had been the Blur, had never been within his comfort zone. In some ways it had been a relief that Lois, Ron and others had competed for Blur stories. The most he had written about himself had been a couple of short articles on a string of saves.

Taking a deep breath Clark glanced around, watching as Cat bounced into her seat, Jeff following behind her. "I have three sources..." Jeff was saying. Cat shook her head, muttering about how she should never have given in and done a story with him.

The bullpen was the same and yet not. The same competitive streak ran throughout, the same chaos and intensity. It was during the calm periods that he noticed the difference the most. The force of nature known as Lois Lane even had her calms, times when they had sat in companionable silence as they worked, whether together or separately. Now he endured loneliness no matter how much he suffered Cat's insistent chatting or Jeff's posturing. There was no give and take and Clark realized that if he was going to keep all aspects of the job he loved he did need to overcome the awkward factor of writing about himself.

The truth was he could, he just hadn't wanted to enough before. It had been easier to focus on Lois in this department rather then himself; to push it forward for her as he concentrated on being a hero. But Clark Kent was important, and Clark Kent wanted to work once more with Lois Lane. Not just in the same building but side by side. And not in seven years, but now. He wanted to investigate with his wife, having the give and take, and in times like now watching out for her when her career threatened her well being. And if that meant turning in a Superman story then that was what he would do.

Noting the time, Clark dialled her number knowing he was calling a little early, willing to risk her irritation to hear her voice. He sighed when it went straight to her voice-mail. It surprised him she hadn't recharged her cell earlier as Lois was always on top of that. Her phone was her lifeline.

"Okay, Miss Lane. I'll listen, then," he sighed, recalling her instruction to him before. Ironically it was at that very moment that he heard multiple calls for help. Frowning Clark couldn't sort out exactly what he was hearing. Some of it sounded like a traffic accident, and some sounded like hysterical crying, people yelling names, with that high pitched noise suddenly weaving throughout it all. It made his head hurt as he tried to focus past it.

Jeff slammed a cup down on his desk and looked at Clark. Whatever he had said Clark couldn't hear it over the din in his head. Stumbling from his desk Clark shook his head at him, "Sorry.. I um.. meet..bathroom."

After watching Clark leave, knocking papers off a desk on the way out, Jeff turned to Cat, their argument momentarily forgotten. "Is it just me or is he worse today?" Cat shrugged, a worried expression crossing her face.

Despite the high pitched frequency assaulting him Clark was able to make out that all the chaos came from one direction. That area of Metropolis held shops and restaurants and lately seemed to be a focus for odd crimes. Stopping over head he took in the traffic below. On one street there was a small car pile-up, bumper to bumper, with the drivers yelling: on the surrounding streets an awful lot of honking and confusion. Clark flew closer and caught sight of the problem. The traffic lights were displaying contradicting signals. While some drivers were catching on, others were lost enough in their own worlds not to see it until the last minute or even too late.

Flying down, he quickly stopped several cars from ramming into each other averting something far more severe then busted tail lights and dented bumpers. Zapping out the traffic lights in the hopes it would stop some of the problem Clark spent quite a few minutes preventing one incident after another. Eventually it was under control and he felt that it was safe for him to leave. With a wave the crowd watched as Superman disappeared in a blur.

While the traffic noise was resolved he could still hear crying. Flying low he traced it back to a seafood restaurant, clothing store and hair salon. Outside people stumbled about, some literally retching in the streets. When his boots hit the ground he noticed blue foam spilling over tables outside the seafood restaurant whose front door and window were also completely shattered.

Glass crunched underfoot matching the sobs coming from inside as he stepped through the doorway. Unlike out in the street no-one reacted to his presence. If they even glanced at him it was with glazed over eyes. There were several people laying on the floor. Clark checked them first, relieved that they were alive and moving to help an injured woman. The emergency services arrived and began to take over. Clark had started to help and was taking note of all he saw to review it later, but he paused when he heard, "Superman!"

Approaching from the back was a man stumbling towards him, holding a woman's purse.

"Superman… I..." He looked in a state of shock: pale, sweaty and then, quite suddenly, he heaved to the side. Clark helped him balance when he fully stood back up from being sick. He shoved the purse into Clark's waiting hands, "I can't find her."

"Find who? " He led the man gently over to a chair. "Who were you with, you're wife? Girlfriend?"

The man shook his head, "No… no... She's a frien … work friend I guess. We were meeting for lunch to talk some stuff over. Everyone was getting sick. She was there..." He pointed to a somewhat secluded table at the back. "She fell to the floor. Collapsed. Not like everyone else, and now she's not anywhere." He began to look agitated.

"We'll find her. What's your name?"

"I'm… I'm Nate Stevens." He looked up at Superman, panicked, head shaking violently from side to side. "No you don't understand… he said you would come."

Clark bent down to make himself eye level with the sitting man. "Nate, who said..."

Nate's complexion was hit with a fresh wave of green and he once again heaved. Clark waited a moment, watching as paramedics moved through the restaurant, "Who said I'd come?"

"I don't know. He came in… she had hit the floor. I was trying to wake her up and suddenly all the glass shattered. Everywhere. He came walking in... right over to us. Said you'd come looking for her and to tell you there was a message on her phone." At this point Nate shook visibly. "He just picked her up and left. I couldn't get up to stop him."

Clark was at a loss. Why would anyone be sure that I would come looking for... Glancing down at the purse in his hands, it felt like the wind was knocked right out of him when he finally looked. It couldn't be!? Looking back up at Nate he took him firmly, but gently, by the shoulders, barely keeping his voice level. "Who were you with?" he asked, dreading and knowing the answer.

"Um… Lois. Lois Lane."

Clark's vision tilted suddenly but thankfully his body didn't follow suit, keeping in control. He looked down at the purse again, it belonged to his Lois. A quick scan told him her phone wasn't in it. He had to think this through, remain calm, when in reality he wanted to tear everything apart, each letter he had read and its threats running through his mind as he turned to the table and went over to it. His heart pounded with every step.

Picking up her cell he immediately noticed that the message looked almost identical to one of the threats: strange letters, some cut out and pasted, others drawn in stencil block letters. The message, though, was like the one he had received at the night club a week ago. His worst nightmare had come true.

"Hello Superman. I have your #1 fan & as promised the fun begins. First you must find her… listen. Well, good luck you'll need it."

1:53 pm

"Oh wakey wakey Miss Laney."

A somewhat familiar voice whispered theatrically against her ear, the harshness of the tone contrasting sharply with the slight English accent and causing consciousness to return like a punch to the face. Groaning, Lois lifted her head and blinked her eyes against the throbbing pain in her temples.

Her vision was blurry and she felt weak; a clear sign that she had been drugged. Trying to take in the room all she could make out, at that point, was that the walls reminded her of a hospital. There was a warning symbol of some sort on the door to her right and a table across the room. She blinked again trying to clear her sight enough to see what was on the table or what was covering the wall above the table.

It took a moment to realize that she hadn't actually stood up like she wanted. It was then she registered that she was restrained to a chair.

"This is becoming a bad habit," Lois murmured, not realizing she had said it out loud till the voice spoke up from behind her.

"Getting kidnapped? Or simply being tied to a chair? Tsk tsk Miss Lane. If this has happened before then you definitely do have a problem."

Lois tried to turn her head to see the source but was restricted. Something was behind her chair and cut off her view but it became clear that the room was larger then she had originally thought. Taking a deep breath Lois pushed against the rope around her. It was secure, or she was still too out of it to be effective against them.

"Where am I? Who are you?" She tried to demand but it came off as weak as she felt.

There was a disdainful snicker before she caught movement out of the corner of her eye.

"Seriously? You need to ask? I'm extremely disappointed. Considering how much of my life you have ruined and the feelings I've expressed on the matter I'd expect you to have a clue."

"So sorry to be a disappointment but I really don't know who you are?" she replied, frowning. Lois wasn't about to admit that he seemed familiar. If only her head would quit pounding then she would be able to think.

Despite her blurry vision the figure that came into view did spark recognition. It had been a few years since she had even seen his face or thought of him but it was unmistakable, especially with the British accent. Tall and on the thin side, with a penchant for a fancy suit, it was Oswald Loomis: a man she had helped to put away with an expose. Still, it was a surprise to think he hated her that much. She wrote an article but was hardly the reason he ended up in prison then later under house arrest.

"I can see you do know me." He bent down and grasped her chin harshly as he looked her in the eyes. "Good."

Lois jerked her face back. His fingers held fast and the action caused her pain rather then removing her from his grasp. "Yeah I know. Mental Oswald Loomis," she growled through gritted teeth.

Oswald smirked and roughly let her go. "Mentalist Oswald Loomis," he corrected. "The Prankster, the trickster of the mind. And a damn good one as well. Till you ruined my career!"

Giving him an incredulous look Lois scoffed. "Ruined your career? You did that."

He returned the look and walked over to the table and picked something up. It took a moment for Lois to be able to make out that it was her jacket. He lifted it up to his face. For a moment she thought he was going to sniff it or touch it to his face. Just what I need.. a creepy infatuated stalker, she thought.

Instead he clenched it tightly in his fists and spun back around to face her: his face showing barely controlled rage. "I evaded taxes. It was no reason for my career to be put in ruin! I could have survived it; made a come-back, but once your little piece came out, and I was linked to Kyle and Victor Griffin my fate was sealed. The network dropped the children's show. People imagined the worst of me. You did that Miss Lane. "

"You are blaming me for that? " Lois shook her head, "I.."

"YES!" Oswald yelled moving right back up into her face. "I am! I was blackmailed but in the end that didn't matter. People still saw me as a thief, a con, a fake. I WAS NEVER A FAKE! " Stepping back he took a deep breath before resuming as if he hadn't erupted. "My apologies. I seem to have lost my manners. Yes, I do blame you Miss Lane."

Oswald chuckled to himself and slowly pulled a large heavy cart into view. "I had a long time to think about this and I came to realize that you are like a cancer in my life, an obsession. And the Blur, sorry, Superman. He is an irritation, a scab. And I must deal with you both. It took me a long time to accept that simply ruining your career would never be enough."

"I'm not afraid of you!" This was confirmation, not only of the pranks, but her threatening letters as well.

"You should be..." he growled menacingly.

On the cart was a nasty looking piece of machinery with lots of teeth, justbig enough for a psycho to stuff someone in for easy mashing. Lois frantically pushed at the ropes trying to get out of them as he turned it on and the blades spun at high speeds. It was a heavy duty shredder and he was pushing it closer to her.

Lois's eyes widened in alarm. "Superman," she yelled hoarsely, feeling the blood drain from her face as Oswald laughed and continued to push the spinning blades towards her.

Clark had flown over the city listening for Lois, scanning every building along the way in hopes of finding her. The irritating noise had only grown louder making it that much harder to distinguish individual sounds. Metropolis pulsated with life below him. Businesses, homes, streets: each had their own set of sounds raging against him. His head felt ready to explode with it and above it all he could hear his own heart as it thundered in chest.

His wife had been taken to get back at him. Someone he had upset took Lois and he couldn't hear her, couldn't see her anywhere.

Taking a deep breath he paused above the city, closing his eyes and pushing past the noise and the pain it caused in his head. Searching. He only needed one thing… a sigh, a whisper from her and he would find her.

Just as he began to worry that she was gagged he heard her voice cry out. Clear and loud over the din she cried for Superman. For a moment Clark thought he knew where it was coming from but then it seemed to echo around him. He flew in the direction he first thought but when she cried out for him again he became unsure.

What was wrong with him? He had conquered control of his super hearing ages ago, fine tuned it from experience and training. So why couldn't he pinpoint Lois' location? He knew what the answer was. Stress. That high pitched frequency had played havoc off and on with his head all week but despite it he had been able to do his job, save lives. Now it was his wife on the line, his own emotions playing against him. Something he couldn't afford.

Focus. He needed to focus.

"Clark, find me," it was a soft whisper among a thousand sounds. She had faith in him, he could hear it in her tone of voice even if he couldn't distinguish the direction.

The painful noise became so loud he faltered a moment, losing altitude. A thought occurred to him, an instinct to get away and pull back, acting on it Clark flew higher away from the sound. Once far enough away, he could still hear it and it still hurt but not as intensely. He needed to find her without relying on directional clues.

"Sometimes when I'm stressed I make myself remember the sound of your heartbeat, the rhythm." His words from that morning came back to him. He knew her rhythm more than anyone else's, and finding someone by the sound of their heartbeat wasn't new. Of course before he hadn't been trying to do it over so much interference, or such a wide area but this he could do. He knew he could, because it was her.

Once more he closed his eyes, letting his body drifted toward the sun, as his focus went out listening for one sound only. Not a voice but the pulsing of a heart that he loved. The high pitched noise flooded through his head, the sounds of the city below vying for domination, babbling voices, cries, laughter, sirens, dogs, cars, machinery one by one he pushed past them. Then it hit him. Like a physical force of nature he felt it in his veins as much as he heard it.

That pulse, her rhythm, his life line.

A steady beat, thundering with her fear, but alive. Why hadn't he realized before that the soothing sound that had helped him focus when overwhelmed was because of her.

"I will find you Lois Lane." He let her heartbeat pulse continuously through him. Like a moth to a flame he was drawn to it. Everything else fell away and it was all he could hear and feel.


The blades of death hadn't come. Instead Lois watched with her heart pounding fast and hard, as the machine suddenly turned and Oswald threw her jacket into the shredder. Within a few seconds it was nothing more then confetti; any and everything in her pockets destroyed with ease.

Eyes wide, Lois called out at the top of her voice again, "SUPERMAN!"

Come on Clark..find me. She thought trying not to show the fear she was feeling, which was considerable at that moment. It was only experience, and Lane genes, that had kept her from soiling herself. Sudden clapping pulled her out of thoughts.

"Bravo Lane, bravo," Oswald clapped as if he was at some sort of play, then stopped to grin at her. "You took a tad longer then I had planned to call for help. Probably due to the fact I may have accidentally used a bit more sedative then I should have. Also, I suppose I should have done the intimidation bit much sooner." He shrugged and turned to indicate the laptop sitting on one end of the table. "See this? It's a display of, well , various locations your call to Superman was sent to. Almost instantly, maybe a fraction of a microsecond off. Either way your super powered friend will have some trouble trying to pinpoint exactly where the call for help came from."

Lois shook her head not really able to yet make out the screen though her vision had improved a little, "What are you on about?"

"Oh dear I am not explaining this well am I?" Oswald picked up a nearby chair and placed it in front of her, far enough away that she couldn't easily touch him if she had been able to get free but close enough that there was a creepy intimacy. Smiling at the scowl upon her face, he continued, "Superman has excellent hearing, as your article informed. Now this set up I put together allows me to perform a bit of an audio illusion. You yell for help and he hears it virtually simultaneously in a number of locations throughout Metropolis, even a few just out side of it as well."

Closing her eyes briefly Lois grimaced at the pain in her head, " Why? Why this elaborate set up why not just.." She hesitated.

Chuckling he finished for her,"kill you? What would be the fun in that?.. No I want Superman to suffer. If he is as caring about the human race as he purposes to be, then he'll be tense in his search for you and since you two so obviously have a relationship of sorts, I get the extra benefit of making things difficult.. That's if this plan works."

"He will find me. You can be sure of that!"

Oswald leaned back ignoring her, waving his hand. "I'm pretty sure it should work, was assured it would. Unless this super hearing is capable of determining your natural voice over the sound of it coming through speakers. Just incase ... I did buy the best system I could find." He glared at her a moment." It cost me a pretty penny. I was forced to find alternative funding for this project."

Lois rolled her eyes. "Yes. Stealing jewelry. Have you become the world's greatest pawn-star?"

To her surprise he laughed rather then became annoyed. Shaking his head Oswald slapped his knee and leaned forward, voice low. "Oh dear. Really? That was all distraction my lovely bane. I have no need for diamond rings or tacky necklaces."

Standing once again Oswald walked out of her line of sight. Lois glanced around. She really had no clue if Clark's hearing could be fooled or not. It would explain why he hadn't come yet. Now that her vision wasn't blurry she could make out the images lining the wall above the table. They all appeared to be about her; out in Metropolis on her own, with Clark, a picture of their apartment, the talon, even one of her at her old desk at the DP along with a smattering of newspaper clippings. He wasn't joking, she had been his obsession.

For some reason she hadn't really believed that. Thinking he was just trying to scare her and that Superman was the real target. But it was the opposite. She was the target, Clark...Superman was just extra. She shivered from the thought. Despite knowing it could be futile she called out again managing to scream. "SUPERMAN!"

This time she caught the movement on the laptop screen: pinpoints on a map of Metropolis flickered when she had yelled. So she whispered a simple, "Clark find me," under her breath. Feeling her heart sink when the lights once again flickered.

A chuckle came from behind her. "I wouldn't bother trying to whisper for him if that is what you are doing. Any noise you make is being transmitted out, even the softest of sighs. Not to mention I've been broadcasting a very nasty sound I imagine someone with his hearing would find extremely disconcerting. Disorienting? Take your pick. And after a week of it, on and off, I'm pretty sure he's more than frustrated."

Swearing at him only gained her a harsh laugh. "Oh how I have cursed you too, I've ranted and raved, been consumed with a terrible depression because of you. Now, however.." He stepped back into view and took his seat again, this time with half a sandwich. "I have found a new purpose." He took a bite of the sandwich and waved it somewhat in the air at her, "mm. Once I cross you off my to do list I can move on ..establish a better career. The Prankster will go down in history." He spread his hand out as he stared off to the side envisioning his name written in fancy letters.

Snorting, Lois gave a slight shake of her head. "Please, please just kill me now if I'm going to have to sit here and listen to this crap," she moaned somewhat regretting the words immediately. The looney toon taking the time to eat a sandwich potentially gave Clark more time to find her. If she pissed Oswald off he might just follow through to soon and this time it wouldn't be to scare her.

Brushing his hands off, once he finished his sandwich, Oswald tilted his head at her in contemplation. "Sadly I have a better idea for you. " He eventually responded before glancing down at his watch, "I'm surprised your hero is taking so long. Shouldn't he have figured it out by now?" Shrugging he stood and gave Lois a grin that, in her opinion, bordered on maniacal.

"Remember I said you were like a cancer I needed to eradicate out of my life? Well … we are in the perfect place to do so. Radiation poisoning; a fitting death for one such as yourself. " He gave a disappointed look around. "I had, of course, hoped we'd have company to witness it but it's not necessary. Let's get this started shall we."

Lois hadn't said anything in response because, as Oswald talked, her eyes took in the sign on the door. She didn't need to see all the words to know what it said or know where she was located. His words 'radiation poisoning' along with the sign filled her in. The former Metropolis Nuclear Medicine facility. Last year it had been a bit of an arguing point for city officials as they tried to figure out what to do with it, it seemed someone else had solved the problem.

Turning an angry glare in his direction Lois fought against the ropes. "You won't get away with this! He'll come." She growled. Truly terrified inside because Nuclear Radiation meant lead. Lots of it in the walls and equipment to keep people safe and lead meant Clark wouldn't be able to see her. What frightened her was how long it was taking Clark. Lois glanced back up at Oswald, trying her hardest not to give him any satisfaction in seeing how she really felt.

Little did the man know his audio illusion wasn't the only thing delaying Superman but the metal composition of their location as well. This time she was going to die and Lois Lane felt nowhere near ready.

"Let me out! ..Take it out!"

Oswald hit the mute button on the control table before him. It had taken some months to set this all up, get enough power fed into the building undetected, learn his way around to make sure he could pull this off. He glanced up to look at the woman lying on a table, fuming, below the observation room.

Lois Lane appeared to be screaming at the top of her lungs now, trying to move against her restraints that stopped her from interfering with the IV lines in her arm, Oswald glanced at the laptop and shrugged. Somewhat disappointed Superman had yet to arrive. Originally he had a big speech planned out but it seemed that was dropped off the timetable. He had a schedule to keep and couldn't waste a moment. Places to be and a new career to start.

A small smile peeked at the corner of his thin lips. Still they would both suffer. His revenge was too meticulously planned out to let a delayed hero ruin it. He would come, Oswald was certain, the question now was, for what part of Lois' torment?

Hitting the speaker button Oswald intoned at her, "Relax it will all be over momentarily. No point in stressing yourself further."

Lois glared up at him, "Oh really? Isn't that the point of it all. You are some kind of monster Oswald. How does killing me even equate to being fair for your ruined career. A bit dramatic don't ya think?"

Hitting a few more switches Oswald returned her glare voice low with anger, "I have suffered and that is why you will suffer, you and your hero!"

"Why Superman? Why do you hate him?" Lois wasn't sure she wanted the answer. Here she was, about to possibly die, and all she could think of was Clark and his suffering, what he would suffer. Remembering how she felt during those three weeks he had been in the phantom zone. How painful it had been, if she died, especially this way, that suffering wouldn't compare to what this would do to him.

She wanted to protect him but really that wasn't a possibility. If he didn't make it in time it was out of her hands.

Oswald gave her that creepy smile again and replied a little to calmly for her liking. "I don't hate him Ms. Lane. I just need him to take me seriously. Respect is very important and he should suffer something. A loss of a friend, the woman who gave him a voice, seems appropriate. He took my voice, my respect in the part he played in the ruination of my career. "

"The part he played? He caught Victor who was robbing a bank. If you should blame anyone blame Victor, he couldn't even pull that off without messing it up and then he pinned the idea on you," Lois growled back, glancing around, wishing there was a way to escape.

Some of his calm left and the speaker crackled a bit from the force of his response, "I know very well what he did Ms Lane. And Victor will get his when the time is right. But we are here for you!"

The lights in the chamber suddenly darkened leaving a small yellow light to glow above her, Lois snapped her head to the side as one of the machines started and a liquid began to stream down the IV lines to her arm. "What's happening? Oswald please!"

"We've reached the appointed hour. I wish I could say it won't hurt but eventually as the dosage increases, it will. You might want to stay still to minimize any pain." His tone was detached but his expression seemed almost gleeful.

Lois hadn't planned on it: crying, but as the radioactive iodine began to enter her system she felt a cold sensation run through her body, reminding her that she was going to die. There was a single moment of hope as she felt a tremor shake the table and Oswald spun around from watching her.

Her hero's angry voice was like music to her ears, "Where is she!"

A tremor passed beneath his feet along with the sound of crashing concrete and metal. Oswald smiled to himself, it could only be one thing making that sound: an angry Superman. He spun around to find hands abruptly lifting him up.

The emotion in the hero's voice, as he demanded to know where Lois was, didn't go unnoticed. Did the hero have feelings for her beyond a friendship? Oswald remained calm though inside he was flooded with excitement and anticipation, much like how it once felt when he had been performing. Nodding to the room below he was pleased to see a glimmer of fear pass over Superman's eyes as he took in her predicament.

"She's just there." He felt a slight shift in Superman's grip and quickly added. "You could save her, of course you could. But you have a dilemma Superman."

Clark tore his eyes from Lois' tear stained face looking up and back to Oswald. The man grinned and Clark felt his stomach roll at the sight. "You can break in and save her or you could risk thousands of lives. Which is more important? Her one life or a city full of them. You could even do both, save the city from a deadly light show and make it back to save the girl before she dies of lethal exposure. But you'll have to be quick... I'm not sure I'm any good with dosages." Oswald gave him a mock innocent look. His eyes flickered to the screen and Clark glanced at it too. A percentage ticked higher and higher, there were words on the screen about radiation levels. It didn't all make sense at that moment but he knew what would happen if he didn't stop it.

Almost growling Clark snapped, "You don't ge.."

Oswald cut in, the grin turned menacing despite the fact the man was still held up roughly. "You know what this means don't you Superman? I've prepared for this. Hurt me, knock me unconscious and whisk me away to jail and I'll fail to stop it." At Clark's questioning look he added, "My safety net. Let's just say only I can stop a much worse fate for Metropolis. You better go. A special light show is about to begin. Remember the frozen dancers? The woman you saved who fell over the balcony. Imagine that but on a bigger scale. All those lives that could get hit by a car who's driver fell against the pedal, mothers dropping children, and other numerous untold scenarios of death that could befall Metropolis citizens as they look up at the pretty lights. It's amazing what people don't question."

The street lamps. They weren't set up by the city as he had assumed, but now it made sense. And it was bad. Clark glanced back at Lois feeling torn. The lamps were all over and if they were anything like the light in dance club... but she was there.

As if reading his thoughts Oswald added, "Oh its worse than that. The pretty lights will be shining on the TV, a public announcement on street smart safety. Make a choice Superman. Deal with me, save her and risk all those lives or go now. Time is ticking… ticking away."

Tightening his grip he fought the urge to strangle the man. It was her cry to him to go: for Superman to save them, that helped him gain control. Clark put Oswald down and pushed him away and turned back to the window to look down at his wife, taking in every breath she took, the pounding of her heart, the tears on her face, the brave set of her mouth as she whispered 'I love you'.

He wanted to say it back out loud but he wasn't Clark Kent in this moment. Instead he placed his hand on the window and made the choice. A choice that could kill him if he failed.

"Go," her small voice said one more time and with a nod he was gone.

The sun was shining and the city eerily quiet. All the hush and ramble of voices were gone, the irritating noise as well, though he knew that now he had found Lois it would be. Instead the game had changed from 'finding her' to 'could he save a city and her in time'.

He had never flown so fast: Zipping through the streets taking out lamps, which had begun to flicker light out in the same way the strobe light had done a week before. People were stopped mid-action, and while the world always looked frozen for him at this sort of speed he knew, for Metropolis, it truly had for it's citizens also.

The task would have been far simpler if all he had to do was take out the lights, instead time was consumed by preventing accidents. A car here and there stopped, people moved to safety, a construction crane turned off, its driver moved. On and on and it felt like forever.

With his head focused on Metropolis, Clark's heart was on his wife. He could still feel the pulsing of her heart pounding through him. He knew she was afraid, her voice now clear to him, the only voice within miles, kept repeating over and over that she loved him. Then she fell silent.

He pushed harder, righting a stroller that had begun to tumble over, moving mother and child to safety before he raced back for her. Exploding into the facility for a second time, he was at her side. Carefully tearing away the IV and restraints.

"Lois!" She wasn't moving: pulse thready. Running a hand over the top of her head Clark felt like he couldn't breath. "I'm so sorry." Her skin was pale and cold beneath his lips as he placed a kiss against her forehead and when he lifted her off the table he could feel a thin sheet of sweat.

"Hold on Sweetheart. Please for me!"

5:58 pm

Lois felt warm. Her eyes fluttered open and found glasses and a pair of green eyes staring into her own. Smiling she managed a hoarse, "Hi."

Clark squeezed the hand that he had been holding for the last few hours as he sat at her hospital bedside. "Hello." The sudden weight of all the worry and fear from that day lifted and he felt a lump form in his throat. Swallowing, Clark straightened his shoulders and managed a smile. "How do you feel?"

Lois watched him, unsure of how to read his face. "Tired." She closed her eyes for a second, "nauseous, a little sore"

Nodding Clark reached up to run a finger along the side of her face. "Emil said you would be for a few days." At the questioning look on her face he added, "You're going to be fine. Apparently Oswald pumped you full of an immunotherapy drug. It, along with the radioactive iodine made you sick all you need is some rest. It could be a few days before you return to normal but you will." His voice rang with relief.

"I just wish you'd continued to be running late, then maybe it wouldn't have happened at all."

Lois sighed and leaned her face against his hand. "It was all a cruel joke wasn't it?" She could hear the tremor in her own voice as she remembered lying on the table waiting for the end to come. "I thought I was going to die Clark!" She let out a sob. "And he shredded my lovely coat."

"Shh.." Clark scooted the chair forward. Bringing his face close to hers, seeing unshed tears glisten in her eyes. "You're safe Lois. I'm sorry I didn't get to you sooner. I'm so sorry..."

Reaching up Lois rested a hand on his face. "It's not your fault." She sighed as his forehead rested against her own. One of his arms draped over her.

After several minutes she whispered, "He never intended to kill me did he?" It wasn't really a question. "It was all about making us suffer. Clark..." Lois looked up her eyes searching his. "I think he was also testing us."

Clark frowned, "Why?"

"He said he had a new career. And to do all of that only to what ... spare me? I think it was his plan all along, one big mind game. But in the mean time Clark… he saw you in action."

Catching on to her meaning Clark sighed, finishing her train of thought. "Testing my speed, my hearing, how I would react."

Lois nodded and swallowed. "Question is… why?"

Clark didn't have an answer and it disturbed him.

Lois suddenly sat up a little straighter. "Late. Smallville, I wasn't running late." Her face was wearing the same confusion that was also set in Clark's.

Friday, July 1st 2011 - 8:06 pm

A cool evening breeze felt good as it brushed against warm skin. Lois took a deep breath and opened her eyes, smiling at the view. The setting sun blended orange and violet across the city skyline contrasting with the red and blue that lazily flew between buildings in the distance.

Her eyes tracked the movement as best she could, enjoying the aerial display as much as Superman seemed to enjoy performing. Most evenings he could be spotted at some point on patrol. The public seem to find comfort in it and after the events a few days before it was of little wonder.

There had been no fatalities or severe injuries, thanks to Superman, but the city had felt the Prankster's presence. Questions had risen about how he had managed to replace the street lamps that the city had bought. There were even some who questioned the origin of the plan in the first place or the city wide broadcast to showcase them.

How far back had he planned this out? It was a disturbing thought.

Lois found equally disturbing the spin that Lex Luthor was now placing on the whole incident: insinuating that Superman was partially responsible. While the vast majority of Luthor's supporters didn't share that view his popularity only continued to cement.

How did he do it?

"How long have you been up here?" A deep, gentle voice asked from behind, breaking her out of her thoughts.

Lois turned and leaned against the edge, shrugging. "A bit. I was enjoying the view." The last was said on a grin as her eyes roamed over him, appreciating as always how well he filled the suit.

Clark gave a lopsided grin, his eyes catching her own. "You alright?" he asked after a moment.

It would have annoyed her, the worry in his voice, except he had good reason. Today was her first day back at work since she had been taken. Her body hadn't cared for the unneeded immune-therapy it had been forced to endure. To say she had been feeling poorly would be an understatement. Clark had been her support, comfort and even source of amusement as she recovered.

"Yes, a small headache but that's to be expected with working here." She took a few steps towards him, aching to run her hands over the 'S'.

Helping to close the distance between them Clark took a few steps closer himself till he was looking down at her. He gave a conceding nod, the tension in the Daily Planet had risen several degrees to the point even his Kryptonian genes weren't saving him.

Lois tilted her head to smile up at him, reaching a tentative hand out to touch his chest. "Congratulations by the way." Her fingers began to trace his family crest slowly.

Clark raised a questioning brow.

"The article. Perry is still over the moon and sales have the financial department praising you. The name Clark Kent might just be both as popular and as despised as the name Lois Lane now." She chuckled and gasped when he snaked out an arm, wrapping it around her waist and pulling her closer.

"Somehow..." He began, whispering low into her ear. "I don't see anyone surpassing the intrepid reporter Lois Lane."

"Maybe so. But I think if anyone can it's a certain mild mannered farmboy," she whispered back.

Eyes sparkling, Clark responded by capturing her lips in a tender kiss, wrapping his arms completely around her. When they parted Lois realized they were no longer on the roof of the Daily Planet but floating somewhere above it. At the look on her face as she took in the darkening sky as they rose higher, stars twinkling above, he pulled his cape around her.

"I thought maybe you could use a break."

Lois smiled at his sudden shy tone. "Thank you. I did need this. " She paused for a moment, a question she had wanted to ask before but the moment never seemed right, nagged at her. "Clark, how did you know where to find me?"

He knew what she was referring to, having expected her to ask before now. "I didn't really know. I could hear your voice but I couldn't make out where it was coming from."

"The high pitched noise? Loomis said he had been broadcasting a noise that would be making it hard for you."

"Yeah. That, and your voice seemed to come from everywhere. I couldn't be sure of anything. In the end it was your heartbeat. I followed your heartbeat. I listened, just as you said earlier."

"You can do that?" Lois looked confused for a second before gazing at him in awe. "How did you know it was my heart you were hearing?"

Clark couldn't help but smile at her questions. "I can't really explain it. Your heartbeat is different."

"Like I have a heart murmur?" Lois asked giving Clark a strange look.

"No, I know your rhythm, Lois. For a long time now I've know it. " Lois nodded remembering how he had told her he found it soothing. At this moment, looking in his eyes, the truth of those words took on a deeper meaning.

"So you listened for my heartbeat."

"Yes..No, it's like its part of me. I felt it pull me to you. I've remembered it before, just to soothe me, but I've never tried to track it. When I did I realised that I've been hearing it all along, even when I wasn't trying. For a while I thought that I was going crazy. Hearing this pulse and even though it felt comforting I didn't understand it. Then that noise came and I started to think something was wrong."

"Why didn't you say anything?"

"I didn't understand it. I wasn't even sure what to think. But facing losing you and having no other options I realized that it wasn't that something was wrong with me, but that you were my lifeline, my connection."

Unsure of what to say Lois looked away.

Clark tilted her face back up, laying a hand gently across her cheek, his eyes searching her own. "Lois, when I close my eyes and it's all I hear, it becomes my world, my guide, and it leads me to you. It's like a peace when everything else is chaotic, and it's constantly been there pulling me to you. When I hear it I know you're safe." Laying a hand over his Lois closed her eyes as he continued feeling incredibly loved. "And it's always been there, a part of me, something that joins us, but I just never knew what it was before. It was how I knew your plane was going down, and it's how I found you."

Opening her eyes Lois could see his shining back at her, "Smallville, that is the most amazing thing anyone has ever said to me. " She swallowed. "I love you! Oh god, I love you!" pulling him down for a demanding kiss, feeling as if she could never get enough of him.

"I love you too." Clark whispered back against her lingering lips. Sighing when they finally parted and she laid her head on his chest over his heart. Smiling as he realized their hearts were beating in union.