Chapter 6



A deep voice broke out into loud echos.

My heart beating faster, I quickly scanned the forest for any signs of movement.


The voice repeated itself. Losing my cool, I shouted out the name of the person I was most afraid of, afraid not of him but mof hi's name that hasn't been said in such a long time at least not intensively.


I gritted my teeth and yelled his name again. "SASUKE!" I screamed at the empty shadows.

"Behind you." came an eerie whisper.

I turned around and brought my fist with me, ready to hit the day louts out of him. Instead I hit a tree and caused it to fall down.

Sasuke had poofed out of the way of the fierce attack with ease. 'I fell for that old trick'

"You are so weak sakura. What are you doing here, have a death wish?"

I turned to face him looking real pissed. "sasuke, you are still the same dick"

Seeing his new surprised face expression I quickly attacked seeing I had an opening.

I sucked water from my water bottle so fast that he didn't notice until he felt my ice sharp knife like weapons going deep into his skin from behind.

"wha…" he fell on his face, and the he was quickly being pulled from he's legs by my water whips sending him flying like a rag doll. 'chaaaaa! Not even his freaky eyes could see that coming!' I sucked water from the plants around me and made a huge like octopus shape that helped me prevent the weapons that he had thrown back at me.

"This is going to be fun" I smirked.


Narrators pov

"I sakura haruno, am no longer weak. I have trained like hell just to get stronger! Just to reach you! Better yet… surpass you!" She screamed angrily. "And I surly have. Sasuke"

"I HAVE NOT COME THIS FAR FOR NOTHING!" She shouted with rage and aimed a water punch at Sasuke's shocked face.

The raven ducked and drew out his katana.

The katana broke the water punch and was heading straight for her, she had barely douched.

Sasuke smirked at her foolishness, he was now standing one inch away from her with his sword pressing against her skin.

"what..?" Sasuke's eyes widened. Sakura had the same smirk on her face, "you are so predictable" she used her bare right hand to grasp hold of his sword. "In your mind I am weak, that is why you are the foolish one"

Fresh blood dripped down Sakura's palm and she winced in pain, but then giggled in a scary way that even sasuke felt the fear.

"I said... I have not come all this way for nothing!" She said again.

Firmly holding his weapon in one hand, Sakura gathered all her chakra in her left and made her blood turn ice-cold around her hand like some sort of fighting glove and like a "rasengan" she struck his chest making the scene turn all white from all the energy that had been released.


A few minutes had passed, sakura was lying on the floor, ripped clothes and burned spots on her skin, and she got up quickly searching the area. She found what she was looking for, sasuke´s unconscious body laying on the floor a few miles from where she was.

Standing up she gathered more water from a river that was now very close to their position. A bubble like shape surrounded all of sakura´s body and turned light blue from the chakra that was inside, healing her entirely.

"hn" he was up just like that, looking like he had the same energy that she did.

"I'm impressed sakura, you're not weak. I may even grant you the honor of helping me restore my clan" he had such confidence. 'What a dick!' "What makes you think I would ever help you with such a thing!" sakura made a fist "then I have no choice but to kill you"

Sasuke had released all his brilliant power; he had shown sakura he's new eyes. Sakura felt the power he had and knew that she was strong but not strong enough in a month of training.

'I know what I most do…'

Sasuke was coming at her in an amazing speed. "sasuke, I'm sorry."

Sakura lifted her hands up right in front of her, suddenly sasuke had stopped running. He's body looked crooked from the new shape sakura was giving it. sasuke was in the pain he never felt, he was sakura's new puppet.

He's blood ran through his body faster than usual making his body swollen, stopping the flow of his chakra and all the power he had. 'I… I can't move… it hurts… so weak… plea-se… stops'

Sakura didn't want to kill him, but she made damn sure he would wake up for the next month. "I'm sorry sasuke, if unconsciousness is what it takes to bring you back then…"


"sakura-chan… i was so worried about you i… I didn't know sasuke would come looking for you first; I finished off the rest off and got worried when I didn't see you or him there. I was late for you…I'm sorry sakura-chan, but I'm glad you are ok… sakura-chan what did you do to him? He looked crooked at the end, like broken from the inside"

Naruto looked like her, tiered sweaty and unsteady for a reason "naruto-kun…" she hugged him.

Naruto was shocked "it's nothing, he's going to be ok I promise. It's just that this was its going to be much easier to bring him back home"

"wait… did you just call me naruto-kun?" she giggled "that all you heard?... yes, naruto-kun your right" her smile made him assure that she wasn't in love with sasuke anymore, he knew now he had a chance to be with her, with sakura haruno a demon just like him and the woman of his life.

"sakura-chan!" he carried her. "Ok ok! Let me down naruto-kun, let's hurry and take sasuke home" he let her down sad to let her go, but surprised that she kissed he's cheek right after.

"YES SIR!" he playfully said. 'Man, he gets energy out of no were' 'yea?, well so do you now… CHAAAAA!'


Meeting with the others ready to go back to kanoha with a success mission, sakura wanted to give naruto something special.

"hey naruto-kun mind swimming the way home?"

"what do you mean sakura-chan?"

She just smiled.

Everyone was in the submarines; meanwhile sakura was in her mermaid form swimming right next to a happy and exited naruto who had a huge bubble of air around his face and a tight grip on sakura's hand.


This could be the end, but who knows maybe I'll think of a few more chapters. Like making sasuke wake up from his coma and making him feel jealous of NARUSAKU and speacially of sakura's new power! Seeing her all strong now beautiful and sexy with all her boyfans. CHAAAAA!

'Of what he missed!'

Yea exactly!