So I thought I would do something different for this chapter. I'm going to be writing in Hayden's POV, so let me know what you think and if I should do this more often.
Disclaimer: I still don't AHS :)
Hayden's POV
I watched Tate after Violet left, he had the biggest grin I have ever seen spread across his face. It was good to see that she still had that effect on him but I couldn't help feel a little jealous. I knew that Tate still loved Violet, he could fool everyone in this house apart from me. Sure the way he looked at me made me feel like a little school girl and when he was around I felt safe but there was just something missing. The way he looked at me was different for a start, like he was looking through me not at me. When he looked at Violet he was really looking at her, taking in every tiny detail of her face, making sure he didn't miss anything. When he spoke to her he used this soft tone I had only ever heard him use with Michael, it was like he was scared that if he spoke to loud then Violet would shatter. I envied her, she still had a hold on him even when she didn't want to, how could you not be jealous of that?
I tried my best not to let it get to me, I really did. I knew Tate loved me in some way and I tried to reassure myself time and time again that it was me he wanted now but I was probably just prolonging my pain by doing that. So I started to watch them, Violet had recently started coming down to the basement on Thursday's for Michael's visits, she said she felt it was time for her to at least try to bond with everyone again. At first when I saw the two of them talking I felt like I had been stabbed in the gut, but then Violet made it clear she was only here for Michael and no one else. Still that didn't make watching the two of them and how great they were with Michael any easier, in fact it hurt like hell. I tried pretending that it didn't bother me but even that got to much for me. So one day, when I had decided enough was enough I waited until everyone had cleared out of the basement before I confronted Tate.
"This is hurting me you know? You probably have no idea what I'm going on about right now but just listen for a minute okay. I see the way you look at her, the way you hang on every word she says. The way you search the room for her when she leaves, the way your eyes light up when you catch even the smallest glimpse of her…" Tate opened his mouth as his forehead creased in confusion but I put my hand up to stop him. "Please just listen," He nodded so I continued with my speech.
"You probably can't see it but its so obvious to everyone else, hell even your girlfriend can see it. The way you hold her gaze for just a little too long or the way you grip onto her fingers when she tells you she's leaving. Those things hurt me Tate, especially when everyone else can see them too. But you know what hurts more than that? The fact that I stand here day after day telling you how much I love you and yet you still choose her over me." I closed my eyes tightly promising myself I wouldn't cry. When I opened my eyes Tate still wore the same confused expression.
"Hayden, I have no idea what your talking about? When have I ever said that I choose her over you." I took a step towards Tate and lifted his chin so his eyes where level with mine, we stood staring at each other for a few seconds before I spoke again.
"You don't have to say anything Tate it's in your eyes. The way you look at me, it's like I'm not even here. You can barely concentrate on me for more than five seconds, but when you look at her…it's like your whole world stops." I sat on the bottom step, Tate following a few seconds later. We sat in silence for what felt like hours before Tate spoke.
"I'm sorry Hayden. Really I am" I looked at him before I suddenly had an idea, smirking I placed my hand in his and entwined our fingers.
"It's okay. Look I know this is probably going to sound crazy or completely out of the question but since your so insanely in love with this chick what do you say we get her to love you again?" Tate looked at me for a few seconds before his face broke into that grin I thought I would never see again.
"I love you, you know that right?" I shook my head and laughed for a few seconds.
"Yeah right, now come on asshole we have a lot to do." Gripping his hand in mine I swallowed the lump in my throat and blinked back the tears that were threatening to spill. I kept running over the thoughts in my head wondering if I had gone totally insane before I decided that I would do anything to make Tate happy and if Violet was going to do that then I had to accept it, even if it killed me. I was dead anyway, right?
So what did you guys think? I might start to alternate between Violet and Hayden now...