Chapter 1


I sat on the edge of the old dock in Camp Half-Blood. I thought about all the people who had been on this dock before me as I traced my scarred fingers over the rough and beat up wood. This camp for demigods had been my home for ages, eleven, almost twelve years. I had seen many people come and go, I had been mentally and physically scarred by tragedy. That was just how life for a half-blood went, we were born and then we were usually unfairly and cruelly killed because of our parents. I was so lost in my melancholy thoughts that I didn't hear the soft pitter-patter of footsteps behind me until I felt the presence of someone next to me. I was about to snap at whoever disturbed the thought of a daughter of Athena but stopped when I saw who it was. Percy.

I beamed; Percy was my best friend and boyfriend of almost three years. He may be a bit thickheaded sometimes but I loved him with all my heart, he had been my rock since we were twelve, he kept me going in times of despair.

"Fancy meeting you here" I joked, his sea-green eyes glistened as he grinned at me, that lop-sided smile could make anyone's day, even a sullen daughter of Athena's.

"Yes, my lady" he joked with mock politeness as he put his arm around my waist and brought me closer to him. We watched in comfortable silence as the fiery orb of sunlight slowly disappeared under the horizon. I had always enjoyed the sun and moon because unlike so many things in my life, I knew they would always stay the same, always be there.

"Annabeth, I have something to tell you," Percy intertwined our fingers and squeezed my hand, in sudden seriousness. I was scared, did someone die? Was he leaving me? No. Had there been an attack?

Tentatively, I nodded, my golden curls bouncing. "I'm-uh-umm" he stuttered, I felt a small smile reach my lips.

"Seaweed Brain," I laughed quietly, squeezing his warm hand, "Spit it out!" he softly caressed my cheek with his thumb and looked me in the eyes. His gaze was the kind of look that made you feel like he was seeing your thoughts and soul.

"Annabeth, I'm joining the Marine Corps."

Author note: Please R&R I'm just starting to right and if you have any tips or guidance it would help me so much! Thank-you