Hello! This is my first story ever!

Chapter 1,Chosen

In a long forgotten land, there was a small village. This village wasn't like any other. No the people who inhabited this village didn't fly or breath under water. (Though that'd be a cool story idea! J) This village was tormented by a blood thirty vampire. Every year, around October, the villagers had to sacrifice to the vampire. No one knew what happened to this boy after he disappeared into the dark depths of the vampire's forest. They only knew that the teen would never return.

It was early October and time to pick this years sacrifice. Everyone had in the center of the village. In the center of the large crowd, stood a small wooden stage. All of the village teens stood on the stage, waiting in terror to see who was to die this year. In front of the teens sat a large glass ball full of tiny slips of paper, each holding a name of a potential sacrifice. A tall man wearing a black suit strode onto the stage, this man was the mayor of this small village. It was his job to chose the slip of paper that cursed a teen to an early death.

"The time has come yet again where we must choose one of our beloved teenagers to pay the debt of our village to that blood sucking demon." The mayor began," As much as he all dread doing this we must commence the ceremony." The black clad man slowly walked to the glass bowl and plunged his hand into the container to fish out a name. He pulled his hand back out of the glass bowl, a slip held in his fist. The whole crowd sucked in a breath as the waited for the name to be read. Parents feared for their children's lives, teens feared for themselves. All but one, A certain spiky haired boy stood indifferently at the left corner of the stage. Enjoying the few moments left of the ceremony. You see, the slower the ceremony the more time he got away from his abusive father.

A gasp from the mayor broke him from his thoughts. The man read the small slip of paper to the waiting crowd.

"Our sacrifice for this year will be, Yugi Motou."

Well that's chapter one! If I get 5 reviews I will continue!

Thx for reading!