I'm no hero. If I were a hero, I would have chased after the radiant inferno that left my house in flames. If I were a hero I would have tracked her down, made her apologize, and maybe hung out with her for a while, at least until her father kicked me out. I have no clue how someone could come burn down my house, slap me, and yell at me, yet look so beautiful while doing it. I asked Jake who she was. He told me she was the Princess of the Fire Kingdom. The Flame Princess.

Flame Princess, a glorious mass of destructive fire. A fire that not many could tame. A fire I know I could tame if given the chance.

As corny and cliché as it sounds, that beautiful young inferno stirred something in me, setting my insides on fire.

But now, thanks to Jake, she might never love me.